08 2015 Newsletter
Village of North Palm BeachVillage of North Palm BeachVillage of North Palm Beach
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
Village Clerk/Code/Library
Sec. 4-28. - Running at large.
(a) Dogs in parks and on streets and sidewalks.
No person owning or hav-
ing possession, charge,
custody or control of any
dog shall cause, permit or
allow the dog to stray,
run, be, go or in any other
manner to be at large in
or upon any public park,
street or sidewalk unless
accompanied by an at-
tendant who shall have
such dog firmly held by
collar and leash, which leash is not to exceed
eight (8) feet in length. Retractable leashes are
not permitted in public parks unless they are
locked at a maximum length of eight (8) feet.
Public Notice:
All Library Events
Scheduled from
August 1-14 are
cancelled due to the
renovation of the
Meeting Room.
Dear Residents,
In 2016 we will be celebrate the 60th Anniversary of our Village. So, it
seems appropriate that we use fiscal year 2016 as a time when we
can work together to create a "vision" for the next 60 years of our Vil-
An architectural firm will be selected this month to begin planning re-
garding our new Country Club Clubhouse and recreational areas. Al-
so, we are currently re-writing our land use codes to make them more
user friendly for our residents, businesses and developers.
Our fiscal year starts October 1, 2015, and we will be reaching out to
everyone to help develop the "vision" for the future of North Palm
Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Jim Kelly
Village Clerk
Thank You! In gratitude for their dedication to the Village, the Council presented outgoing board members Alfred
Cilcius, Curtis Witters and Ken Wright (L to R) with Certificates of Appreciation recognizing their years of service.
School News
Police Rescue
Officer Mize of The North Palm Beach
Police Department recently rescued a
baby duckling from a drain after it fell
from the Parker Bridge as it
opened. Officer Mize crawled into the
drain pipe, rescued the baby duckling
by putting it in his uniform pocket to get
it back to safety. The duckling is doing
well! Way to go Officer!
Keeping the
Village in
"Ship Shape"
Public Works
Supervisor Travis
Hawthorne paints
one of the Village
ship's wheels
(Photo submitted
by NPB resident
Lisa Jensen)
Italian Night
North Palm Beach Country Club Every Wednesday from 6pm—9pm
$19.95 Adults $12.95 Children 6-12
Our Last Friday Night Pool Par-
6-10 p.m. & only $1 entry
Swim! Dance!
Bring the whole family! Pizza!
Burgers! Ice Cream! Tiki Bar!
North Palm Beach Country Club Pool
Parks & Recreation
561-841-3380 Pg. 4—Parks & Recreation
Food Truck Frenzy - Mark your calendars for the
August 29th Food Truck Frenzy! This event is held at
Anchorage Park, 603 Anchorage Drive from 5:00-
9:00pm. 20 trucks will offer a wide variety of delicious
foods and desserts! No movie in the park for this one,
but bring blankets and lawn chairs and plan on enjoying
the music! The following Frenzy will be October 24th
and will include a movie in the park.
Tennis Camp – openings remain in the summer Tennis
Camp which is held at the Tennis Center, 951 US Hwy
1. Call 691-3425 for more details.
August Pool Parties
Party with us poolside at
the NPB Country Club on
the following Friday nights
in August: 7 & 14 from
6:30-10:00 pm. Dance, eat/
drink, swim and enjoy a
relaxing evening with your
friends & neighbors.
Admission: $1/person.
Basketball Registration – Registration for the Fall
Youth Basketball league started in July. Opening may
remain. This league is for youth ages 7 – 14 years.
Age groups are as follows: 7-8 yrs, 9-11 yrs, 12-14 yrs.
The fee is $80/$70(RDF). Each team will have
approximately 2 games/week and a practice. Games
will be played weeknights and Saturdays at the NPB
Community Center. All participants 9 years + will be
drafted onto teams. Call Mary at 841-3389, after
2:00pm for availability. Sponsorships available for only
$150 – get your business name on the shirt of every kid
on a team!
International Coastal Cleanup – Slated for Saturday,
Sept. 19, volunteers will pick up trash on their streets, in
their parks and along the shorelines all across not only
the US, but globally! You can be a part of this interna-
tional effort. Trash in the streets eventually gets into our
waterways and ends up in the oceans. Get your family
and friends together and volunteer for the cause! We
will clean Lakeside Park and Anchorage Park, but if your
group wants to clean another area, feel free to do so!
Registration forms are at Anchorage Park. Call 561-841
-3386 for more information.
Events coming up quickly - Touch-a-Truck & Fire
Safety Fair – Oct. 3, Ghost Run – Oct. 17, Halloween
Food Truck Frenzy- Oct. 24. More information to
follow in upcoming newsletters.
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament - The
annual Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament will
be held on Saturday, Aug. 15th. We invite you,
your family, and friends to participate! Registration
for a boat with 4 anglers is $150/boat if registered
before Aug. 12. We limit this tournament to 50
boats, so register early!! Businesses can
participate by being a sponsor or by donating
merchandise/gift certificates for the popular raffle.
An awards picnic will be held at Anchorage Park
afterwards for all anglers and their families/friends.
Call the Recreation Dept. at 561-841-3386 for de-
Kids Fishing Derby – This fun event will be held
from the shores of Anchorage Park on Aug. 15th at
2:00 pm. No pre-registration required, just show
up with your fishing gear! Catch & release. Award
for largest fish caught in 2 age groups: 8 & under,
9 & up. Prizes awarded at Fishing Tournament
Awards Picnic which begins at 4:00 pm.
Village Clerk—Pg. 5 www.village-npb.org
Fire/Village Clerk
Help Your Child Stay Safe While Riding a Bike
Getting a “big” bike is a milestone for children. Unfortunately,
according to Safe Kids USA, bicycles are associated with more
childhood injuries than any other consumer product except the
automobile. These injuries can be prevented. Requiring a child
to wear a helmet can reduce risk of injury by as much as
85%.The typical bicycle crash occurs within one mile from
home. A helmet needs to be worn every time the bicycle is
used. Adults also need to wear helmets. A helmet should sit flat
on the head in a level position. It should not move forward,
backward or side-to-side. The helmet should be buckled snugly
under the chin. Children should be taught the rules of the road.
Insist that they look both ways before entering a street. A bicy-
clist needs to obey all traffic laws, stopping at all stop signs and stop lights. Adult supervision is essential until the ch ild
demonstrates good traffic skills and judgment while riding. Remember to ride with traffic when riding a bike and cross only
at intersections. When shopping for a bike, bring the child along to ensure a proper bike fit. Buy a bike that is the right s ize
for the child, not one he/she will grow into. When sitting on the seat, the child’s feet should touch the ground. There shoul d
be 1-3 inches of space between the rider and the top bar. The breaks, tires and chain should be checked regularly. Wear
bright clothing while riding a bike. Sneakers or close toed shoes should be worn when riding bike. Risks such as a child’s
size and cognitive ability, and environmental risk, such as speeding motorists, are numerous. That is why prevention
measures are so important. Reduce a child’s risk by modeling and teaching safe behaviors.
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament and Kids Fishing Derby
Kids Fishing Derby Volunteers with fishing experience are needed to help kids bait lines, take fish
off lines, etc.
Date and Time August 15th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Location Anchorage Park sea wall by the boat ramp
Sign Up Recreation Department 841-3386
Awards Picnic Volunteers are needed to pass out food and beverages in the
buffet line.
Date and Time August 15th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Location Anchorage Park tent next to the Activities Building
Sign Up Recreation Department 841-3386
Pg. 10—Country Club/Golf
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 11 www.village-npb.org
501 U.S. Highway 1,
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Driving Range Hours:
Monday 9 AM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday -Sunday 7 AM - 9:00 PM
Golf Shop Hours:
Daily 6:30 AM—5:30PM
Restaurant: www.npbcc.org
Open Daily 7:00 AM—7:00 PM
7 Days a week
Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday - Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Pool Hours:
Monday—Thursday 10 AM—6 PM
Friday 10 AM - 10 PM
Saturday 10 AM—8PM
Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM
Water Aerobics— Tues. & Thurs. - Jane
Mon, Wed. & Fri. - Steve
11:00am - 12:00pm
Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Mon. - Thurs. 7 AM - 10 PM
Fri. - Sun. 7 AM - DARK
Tennis Office Hours:
Mon. - Thurs. 7:45 AM - 7:00 PM
Fri. 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Sun. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
The North Palm Beach Country Club
and Village Tavern Restaurant are
951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408
Phone: 561-691-3430 Fax: 561-630-0932
Parks Library
1 Quilters Group—10am
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Pool Party—6-10 pm
1 Junior Team Golf—1 & 3pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
Adult Chess Club—11am
Kids Chess— 11am
2 Tennis mixed 9:30am
3 First Tee Opens – 9am
Junior Team Golf—5pm
Tennis Adv. Clinic - 10am
4 MGA—7:40am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 11-23 mons.—11am
Tennis Clinic– 9 am
Pickleball 5pm-9pm Com Cent
5WGA– 9:40am
9 Holers—9am tee times
Junior Golf and Swim Camp
8:30 am—1:30 pm
EWGA–2:44 & 5:08 tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:00am
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am &6:30pm
6 Junior Golf and Swim Camp
8:30 am—1:30 pm
Junior Team Golf—5pm
Men’s Play – 9:30am
Men’s Doubles—6:30pm
7 Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Last Pool Party w/School of
Rock —6-10 pm
8 Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10 am
Junior Team Golf—1 & 3pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
Tennis mixed 9:30am
10 First Tee Opens – 9am
Tennis Adv. Clinic - 10am
11 MGA—7:40am tee times
Junior Golf and Swim Camp-
8:30 am—1:30 pm
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 11-23 mons.—11am
Tennis Clinic– 9am
Pickleball 5pm-9pm Com Cent
12 WGA– 9:40am
Junior Golf and Swim Camp-
8:30 am—1:30 pm
9 Holers 9am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:00am
Kids Program—2:30pm
Dance Class—7pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am &6:30pm
13 Minor League Tour-7am
tee times
Junior Golf and Swim Camp-
8:30 am—1:30 pm
Men’s Play – 9:30am
Men’s Doubles—6:30pm
14 Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
15 Tennis Clinic – 9am
Adult Chess Club—11am
Kids Chess— 11am
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
Kids Fishing Derby—2 pm
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing
16Tennis mixed 9:30am
17 First Day of School
First Tee Opens – 9am
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
Tennis Adv. Clinic - 10am
18 MGA—7:40am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 11-23 mons.—11am
Tennis Clinic - 9am
Pickleball 5pm-9pm Com Cent
19 WGA —9:40am
9 Holers—9am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:00am
Kids Program—2:30pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am &6:30pm
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
20Men’s Play – 9:30am
Men’s Doubles—6:30pm
21Quilters Group—10am
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
22Junior Golf Clinic - 9-10am
Chrohn’s & Colitis Charity
Event—7:45 am
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
24 Course closed
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
Tennis Adv. Clinic - 10am
25First Tee Open st noon
MGA—12:00 tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 11-23 mons.—11am
Tennis Clinic– 9am
26WGA– 9:40 am
9 Holers—9am tee times
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10:00am
Kids Program—2:30pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am &6:30pm
August 15– Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament
October 3—Touch a Truck
Tennis mixed RR
First Tee closes at
28Quilters Group—10am
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
27Minor League Tour-7am tee
times Men’s Play – 9:30am
Men’s Doubles—6:30pm
29Food Truck Frenzy—5-9 pm
Junior Golf Clinic- 9-10 am
Tennis Clinic – 9am 30 31
Edward Jones Investment
Seminars—10:30 AM
August 17, 24 & 31st
Read to Ella
the Dog
at 3:00pm in the Library!
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Business Advisory Board …………...4th Monday, monthly, 6:30pm
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..3rd Monday, monthly, 6:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Human Resources 882-1155
Library 841-3383
Police and Fire:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meeting
Thursday, August 13, 2015, 7:30 pm
Thursday, August 27, 2015, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
North Palm Beach
Village Council
Robert A. Gebbia Mayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor Doug Bush President Pro Tem Darryl C. Aubrey Councilman Mark Mullinix Councilman
Jim Kelly
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members may be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355
Regular meetings are held at 7:30 pm
the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month
and are open to the public.
All meetings are held at:
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408