Public Works pg 48 SanitationThe Sanitation Division currently consists of one (1) Supervisor, New Initiatives
Sanitation, six (6) Sanitation Driver/Operators, and fifteen (15)
Sanitation Collectors. The division provides backdoor garbage The Public Works Administration plans to restructure the Public
Works Department to provide consolidation of supervisory
collection 3-times a week, curbside vegetation and bulk trash
items 2-times a week and curbside recycling 1-day a week. The positions and responsibilities. The Superintendent of Facility and
Village?s Monday through Friday, 5-day-a-week sanitation service Vehicle Division position will be re-titled as Superintendent of
is a unique and expensive level of service when compared to Public Works. The position of Assistant Director of Public Works
surrounding municipalities. The Administration has deleted three position will be deleted and all responsibilities of that position
(3) Sanitation Collector positions?bringing the number of will be delegated to the Superintendent of Public Works.
positions to twelve (12)?but does not believe this reduction in
the size of the workforce will adversely affect the level of The Administration plans to delete the current Supervisor,
sanitation services currently enjoyed by residents and businesses Grounds Maintenance through attrition. The Supervisor, Street
within the Village. Maintenance will have the additional responsibility of overseeing
all aspects of Street and Ground Maintenance, inclusive of the
The Street and Ground Maintenance Division presently conducts overseeing the new landscape maintenance contractor. As a
result, the Public Works Administration is recommending the
its operations as two distinct functional areas under two (2)
separate supervisors: 1) (Street) Ground Maintenance and 2) Supervisor, Street Maintenance position be increased by one pay
grade so that is in equitable with the Supervisor, Sanitation
Street (Roadway) Maintenance. (Street) Grounds Maintenance is
responsible for mowing, weeding, landscape trimming, fertilizing, position. These changes will proportionately distribute workloads
planting and general maintenance along all Village public and responsibilities between three managerial positions and will
roadways, the Public Safety Building, Village Hall, Library and ensure cohesiveness and chain of command.
the Public Works compound. This division has been dissolved
over the last year and the work outsourced resulting in a The personnel/title changes for FY 2008/09 are as follows:
significant cost savings to the Village.
Title change of two (2) Grounds Maintenance Worker f/t
Street (Roadway) Maintenance Division is responsible for the
positions to Street Maintenance Worker (pay grade 15);
hardscape infrastructure throughout Village roadways. Work
Deletion of four (4) Grounds Maintenance Worker f/t
includes: preparation of streets for the Village?s annual overlay
positions (pay grade 15);
program; patching potholes; repair and replacement of sidewalks;
Deletion of three (3) Sanitation Collector f/t positions (pay
repair or replacement of traffic signs; maintenance of the Village
grade 16);
storm drainage system; and handling of NPDES permitting and
Deletion of one (1) Trades Mechanic II f/t position (pay
reporting requirements. The Street Maintenance Division is
grade 21);
comprised of one (1) Supervisor of Street Maintenance, one (1)
Deletion of one (1) Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance f/t
Trades Mechanic II, two (2) Equipment Operator II?s, and one (1)
position (pay grade 25);
Grounds Maintenance Worker. The Trades Mechanic II position
Reclassification of one (1) Supervisor, Street Maintenance
is currently vacant and will be deleted.
f/t position from pay grade 25 to pay grade 26;
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