03 2015 Newsletter“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun” MARCH 2015MARCH 2015 Village of North Palm BeachVillage of North Palm BeachVillage of North Palm Beach Village Election March 10th - Get out and vote! Support our Troops Run—March 21st Heritage Day Parade and Festival—March 28th Pg. 2—Village Manager Village Manager /Clerk Dear Residents, Our annual Heritage Day Festival on Saturday, March 28, 2015, is a distinctive Village holiday celebrating our hometown atmosphere. This years’ festival will start with a parade at 11 am, beginning at the Village Hall and ending at Anchorage Park. At Anchorage Park, there will be carnival games, midway rides, food and entertainment. Admission is free. Tickets are sold for carnival rides and games. Wristbands are sold that allow unlimited rides. Prices are kept low so families can afford a full day of fun with their children. Please plan on coming. Join our Council Members and me to celebrate the unique character of our Village Community! Sincerely, Jim Kelly A Message from Village Manager Jim Kelly 561-841-3380 AARP Tax-Aide Program: AARP Tax-Aide volunteers will be available to help you prepare your tax return beginning February 2 through April 15, 2015 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Chambers. Taxpayers should bring 2015 tax forms, W -2’s, 1099’s and other tax information along with their 2014 tax return. Taxpayers are also asked to bring proper ID. For information, call the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES VILLAGE BOARDS Interested in making a difference? Giving back? Supporting your community? Volunteer to serve on a Village Board. Village Advisory Boards include Audit Committee, Construction Board of Adjustment, Golf Advisory Board, Library Advisory Board, Planning Commission, Police & Fire Pension Board, Recreation Advisory Board, Waterways Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. The boards advise the Council on issues and activities of the Village. Annual appointments to all Village Boards will be made in April. To apply, complete the Application for Appointment available at www.village-npb.org under Boards & Committees, or call the Clerk’s office, 841-3355. Return your application and resume (optional) to the Clerk’s office at Village Hall, 501 U.S. Hwy 1, NPB FL 33408, npbclerk@village-npb.org or 881-7469 (fax). Deadline for applications is Friday, April 10th. Vil Village Clerk www.village-npb.org 2015 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH MUNICIPAL ELECTION Remember to vote on Tuesday March 10th! VILLAGE MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2015. All registered voters of North Palm Beach will have the opportunity to elect council members to the Village Council on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Each voter is encouraged to learn about the candidates and then go to the polls on March 10th to express your preference. Municipal Elections are by group, at-large and non-partisan (no districts, no party affiliation). VILLAGE COUNCIL SEATS OPEN TO ELECTION: Group 2 and Group 4. Due to pre-publication deadlines, final candidate information for the March 10, 2015 Municipal Election was unavailable for inclusion in this newsletter edition. For current information, please visit the Village website www.village-npb.org and select Village Clerk and click the elections link or phone the Village Clerk’s office at (561) 841-3355. WHERE TO VOTE: YOU MUST VOTE IN THE PRECINCT WHERE YOU LIVE! If you are not sure where to vote, please call the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355, or type your address in the Precinct Finder on the PBC Supervisor of Elections website at http://www.pbcelections.org/PrecinctFinder.aspx. POLLS: The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the following locations: Precincts 1314, 1316, 1320, 1322 North Palm Beach Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road Precinct 1328 Anchorage Activities Building, 603 Anchorage Drive Precincts 1332, 1334 First Unitarian Church, 635 Prosperity Farms Road Precincts 1342, 1346 North Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Highway 1 Precinct 1344 Old Port Cove Recreation Room (between North & South Quay Buildings) Precinct 1350 Faith Lutheran Church, 555 U.S. Highway 1 Precincts 1348, 1380 Village Hall Council Chambers, 501 U.S. Highway 1 ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL DEL PUEBLO EL MARTES, 10 DE MARZO DE 2015. Todos los votantes inscritos de North Palm Beach tendrán la oportunidad de elegir concejales para el Consejo del Pueblo, el día Martes 10 de Marzo de 2015. Aconsejamos a cada votante que se informe sobre los candidatos y que vayan a los centros de votación para expresar su preferencia. Las Elecciones Municipales son por grupo, generales e independientes (sin distrito ni afiliación a un partido). ESCAÑOS DEL CONSEJO DE VILLAGE ABIERTOS PARA ELECCIÓN: Grupo 2 y Grupo 4. Debido a fechas topes de pre-publicación, la información final de cada candidato para la Elección Muncipal de el 10 de Marzo de 2015 estuvo indisponible para la inclusión en esta edición del boletín. Para la información actual, por favor visite a www.village- npb.org el sitio web de la Aldea, y selecciona a Village Clerk y clic el enlace de las elecciones, o llamar la oficina de la Secretaria del Pueblo al (561)841-3355. DONDE VOTAR: ¡USTED DEBE VOTAR EN EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL DONDE RESIDE! Si no está seguro donde le toca votar, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Secretaria del Pueblo al 841 -3355, o escriba su dirección en el campo de Precinct Finder en el sitio web del Supervisor Electoral del Condado Palm Beach: http://www.pbcelections.org/ PrecinctFinder.aspx. CENTROS DE VOTACIÓN: Los centros de votación permanecerán abiertos desde las 7:00 de la mañana hasta las 7:00 de la noche en los siguientes sitios: Distritos Electorales 1314, 1316, 1320, 1322 North Palm Beach Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road Distrito Electoral 1328 Anchorage Activities Building, 603 Anchorage Drive Distritos Electorales 1332, 1334 First Unitarian Church, 635 Prosperity Farms Road Distritos Electorales 1342, 1346 North Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Highway 1 Distrito Electoral 1344 Old Port Cove Recreation Room (entre los edificios Quay, Norte y Sur) Distrito Electoral 1350 Faith Lutheran Church, 555 U.S. Highway 1 Distritos Electorales 1348, 1380 Village Hall Council Chambers, 501 U.S. Highway 1 Child Internet Safety Class Being Offered by NPBPD Almost all children today have access to the Internet through schools, libraries, community centers, or their home. Children are using the internet more than ever before. Many schools incorporate the Internet into their curriculum and encourage online research for projects. But that’s not all kids are doing online. They also email, chat with friends through instant messenger and in chat rooms, play games, create websites and web blogs, and just surf the net. Even as kids grow savvier in their use of the Internet, it can still be a dangerous place. The good news is that most dangers can be avoided if children and their parents learn about smart Internet use. The North Palm Beach Police Department is partnering with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to present an Internet Safety Class for parents and youth ages tween -teen. The presentation will be held at the North Palm Beach Library in the Obert Room on March 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. 6th Annual Support Our Troops 10K/5K/Kids Run March 21st at 7:30 am Course begins at Anchorage Park. Walkers are wel- come in the 5K. All proceeds from this event go to sup- ply “care packages” for the men & women serving in our armed forces. Register online at www.active.com VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help set up, monitor the course, and a host of other activities. Call 351-8459. Library 561-841-3380 Pg. 6—Library LIBRARY EVENTS: The Great Courses filmed lecture series from The Teaching Company. Tuesdays @ 1:00 PM. 90 minutes. 3/3 “Churchill” 3/10-3/31 “American Art from Colonial Times to the 20th Century” “Masterpieces of Short Fiction” filmed lecture series from The Teaching Company. Fridays @ 2:00 PM. 90 minutes. 3/6 Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence 3/13 The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield 3/20 The Lottery by Shirley Jackson 3/27 A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Con- nor Lunch Box Travel Videos -Wednesdays @ 12:00 PM. 60 minutes. Bring your own lunch; share your travel experiences, 60 min. 3/4 Rick Steves’ Venice 3/11 Over California 3/18 Adventures with Purpose--Morocco 3/25 The Great Canadian Train Ride Authors Tom & Ellen Zappala discuss their new book “The Crackerjack Collection: Baseball’s Prized Players”. Thursday, March 5 @ 1:00 PM. 90 minutes. Book Discussion: “The Secret Rooms; a true story of a haunted castle, a plotting duchess and a family secret” by Catherine Bailey. Summary: Non- FICTION While researching a book on WWI, historian Bailey stumbled on a real-life mystery revolving around the life of John Henry Montagu Manners, the Ninth Duke of Rutland. A meticulous curator who organized his illustrious family’s papers, he died in the archives suite of Belvoir Castle in 1940, refusing medical treatment until he expunged all records pertaining to three distinct yet interrelated periods in his life. As Bailey painstakingly unearths secret after secret in order to deduce what really happened, the ghosts of scandals past surface in full force. For fans of Down- ton Abbey, this New York Times bestseller is the enthralling true story of family secrets and aristocratic intrigue in the days before WWI. Monday, March 9 @ 11:00 AM. 90 minutes. Mystery Book Discussion: “Munich Airport” by Greg Baxter. Summary: FICTION A haunting explora- tion of loss, love, and isolation. An American living in London receives a phone call from a German policewoman telling him that his sister, Miriam has been found dead in her Berlin apartment from starvation. Three weeks later the man, his father, and an American consular official named Trish find themselves in the Bizarre surroundings of a fogbound Munich Airport, where Miriam’s coffin is set to be loaded onto a commercial jet and returned to America. Greg Baxter’s novel tells the story of these three people and the mystery of Miriam’s death. Wednesday, March 11 @ 1:00 PM. 90 minutes. Author Martha Lequerica-Sternberg, Ph.D., dis- cusses her book of short stories “The Tide Comes Back,” containing episodes from the author’s early life in the Amazonian rain forest city of Iquitos (Peru) during the 1950s and after the rubber boom years that gave the area its unique blend of European sophistica- tion and Amazonian jungle flavor, her travels to London and New York City, and her career as a psychologist and college professor. Thursday, March 12 @ 3:00 PM. 90 minutes. Come See Frank Cerabino! The North Palm Beach Friends of the Library Annual Meeting will be featuring Palm Beach Post Columnist Frank Cerabino on Tuesday, March 3rd. The program will begin promptly at 5:00 PM and there will be light refreshments. Frank Cerabino joined the Palm Beach Post in 1989. He started writing columns for the newspaper during the William Kennedy Smith trial. In 1992, he became a full-time local news columnist and now writes five columns a week. He lives in Boca Raton and is married with three children. In 2012, he took first place in Humorous Columns in the 62nd annual Green Eyeshade Awards, a journalism contest that recognizes excellence in news media in eleven Southern States. Frank Cerabino Parks & Recreation —Pg.7 Ongoing Library Programs For Adults: Saturday, March 7 and 21 11:00 AM—4:00 PM Chess Club Contact: John Dockery, 762-3377. Tuesday, March 3 @ 3:00 PM Board Meeting of the Friends of North Palm Beach Library. Monday, March 16 @ 6:30 PM AAUW meeting. Tuesday, March 17 @ 7:00 PM Monthly meeting of The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club. New members welcome. Knit & Crochet. Bring a project and knit or crochet with others in a friendly library setting. Basic knitting and crochet skills are recommended. The Sand Dollar Quilters Group. This award-winning group of dedicated quilters has been meeting and quilt- ing in the library on individual and group projects for several years. If you would like to join, a knowledge of basic sewing skills is highly recommended. Fridays, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM Programs For Children: Baby Time Tuesdays 11:00 AM Ages 11-23 months Story Time Tuesdays 10:00 AM and Wednesdays 10:30 AM Ages 2-4. Kids Drop-In Craft Drop-In Game Day Wednesday, March 4 Wednesday, March 11 2:30 PM 2:30 PM, Ages 5-12. Drop-In Origami Drop-In Lego Day Wednesday, March 18 Wednesday, March 25 3:30 PM, Ages 5-12. 2:30 PM, Ages 5-12. Chess for Kids Saturday, March 7 and 21 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Learn the fundamentals Contact: Patty Antolik 624-1045 Ages 7 – 10. Kids Read to Ella, Your Reading Buddy Dog Wednesdays @ 3:00 PM Ages 5-12. www.village-npb.org Sec. 14-80. - Uses or activities constituting a public nuisance. The following uses or activities upon any improved or vacant parcel, lot, tract, land or premises within the village shall constitute a public nuisance and a violation of this code, subject to the nuisance abate- ment procedures set forth in this article and all other methods of code enforcement available to the village, including, but not limited to code enforcement proceedings and injunctive relief: 1.The condition of ill repair or lack of maintenance of any real proper- ty such that the condition is deemed unsafe or creates a health, sani- tation, or safety hazard, including, but not limited to, the harboring of rats, snakes and other vermin or the pooling of wat er that may serve as breeding grounds for insects and other disease vectors; 2. The growth of weeds, grass, or other similar ground cover which exceeds twelve (12) inches in height for improved and unimproved lots, or the uncontrolled growth of vegetation which fails to present a healthy appearance; or 3. The presence, accumulation, storage, or otherwise keeping of debris or any abandoned, discarded, or unused per- sonal property when not completely enclosed in a structure and visible at ground level from adjoining properties or public rights-of-way. Library /Code KNOW YOUR CODE Parks & Recreation Annual Heritage Festival & Parade Heritage Parade: Parade will start at 11:00. It travels from Village Hall - north on Eastwind Dr. to Lighthouse - Lighthouse to Anchorage - ending at Anchorage Park. It features local clubs, businesses and organizations. The NPB Library Float has won “Best Float” for the last couple years and hope to do so again! Be sure to watch for their entry this year! Velocity Credit Union always brings a gang and children from the Conservatory School at NPB will entertain you with their music! Watch from anywhere along the route. Bike Brigade: On Heritage Day 2015, the North Palm Beach Yacht Club (www.npbyachtclub.org) will continue a tradition that it began in 2000 by awarding $250 in cash prizes to the top three best-decorated bicycles in the parade! Children 12 years and under are invited to decorate their bikes and fall in behind the Yacht Club float as it makes its way along the parade route. Prizes will be awarded at the Festival following the parade. The best decorated bike will receive $125; second place finisher gets $75, and third place will win $50. This year, there will be an additional cash prize: the youngest cyclist to ride the entire parade route on his/her decorated bike will receive a $50.00 cash prize! Parks & Recreation Annual Heritage Festival & Parade The annual Heritage Festival is here! The exciting event will be held on Saturday, March 28 at Anchorage Park from noon – 8:00 pm! This event includes a parade, a festival with live en- tertainment, music, dancing, demonstrations, food, carnival rides, a midway, games and more! There will also be a Busi- ness Expo showcasing local businesses! Something for eve- ryone! Onstage 3:00-7:00 will be the Natty Bos, playing Blues-a-Billy Rock and Soul Jams! The day is packed with action, energy, activity, dancing, food, rides, games and more! Something for everyone! We hope you will attend! Volunteers: If you would like to volunteer to help with the Heritage Parade, please contact the Recreation Department at 561-841- 3386! We are looking for adult volunteers. Festival Sponsors: We are also looking for festival sponsors. If you or your business would be interested in helping make this festi- val a fun, family-friendly event, we need your support! There are various levels of sponsor support available to your business from a cash donation to displaying at the Business Expo. Please visit www.village-npb.org or call 561-841-3386 to see how your busi- ness can gain exposure at the annual Festival. Discounted Heritage Festival Wristbands: As in the past, you can purchase a wristband for unlimited carnival rides at the Heritage Festival. The wristbands are on sale at the Anchorage Park Activities Building from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm (M-F) beginning on March 16th. The rolled-back price is $15.00/wristband! Wristbands will be $20.00 at the festival. Attention NPB ramp users and dry/wet storage patrons: You will not have access to your items stored in the dry storage lots or the wet slips on Saturday, March 28. No one will be allowed to launch boat at the An- chorage ramp on this day. All roads in the park will be closed for the Heritage Festival!! Plan your sched- ule accordingly! Attention residents in theLighthouse/ Anchorage/Eastwind Drive areas: There will be road closures from 11:00- noon on Saturday, March 28 for the Heritage Parade. This will affect all roads leading to/from/through the parade route which will be Village Hall north on Eastwind Dr – Lighthouse Dr – Anchorage Dr to arrive at Anchor- age Park. All roads into the park will be closed for the Heritage Festival!! Plan your schedule accordingly! Leave 10 minutes earlier!! Should you have an emergency, you will be able to get through. Look who came to baseball camp! Miami Marlins Pitcher Jose Fernandez!! During December’s Wayne "Rosie" Rosenthal's winter baseball camp, Player Jose Fernandez , a pitcher for the (Miami Marlins, took the time to talk to all the players and take a picture with each one...including our employee Mehgan! The kids were very excited to see a professional baseball player and learned a lot during the camp. The camp was held at the NPB Community Center. Are you a SUPERKID?!? Searching for a SuperKid! During last year’s Bicycle Brigade in the Heritage Day Parade, there was a special rider. She was only 3 years old and dressed up like Superman. She didn’t win, but she gave members of the NPB Yacht Club an idea: a SuperKid Award! Thanks to that little girl, the North Palm Beach Yacht Club will award a trophy and a $50 prize to the youngest child who completes the en- tire parade route on a bicycle under his or her own power. And we hope she shows up again this year because her 2014 SuperKid prize is waiting for her! Operation S.A.F.E. Work- shop - Stop Adult Finan- cial Exploitation Florida Florida CFO Jeff Atwater invites you to participate in Operation S.A.F.E., Be Scam Smart - a free work- shop for seniors, their fam- ily, and caregivers. NPB Recreation Dept. will host this on Wednesday, April 1 from 10-11:30 am. The Florida Dept. of Financial Services launched Opera- tion S.A.F.E. as part of CFO Atwater’s On Guard for Seniors initiative. These workshops are meant to inform, empower, and protect Florida’s seniors from financial scams and fraud. If you want to make sure your savings are protected, register for this workshop and get a better understanding of how scam artists and scams work. Be Scam Smart by learning more about the psychology of a scam, how to spot fraudulent behavior, common scams that target seniors, how to fight identity theft and resources to keep you safe. Please call 561-841-3386 to RSVP your seat at this FREE workshop. APT Training - APT (Athletic Performance Training) is a fitness training class for youth 8-12 yrs of age. Partic- ipants will work on speed drills, endurance training and strength by using equipment such as speed ladders, parachutes, bungees and therabands. There will be obstacle courses and timed events. This is a great ac- tivity to build your child’s confidence. Kids compete against themselves. A great training program for up- coming football leagues or just for the sake of exercise. 8-week class meets on Thursdays from 6:00-7:00pm and will start March 5. Fee: $75/$70(RDF) – NPB Com Cntr. Pre-register at the Anchorage Park Activi- ties Bldg. Travel Trips – The North Palm Beach Recreation Dept. invites you to join us for upcoming trips to local attrac- tions! The Recreation Dept. now owns a bus so we will be able to take the trips with less chance of cancelling due to low enrollment. Sign up now for these sched- uled trips: Mar. 1 – Harlem Globetrotters - $65 Mar. 4 – Wynwood Art Tour in Miami - $55 Mar. 7 – Hard Rock Casino - $15 Mar. 31 – A Day in the Everglades - $65 April 10 – Bennihana Dinner - $40 April 16 – Island Princess Lunch Cruise - $55 April 28 – Mardis Gras Casino - $15 May 6 – Nitro Circus - $60 May 8-10 – Key West Weekender - $299/pp, double occupancy. Food Truck Frenzy – We are on a roll! Everyone loves the Food Trucks at Anchorage Park! Our next Food Truck Frenzy will be held on Saturday, April 18th – 5:00-10:00pm. Of the 18 trucks, some will be the same as previous Frenzies and some will be new trucks! Mark your calendar! Spring Camp – Now accepting registrations for NPB Recreation’s Spring Camp. This camp will be held on March 16-20 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm and will be held at the Community Center. This camp features field trips, indoor/outdoor activity, games, and lots of fun! Scheduled trips include: Thriller Boat Ride, Blue Heron fishing Trip, Jungle Island and a few hidden surpris- es! Registration is limited so register early. Ages: 8-14 yrs Fee: $175/$180(RDF)/week. For more infor- mation, call 561-841-3386. Kids Night Out – March 13, 6:00-10:00. Kids Night Out is for kids 5-11 years of age and will be held at the NPB Community Center. You can have the evening out and we will entertain the kids with indoor activity, games, pizza, and fun!! The cost is $17/$15(RDF)/ child. The next Kids Night Out will be April 24th. Sign up for all 3! Flag Football – registration begins March 1st and con- tinues until full. Mark your calendar. This flag football league is for youth 5-14 years of age and begins in May. Limited enrollment – register now! Call Mary Romero at 561-841-3389 for more details. Village Wide Garage Sale – We barely get past one garage sale and it is time to start signing up for the next! Start cleaning out the closets and getting ready for the March 7th garage sale. This humungous sale will be held at the NPB Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. from 7:30am – noon. Spaces are available for $21.30 and you can get 1/household. Reserve your space early! The Winners in the Chili Cook off: People’s Choice -Wild West Chili David Crockett (above), Judge’s Choice -—NPB Country Club Chef Mingo (top right) and Best Display—Caribbean Boo- ty—John Abdul - Congratulations to all the winners and participants! Car Awards: Mayor’s Choice—John Sullivan 1934 Ford Coupe Best In Show - Barry Paraizo –1931 Packard Convertible Honorable Mention—Pat & Carolyn Crowley— 2014 Chevy Corvette Participants Choice—Rick Cavdill-1968 Pontiac Firebird Judge’s Choice 1999 and older—Richard & Kin Roman 1970 Plymouth Road Runner Judge’s Choice 2000 and newer—Fiona Schirr- macher—2006 Dodge Daytona Pg. 6—Country Club 561-841-3380 Thank You! In gratitude for her dedication to the Village, the Council presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Karen Roberts, in recognition of her service as a member of the General Employees Retirement Board. L-R: Councilman Bush, Vice Mayor Gebbia, Karen Roberts, Mayor Aubrey, President Pro Tem Norris. (Councilman Manuel not pictured). Spring Break Junior Golf and Swim Camp Campers indulge in four days of golf instruction with PGA Profes- sionals, and supervised swim at our Olympic sized pool Dates: March 16-19 Times: 8:30 am—1:30 pm Ages: 6-15 Cost: $225 At the North Palm Beach Country Club Call 561-691-3421 or email casey at cmitchell@village-npb.org for more details Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 9 www.village-npb.org Space Available Advertise Here! Reach over 11,000 homes per month! Photo Submitted by : RON MOLYNEUX Improvements at Lakeside Park 561-841-3380 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL Driving Range Hours: Monday & Thursday 9 AM - 9:00 PM Tues/Wed & Fri-Sunday 7 AM - 9:00 PM Golf Shop Hours: Daily 6:30 AM—6:00PM Restaurant: Open Daily 7AM—7PM Library Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM Friday - Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM Pool Hours: Mon. CLOSED Tues.—Fri. 12 PM - 4 PM Saturday 10 PM– 6 PM Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM Water Aerobics— Tues. & Thurs. - Jane Wed. & Fri. - Steve 11:00am - 12:00pm Members Only Swim-10:00am - 12:00pm Tuesday - Friday Tennis Court Hours/Club Play: Mon. - Thurs. 7:45 AM - 10 PM Fri. - Sun. 7:45 AM - DARK Tennis Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:45 AM - 7:00 PM Sat. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM Sun. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM www.village-npb.org The North Palm Beach Country Club and Village Tavern Restaurant are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408 Phone: 561-691-3430 www.npbcc.org Golf Parks & Recreation Library Tennis KEY NPBCC Restaurant SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 1Super Sunday Scram- ble—1 pm Shotgun Tennis Clinic– 10am 2Member Golf Clinic - 3:00pm 9 & Dine—4:00pm Shotgun Knit & Crochet—1-4pm Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am 3MGA—7:40am tee times Story Time —10am Baby Time —11am Great Courses -1-2:30pm Friends of the Library—5:00 pm Water Aerobics -11am-12pm Pickleball—5-9pm Cardio Tennis – 9:30am 4WGA– 8:30am reverse shot- gun 9 Holers—10:36 am tee times Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Ballroom Dance Class—7pm Story Time - 10:30am Travel Film—Noon Kids Drop In Crafts—2:30pm Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm 5Water Aerobics –11am Meet the Author –1pm Pickleball—5-9pm Men’s Tennis – 6:30pm 6 Quilters Group—10am Masterpiece of Short Fiction - 2pm Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Tai Chi—10am Tennis Clinic – 9:30am 7Junior Golf Clinic - 1-2pm Team Golf—2pm Tennis Clinic – 9:00am Computer Help - 2-4pm Adult Chess Club—9am-4pm Kids Chess— 11am-1pm Table Tennis—Osb., 11am Village Wide Garage Sale 8 Tennis Clinic– 10am 9 Member Golf Clinic - 2:30pm Book Discussion—11am Knit & Crochet—1-4pm Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am 10 Village Election 7am-7pm MGA—7:40am tee times Story Time—10am Baby Time—11am Great Courses -1-2:30pm Water Aerobics -11am-12pm Pickleball—5-9pm Cardio Tennis – 9:30am 11 WGA– 8:30am shotgun 9 Holers—10:28 am tee times Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Ballroom Dance Class—7pm Story Time - 10:30am Travel Film—Noon Game Drop In Day—2:30pm Mystery Book Club—1pm Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm 12Water Aerobics –11am Short Fiction -2pm Meet the Author—3pm Pickleball —5-9pm Men’s Tennis – 6:30pm 13Quilters Group—10am Masterpiece of Short Fiction - 2pm Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Tai Chi—10am Tennis Clinic – 9:30am Kids Night Out 14 Team Golf—2pm Junior Golf Clinic - 1-2 pm Tennis Clinic – 9:00am Table Tennis—Osb., 11am Computer Help - 2-4pm 15 Tennis Clinic– 10am 16 WGA Team Play—9am Knit & Crochet—1-4pm AAUW—6:30pm Spring Camp This Week—REC Golf and Swim Camp this week —CC 17 MGA—7:40am tee times Story Time,—10am Baby Time —11am Great Courses—1-2:30 pm TreeSearchers Genealogy –7pm Pickleball—5-9pm Water Aerobics -11am-12pm Cardio Tennis – 9:30am St. Patrick’s Day 18WGA– 8:30am rev. shot- gun 9 Holers—10:28am tee times Story Time - 10:30am Travel Film—Noon Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm Drop In Origami– 3:30pm Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Ballroom Dance Class—7pm Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm 19 Water Aerobics11am Pickleball—5-9pm Men’s Tennis – 6:30pm Bridgestone Ball Fitting - 10am 20 Quilters Group—10am Masterpiece of Short Fiction - 2pm Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Tai Chi—10am Tennis Clinic – 9:30am 21 Team Golf—2pm Junior Golf Clinic 1-2pm Tennis Clinic – 9:00am Computer Help - 2-4pm Adult Chess Club—9am-4pm Kids Chess— 11am-1pm Support Our Troops Run 22 Tennis Clinic– 10am Men’s Member Guest - 10 am Tee Times 29Tennis Clinic– 10am 23 WGA Team Play– 8:30am Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am Knit & Crochet—1-4pm 30 Knit & Crochet—1-4pm 24 MGA—7:40m tee times Story Time, —10am Baby Time -11am Great Courses—1-2:30 pm Pickleball—5-9pm Water Aerobics -11am-12pm Cardio Tennis – 9:30am 31 25WGA–& 9 Holers—12::30 pm tee times Story Time, - 10:30 am Travel Film—Noon Drop In Lego Build—2:30pm Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Ballroom Dance Class—7pm Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm 26 Pickleball—5-9pm Men’s Tennis – 6:30pm Water Aerobics -11am—12pm 27Quilters Group—10am Water Aerobics -11-12 pm Tai Chi—10am Kids Night Out—6pm 28 Heritage Day Team Golf—2pm Junior Golf Clinic –1-2pm Tennis Clinic – 9:00am Table Tennis—Osb., 11am Library Closed Today  Food Truck Frenzy—April 18th  Summer Camp Registration Begins April 1 Council Meeting—7:30pm Council Meeting—7:30pm VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call Business Advisory Board …………. 4th Monday, monthly, 6:30 pm Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call Golf Advisory Board ………….3rd Monday, monthly, 6:30pm Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage only Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage only Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - Garbage only Country Club Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 691-3425 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3386 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, March 12, 2015, 7:30 pm Thursday, March 26, 2015, 7:30 pm Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 www.village-npb.org Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm Village of North Palm Beach Village Council Darryl C. Aubrey Mayor Robert A. Gebbia Vice Mayor David B. Norris President Pro Tem William A. Manuel Councilman Doug Bush Councilman Jim Kelly Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at council@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 US Highway One and are open to the public*