12-09-1971 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1:971 Present: H. Mallory Privett, Jr., Mayor _ Robert W. Martin, Councilman Thomas B. Rhodes, Councilman Robert F. Slater, Councilman Herbert L_.Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Ronald B. Oadby, Vice Mayor Mayor Privett called the Regular Meeting to order at ROLL CALL 8:05 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Vice Mayor Cadby. Councilman Martin gave the invocation and Councilman INVOCATION & Rhodes led the Council and the public in the Pledge of PLEDGE OF Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman 11/11/71 Rhodes, all present voting aye, the minutes; of Regular MINUTES Meeting held Thursday, November 11, 1971 were approved as APPROVED written. Mayor Privett, on behalf of the Village Council,-presented LETTER OF a letter of commendation to Officer Raymond. Funk for his COMMENDATION outstanding work as a Public Safety Officer; in North FOR OFFICER Palm Beach. FUNK On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, the minutes; of Planning and Zoning Advisory Board meeting held October 8, 1971; the minutes of Special Meeting of Planning ,and Zoning Advisory Board held December 1, 1971; the minutes of Recreation Advisory Board meeting held November 9, 1971; and the minutes of Beautification Committee. meeting held November 24, 1971 were accepted. On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by, Councilman Slater, all present voting aye, that we amend the agenda and take up "OrdinancesT' after "Statements from the Public." On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, all present voting aye, Bill No. l~Fl entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 34-15 OF THE. VILLAGE OF ' NORTH PALM BEACH CODE BY PERMITTING ONE SIGN TO BE ERECTED IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COVERING COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES LOCATED WITHOUT THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ON PREMISES W1iICH ARE A SINGLE COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE BUT WHICH ARE LOCATED PARTLY WITHIN AND PARTLY WITHOUT THE VILLAGE .OF NORTH PALM BEACH ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES AGENDA AMENDED BILK 141 PLACED ON 2ND READING was placed on second reading and read in full. Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, December 9, 1971 Page 2 Councilman Slater made a motion to adopt Bill No. 141 MOTION TO as Ordinance No. 20-71. Motion was seconded by Council- ADOPT BILL 141 man Rhodes. AS ORD. 20-71 ' On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman BILL 141 Rhodes, all present voting aye, that Bill No. 141 be AMENDED amended to add the following sentence= T'It is the in- tention of the Village Council that the provisions of this paragraph shall comply with all other provisions of Chapter 34, and shall in no way increase the number of signs per- mined in a given area, nor increase the amount of surface area of.the sign itself.T' Thereafter Council voted on the main motion-which passed BILL 141 ADOPTED 4-0. Therefore, Bill No. 141 was adopted as amended as AS AMENDED AS Ordinance No. 20-71 by unanimous vote of the Council. ORD. 20-71 On motion of Councilman Martin,senonded by Councilman VILLAGE & NPBCC Rhodes, all present voting aye, the financial statements FINANCIAL STATE- for the Vila ge and North Palm Beach Country Club for MENTS FOR OCT. the period ending October 31, 1971 were accepted. 31, 1971 ACCEPTED On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman APPROVAL TO Martin, all present voting aye, that we approve the WRITE OFF UN- request of the Treasurer to write off the uncollectable COLLECTABLE personal property taxes that were detailed in the memo PERSONAL PROPER- dated December 6, 1971 because such taxes were uncollect- TY_TAXES able due to_the fact that the businesses are either bank- ' rupt or have moved from the surrounding area. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman TREASURER Slater, all present voting aye, that the Treasurer AUTHORIZED TO be authorized to fund Country Club Account No. 09-404 FUND CC ACCT. in the amount of $2,500, and to expend tliere£rom a sum 09-404 SUM OF not to exceed $2,500 for rehabilitation o£ the driving $2 500 range, and not to fund $2,500 in the Reserve Operation , Fund as originally budgeted. _ On motion of Councilman Slater, seconded by ,Councilman AGENDA AMENDED Rhodes, all present voting aye, that we amend the agenda and take up 'Item AT under "Miscellaneous Business" at this time. On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman AMENDMENT TO Slater, all present voting aye, that we amend our tennis TENNIS COURT court rules to change Rule No. 8 to read that registra- RULES tion fees be $20 per person per year, or $1 per person per day for non-residents, and that we eliminate Rule No. 10. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Slater, all present voting aye, that we authorize the Manager to spend up to $1,000 from the Contingent Fund for the purpose of hiring an attendant for the tennis courts. On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Martin, all .present voting aye, that we take a three minute recess. The meeting was recessed at 10:45 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:48 p.m. MGR. AUTHORIZED TO SPEND UP TO $1,000 FOR ATTENDANT AT TENNIS COURTS MEETING RECESSED MEETING RE- CONVENED Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, December 9, 1971 Page 3 On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman RES. 34-71 Rhodes, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. ADOPTED 34-71 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OE NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING fiHE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER- INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH L. A. BAARCKE CONCERNING THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE SWIl"IMING POOL AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 34-71. On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman RES. 35-71 Martin, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. ADOPTED 35-71 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, PROVIDING FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO LANDSCAPE THE MEDIAN STRIP ON U. S. HIGHWAY 1 (STATE ROAD N0. 5) FROM NORTHLAKE BOULEVARD TO PARKER BRIDGE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO INSTALL AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND TO MAINTAIN SAID LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM J was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 35-71; and the Clerk was directed to insert the State Job Number in the appropriate place in the Resolution. On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 36-71 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF'NORTH PAIS1 BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND PETER FINLAYSON FOR SERVICES AS GOLF PRO AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB ~J was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 36-71. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by ,Councilman Rhodes, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No 37-71 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND L. A. BAARCKE FOR SERVICES AND CONCESSIONS AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 37-71. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, all present voting aye, that we award the bid for three police vehicles to Heywood Mercer in an amount not to exceed $9,036.00. RES. 36-71 ADOPTED RES. 37-71 ADOPTED BID FOR 3 POLICE VEHICLES AWARDED TO HEY- WOOD MERCER r Minutes of Regular Meeting held Thursday, December 9, 1971 Page 4 On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman AUTHORIZATION Martin, all present voting aye, that the Village authorize TO BEGIN the administration to begin a $150,000.00 Revenue Bond $150,000 Issue, and to take the preliminary steps at this time to REVENUE BOND bring it to the Council for formal action. ISSUE On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, that we approve the expenditures from Contingent Account No, 05-500 for the fiscal year 1970-71 as set forth in a memo to the Village Council from the Village Treasurer dated_Novem- ber 23, 1971, and that a copy of this memo be attached to the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, that we authorize the issuance of a purchase order to Pioneer Metals for the purchase of a reverse cycle, heat pump, air conditioning system in an amount not to exceed $818.00. EXPENDITURES FROM ACCT. OS-500 FOR FIS- CAL 1970-71 APPROVED P. 0. TO PIONEER METALS AUTHORIZED FOR AIR CONDITION- ING SYSTEM AT PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman 12/23/71 REG. Rhodes, all present voting aye, the Regular Council COUNCIL MEETING Meeting of December 23, 1971 was cancelled. CANCELLED There being no further business to come before the ADJOURNMENT Council, on motion of Councilman Rhodes, seconded by ' Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Minutes recorded by:~~D~o~.l//ores R. Walkver`, Village Clerk 1 .,,;,~t t ~` VILLAGE OF ~.;~~ ORTH`"'`AI.M~ F~ElCH VILLAGE HALL • NORTH PALM BEACH, F~.ORIDA 33403 • 8483474 December 6, 1971-- MEMD i T0: .VILLAGE COUNCIL ` FROM: FRANCES A. FOX, TREASURER SUBJECT: Request permission to write off following-- Uncollectable Personal Property Tax. Peter Carras, Realty 4.84 Heritage Professional Bldg., Inc. 42.40 , Miami Coin Meter Co. 1.44 No. Palm Beach Enco Service Station 11.20 Saxon Sandwich Shoppes, Inc. 328.72 Gale E. Stranigan, D.D.S. 57.2Q $445.80 . 1 3 ~: ' VILLAGE OF r 1 i i OR.TH ~A7.1~ °{ RP~CH VILLAGE HALL • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33403 • 8483474 December 7, 1971 T0: Mayor & Council FROM: Village Manager SUBJECT: Country Club Budget The funds for the rehabilitation of the driving range have been established as part of the Reserve Operation Fund. Upon further.. review of the work proposed, it will not qualify as R.O.F. ex- penditures. `iherefore, after discussing the situation with the Village Attorney and Auditors the following procedure should be followed: A motion by the Council to the effect ,that up to.$2,500.00`to be expended from Account X09-404 and the proposed $2,500.00 in the R.O.F. not be funded and the necessary adjustments be made in the budget at reappropriations in September 1972. LJR/ee G _ - - MEMO T0: VILLAGE COUNCIL- . , -FROM: FRANCES A FOX, TREASURER ` SUBJECT: Request for approval bf"following expenditures from General Contingent: Account DS-500 _ __ ___- 'Police:Barbecue Publix Super Market _ - 158.38 North Palm Beach Country Club 62,10 {'. Tiny`s Beer-: _ _ , -,5.00 r Copy Uniforms,- Judges Robe:. 69,'34 Catalina Plastics -.Council Name. Plates 20.00 Brown 8 Hauptner Marine License Police. Boat- __" ,' 13,50 - ' Causleys Magnetic ,Signs .-.. •- 24.95._ ' Village-,Golf Tournament - Trophies - Medalion Sports --- _339:99 Mock, Roos'E Searcy - Offical.Zonirig Maps r 295".45 Offical Zoning t9aps - 310,79 _. NPB Country Club-Irrigation _ 141.75 Merrill.Green--:Council-Photos ." =- 62 00 " Jacksonville.Trip - Herbert Watt 19.00.: Eastern Airlines. 64.00 - City Managers'Associat~on --Council F)andbgok 75,00- ` Civic Day - North Palm Beach Counfry_Club _. 66 41. : $ ' .: - __ Pet ty Cash - Frames _ - :`10,99' - ~- _ ,,, . Awards,.-Inc.'-`Plaque.., :~ <, ~ ~r- 86.79...: North Palm Beach Utilities =.::Annual Report. 55 0~0 R' L. Polk -,City Di,rectbry., ~ 55:90, Flamingo:-Electronics = Speaker.,Rental - School. Busing 35,00 Wm. Moreno''- Paper Council Chambers'.',,. _'., `. ,-` '80 00' , H. H.~Spyker,.- Paper. Council`Chambers. - k 60,70" Total 2, 052,04 ^ _~