02-13-2015 Status Re: Proposed Comp Plan AmendmentFebruary 13, 2015
The Honorable Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D.
Mayor of North Palm Beach
501 U.S. Highway 1
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
Dear Mayor Aubrey:
Jesse Panuccio
Village Clerk
FEB 2;0 2015
Thank you for submitting City of North Palm Beach's proposed comprehensive plan
amendment for our review pursuant to the Expedited State Review process. The reference number
for the amendment package is North Palm Beach 15 -1ESR.
The proposed submission package will b"e reviewed pursuant to Section 163.3184(3),
Florida Statutes. Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional
supporting documentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review. You will receive the
State Land Planning Agency's Comment Letter no later than March 13, 2015.
If you have any questions please contact Anita Franklin of my staff at (850) 717 -8486 or
James Stansbury, Regional Planning Administrator, who will be overseeing the review of the
amendments, at (850) 717 -8512.
D. Ray Eubanks, Administrator
Plan Review and Processing
DRE /af
Florida IDepartmcsit of Fconornic Opportunity Caldwell Building; ; 107 F'. \4adison Strect 1 'I'allahas .ee, P1, 32399
866.FLA.2345 850.215.7105 850.921.3223 Fax
www.tkoridajobs.ore 1 www.twitter.e nn /I L,DI Q j www.IftCebooli.corll /I?I..D.I3O
TO: Suzanne Ray, DEP
Deena Woodward, DOS
Tracy Suber; DOE
Terry Manning, South Florida WMD
Gerry O'Reilly, FDOT4
Michael Busha, Treasure Coast RPC
Lorenzo Aghemo, Palm Beach County
DATE: February 13, 2015
North Palm Beach 15 -1ESR
James Stansbury /850- 717 -8512
The referenced proposed comprehensive plan amendment is being reviewed pursuant the Expedited
State Review Process according to the provisions of Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes. Please review the
proposed documents for consistency with applicable provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes.
Please note that your comments must be sent directly to and received by the above referenced local
government within 30 days of receipt of the proposed amendment package. A copy of any comments shall be
sent directly to the local government and ALSO to the State Land Planning Agency to the attention of Ray
Eubanks, Administrator, Plan Review and Processing at the Department E -mail address:
DCPexternalgggt cy zoinnic it sL deo m — fkorida.com
Please use the above referenced State Land Planning Agency AMENDMENT NUMBER on all
correspondence related to this amendment.
Note: Review Agencies - The local government has indicated that they have mailed the proposed amendment
directly to your agency. See attached transmittal letter. Be sure to contact the localgovernmentifyou have
not received the amendment. Also, letter to the local government from State Land Planning Agency
acknowledging receipt of amendment is attached.
Florida Departnncat of Economic Opportunity 1 Caldwell Building 1 107 Fs. Madison Street ; Tallahassee, FL 32399
866.FLA.2345 1 850 245.7105 1 850.921.3223 Fax
www.floridajobs.org 1 www.twitter.com /f,'1; 1)130 1 www.fuceboolc.conn /1 ,'1,1)1;0
TA North Palm Beach
5oi U.S. HIGHWAY i • NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 • 561 - 841-3355 • FAX 561- 881 -7469
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor
Robert A. Gebbia, Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tern
William L. Manuel, Councilman
Doug Bush, Councilman
Jim Kelly
Melissa Teal, CMC
January 23, 2015
Ray Eubanks, Plan Processing Administrator
State Land Planning Agency
Caldwell Building
107 East Madison Street MSC —160
Tallahassee, Florida 32399 -4120
Bureau o � r
omm nity Planning
FEB 112015
Div. of Community
Dept. of Economic opportunity
Re: Transmittal of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) 14 -1 for the Village of North Palm Beach
(Palm Beach County); Mixed -Use Assisted Living Facilities Future Land Use Element Text Amendment.
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
The Village of North Palm Beach is pleased to submit the attached three copies (one hard copy and two copies on disc)
of the above referenced proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment for review under provisions of the expedited
review process. Proposed text revisions are contained in Attachment A of the CPA 14 -1 Staff Report (Ref Enclosure 1).
Text revisions to amend the Future Land Use Element to adopt a new Policy 1.B.3 to facilitate the approval of
Assisted Living Facilities as mixed -use development process subject to certain use, intensity and density standards.
Additions to the text of the Comprehensive Plan are indicated by underline (additions) or &Wkedwough (deletions)
to existing language. Proposed CPA 14 -1 is not applicable to an Area of Critical State Concern.
Public Hearings
The Planning Commission, sitting as the LPA, at its meeting of December 2, 2014 and following an advertised
public hearing on the matter, recommended that the Village Council approve CPA 14 -1 as submitted by a 3 -2 vote.
The Village Council, at its meeting of January 22, 2015 and following an advertised public hearing on the matter,
voted to approve Ordinance 2015 -02 (i.e. CPA 14 -1) on first reading and authorize staff to transmit the proposed
amendment to FDEO, by a 4 -0 vote.
Certification of Agency Submittal
Copies of complete amendment packages of proposed CPA 14 -1 were submitted, on today's date, to the
following agencies: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, South Florida Water Management District,
Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida Department of State,
and Palm Beach County Planning Zoning and Building Department. Copies of submittal letters are included in
Enclosure 3.
Transmittal of Village of North Palm Beach Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) 14 -1 Page 2 of 2
Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) 14 -1 Summary
Proposed CPA 14 -1 is classified as "large- scale" future land use amendment. Due to the nature of the proposed
amendment, it is determined that there are no associated negative land use impacts to the Village of North Palm Beach
Comprehensive Plan.
CPA 14 -1 is necessary to amend the text of the Future Land Use Element to allow the approval of Assisted Living
Facilities meeting certain criteria to be approved pursuant to the planned unit development process.
Support Documents
The following support documents are included as enclosures:
1. Staff Report, including proposed CPA Amendment 14 -1, is included in Enclosure 1.
2. LPA and Council Transmittal Hearing notices are included in Enclosure 2.
3. Copies of Agency notices are included in Enclosure 3.
An existing land use map and color Future Land Use Map (FLUM) are not included as FLUM amendments are
not proposed.
It is anticipated that the Village Council will adopt proposed CPA 14 -1 in March or April 2015. Copies of proposed
CPA 14 -1 may be viewed by members of the public at the Village Clerk's office, whose address is listed below.
Village of North Palm Beach
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Any questions regarding the submittal may be addressed to:
Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner
Village of North Palm Beach
420 U.S. Highway One, Suite 21
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Respectfully submitted,
Darryl C. rey, Sc.D.
Tel: (561) 882 -1156
FAX: (561) 841 -8242
E -Mail: jentwick @village - npb.org
1. Staff Report, including proposed CPA Amendment 14 -1
2. LPA and Council Transmittal Hearing notices
3. Agency Notice Letters