06-30-2015 VNPB Investment Performance ReviewVillage of North Palm Beach, Florida '�; it/ "� North F .l Investment Performance Review Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Investment Advisors PFM Asset Management LLC Steven Alexander, CTP, CGFO, CPPT, Managing Director Robert Cheddar, CFA, Chief Credit Officer, Managing Director D. Scott Stitcher, CFA, Senior Managing Consultant Richard Pengelly, CFA, CTP, Senior Managing Consultant Rebecca Geyer, CTP, Senior Analyst One Keystone Plaza, Suite 300 North Front & Market Streets Harrisburg, PA 1 71 01 -2044 717 - 232 -2723 • 717 - 233 -6073 fax 300 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1170 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 648 -2208 (407) 648 -1323 fax Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Table of Contents &T. om Section A Market Review Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Tab II. Section A Quarterly Summary Report Section B Investment Portfolio & Performance Section C Asset Allocation Chart as of June 30, 2015 Tab III. June 30, 2015 PFM Month -End Statement (statements are available online at www.pfm.com) This material is based on information obtained from sources generally believed to be reliable and available to the public, however PFM Asset Management LLC cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness or suitability. This material is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendation. The information contained in this report is not an offer to purchase or sell any securities. Table of Contents Section i Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 TAB I Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Summary ■ Throughout the quarter, improving U.S. economic conditions contrasted with global economic uncertainty, particularly the deteriorating negotiations between Greece and its international creditors, which came to a vital impasse at the end of the quarter. ■ Market participants continued to weigh the impact that adverse global economic conditions would have on the interest rate setting policies of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). Economic Snapshot ■ For the first quarter of 2015, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 0.2 %. While estimates initially reflected a larger decline, increases in consumer spending and inventories contributed to the upward revision. ■ The U.S. labor market continued to improve, as the unemployment rate fell from 5.5% in March to 5.3% in June. While robust headline job creation continued, some of the underlying metrics related to employment — particularly wage growth —were weak. ■ The housing market strengthened, as reflected by improvements in the pace of pending home sales, building permits, new -home sales, and housing starts. ■ Greek - related tensions grew as the troubled nation missed a payment of 1.6 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Greek voters overwhelmingly rejected austerity measures demanded by creditors as a condition for further financial assistance. These actions leave open the possibility that Greece would abandon the euro and even leave the eurozone. Interest Rates ■ The FOMC kept the federal funds target rate unchanged for the quarter. While the FOMC's statement left open the possibility of an interest rate increase in the latter half of 2015, this policy decision will depend on labor market conditions and inflation expectations. Investment Report — Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 ■ The timing for a potential interest rate hike became more uncertain at the end of the quarter due to the potential for the Greek debt crisis to affect the overall global economy. ■ Treasury yields reacted differently across the curve. Yields for short maturities rose only modestly (two- and three -year Treasuries ended the quarter up 0.06% and 0.09 %, respectively) while yields for intermediate and longer maturities had sizeable increases (five- and 10 -year Treasuries ended the quarter higher by 0.24% and 0.40 %, respectively). Sector Performance ■ Benchmark Treasury indices for shorter - maturity securities ended the quarter slightly positive, as more than sufficient income was generated to overcome the limited decrease in market value that resulted from the rise in yields. Longer maturities did not perform as well because they had significantly larger rate increases. ■ Yield spreads for Federal Agency securities fluctuated within their historically low ranges for the quarter; as a result, the sector's performance was relatively flat when compared to Treasuries. ■ Corporate securities underperformed government issues as yield spreads widened throughout the quarter; bonds with higher credit quality underperformed the most. ■ Within the mortgage- backed securities (MBS) sector, structure and coupon were the major determinants of performance for the quarter. Higher- coupon structures were the strongest performers on both an absolute return and relative return basis (compared to similar- duration Treasuries). ■ Asset - backed securities (ABS) were among the stronger - performing sectors, as their superior income and limited sensitivity to changes in interest rates fared well in what was a volatile market environment. PFM Asset Management LLC Section A -1 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report — Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Economic Snapshot Labor Unemployment Rate Jun'l5 5.3% 5.5% 6.1% Unemployment Rate (left) vs. Change in Nonfarm Payrolls (right) 10% 400K Change In Non -Farm P Jun'l5 -Change In N.r Fa. Payrdls 350K nemploynnen to 8% 300K 250K Avarage Hourly Earnings (YoY) Jun'l5 2.0% 2.1% 2.0% 6% I 200K = 150K Personal Income (YoY May'15 4% 100K 50K 2% 0 Initial Jobless Claims (week) 7/2/15 281,000 267,000 313,000 6/30/12 12/31/12 6/30/13 12/31/13 6/30/14 12/31/14 6/30/15 • Real GDP (QoQ SAAR) 2015Q1 -0.2% 2.2 %1 -2.1 % z Real GDP (QoQ) 6% GDP Personal Consumption (QoQ SAAR) 2015Q1 4% Retail Sales (YoY) May'15 2.7% 2.1% 2% . 4.3% ISM Manufacturing Survey (month) Jun'l5 2% -4% Existing Home Sales SAAR (month) May'15 5.35 mil. 5.21 mil. 5.01 mil. 3/31/12 9/30/12 3/31/13 9/30/13 3/31/14 9/30/14 3/31/15 Inflation Personal Consumption Expenditures (YoY) May'15 0.2% 0.3% 1.6% Consumer Price Index 3% Consumer Price Index (YoY) May'15 CPI (YoY) Core CPI (YoY) 2% Consumer Price Index Core (YoY) May'15 1.7% 1.8% 1.9% 1% 0% Crude Oil Futures (WTI, per barrel) Jun 30 $59.47 $47.60 $105. -1% Gold Futures (oz.) Jun 30 $1,172 $1,183 $1,322 5/31/12 11/30/12 5/31/13 11/30/13 5/31/14 11/30/14 5/31/15 1. Data as of Fourth Quarter 2014 2. Data as of First Quarter 2014 Note: YoY = year, over year, QoQ = quarter over quarter, SAAR = seasonally adjusted annual rate, WTI = West Texas Intermediate crude oil PFM Asset Management LLC Section A -2 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% U.S. Treasury Note Yields Investment Report — Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Investment Rate Overview rYr16 le N 6/30/14 12/31/14 2 -Year ...... • • 5 -Year 10 -Year U.S. Treasury Yields 4% 3% '2 2% m r 1% 0% W N W N V O � U.S. Treasury Yield Curve W O O `G `G 6/30/15 Maturity June 30, 2015 — — March 31, 2015 Maturity 3 -month i 0.01% 0.02% Change Quarter (0.01%) i 0.02% Change (0.01%) 1 -year 0.27% 0.23% 0.04% 0.10% 0.17% 2 -year 0.65% 0.56% 0.09% 0.46% 0.19% 5 -year 1.65% 1.37% 0.28% 1.63% 0.02% 10 -year 2.35% 1.92% 0.43% 2.53% (0.18 %) 30 -year 3.12% 2.54% 0.58% 3.36% (0.24 %) Source: Bloomberg PFM Asset Management LLC 5% 4% 3% m 2% 1% 0% W N W N V Maturity U.S. Treasury — • Federal Agency Yield Curves as of 6/30/2015 June 30, 2014 N W (3t O Industrial Corporates, A Rated Section A -3 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 BofA Merrill Lynch Index Returns As of 6/30/2015 Returns for Periods ended 6/30/2015 Returns for periods greater than one year are annualized Source: BofA Merrill Lynch Indices PFM Asset Management LLC Section A -4 Duration Yield 3 Month 1 Year 3 Years Year • U.S. Treasury 1.87 0.63% 0.15% 0.88% 0.66% �gency 2.05 1.45% 0.08% 1.02% 1.76% U.S. Corporates, A -AAA rated Municipals 1.79 0.86% 0.01% 0.40% 0.80% Year • U.S. Treasury 2.70 0.93% 0.02% 1.38% 0.83% gency 2.18 0.96% 0.09% 1.31% 0.94% U.S. Corporates, A -AAA rated 2.81 1.80% (0.13 %) 1.45% 2.36% Agency MBS (0 to 5 years) M 2.10% (0.46 %) 1.58% 1.68% Municipals 2.54 1.13% (0.01 %) 0.62% 1.13% Indices Master or U.S. Treasury 6.04 1.56% (1.84 %) 2.59% 0.94% Federal Agenc� _am&_ 6.68 1.41% 2.89% (0.66 %) (2.59 %) 2.. 1.75% 1.28% 3.04% U.S. Corporates, A -AAA rated Agenc BS (0 to 30 years) 2.60% (0.79 %) 2.16% 1.87% Municipals 6.93 2.63% (0.97 %) 3.10% 3.21% Returns for periods greater than one year are annualized Source: BofA Merrill Lynch Indices PFM Asset Management LLC Section A -4 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Disclosures Investment Report — Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 The views expressed within this material constitute the perspective and judgment of PFM Asset Management LLC ( PFMAM) at the time of distribution and are subject to change. Information is obtained from sources generally believed to be reliable and available to the public; however, PFMAM cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or suitability. This material is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendation. The information contained in this report is not an offer to purchase or sell any securities. Further distribution is not permitted without prior written consent. PFM Asset Management LLC Section A -5 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 TAB II Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Quarterly Summary Report Total Portfolio Value June 30,20151 March 31, 2015 Market Value $8,956,854.02 $8,946,712.63 Amortized Cost $8,939,266.76 $8,919,189.90 Quarter Total Return Comparison Quarter Ended 06/30/15 0.50% 0.25% ML 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Index Investment Portfolio `00.15% E 0.11% 0.00% n_ 0.25% -0.50% ,' 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Effective Duration (Years) I oLal R6LUm l.OmpaFISOn OInGe InGepLIUn a5 QI Quarter Ended 06/30/15 ML 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Index Investment Portfolio 0 1.13% 1.11% 2.00 Effective Duration (Years) Quarterly Return Last P Last Last Last Since Inception Total Return•'•° June 30, 2015 12 Months 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years June 30, 2009 Investment Portfolio 0.11% 0.86% 0.84% 0.66% 0.80% 1.11% Merrill Lynch 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Index 0.15% 0.88% 0.82% 0.66% 0.82% 1.13% $67,175.34 Current Quarter Previous Quarter Current Quarter Previous Quarter Current Quarter Previous Quarter Effective Duration(Years) s June 30, 2015 March 31, 2015 March 31, 2015 Yields June 30, 2015 March 31, 2015 Investment Portfolio 1.78 1.85 Investment Portfolio Yield at Market 0.74% 0.64% Merrill Lynch 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Index 1.80 1.79 Yield at Cost 0.86% 0.80% Portfolio Duration % of Benchmark Duration 99% 104% Quarter Total Return Comparison Quarter Ended 06/30/15 0.50% 0.25% ML 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Index Investment Portfolio `00.15% E 0.11% 0.00% n_ 0.25% -0.50% ,' 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 Effective Duration (Years) I oLal R6LUm l.OmpaFISOn OInGe InGepLIUn a5 QI Quarter Ended 06/30/15 ML 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Index Investment Portfolio 0 1.13% 1.11% 2.00 Effective Duration (Years) Notes: 1. In order to comply with GASB accrual accounting reporting requirements. End of quarter trade-date market values of portfolio holdings, including accrued interest. 2. Performance on trade date basis, gross (i.e., before fees), is in accordance with The CFA Institute's Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). Quarterly returns are presented on an unannualized basis. Returns presented for 12 months or longer are presented on an annual basis. Past performance is not indicative of future results. 3. Since inception the benchmark has been the Merrill Lynch 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Note Index. 4. Merrill Lynch Indices provided by Bloomberg Financial Markets. 5. Includes money market fund /cash in performance and duration computations. PFM Asset Management LLC Section A - 1 Current Quarter , Previous Quarter Fiscal Year 2015 Fiscal Year 2014 Quarterly Interest Income June 30, 2015 March 31, 2015 Fiscal Year Interest Income Year to Date Investment Portfolio $20,219.83 $24,320.15 Investment Portfolio $67,171.54 $99,538.13 TD Bank Money Market Fund 1.68 1.39 TD Bank Money Market Fund 3.80 6.50 Total $20,221.51 $24,321.54 Total $67,175.34 $99,544.63 Current Quarter Previous Quarter Fiscal Year 2015 Fiscal Year 2014 Quarterly Realized Gain /Loss on Cost June 30, 2015 March 31, 2015 Fiscal Year Realized Gain /Loss on Cost Year to Date Investment Portfolio $2,569.09' ($12,200.17) Investment Portfolio ($10,513.98) (29,087.79) Notes: 1. In order to comply with GASB accrual accounting reporting requirements. End of quarter trade-date market values of portfolio holdings, including accrued interest. 2. Performance on trade date basis, gross (i.e., before fees), is in accordance with The CFA Institute's Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). Quarterly returns are presented on an unannualized basis. Returns presented for 12 months or longer are presented on an annual basis. Past performance is not indicative of future results. 3. Since inception the benchmark has been the Merrill Lynch 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Note Index. 4. Merrill Lynch Indices provided by Bloomberg Financial Markets. 5. Includes money market fund /cash in performance and duration computations. PFM Asset Management LLC Section A - 1 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Executive Summary PORTFOLIO STRATEGY Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 ➢ The Village's Investment Portfolio is of high credit quality and invested in U.S. Treasury, Federal Agency, Supranational Agency, commercial paper, municipal obligations, and high quality corporate securities. ➢ PFM continued to actively manage the Investment Portfolio during the second quarter and found value in the market, taking advantage of market inefficiencies or changes in economic outlook. As a result, the Portfolio realized $1,744 in gains on sales (based on amortized cost) during the quarter. PFM is continually in the market monitoring for opportunities to add value to the Portfolio. ➢ The Investment Portfolio's quarterly total return performance of 0.11 %, underperformed the benchmark's performance of 0.15% by 0.04 %. This slight underperformance is attributed to the portfolio being overweight in the 3 year area of the yield curve. As the yield curve steepened over the quarter, performance was negatively impacted in the 3 year space. A flight to quality occurred at the end of the quarter as a result of turmoil in Greece. Spreads widened causing other sectors besides agencies and treasuries to perform poorly. Since the macroeconomic issue has been resolved, corporate securities should provide additional income and benefit to the portfolio going forward. ➢ Improving employment statistics in the U.S. suggest that an increase in the benchmark Federal Funds rate may be appropriate soon. However, stubbornly low inflation remains a concern for the Federal Reserve policy makers. Market participants still expect the FOMC to initiate at least one rate hike in 2015, but the pace of subsequent increases is likely to be gradual. ➢ Recovering U.S. economic conditions, heightened geopolitical uncertainty, and expectations that the FOMC will tighten monetary policy slowly should keep rates in their current ranges in the coming months, with a modest bias towards slightly higher levels. Based on this expectation, we will maintain the portfolio's duration near the duration of the benchmark's duration. ➢ Our strategy will be to focus on identifying relative value from among the full range of investment options. We will pay careful attention to sector allocation, yield curve placement, credit market dynamics, and individual security selection. These factors will likely be key drivers of performance in an uncertain rate environment. ➢ PFM will continue to navigate the market environment with a keen focus on relative value sector analysis, prudent duration management, and efficient yield curve placement. While producing strong investment returns remains a priority, it is secondary to maintaining safety and liquidity, particularly in the current environment where we expect yields to trend higher. PFM Asset Management LLC Section B - 1 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Investment Portfolio Composition and Credit Quality Characteristics Security Type' June 30, 2015 % of Portfolio March 31, 2015 % of Portfolio U.S. Treasuries $5,544,234.42 61.9% $5,914,025.67 66.1% Federal Agencies 934,736.77 10.4% 933,706.34 10.4% Commercial Paper 199,426.80 2.2% 199,924.80 2.2% Certificates of Deposit 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Bankers Acceptances 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Repurchase Agreements 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Municipal Obligations 121,080.40 1.4% 121,413.40 1.4% Corporate Notes /Bonds 1,960,462.52 21.9% 1,692,615.10 18.9% Supranational Agency 119,893.49 1.3% 0.00 0.0% Mortgage Backed Securities 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Money Market Fund /Cash 77,019.62 0.9% 85,027.32 1.0% Totals $8,956,854.02 100.0% $8,946,712.63 100.0% Portfolio Composition as of 06/30/15 Supranational Agency 1.34% Corporate Notes /Bonds 21.89% _ A -1 (Short 2.250/ A 10.66% 4.; Notes: 1. End of quarter trade -date market values of portfolio holdings, including accrued interest. 2. Credit rating of securities held in portfolio, exclusive of money market fund /LGIP. Standard & Poor's is the source of the credit ratings. AAA Credit Quality Distribution 1 35% as of 06/30/15 V 0.56% AA+ 74.66% PFM Asset Management LLC Section B - 2 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Investment Portfolio Maturity Distribution Maturity Distribution' June 30, 2015 March 31, 2015 Overnight (Money Market Fund) $77,019.62 $85,027.32 Under 6 Months 0.00 199,924.80 6 - 12 Months 399,661.04 200,190.14 1 - 2 Years 4,679,287.46 4,263,785.30 2 - 3 Years 3,800,986.90 3,416,264.59 3 - 4 Years 0.00 781, 520.48 4 - 5 Years 0.00 0.00 5 Years and Over 0.00 0.00 Totals $8.966.864.02 $8,946,712.63 r-Ut uUttU tvtaLut ny utau tuuuUt t - ■June 30, 2015 ■March 31, 2015 42 4'/0 � 38.2% 0 2.2% � 2.2% 0.0 /o Under 6 Months 6 - 12 Months Notes: 1. Callable securities in portfolio are included in the maturity distribution analysis to their stated maturity date, although they may be called prior to maturity. a r ears ana uvE PFM Asset Management LLC Section B - 3 Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Investment Portfolio Maturity Distribution versus the Benchmark' 11 �O ^'� QO �'� �O ^'-� QO �'-� �O ^'-� QO �'� r1Q ^� QO n �O ^h aQ QQ Years to Maturity ■ Investment Portfolio ■ Merrill Lynch 1 -3 Year U.S. Treasury Note Index Notes: 1. Due to the nature of the security, Mortgage- Backed Securities are represented based on their average life maturity rather than their final maturity. PFM Asset Management LLC Section B - 4 Municipal Obligations 0.68% Corporate Notes 11.06% Commercial Paper 1.12% Money Market Mutual Funds 1.29% Supranationals 0.68% Federal Agency (GSE) 5.26% Security Type Florida Prime (SBA) United States Treasury Securities Federal Agency (GSE) Supranationals Mortgage- Backed Securities Asset Backed Securities Certificates of Deposit Commercial Paper Corporate Notes Interest Bearing Checking or Savings Account 45.93% - Florida Prime (SBA) 2.77% United States - Treasury Securities 31.21% Amortized Cost Allocation (Includes Interest) Percentage Notes 491,124.59 2.77% 2 5, 531, 657.01 31.21% 931, 926.14 5.26% 119,859.37 0.68% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% 199,176.67 1.12% 3 1,959,125.93 11.06% 3 Municipal Obligations 120,502.02 0.68% Money Market Mutual Funds 227,961.27 1.29% Intergovernmental Investment Pool - 0.00% Interest Bearing Checking or Savings Account 8,140,257.92 45.93% 2 Village Managed 8,782,324.24 49.56% PFM Managed 8,939,266.68 50.44% Total 17,721,590.92 100.00% Notes: 1. All assets are included. PFM managed securities are shown on Amortized Cost plus Accrued Interest basis 2. These Accounts are managed by the Village. 3. Maximum allocation to all corporate and bank credit instruments is 50% combined. Permitted In by Policy Compliance 25% YES 100% YES 75% YES 25% YES 25% YES 25% YES 50% YES 50% YES 50% YES 25% YES 50% YES 50% YES 100% YES Individual Issuer Breakdown Amortized Cost (Includes Interest) Allocation Percentage Notes Permitted by Policy In Compliance Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) - 0.00% 40% YES Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB) - 0.00% 40% YES Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) 315,336.90 1.78% 40% YES Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) 100,002.14 0.56% 40% YES Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) 516,587.10 2.92% 40% YES State of California Municipal Bonds 120,502.02 0.68% 5% YES American Honda Finance Corporate Notes 70,080.34 0.40% 5% YES Bank of New York Company Inc. Corporate Notes 200,266.99 1.13% 5% YES Cisco Systems, Inc. Corporate Notes 190,090.03 1.07% 5% YES Coca -Cola Company Corporate Notes 50,036.85 0.28% 5% YES ConocoPhillips Corporate Notes 40,067.06 0.23% 5% YES Deere & Company Corporate Notes 100,179.10 0.57% 5% YES General Electric Capital Corporation Corporate Notes 150,304.78 0.85% 5% YES HSBC Holdings plc Corporate Notes 201,362.37 1.14% 5% YES IBM Corporation Corporate Notes 200,110.44 1.13% 5% YES JP Morgan Chase & Company Corporate Notes 201,066.81 1.13% 5% YES PepsiCo, Inc. Corporate Notes 190,496.38 1.07% 5% YES The Walt Disney Corporation Corporate Notes 214,823.25 1.21% 5% YES Wells Fargo & Company Corporate Notes 150,241.53 0.85% 5% YES JP Morgan Chase & Company Commercial Paper 199,176.67 1.12% 5% YES Money Market Fund - TD Bank Sweep Account 77,019.54 0.43% 25% YES Interest Bearing Checking /Savings Acct -Wells Fargo 5,116,914.51 28.87% 2 100% YES Interest Bearing Checking /Savings Acct - Flagler Bank 500,570.86 2.82% 2 100% YES Interest Bearing Checking /Savings Acct- BankUnited 2,522,772.55 14.24% 2 100% YES Money Market Fund - Wells Fargo Advantage Fund 150,941.73 0.85% 2 25% YES International Bank of Recon and Dev Global Notes 119,859.37 0.68% 10% YES Notes: 1. All Assets. 2. These Accounts are managed by the Village. 'PFM managed securities are shown on Amortized Cost plus Accrued Interest basis. Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 TAB III Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Investment Report - Quarter Ended June 30, 2015 Insert Month End Statement here to complete the report. In consideration of the safety and security of our client's sensitive information, PFM Asset Management's compliance department does not allow the inclusion of month end statements in any electronic communication including this version of the quarterly performance report. Statements are available online at www.pfm.com login and click on the link to "Monthly Statements" on the left side of the screen. The most current statements are always available to the client online, however they can only be accessed with the designated username and password. �PF a Customer Service PO Box 11813 Harrisburg, PA 17108 -1813 ACCOUNT STATEMENT Client Management Team Ed Polansky Key Account Manager PO Box 11813 Harrisburg, PA 17108 1- 877 - 495 -8246 polanskye @pfm.com Gregg Manjerovic, CFA Director One Keystone Plaza, Suite 300 Harrisburg, PA 17101 717 - 232 -2723 manjerovicg @pfm.com Steven Alexander, CTP, CGFO Managing Director 300 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1170 Orlando, FL 32801 407 - 406 -5750 alexanders @pfm.com Contents Cover /Disclosures Summary Statement Individual Accounts Accounts included in Statement NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH MERLE GOLDBERG 501 US HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Online Access http: / /www.pfm.com Customer Service 1- 717 - 232 -2723 �P1 MT This statement is for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations. PFM Asset Management LLC ( "PFM ") is an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and is required to maintain a written disclosure statement of our background and business experience. If you would like to receive a copy of our current disclosure statement, please contact Service Operations at the address below. Proxy Voting PFM does not normally receive proxies to vote on behalf of its clients. However, it does on occasion receive consent requests. In the event a consent request is received the portfolio manager contacts the client and then proceeds according to their instructions. PFM's Proxy Voting Policy is available upon request by contacting Service Operations at the address below. Questions About an Account PFM's monthly statement is intended to detail our investment advisory activity as well as the activity of any accounts held by clients in pools that are managed by PFM. The custodian bank maintains the control of assets and executes (i.e., settles) all investment transactions. The custodian statement is the official record of security and cash holdings and transactions. PFM recognizes that clients may use these reports to facilitate record keeping and that the custodian bank statement and the PFM statement should be reconciled and differences resolved. Many custodians use a settlement date basis which may result in the need to reconcile due to a timing difference. Account Control PFM does not have the authority to withdraw funds from or deposit funds to the custodian. Our clients retain responsibility for their internal accounting policies; implementing and enforcing internal controls and generating ledger entries or otherwise recording transactions. Market Value Generally, PFM's market prices are derived from closing bid prices as of the last business day of the month as supplied by Interactive Data, Bloomberg or Telerate. Where prices are not available from generally recognized sources the securities are priced using a yield -based matrix system to arrive at an estimated market value. Prices that fall between data points are interpolated. Non - negotiable FDIC - insured bank certificates of deposit are priced at par. Although PFM believes the prices to be reliable, the values of the securities do not always represent the prices at which the securities could have been bought or sold. Explanation of the valuation methods for money market and TERM funds is contained in the appropriate fund information statement. Amortized Cost The original cost of the principal of the security is adjusted for the amount of the periodic reduction of any discount or premium from the purchase date until the date of the report. Discount or premium with respect to short term securities (those with less than one year to maturity at time of issuance) is amortized on a straightline basis. Such discount or premium with respect to longer term securities is amortized using the constant yield basis. Imuortant Disclosures Tax Reporting Cost data and realized gains / losses are provided for informational purposes only. Please review for accuracy and consult your tax advisor to determine the tax consequences of your security transactions. PFM does not report such information to the IRS or other taxing authorities and is not responsible for the accuracy of such information that may be required to be reported to federal, state or other taxing authorities. Financial Situation In order to better serve you, PFM should be promptly notified of any material change in your investment objective or financial situation. Callable Securities Securities subject to redemption prior to maturity may be redeemed in whole or in part before maturity, which could affect the yield represented. Portfolio The securities in this portfolio, including shares of mutual funds, are not guaranteed or otherwise protected by PFM, the FDIC (except for certain non - negotiable certificates of deposit) or any government agency. Investment in securities involves risks, including the possible loss of the amount invested. Rating Information provided for ratings is based upon a good faith inquiry of selected sources, but its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Shares of some money market and TERM funds are marketed through representatives of PFM's wholly owned subsidiary, PFM Fund Distributors, Inc. PFM Fund Distributors, Inc. is registered with the SEC as a broker /dealer and is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ( "FINRA') and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board ( "MSRB "). You may reach the FINRA by calling the FINRA Regulator Public Disclosure Hotline at 1- 888 - 289 -9999 or at the FINRA Regulation Internet website address www.nasd.com. A brochure describing the FINRA Regulation Public Disclosure Program is also available from the FINRA upon request. Key Terms and Definitions Dividends on money market funds consist of interest earned, plus any discount ratably amortized to the date of maturity, plus all realized gains and losses on the sale of securities prior to maturity, less ratable amortization of any premium and all accrued expenses to the fund. Dividends are accrued daily and may be paid either monthly or quarterly. The monthly earnings on this statement represent the estimated dividend accrued for the month for any program that distributes earnings on a quarterly basis. There is no guarantee that the estimated amount will be paid on the actual distribution date. Current Yield is the net change, exclusive of capital changes and income other than investment income, in the value of a hypothetical fund account with a balance of one share over the seven -day base period including the statement date, expressed as a percentage of the value of one share (normally $1.00 per share) at the beginning of the seven -day period. This resulting net change in account value is then annualized by multiplying it by 365 and dividing the result by 7. The yields quoted should not be considered a representation of the yield of the fund in the future, since the yield is not fixed. Account Statement For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 Average maturity represents the average maturity of all securities and investments of a portfolio, determined by multiplying the par or principal value of each security or investment by its maturity (days or years), summing the products, and dividing the sum by the total principal value of the portfolio. The stated maturity date of mortgage backed or callable securities are used in this statement. However the actual maturity of these securities could vary depending on the level or prepayments on the underlying mortgages or whether a callable security has or is still able to be called. Monthly distribution yield represents the net change in the value of one share (normally $1.00 per share) resulting from all dividends declared during the month by a fund expressed as a percentage of the value of one share at the beginning of the month. This resulting net change is then annualized by multiplying it by 365 and dividing it by the number of calendar days in the month. YTM at Cost The yield to maturity at cost is the expected rate of return, based on the original cost, the annual interest receipts, maturity value and the time period from purchase date to maturity, stated as a percentage, on an annualized basis. YTM at Market The yield to maturity at market is the rate of return, based on the current market value, the annual interest receipts, maturity value and the time period remaining until maturity, stated as a percentage, on an annualized basis. Managed Account A portfolio of investments managed discretely by PFM according to the client's specific investment policy and requirements. The investments are directly owned by the client and held by the client's custodian. Unsettled Trade A trade which has been executed however the final consummation of the security transaction and payment has not yet taken place. Please review the detail pages of this statement carefully. If you think your statement is wrong, missing account information, or if you need more information about a transaction, please contact PFM within 60 days of receipt. If you have other concerns or questions regarding your account you should contact a member of your client management team or PFM Service Operations at the address below. PFM Asset Management LLC Attn: Service Operations One Keystone Plaza, Suite 300 N. Front & Market Sts Harrisburg, PA 17101 PFM' ivManaged Account Summary Statement NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Opening Market Value $8,877,545.78 Maturities/Calls (200,000.00) Principal Dispositions (199,082.03) Principal Acquisitions 389,067.70 Unsettled Trades 0.00 Change in Current Value (8,908.61) Closing Market Value $8,858,622.84 Interest /Dividends /Coupons Received 11,217.96 Less Purchased Interest Related to Interest /Coupons 0.00 Plus Net Realized Gains /Losses 624.42 Total Cash Basis Earnings $11,842.38 Ending Amortized Value of Securities 8,841,035.58 Ending Accrued Interest 21,211.56 Plus Proceeds from Sales 199,243.29 Plus Proceeds of Maturities /Calls /Principal Payments 200,000.00 Plus Coupons /Dividends Received 11,056.70 Less Cost of New Purchases (389,067.70) Less Beginning Amortized Value of Securities (8,852,960.23) Less Beginning Accrued Interest (24,177.85) Total Accrual Basis Earnings $6,341.35 For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 Maturities/Calls 200,000.00 Sale Proceeds 199,243.29 Coupon /Interest /Dividend Income 11,056.70 Principal Payments 0.00 Security Purchases (389,067.70) Net Cash Contribution 0.00 Reconciling Transactions 0.00 Closing Cash Balance $77,019.62 �PF1I Account Page i PFM Asset Management LLC Portfolio Summa ry and Statistics NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Description Par Value Market Value Percent U.S. Treasury Bond / Note 5,510,000.00 5,533,727.63 62.48 Supra - National Agency Bond / Note 120,000.00 119,840.16 1.35 Municipal Bond / Note 120,000.00 120,830.40 1.36 Federal Agency Bond / Note 930,000.00 932,076.99 10.52 Corporate Note 1,940,000.00 1,952,720.86 22.04 Commercial Paper 200,000.00 199,426.80 2.25 Managed Account Sub -Total 8,820,000.00 8,858,622.84 100.00% Accrued Interest 21,211.56 Total Portfolio 8,820,000.00 8,879,834.40 Unsettled Trades 52.69% 42.80% 4.51% 0.00% 1 0 - 6 Months 6 - 12 Months 1 - 2 Years 2 - 3 Years 0.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3- 4 Years 4- 5 Years Over 5 Years US TSY Bond / Note 62.48% For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 Commercial Paper 2.25% Corporate Note 22.04% Fed Agy Bond / Note 10.52% Muni Bond / Note 1.36% Supra - National Agency Bond / Note 1.35% Yield to Maturity at Cost 0.86% Yield to Maturity at Market 0.74% Duration to Worst 1.80 Weighted Average Days to Maturity 675 • Account Page 2 PFM Asset Management LLC PFM' Managed Account Issuer Summary NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - M Total $8,858,622.84 100.000/0 AAA 1.35% AA- 4.41% AA+ 74.70% For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 0.62% .11% -1 .25% A .56% • Account 61350001 Page 3 �PF1I PFM Asset Management LLC Market Value Issuer of Holdings Percent AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 70,200.13 0.79 BANK OF NEW YORK CO INC 199,882.00 2.26 CISCO SYSTEMS INC 190,675.07 2.15 COCA -COLA COMPANY 50,042.75 0.56 CONOCOPHILLIPS 39,970.92 0.45 DEERE & COMPANY 100,428.00 1.13 FANNIE MAE 100,380.80 1.13 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 315,318.26 3.56 FREDDIE MAC 516,377.93 5.84 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 150,812.25 1.70 HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 199,449.80 2.25 IBM CORP 200,023.80 2.26 INTL BANK OF RECONSTRUCTION AND DEV 119,840.16 1.35 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO 398,724.40 4.50 PEPSICO, INC 189,821.79 2.14 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 120,830.40 1.36 THE WALT DISNEY CORPORATION 211,570.00 2.39 UNITED STATES TREASURY 5,533,727.63 62.48 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 150,546.75 1.70 Total $8,858,622.84 100.000/0 AAA 1.35% AA- 4.41% AA+ 74.70% For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 0.62% .11% -1 .25% A .56% • Account Page 3 �PF1I PFM Asset Management LLC Ir PFM, Managed Account Detail of Securities Held For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 �ALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description S &P Moody's Trade Settle Original YTM Accrued Amortized Market Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity CUSIP Par Rating Rating Date Date Cost at Cost Interest Cost Value U.S. Treasury Bond / Note US TREASURY NOTES 375,000.00 AA+ Aaa 08/28/14 08/29/14 370,883.79 1.00 783.37 372,030.93 374,355.38 DTD 08/31/2012 0.625% 08/31/2017 � M• Account Page 4 PFM Asset Management LLC a_ Managed Account Detail of Securities Held For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description S &P Moody's Trade Settle Original YTM Accrued Amortized Market Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity U.S. Treasury Bond / Note CUSIP Par Rating Rating Date Date Cost at Cost Interest Cost Value 2015 0.840% 03/24/2017 ,I. Account Page 5 quPFM Asset Management LLC a_ Managed Account Detail of Securities Held For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity Federal Agency Bond / Note CHASE CORP NOTES 46623EKD0 200,000.00 A A3 03/02/15 03/05/15 199,936.00 1.71 1,123.89 199,942.92 199,297.60 (CALLABLE) DTD 03/02/2015 1.700% 03/01/2018 ,I. Account Page 6 quPFM Asset Management LLC a_ Managed Account Detail of Securities Held For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description S &P Moody's Trade Settle Original YTM Accrued Amortized Market Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity Corporate CUSIP Par Rating Rating Date Date Cost at Cost Interest Cost Value SECURITIES LLC COMM PAPER 46640PC43 200,000.00 A -1 P -1 06/08/15 06/08/15 199,100.00 0.60 0.00 199,176.67 199,426.80 -- 0.000% 03/04/2016 Security Type Sub -Total 200,000.00 199,100.00 0.60 0.00 199,176.67 199,426.80 Managed Account Sub -Total 8,820,000.00 8,890,608.44 0.86 21,211.56 8,841,035.58 8,858,622.84 Securities Sub -Total $8,820,000.00 $8,890,608.44 0.86% $21,211.56 $8,841,035.58 $8,858,622.84 Accrued Interest $21,211.56 Total Investments $8,879,834.40 Cp NI Account Page 7 VF PFM Asset Management LLC Managed Account Fair Market Value & Analytics For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description Next Call Market Market Unreal G/L Unreal G/L Effective Duration YTM Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity CUSIP Par Broker Date Price Value On Cost Amort Cost Duration to Worst at Mkt 01/2013 0.750% 03/31/2018 � ,I. Account Page 8 quPFM Asset Management LLC Managed Account Fair Market Value & Analytics For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description Next Call Market Market Unreal G/L Unreal G/L Effective Duration YTM Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity CUSIP Par Broker Date Price Value On Cost Amort Cost Duration to Worst at Mkt U.S. Treasury Bond / Note US TREASURY NOTES NOTES 3135GOZL0 100,000.00 MORGANST 100.38 100,380.80 737.80 639.77 2.21 2.21 0.83 DTD 08/25/2014 1.000% 09/27/2017 Security Type Sub -Total 930,000.00 932,076.99 3,141.68 2,810.63 1.74 1.62 0.68 �PF1I Account Page 9 PFM Asset Management LLC Managed Account Fair Market Value & Analytics For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description Next Call Market Market Unreal G/L Unreal G/L Effective Duration YTM Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity CUSIP Par Broker Date Price Value On Cost Amort Cost Duration to Worst at Mkt SYSTEMS INC CORP NOTE 17275RAU6 190,000.00 GOLDMAN 100.36 190,675.07 707.37 706.96 2.88 2.88 1.53 DTD 06/17/2015 1.650% 06/15/2018 Security Type Sub -Total 1,940,000.00 1,952,720.86 (10,183.14) 1,336.59 1.67 1.83 1.10 �PF1I Account Page 10 PFM Asset Management LLC = PFM' Managed Account Fair Market Value & Analytics NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Security Type/ Description Next Call Market Market Dated Date /Coupon /Maturity CUSIP Par Broker Date Price Value For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 Unreal G/L Unreal G/L Effective Duration YTM On Cost Amort Cost Duration to Worst at Mkt JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC COMM PAPER 200,000.00 JPMCHASE 99.71 199,426.80 326.80 250.13 0.68 0.68 0.42 -- 0.000% 03/04/2016 Security Type Sub -Total 200,000.00 199,426.80 326.80 250.13 0.68 0.68 0.42 Managed Account Sub -Total 8,820,000.00 8,858,622.84 (31,985.60) 17,587.26 1.78 1.80 0.74 Securities Sub -Total $8,820,000.00 $8,858,622.84 ($31,985.60) $17,587.26 Accrued Interest $21,211.56 Total Investments $8,879,834.40 =PF1I PFM Asset Management LLC 1.78 1.80 0.74% Account Page 11 Managed Account Security Transactions & Interest For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Transaction Type Principal Accrued Realized G/L Realized G/L Sale Trade Settle Securitv Description CUSIP Par Proceeds Interest Total Cost Amort Cost Method 06/08/15 06/08/15 JP MORGAN SECURITIES LLC COMM 50,000.00 49,626.95 14.52 49,641.47 (9.77) (74.91) SPEC LOT DTD 11/30/2012 0.625% 11/30/2017 �PF1I Account Page 12 PFM Asset Management LLC = PFM' Managed Account Security Transactions & Interest For the Month Ending June 30, 2015 NORTH PALM BEACH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO - Transaction Type Principal Accrued Realized G/L Realized G/L Sale Trade Settle Security Description CUSIP Par Proceeds Interest Total Cost Amort Cost Method Transaction Type Sub -Total 200,000.00 199,082.03 161.26 199,243.29 306.64 61.53 Managed Account Sub -Total 10,014.33 11,217.96 21,232.29 624.42 61.53 Total Security Transactions $10,014.33 $11,217.96 $21,232.29 $624.42 $61.53 =PF1I Account Page 13 PFM Asset Management LLC