11-13-1969 VC PH-M MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCII, OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1969 ~ Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor ~, Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor - ? Allan V. Everard, Councilman H. Mallory Privett, Jr.,~Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Vice-Mayor Be11 called the Public Hearing to order at 7:35 p:m. ROLL CALL and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Mayor Lewis and Councilman Everard. Mayor Lewis and Councilman Everard arrived at 7:50 p.m. Vice-Mayor Be11 stated that the purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear the pros and cons on the rezoning of the 4.15 acres of land lying between the west right-of-way line of U. S. , Highway No. 1 and the property line of No. 1 fairway of the North Palm Beach Country Club, and running from a-point 7 ft. north of the existing golf cart shed to a point 400 ft. south of the Intracoastal Waterway from R-2-A, Limited Multiple Family Dwelling District to P,-Public District. _ Legal Notice of this Public Hearing was published in the 1 Palm Beach Post on October 29, 1969 and posted as required °-` by Village Charter. Vice-Mayor Bell instructed the Clerk to attach copy of this Legal Notice to the minutes of this Public Hearing. Clerk read Bill No. 80 with the exception of the metes and bounds description of the property involved, and no opposition to this bill was expressed. There being no further business to come before the Public Hearing, on motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting aye, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARIL`'!G LEGAL NOTICE ON PUBLIC HEARING BILL N0. 80 .READ WITH EXCEPTION OF METES & BOUNDS ADJOURNMENT Minutes recorded by Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk 1 __-_s- r THE PALM BEACH POST Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA `p,a_owaiiy'ae`scri$ s._ COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ctlon of the wE wav I,ne of State Rp W . D . BO eat . FIi hB way xo, 1) as Before the tmdersigtled authority personally appeared Y te_Raad-Departs 4CaY Map, recorder ~V r i ~n~. Di r - of The Palm Beach Post, a daily ~ es tos who on oath says that he is newspaper published at West Palm Beach is Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attach- _ wes ~ i ~~~ ay t -_waterwg Notice of Hearing °~ aSatandN ed copy of advertising, being a klWA~ in the matter of Rezone from R-2-A to P or-~r~ts in the --'------------ Court, was published in said newspaper in the °~~ eio October 29 1969 ~`Y~'n`nnaa~ ]SaueS Of l - land des~o/the' t>P wn¢ the swmw r. Affiant further says that the Palm Beach Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach Connry, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publicadon of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any peison, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, coaunission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for pub~~liyyc~~ation in the 'aid newspa j dl Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of -i~oVemberA.D. 1969 , Notary Pu66c. State of Florida at large My Commission dacpires Tune 2 1971. allowing gescrlEed •- a arc an a I~ 1.~ mentioned bean. 'ed to the south 24th -day o[ October.. .~. .~ T ~r t 1. ~ c. .. _ ;'S ~Il 't~ -_ _ e ~ _', - ! C._ t . . _. P - !'. 9' - il. »~' § s! .- F r~ , I I ti a e ~- h 'I F I V. '` ~' S Is 3 'k, ~ 1 {'r+,':!k sis y . ~ _ r r ~ r r ~~~`,~. TO 4IHOM IT MAY-CONCERN: - I ~ ~ `i !` a ix x , r ~. Y t? PUBLIC NOTICE -IS fiE ~. REBY GIVEN-that the VilIage`Coun~il-: '~ ... ,t ~ .. .. - - _ of The Village of North_.Palm_Beach will hold a public hearing at the Village Hall, located in the Village of Nbrth Palm Belch, Florida; on-the 13th day of-November; 19b9 at-the hour-.of 7 30 e ~ s ~ .. P.M., at which time the Council wzlh consiHer removing the _: j_ ~ .e following described property-from-the R-2-A, LIMITED MULTIPlLE~ , FAMILY-DWELLING.-DISTRICT; and .reclassifying said .property-"_~~ .~ I ~ ~' as P - PUBLIC DISTRICT:: _ ~I~ ~ I _ r -- . s ~`' ;~-- „x -,~ i» r t c,~., • i r w~ ', .~, . ~ A parcel of-;land in'Sectior 9, Township 42 ~-, f South,-Range 43 East, P'aIm Beach County, ~ !' rlorida; more;. particularly described as folloios ~` _- ' ~'l ,L, .-.- --.. i- ;i From- the. intersection ' of _ tl-i~ _ westerly right. ox _ '^'~ ! way line.-of,-State=Road,~No. 5 ,(Uz S: Highway No I 1) as shown on State Road Department's-Right _o` -~ -:~F ! Way Map, recorded 32oad;Plat.Book._2, Pagesi05. to ~;` 118, inclusive; PUb1ic__Reoords of Palm :Beach-_ '-_ County, Florida,-with•ithe southwesterly-right of ~~`" ,~_~ way line.:of .rhe _Intr`acoastal P:aterciay; as shown - _ _-• on r^lorida_Inland ~avigatio~i-District`s-Right of Way Map, recorded.ir Slat Book.. 17, page...10, °"i Public Records_:of Palm-Beach County, Florida;` run ","•' - South 9°-55'-13'_'"West along-_s aid. westerly--right of.„_ ,, , .' l way line of 5tate.._12oa~3._'~No., 5,, a distance o£ 400 foot to the ...Point. of: Beginning and.the northeasterly -_ corner.:.of ahe parcel o,£ land herein described, ~~'- thence-continue--along!fl:e-same course, South "` 9°-55'-13" West_and along-said weste,rly:righ~ =; of way-line; a distance: of 483.75 .feel::. to-'idzg ,-~; -.: .,. ,. .- .. -ak _ - at. 1, - ~. `:. ~ ,~ °'d ~, ~~ ~.i.~ __.. <,~~~:~~V_.r ;psi. _. LEI. ~ ~n~ ~~8:9' ni ~y[`'!: ~.~ ~. - - € - - .., - 't .. r v~ s ~~ ~. II . t. ~! I, __' 6'.'.S'R~WI'4'L:. _ :I8'V'A-BbI~M' 'T'33=_GS-i~99€a'1. Cdv33,17~+Rti'l_f2~~.. ' - `4 '~ r i i s !ti~ ~f ~Ir x ~ r ~•''. ,, x. t 'J"_. ~; '~y~# r~i~ k I`-s4~4 4~^ t r ~ i+ III f I S° S ` ~ r.m q ~1$~,h66 ,4 E ~. s ~ 3 L p LJ 4 ,tv ," ,4 3 ~ 1'CjaR ~• ~z beginning of'a curve concave tti,the east anc~~ ~~ _~~-- having`a radius oi=-2924.•93 feet-,thence. southerly . along:the arc. of .said curve;'-and alcing -said_we~tex.~y ~'_£ right,of way `line; r=a distance of 691.-QO feet; then~cP ~ ~~ westerly and;.northerly"`along the arc :of a curve ~.~zt ;'j`. concave to~wthe,northeast having,a radius-of,190 ~ +•~ feet .and iahose tangents makes . an `angle with .the ta?~~}e+zt .,f~ - to .the: preceding_descrihed curve, at-the point of ,';.;, intersection; meastxred~.£rom south to oiest ofd ~'~ °` , ~' - 91°=51'-41", a distance'of 30~1.Fi2 feet to, the.end~~" ~t~_,C of said-.curve; ~.thcnce~I~Torth 0°=A6'-25-" East, -along ' "';, the: tangent, to said curve'; a distance',.af 384.81 ~~e ~" ' +~" thence-North„,9° ,55!:;1-13~;,East, paral'le1 to the ~~.*~#, ~r westerly right of, w,av`line of said State Road Edo; =a rr .y 5, =a distance. Hof _ 425 49 . feet to;,.the beginning ova`- $~ #*~ Y, curve -concave to._the.~ southeast, and }laving _a~rac~~~ts^~,+ r, r i - of 210._ feet -and a;ceiztral angle of .90.°-0' ; - ~_~ 1,~~' ,.,,~, ~ •~ thence. northerly .and easterly 'alongyt}ie arc.'gf,.sa~~ 4 -_~ ~ _"#; curve, a distance of. 329:87 feet to,;the POINT OF,,,, , ' + _~~ BEGINNING-iiz said. wes~erly right of;wav_,line of _ , ,`~~ State ,Road No 5, said,parcel `containzna 5.2.3 acres ~- 1 _ 3r '.: .fir f ~ ~ . •„ r,.- - y ~ ~Sy°{ t Less-- the -folYowin Y.x _ ,~ ~' i ;~ g:'c~escrib~d propert =:~ ti~~ 7~ parcel of ,land,inrSection 9,.TOwnship 42 ,.. b.~ - South, ' Range~43 East, ~ Palm Beach County, Florida,` i~t. ~,M more :particularly desc~rilie~l as ;follows _, ~ ,~ \r}T, ..' - -- r f'. I € K } -~. t ~~, 3 + ~i`"a -t.?S,~PtyS~r~ r "il.` A' .~ From- the- intersection .of_ the westerlyright .of ,._`: ~ „~:~ way line -of ,U S `F3ighway_NO. 1-with,the souther`~y;~ right of way"line : of the. Intfacoastal_.??atenaay, •;. ,, `` run South,ll°, 54' 4nti'. F'7est, alon,a said:westexly ~«''-~f ~ `asp"' °'right:of way, hne,''a•distance'~csf 883.-75 feeteto~_.~~ ! - the beginning of a~curve concave to-the east, eY`1 ° ,f} having_a radius of :_, ;, 2924.9.3.--feet and a centraly p angle of 31°-3Z'-40.`°, 1-thence southerl.y_ along tkie ~:` r •~`~ , ~ ~ y;a; arc of:said curve and through ,an angle of 7°=56' r.~. t: _u: 57", a distance af=.'405.80 feet to the:; Point of ~~ lY + 1+1y Beginning of 3the „pa;rce'I , o£ land` hereinafter ~y ~ + ,_ described; thence_continua_~souther.ly=along the ~x~l ,_;;-Fay • `s arc of .said curve... and ,`through an angle- of ~ ~~~ ~, , .., ~ p::'. 5°-35-'-12"-_a distance~o,f 285.20::feet.and the.. ~ ~' 1 R =.s~ beginninclr_of_a curve concave to-;the ,northeast ~ ~ ~ € ~ ~; ' having a radius of;a90 ,feet ancl• a central- angle ~.~+ ~ _~ of..9.1_ 51.. 41 and-'who5e.~tangeiit at__this-point .t> •. ,: ° makes:an, angle withl the tangent to the,precedin~F~'~~ y±;;¢t described curve,'me~sured-from south; ,to west,.of,, - 91°_-51°-40"; thencertaeS erly; northwester.iy and 4xR~'` `~ northerly- along- thel_ arc-'o-f.-said-'; curve, "a distanc~,,:;~ ~'~"~+ of_ 304.62""..fee't to::t~he.;end of .said curve; thence. ~~~"u~.: ~-~'•~. - North._2° b5',52":_Ea'st,, a.distance of ;98 90_feet -r thence_South:8h°.47„' b," East, a distaice of': p'~•~ ~~ -fii' 191.59;°feet,'more 'or 'l'ess; to:.the -.Point of• lecin ~`"~`f ~5 ning; the above desti;rihed;;parcel of lard contains '~ ,~„"; .. :1.08 acres s ~ }•pp I k~~ -. k ,~ ~:.~~v '1° A, i~ ^ ~, The- easterly.,-one fgotl~thereof lyang ad~3ac~nt~ta# f~~.~ ~~ :fsa. U.-- S: Highway No 1!,' also. krbwn as State Road 5 ~ ~~7 ~ ~•e~ ° & ! I ! _Rr i.3 Pi+,*r .AFC L~~I~^¢f-0i NOTP.: The above mentioned bearings are re{erred ;;}~ ~ ~.~:_g to ..the-south rightiof waX line _of the'.Intra-~ -~x g~ ' coastal Waterway which bears North. 59.°..06_'. 15' a West. and recorded in P1at.Book 17, page"10, , • Public-Records of Palm:Beach, County,.-F1o~ida= ,~ - '~ ~` ~ ~ ~,t t ~ k 'sy d'F6iv ~ 'e r ~ +$ } the y ° - -fit i ~ Rr 4~ppud,~ ~'I~ r{i' ' ! x.Xj. FM,i4 +'.~~k5 ~p~" ',.k --M" E t n~ 81 fa ~~L'!~~ ~ ~4 ~` A~ ~.i~y ° 'o:/~ ' ~. $,414' SI- • `-',,~:.: _ _.. .. ~, .__` .. "_ '.` ~.. m...„ a_ -.c_ .. a s. -s~YB~i~ .'._:..~s Srw y~'"i'S._ _. r t 1. .. -, ; F y ~ {y - - - -' ~I !r ~hS ' " F - - - - 1 I,PL 4,Tb f .j 4W j I k y ~ ~v_ r_ k ~ ~ y I' t DATED-this 24th°day of-October, 1969..'.- __ . r ~ -. ~' By order. of the _Village Council ... ~~ ~<i., ~ s ,+ ~~' :: Lawrence. J= Robbins. _ ~ "' `Village Mana ger -:_. - _ s ,F) _ ~ ~ j ~ I _ I r ~ 4 ~ .°,. PUBLISH: PALM BEACH PdST : . , . _ OCTOBER 29 ,. rL969` ~~ 1 I ~L -. _ _ - - i; : ... • £ j I I ~ ~ 1 . ° . -. I .. .. _ _ ~ k F j ~ . - ((s ~ 7 ~ . ~ ''p °~ 91 - :r I ) - - 1h - F .i f ~ ~ ..t- _ .. - '. _ _ .. 1~ 3:, ~. p ,' - . i ~ :,. _ _ __ 11 _.1 } ~ ~ s ~ _ CBI ' { [_ _. - - i t` ~ . _ ~ A - ( i { l f I 19 ~. 1 ~ 5 _ I v v ~ ~ _ .. !I 1~-)-. _- - _ r~ - y~ - _ _ _ I I pit l- ~4~ _ - d ' a + ~ ~S t I F _ ~~ __ _- ~~~ . ~, _ ~ u r e r~ ~ , y ,; ~~I - ' Y ' _~ 14r ' , - ' - - ` f.. L 1 ~~ ; ~. ~ ~ ~ F{{ J 1 µ I ~~ ~~ ~ r~ r, . mot. I F _ - ~ ~ ~ _I ~ ~ , k ,_ ,.p~ yl >r t I ~'. ~ # .• , -'~ F ~, ,~ F . , , ' „~ ~ , ? t M ,_ { F ' ~ a ._ - ~ - - I; I I ~ - i _ '1 ~ ' _ .. j p f if ~ ~ a . ' ! t ~ ~ ~ ~ , _ - ~L. F - _t ~~ ~ ~ { 1 C I #~~ I~ '``" as ~ *' =t . ~~ ~ Y ,_ , a ~ .. ~. ~ '~ te r ~ ~ ~ f+~ ~}~ x ; . - >,x ,._. r _ ? ~.L S C'.. _--•..`..-_~.......~...-,..,..,:.`.... ._ "_~. _. '. ,~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA - _ HELD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1969 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor ' Thomas R. Bell, Vice Mayor Allan V. Everard, Councilman H. Mallory Privett, Jr.; Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:02 p.m. ROLL CALL and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. Vice Mayor Be11 led the Council and the public in the Pledge PLEDGE OF of Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE On motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Vice Mayor 10/23/69 Bell, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular Meeting MINUTES held Thursday, October 23, 1969 were approved as written. APPROVED Mayor Lewis referred to letter from Mr. R. K. Kramer, Parade SOUTH_FLORIDA Chairman, South Florida Fair and Exposition, dated November FAIR PARADE 7, 1969, inviting us to participate in the 1970 South Florida Fair Parade to be held Saturday, January 17, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. ' Mrs. Ethel Moss, President of the North Palm Beach Women's MRS. MOSS, Social Club, appeared before the Council and read her letter PRESIDENT OF of November 13, 1969 addressed to the Council objecting to NPB WOMEN'S the dining room operations at the North Palm Beach Country Club SOCIAL CLUB, and specifically objecting to the $100 minimum charge imposed OBJECTS TO DINING by the club upon this social club each time they meet in the ROOM OPERATIONS - main dining room. Mrs. Moss also read letter of November AT NPBCG 12, 1969 from Alden F. Smith, Chairman of the Board of Governors, to her relative to the charges established by the Board of Governors on November 1, 1967 regarding memberships and dining room rental. _ Mayor Lewis advised Mrs. Moss that this situation would be discussed with the Board of Governors prior to their meeting _ on Friday, November 14, 1969. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Privett, all present voting aye, the minutes of Special Meeting of Planning and Zoning Advisory Board held Wednesday, October 15, 1969, and the minutes of Beautification Committee Meeting held October 22, 1969 were accepted by Council. 10/15%69 MINUTES OF P & Z AD. BD. MEETING & 10/22/69 MINUTES OF BEAUTIFICATION BEAUT_I- FIGATION COMM. MEETING ACCEPTED ' On motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Vice. May or Bell, BIMINI KEY all present voting aye, that petition from Bimini Key Con- PETITION DENIED dominium for exception to Ordinance No. 165-67 be denied. On motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Vice Mayor BILL N0. 81 Bell, all present voting aye (5-0), Bi11 No. 81 entitled: PLAOED ON 2ND READING & READ AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, IN FULL FLORIDA, LEVYING A TAX IN THE AMOUNT OF TEN PER CENT ON THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRICITY, METERED GAS AND BOTTLED