THiJRSDAY, MAY 22, 1969
Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor -
A11an V. Everard, Councilman
H. Mallory Privett, Jr., Councilman
Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager.
Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk
Absent: Thomas R. Be11, Vice-Mayor
Herbert A. Watt, Councilman
Mayor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. ROLL CAL-I:
and asked tie Village Clerk to call the roll, all members _
being present except Vice-Mayor Bell and Councilman Watt,
who were excused.
On motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Councilman 5/8/`69 MINUTES
Everard, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular OF REG. MEETING
Meeting held Thursday, May 8, 1969 and the minutes of & 5/16/69
Spacial Meeting held Friday, May 16, 1969 were_approved MINUTES OF SPECIAL~
Mayor Lewis stated that he, Councilman Watt, Village 1tiIEETING WITH
Manager Robbins and Village Engineer Searcy met with Mr. MESSRS. BAKER,
Ralph Baker, Director, Division of Waste Water, Bureau ROSS & TRAPNELL
' of Sanitary Engineering, Florida State Board of Health, RE ODOR PROBLEM
Mr. Ross and Mr. Trapnell last Tuesday evening relative AT NPB UTILITIES
to the odor problem at North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc.
Very little was accomplished at this meeting in the in-
terest of the Village of North Palm Beach.
The Council will begin its summer_schedule of meetings ,SUMMER SCHEDULE
next month. On June 5 there will be a workshop meeting. OF COUNCIL
Thereafter there will be a regular meeting on the second MEETINGS
and fourth Thursdays of the month, commencing a.t 8:00 p .m.
followed by a workshop meeting, if necessary.
Mayor Lewis stated that the Special Bi11 submitted by the SPECIAL BILT~
Village to the Florida State Legislature will be con- SUBMITTED TO
sidered by the Palm Beach County Delegation next week.- STATE LEGISLATURE
He also stated that possibly the Newsletter-for June will
be postponed, if necessary, until the second week of
June so that we may advise the residents of the action
taken by the State Legislature. - .
Council recessed at 8:20 p.m.-and was called back in COUNCIL RECESS-
session at 8:24 p.m.
On motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Councilman 5/7/69 MIISUTES
Everard, all present voting aye, that we accept the OF P & Z AD. BD.
' minutes of Planning and Zoning Advisory Board meeting MEETING ACCEPTED
held Wednesday, May 7, 1969 after expressing Council -AFTER EXPRESSING
opposition to the recommendation on change in zoning COUNCIL OPPOSITION
from R-1 to R-3. TO CHANGE IN ZONING
Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 22, 1969
Page 2
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Held Thursday, May 22, 1969 "-
Page 3
The North Palm Beach Country Club financial statement NPBCC FINANCIAL-
for period ending April 30, 1969 was tabled until. Council's STATEMENT FOR
regular meeting of June 12, 1969 so that the other mem- APRIL 30, 1969
tiers of tha Council could. review it. TABLED
Village Manager read North Palm Beach Library report for NPB_ LIBRARY
April 1969. REPORT FOR
APRIL 1969
A financial projection for the balance of the current FINANCIAL PRO-
fiscal year prepared by the Village Manager was sub- JECTION -FOR
muted to the Council. This will be discussed at-the BALANCE OF FISCAL
June 5 workshop meeting. YEAR-
On motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Councilman $1,000 ADVANCE
Everard, all present voting aye, that we do not advance FOR LEARN-TO-
$1,000.00 for the Learn-to-Swim Program at this time but SWIM PROGRAM
hold it in abeyance in case the need arises. TO BE HELD IN
On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman COUNCIL AWARDS
Privett, all present voting aye, that the bid for the BID FOR CARPETING
carpeting in the new library be awarded to Seth Ford OF NEW LIBRARY
Carpets in the amount of $5,650.00 to be installed no TO SETH FORD
later than July 31, 1969.
On motion of Councilman Privett, seconded by Councilman BID AWARDED TO
Everard, all present voting aye, that we award the bid RECORDS CONTROLS
to Records Controls and Systems, Inc. in the amount of & SYSTEMS, INC.
' $18,000.00. IN AMT. OF
There being no further business to come before the ADJOURNMENT
Council, on motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by
Councilman Privett, all present voting aye,- the meeting
was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.