05-16-1969 VC SP-MMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCII: OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIIlA HELD FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1969 1 0 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor --.- Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor - - Allan V. Everard, Councilman H. Mallory Privett, Jr., Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan; Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager _ and Deputy Village Clerk Mayor Lewis called the Special .Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked the Deputy-Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. _ The purpose of the Special Meeting was to consider- adopting proposed Resolution No_ 392-69, which re- - quests the State Legislature to adopt emergency legis= lotion allowing the residents of the Village of North Palm Beach the inherent right of eminent domain. The reasons for the request for the emergency legislation are: 1. The problem affects in excess of 25% of this Village's population. 2. The court ruling of May 15, 1969. ROLL CALL PURPQSE OF SPECIAL MEETING The Chair requested the Village Attorney to read pro- __ PROPOSED RES. posed Resolution No. 392-69. On motion of Council- READ IN FULL &-_ man Everard, seconded by Councilman Privett, all ADOPTED AS READ present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 392-69 AS R_ES. N0, entitled: _ 392-69 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA REQUESTING THE FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATURE TO PASS A SPECIAL ACT CONFERRING THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN OVER WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES SERVING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ON THE SAID VILLAGE J was adopted as read as Resolution No. 392-69. There being no further business to come before the Council at this Spacial Meeting, on motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman Privett, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. MINUTES RECORDED BY DOLORES R. WALKER, VILLAGE CLERK, BY HER DEPUTY, LAWRENCE J. ROBBINS ADJOURNMENT