01-23-1969 VC REG-M i 74 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1969 Present: Thomas F Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Allan V. ':Everard, Councilman I Mayor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to 'order at ROLL CALL 8:00 p.m. and asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, y all members being present except Councilman Everard, who was the official representative of the Council at the County Police Chiefs Officers Installation. rr On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by 'Councilman 1/9/69 MINUTES Clark, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular APPROVED Meeting held Thursday, January 9, 1969 were approved as written. Mayor Lewis stated that he had attended the Lake Park NORTH PALM BEACH Town Commission meeting last Monday evening. He "_ACTION TEENS" accompanied the President and Vice President of "Action Teens", who accepted first place trophy for the Village's official float in the "Christmas in Dixie", parade. ' The "Action Teens" had an Open House at the North Palm Beach Country Club- to display the trophy to the entire group- Ellen Ladeda and Tom Lewis, President and ,Vice President of "Action Teens", respectively, were in attendance at this meeting. They presented the trophy to the -Council and stated that the "Action Teens" were happy to have been able to build the float for the Village. Mayor Lewis, on behalf of the Village Council, stated that the Council is extremely proud of the "Ac*on Teens" and complimented the group on the wonderful job they , did on the construction of the float. He also com- plimented them on winning first place in the "Christmas in Dixie" parade, and second place--in the Jupiter-Tequesta Christmas parade. Mayor Lewis referred to letter Council hadireceived LETTER FROM P.B. from Mr. R. J. Held, Administrator, Palm Beach County CTY. HOME THANKING Home, thanking the Village for the candy donated to VILLAGE FOR DONATION this home at Christmas. OF CANDY AT CHRISTMAS Mayor Lewis referred to letter he had received from Mayor Abrams of Hollywood, Florida, relative to LETTER FROM MAYOR MYCON (Mayor's Youth Committee on Narcotics) . This ABRAMS, HOLLYWOOD, committee is having a Teen-Team Power Conference in FLA. RE MYCON Hollywood, February 7-9. Council is interested in having a teenage delegation, along with two or three adults, attend this noteworthy conference., Mayor Lewis will contact the principals of Palm each Gardens High School, Riviera Beach High School and Howell-Watkins - Junior High School to make the ,necessary arrangements to comprise this teenage delegation. I Minutes of Regular Meeting held Thursday, Jan. 23, 1969 Page Two I Mayor Lewis referred to his letter of January 17, 1969 MAYOR LEWIS' to Mr. Randolph Hods, Director, Trustees of the Internal _LETTER TO R. Improvement Fund, relative to our bulkhead ]dines. This HODGES RE VILLAGE letter states that we feel our bulkhead lines as established BULKHEAD LINES in 1957 under Ordinance No. 24 are realistic and objective. Mayor Lewis referred to copy of letter from Arnold LETTER FROM A. ' Ramos, District Engineer, Florida -State Road Department, RAMOS, FLA. dated January 15, 1969, directed to Mr. E. D. Gaynor, - STATE ROAD Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, advising of DEPT. , RE PUBLIC Public Hearing on State Road 5 (U. S. 1) to be held in the HEARING ON Village Hall, Monday, January 27, 1969. Mayor requested STATE ROAD 5 Council, if at all possible, to be present a;t this Public (U.S. 1) Hearing to substantiate our cause, if necessary. Mayor Lewis referred to letter Mr. Robbins dent to Mr. L. ROBBINS' William Hill, County Engineer, dated January 21, 1969, LETTER TO W. HILL expressing our desires on Alamanda Drive Extension. RE ALAMANDA DRIVE EXTENSION Mayor Lewis referred to letter of January 1T, 1969 from LETTER OF THANKS Mr. R. T. Johnson, Track Chairman of Riviera Beach High TO VILLAGE FROM School's "Hornet Booster Club", thanking the, Village FROM R. JOHNSON, for its generous support in their drive to raise funds RBHS "HORNET to build an asphalt track at Riviera Beach High School. BOOSTER CLUB" Mayor Lewis referred to letter from R. H. Hackendahl, LETTER RE NATIONAL Director, National Clean Up-Paint Up-Fix Up Bureau, CLEANUP CONTEST advising that the Village's entry in this year's i Natonal Clean Up Contest has been received,. and that final judging of all entries will be on January 27, 1969 . Mayor Lewis referred to his letter of January 8, 1969 MAYOR LEWIS' , to Mr. L. Lukin, Palm Beach County Health Department, LETTERS TO complaining about the odor from North Palm Beach Utilities. CTY. HEALTH DEPT. Mayor Lewis also sent a letter on January 16, 1969 to & GOV. KIRK RE Governor Kirk, with copies to Village Manager, Village ODOR FROM NPB Attorney, Village Engineer, Senators Thomas 'and Ba£alis, UTILITIES State Representative Dave Clark and the Council, request- ing State assistance in the interest of strengthening the regulations for the Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Commission to cite violators and continue to cite them until these problems are corrected. Mayor Lewis advised Council that he had sent a letter to LETTER OF THANKS the Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce, thanking TO NORTHERN P.B. them for the Village's honorary membership in this organi- CTY. CHAMBER OF zation, which was presented to Councilman Watt on January COMMERCE 8, 1969, Mayor Lewis referred to petition from Village Garden PETITION FROM Apartments, Inc. dated January 1, 1969, directed to the VILLAGE GARDENS Florida, State Road Department, copy of which was sent to APARTMENTS TO the Council. They are requesting a traffic ';light, FLA. STATE ROAD traffic count and speed control on U. S. 1. , Mayor Lewis DEPT. , stated he would like the Council to meet with four or five of the principals of Village Gardens Apartments prior to the Public Hearing on State Road 5, which is scheduled for Monday, January 27, 1969. Mayor Lewis asked Council if there were any iquestions on the 11/20/68 & approved minutes of Board of Governors meeting held Wed- 11/24/68 MINUTES nesda.y, November 20, 1968, and the approved minutes of OF BD. OF GOVERNORS Board of Governors meeting held Sunday, November 24, 1968. MEETINGS_ II i i 6� Minutes of Regular Meeting held Thursday, Jan. 23, 1969 Page Three I On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman MOTION THAT BD. OF Watt, all present voting aye, that the Board of Governors GOVERNORS RESCIND _ rescind the full club family memberships to -those people FULL CLUB FAMILY specified in the minutes of Board of Govern�rs meeting - MEMBERSHIPS TO held November 24, 1968, as Council has been 'informed by THOSE SPECIFIED the Village Attorney that this would be taxable to the IN THEIR MINUTES employee and, in addition, it conflicts with established OF 11/24/68 ' Village policy. I On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice Mayor 11/20/69, _11/24/68 Bell, all present voting aye, the minutes of Board of &1/8/69 MINUTES OF Governors meetings held Wednesday, Novemberi20, 1968; BD. OF GOVERNORS Sunday, November 24, 1968; and Wednesday, JaInuary 8, MEETINGS ACCEPTED 1969 were accepted by Council. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice Mayor MAYOR LEWIS TO Bell, all present voting aye, that Mayor Lewis be SEND LETTER TO authorized to send Mr. John D. MacArthur a letter stat- -J. D. MAC ARTHUR Cq ing that we have no objection to filling within limita- RE FILLING WITHIN r tions of established bulkhead lines of the Village of LIMITATIONS OF North Palm Beach. ESTABLISHED BULK- HEAD LINES OF NPB V ' Village Manager read highlights of Village financial 10/31/68 & 11/30/68 report for period ending October 31, 1968 and Village VILLAGE FINANCIAL financial report for period ending November ;30, 1968. REPORTS ACCEPTED On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, Council accepted these two financial reports and a true copy of each will be attached to the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Vice Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman COUNCIL AWARDS Watt, all present voting aye, Council awarded bid for BID FOR LEAF LOADER trailer mounted 1eaf. loader to H. F. Mason Equipment TO H. F. MASON Corporation, Hialeah, Florida, in an amount not to EQUIPMENT CORP. exceed $3,053.64. i Councilman Watt made a motion that Council authorize DRAINAGE DITCH the Manager and Counselor to take necessarypreliminary IN PLAT 4 financial and legal steps to begin special assessment proceedings for establishing subterranean drainage in the ditch totally within the confines of, Plat 4. Mayor Lewis passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Bell and seconded Councilman Watt's motion. Motion passed three to one - Vice Mayor Bell opposed. Vice Mayor Bell returned the gavel to Mayor Lewis. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman COUNCIL TO APPOINT Watt, all present voting aye, that Council appoint C. O'MEILIA TO Mr. Charles O'Meilia to the Architectural Committee ARCHITECTURAL by Resolution. COMMITTEE There being no further business to come befgre the ADJOURNMENT Council, on motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 10: 00 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk I i i I i i i i I VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET OCTOBER 31, 1968 ASSETS First American Checking Account 2,782. 10 First Federal Savings & Loan 1,718 .49 Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan 1,339 .44 Community Federal Savings & Loan 1 ,785. 17 I i TOTAL ASSETS 72625.20 i i I i I I i i I I I I i i I I i i i i I I I I i I i I _ i i VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM : BEACH DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS OCTOBER 31 , 1968 RECEIPTS First American Bank-Checking Nov 1, 1967 868.23 - First Federal Savings 11 1 643 .28 Fidelity Federal Savings if 280.87 Community Federal Savings 1;707.05 4, 631 .20 Ad Valorem Taxes 92,394.00 Interest Earned 2,096.27 TOTAL RECEIPTS 99,989.70 DISBURSEMENTS First National Bank of Miami Principal & Interest Payment 921195;00 Bank Service Charge 169.50 92, 364.50 i RESERVES First Federal Savings 4�96 1y71$.49 Fidelity Federal Savings 4�96 1. 339,44 Community Federal Savings 4yo 11785. 17 4,843, 10 - i i Cash Balance on Hand 2,782. 10 I 99.989.70 I i i I , I i i i I i i i I • I i VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH _ GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEEP OCTOBER 31, 1968 I ASSETS i CURRENT ASSEPS First Marine Bank-Checking Account 3,900.27 First American Bank-Checking Account 21,037.30 First American Bank-Payroll Account 500.00 25,437.57 Petty Cash 110.00 Accounts Receivable 3,533.78 Interest Receivable 357.65 Utility Deposits 138.00 Gas Inventory 657.24 Due from Capital Improvement Const. Fund 43,312.38 I DEFERRED CHARGES Prepaid Expenses ! 426.95 RESERVES First American Bank - C. of D. 80,000.00 80,000.00 TOTAL ASSEPS 153,973-57 I LIABILITIES & SURPLUS j Accrued Legal & Audit 919.05 Accounts Payable 4,020.29 Accrued OASI ! 1,709.00 Employees' W/H Taxes 1,902.90 Surety Bond Deposits Held ; 13,225.00 Deferred Income 174.94 26,320.73 Accrued Salaries Payable 4,369.55 i I Revenues (Exhibit A) ;520,977.99 Less: Expenditures (Exhibit B) 499,123.05 21,854.94 I i Surplus (Prior Year) 105,797.90 TOTAL LIABILITIES & SURPLUS 153,973.57 S I CORRECTED BALANCE SHEET I i i II CH q bD O� O O OI!O� .--I to I O I ul ul o L� a 1 09I i� W a) 't •rl I H C� IO O l l M O� chi 6� H [�i .--I m ON OI I H U a) d` L- 0 H r-I OH - a`4`r-q H H ht d` N O I ID ,I,> Q �O O O O C? 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E H E� U Fa •� +' +� +' m Fa N W O D4 F-i Fi 7S 3 c4 m P, F+ +� O m CH Sti m N W m -i E p m N W W m F+ O m H m P E x., •� m Fi m ri m bD b0 m ri E .2 ' H - m P, 0.l P o � 2 O O i� 27 W Fa O U dZ m m C r0 m ri -�' aS P •� C 0 8 F'. •ri Fi m U ri m •rl U m U m O m m v O y m -1 +1 Q •r° P -� m N X r ti [�] m ro U •rl C. •rl O 0 •ri k U m •rl -P m c0 rl H O ri aJ W o q H C aHQ i-1 E NUS +� N o 0 C: W P. 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U 'd H -H F. H M W 0 0 -H H CU CU >~ VS H k Cf7 0 H ri r4 •(i -I� -H 0 -H H 0 -H 3 3 H U 0 -1 H W 5~ 0 W 7�- q c6 SS '� •� bO � b➢.O H H U 0 to ri H ,Sti 0 -N +' - - w c Sao° rcOSaawaaaxvaiaaawH H H H i i - I I i I I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 801-ADMINISTRATION 1967-69. EXPENDED _ _ UNEXPENDED BUDGET THRU BALANCE 10/31/68 10%31/68 j 01-110 Personal Salaries $15, 354 $ 14.,707.84 $ 646,16 01-220 Telephone & Telegraph 180 154.05 25.95 01-240 Traveling Expenses 348 320.99 27.01 01-241 Training Courses 110 93.82 16,.18 01-242 Conference Expenses 140 140.00 -07- . 01-243 Membership Dues � Publ . 135 - 70.10 64.,90. 01-290 Contingent 50 -0- 50.00 01-318 -- Refreshments & Supplies -- 18Q -; _130:36 49.64 01-390- Contingent 170 146.50 23.50 Grand Total 16,667 15,763:66 - 903.34 I i i i i s i i i i I _ " i I , i i i I I - i i i i i i i i I I i THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT I 02-ART CENTER 1967-68; EXPENDED UNEXPENDED _ BUDGET THRU BALANCE 10/31/68 - 10/31/68 . . i - 02-110 Personal Salaries_.._ $11,972.1 $ 11 198.87 $ 773.13 i i i 02-212 Postage 25 0- - ,25.00 02-220. Telephone & Telegraph 175 ; 172.30 2.70 02-240 Traveling Expenses 25 ; -o- _ 25.00 02-242 Conference Expenses 25i _0- 25.00 02-243 Membership Dues & Publ. - 30 ;. .: 28.95 ' 1.05 02=290 Contingent 751 52.61 22.39 I 02-305 Hand Tools 250 214.171- "; 35.83 02-312 Recreation Supplies ._. 1,075E 982.12 `• 92,88 02=323 _Building Maintenance Supplies 75 35.21 39,79 02-390 Contingent 100 ; . 36.86 63..?4 02-402 Machinery & Equipment 200- ;! 64.95 135:05 02-406 Office Furniture & Equipment 171 135 06 ­­"-­"-'3- 600 " 02-410 Electrical Equipment & Installation 61 ' 42.03 -__ _ 18.97 02-411 Recreation &. Playground_. ,..- _. Equipment 65 ; 35.00 30.00 02-416 Photographs & Reproducing Equipment 50j 6.13 - _ . 43.87 Grand Total 14,374 ! 13,004.20 1;369.80 i q i - i i i I j .: -T I l I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH „y OPERATING STATEMENT 03-BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1967-68 Expended Unexpended Budget Thru Balance _ 10/31/68. . _ ---10/31,/68: _- I i i I , 03-110 Personnel Salaries 20,026 $19,761.29 _ - $264.73 03-120 Overtime ,124 31.45 92.55 03-201 Auto Repair & Maintenance 200 63.65. 136,35 03-206 Office Furniture & Equipment, Repairs - and Maintenance 50 39.90- 10,10 03-208 P.A. and Communications 350 ' 277.20 72.80 03-209 Street & Traffic - _ Lighting - Repairs & Maintenance 900 685.42- 21-4.58 03-211_ Painting 100 -0- - - 100.00 `, 03-216 Photographic & Reproducing Services 70 56.55- _. 13.45- 03-230 Advertising 75 t 43,02 31.98 03-232 Printing 140 124.31_ 15.69 03-243 Membership Dues & Publications 42 42,00. 0 03-290 Contingent 50 -' _p= 50.00--_ i 03-301 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 400 215,22 184.78 03-315 Engineering & Drafting _ 03-335 Merchandise for Resale 600 29.00 101 35 `- I 499.00= l01.00.,; � 03-390.- Contingent - -_ 30 27.37= 2.63 - 03-406 Office Furniture & Equipment -- 95 86.50- .8.50 03-408 P .A. and Communication Systems 6 _o- 6 00 - 03-426 Engineering Instruments 200 200.00 0 Grand Total 23,483 $22,173.53; $19, 1;309.47 I I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH - - OPERATING STATEMENT i 34-CIVIL DEFENCE 1967-68 EExpe_ r nded_ Unex C a a ended �ucT et ce 15731/6s 10 31 68 - 04-290 Contingent 250 !, _p_ 0250.00 I I - I I - i I i is II i THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT j 81 'm- Ex ended Une end _ 1967-6 ed = 05-00� NTINGENT — r Budget i Thru Balance=. _ 1o/31/68 . 10/31/6$_ 05-500 Contingent $20,310 -1_ $19,491.97 $818.03 !` _ i j F i e I I l I d I i a i r i i I y .p i I - I _ I _ i _w- y I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATIVG STATEMENTi s= 07-ENGINEERING 1967-68 Expended Unexpended Fu—U get rTFir — alarm—lance 10/31/68 - : _ 10/31/68 . 07-217.4 Professional Fee 11000 $g21.39 $478.61 I -,gg THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH t OPERATING STATEMENT 08-GENERAL _ 1967-68 Expended Unexpended Bu get Thru Balance" 10/31/68 10/31/6$__ 08-204 Building Repairs & Alterations 50, -0- $50.06 - - 08-2C6 Office Furniture & Equipment 409 408.50. .50 08-207 Plumbing, heating & - ' Air Conditioning 19000 '734.00 ' 266 O0 08-220 - Telephone .& Telegraph 1,560 1 1,510.96 49.04 08-221 Electric Service 13,200 12;359.75 840.25 08-222 . Gas Service 175 151.39 23:61 08-227 Exterminating Services- 1,700 12695.00 5.00 --- 08-228 Rentals 132 97.00 - 35.00 - 08-231 Mortgage Payments - Village Hall 15,811 15;810.60 .40 08-261 Janitorial Services 3,510 -;'- - 3,498.12 11.88-- = 08-290 Contingent •- 200 138.37 61.63 08-310 Office Supplies 5;000 4,566.18 433.82 08-311 Postage 10100 887.43 212.57 08-313 Janitorial Supplies 95 70.04 24.96 08417 Medical & First Aid supplies 15 1.29 13.71 08-319 Employees' Activities 150 134.74 15.26° ; 08-390 Contingent 350 251.75 08-406 Office Furniture & Equipment 945 945.00 C8-408 P. A. & Communications _ System 16 ` -0 16:00 08-800 Social Security 109700 10,387.12 _ 312.88 08-802.1 Workemen's Compensation 4;000 3,992.60 7.40 08-802.2 Structures, Fire & Extended Coverage 2,565 j 2,565.00 o- _a 08-802.3 Surety Bonds 11 930 1,929.23 :.;77 08-802.4 Liability - General 29196 - 2,194.00 2.00 - 08-802.5 Miscellaneous Coverage 780 759.40 20.-60- 08-802.6 Contingent - Insurance Other than - Hospitalization 19000 11000.00 -0- 08-803 Hospitalization 30450 3,274.09 175.91_' 08-804 Village Employees Pension Fund 159500 13,777.98- 1,722:02- GRAND TOTAL 879539 $83,139.54 X41394.46 -a THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT - - 09-LEGISLATIVE 1967-68 Expended Unexpended Budget : Thru Balance 10731/68 -- 10/31/68 i 09-110 Personnel Salaries- $6,000 $6,000.00 $, -0-_ 09-240 Traveling Expense 1,050 1,050.00 _ 0 '' 09-242 Conference Expenses 475 p 500:00- (25.00r 09-245 - 09-245 Professional $ Inves- tigative Services 2,000 1,798.15 = 201.85 Grand Total- 9,525 $9,348.15 0176.85 i I • i j i I I ! I R- i i i i ! I i THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH -- OPERATING STATEMENT 10-LIBRARY 1967-1968 Expended Unexpended Budget ; Thru Balance' 10/31/68 : .: 10/,1/68_ _ 10-110 Personnel Salaries - $7,315 $7,171,52 $143.45 i 10-207 Plumbing, Heating $ Air Conditioning 125 - 38,10 86.90 10-220 Telephone & Telegraph 210 155.34 54.66 - 10-232 Printing 35 2,50 32.50 ., 10-240 Travel Expense 18 -0- - -18:00 10-242 Conference Expense 15 0- 15.00 10-243 Membership Dues & - Publications 15 11,00_ -, 4 00_g 10-260 Public Events, Anni- _„. versaries, Holidays 25 -o- --- 25,00- 10-290 Contingent 35 33'20 1.80 i 10-310 Office Supplies 225 150.37 _ 74,63` 10-311 Postage 20 17.01 2.99 10-323 Building Maintenance 135 51 28-__. 83.72 10-390 Contingent 25 12.00 - 7.3.00--. I 4: 10-425 Library Books & Periodicals 2,600 210.30 59:70 I Grand Total : 10,798 $10,152,62 $645.35=.. . Y r I ' F I _ I I i i I I ' i THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 11-FIRE DEPARTMENT 1967-68 Expended Unexpended Public Safety u� d et ,, Thru - Balance . 10/31/68 10/31/68_ 11-110 Personnel Salaries $34,1W $33,338.26 "19.74 11-120 Overtime 1 ,000 ; 277,22 722,78 .- 11-201 Automotive Repairs & - Maintenance 150 8,27 141.73 x _ 11-225 Hydrant Charges 10,3351 10035.00 0 11-230 Advertising l0i 9,68 .32`, 11-243 Membership Dues & Publications =25j 10.74 14.26- -- 11-290 .- Contingent 25 ;' 1.75 23:25 11-303 Accessories & Equipment 25! 20.61 - -- 4.39 "- 11-313 Janitorial Supplies 10'' -0- - _ 10.00-' 11-318 Refreshment Supplies 50,, 50.00 0 11-325 Uniforms - . 250 ;. 129./+0 120.60..-= 11-327 Chemicals - 100 ;, . 88.30" 11,70 11-329- Flashlights & Batteries ,._- _ 401 6.46 33.54 11-390 Contingent - 100;- 66.15 33.85 - 11-401 Automotive Equipment 28 ;0001, 27,990.00- 10,00 Grand Total -- - -74,2781 — $72,331.81+ :;1,946,16-; I i s j' THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 12-POLICE DEPARTMENT 1967-68 Expended Unexpended Budget - Thru Balance 10/31/68 10/31/68 12-110 Personnel Salaries $38, 334 $38,11..46 _ x(107,46) 12-120 Overtime 1 ,000 277,24, 722.76 12-201 Automotive Repairs & Maintenance .720 743.19 (23.19) 12-202 Machinery & Equipment Repairs & Maintenance 125 16,90 108,10 12-206 Office Furniture & Equipment - Repairs & Maintenance 50 20.85 29.15 - - 12-208 P. A. Communication Systems Repairs & Maintenance 1,980 1,902.84 __ 77.16 12-220 Telephone & Telegraph 900 704.28 1.95.72 _ 12-230 Advertising 30 -0- 30.00 12-240 Traveling Expenses 150 -0- - __ 150.00 12-242 Conference Expenses 75 11.00- -- = ;64.00 12-243 Membership Dues & Publications - . .105 98.50 6.50 12-246 Court Cost, Filing & - Recording Fees, Documentary Stamps = 200 163.50 36 50'- 12-290 Contingent 150 39,50 110:50 12-301 Gasoline, oil & Lubricants 3;520 _ 2,600.66 928.34 12-303 Accessories - Auto - Machinery * Equipment 65 - 28,-31_ ___--.3669- 12-304 Tires & Tubes 11120 767.15 352.85 - _- 12-310 Office Supplies -- 200 186.76" --° -13.24 12-316 Photographic & Reproducing Supplies 100 59.30" - 40.70 12-317 Medical & First Aid - Supplies 100. 65s05 34.95 12-320 Prisoners, Meals & Jail Expense 256. . 99.00 151.00 12-325 Uniforms - 1,100; 1!013.79 86.21 12-326 Safety Devices - 15 3.20 _ - .11.80 12-330 Ammunition & Gun Parts -- 250. 175.78 74.22 12-331 Fingerprinting & Supplies °-- 60: , 14.40 45.60 12-390 Contingent _ _:.___ - 250' 176.79 - 73.21 12-401 Automotive Equipment 4,100: 4100:00 - o 12-408 _ P . A. & Communication System Equipment 170: 170.00 - -0=_ 12-414 Guns - 70 -0.- _ - . ----- 70.00 - 12-425 Library Books & -- Periodicals 25; 10.00 15:00 - 12-490 Contingent _ 50: -0= 50.00 Grand Total 55,273' $51,889.45 $3083.55 i i THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 13-SANITATION - PUBLIC WORKS 1967-68 Expended Unexpended _ Budget; Thru Balance 10/31/68 10/31/68 13-110 Personnel Salaries $41,448' $40,927.58 $520.424 13-120 Overtime 6,647', 6,197,88 449,12_`: 13-201 Automotive Repairs & Maintenance 500' 262.46 237..54 _ 13-226 Laundry & Cleaning Services 1 , 350,, 1,296.75 53.25 13-228 Rentals 7,3351- 6,906.75 428.25 _- 13-290 Contingent 200, -0- - -- 200.00--- 13-301 Gasoline, Oil & Lubricants 3,490',._. $3,337.09 102.91 13-303 Accessories - Auto Machinery & Equipment 1 , 300', 11122.95 177.05 13-304 Tires & Tubes 520; 501.08 . 18,92 123.30- 126 70- 13-305 Hand Tools 2501. _ _ 13-390 Contingent 100', _p 100.00 - Grand Total 63, 1401 $60,725.84 $2,4 .16 i I i THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 14-PUBLIC NARKS 1967-68 Expended -_ Unexpended MAINTENANCE Budget Thru Balance_ 10/31/68 10/31/_68 _. 14-110 Personnel Salaries $45,632 $439549.71 $2,082.29 _ 14-120 Overtime 2,843 21788.62 -54,38 14-201 Automotive Repairs & Maintenance 300 129.86 170.14 14-202 Machinery & Equipment - - -' Repairs & Maintenance 350 97.56 "" 252,%1,. 14-210 Electrical Repairs & Maintenance 2,000 . 1,966.68 - 33.32 14-220 Telephone & Telegraph 250 - 196.48 53.52 14-223 Water & Sewer Service 6,_000 5,912.20 87,80 14-226 Laundry & Cleaning Services 1 ,506 1,458.20 47,80 14-228 Rentals 1,200 476.09 723.91 14-230 Advertising _ 50 28.50 21.50 14-290 Contingent 426 162.81 263.19= F _ - 14-301 Gasoline, Oil & Lubricants 1,640 1,633.64 6.36 14-302 Garage Shop Tools & Supplies 200 63.84 - 136.16 14-303 Accessories - Auto, Machinery & Equipment 1, 300 1,320.24 (20.24) 14-304 Tires & Tubes 586 - 427.68 158.32 14-305 Hand Tools 300 211.83 88.17 14-306 Fuel Oil 350 274.29 75.71 14-313 Janitorial Supplies - - -100 36.10 63.90 14-314 Gardeners ' - Supplies 900 745.23 _ 154.77 14-317 Medical & First Aid Supplies 25 _p_- 25.00 . .._ 14-323 Building Maintenance . Supplies 3,500 11616.6o 1,883.40 14-327 Chemicals 1 ,270 1,267.36 _ 2.64 14-333 Street & Traffic Maintenance Supplies 1,250 733.72 516.28 - 14-390 Contingent 200 68.27 131.73 - 14-402 Machinery & Equipment 1,554 1,411.45 142.55 14-404 Building & Improvements -5,097 2,513.21 2,583.79 14-405 Street& Imrovementsction p 22 490 P - , 19,727.58 - - 2,762.42 Grand Total 101,319 $88,817.75 $12;501.25, THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 15-RECREATION 1967-68 Expended Unexpended - Budget Thru _ Balance 10/31/68 10/31/68 I 15110 Personnel Salaries ,. $3, 184 $3,076.09 $ 107.91 i 15-203 Private Auto Allowance 225 225.00 -0 15-228 Rentals 10 - 10.00.= 0 15.260 Public Events , Anniversaries, Holidays 2,600 21600.00 0 15-290 Contingent 50 25.00 __25.00 _ 15-307 Sand & Stone 4.80` 45. 20 15-312 Recreation SuP lies _ 300 242.77 - 57.23- 15-318 Refreshments & Supplies 20- 15.91 4.09 15323 Building Maintenance Supplies -75 31.74 43.26 15-390 Contingent 175 150.00' - 25.0q- 15-404 Buildings & _ Improvements 3, 125 12990.21 12134.79 Grand Total - - � 4.8 - - �v8,371.52 - �1 442. i I i y THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 16-SPECIAL EVENTS 1967-68 Expended Unexpended uLet Thru - Balance 10/31/68 10/31/68 _ 16-236 Contributions $3,300: $-102.50` " 16-243 Memberships Dues & Publications 500, 500.00 0- - 16-260 Public Events, =.ks. Anniversaries, - - - Holidays 1p550', 1,501-.67 .48.33 16-290 Contingent 85' 65.68 19.32 X 16-311 Postage 1,063 12036.38 ; ° 26 62' 16-318 Refreshments & Supplies 180, 138.33 41.67 16-332 Trophies, Prizes Awards 100'; 105.39 16-390 Contingent -- - 50' -0- 50.00 Grand Total 6,8281 $62544.95 ? 286.05 II `.f i i I I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 17-LEGAL DEPARTMENT 1967468 Expended _ Unexpended B udqet Thru Balance 10731168 _ 10/31/68 " 17-217 Village Attorney & Village Prosecutor $7,200 $7,200.00_ -0--R 17-218 Special Legal Fees for Litigations 700 5,00_ 695 00` I Grand Total 7,900 $7,205.00-: X695.00 !- " I - i i A. l I I I i I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 18-VILLAGE JUDGE 1967-631,` Expended � Uneanded Budget Tru a n 10/31/68 , _ 10/31/68 z 18-217 Professional Fee - Judge $ 950 $675.00 $2755.00- . I I I I I V'. 1 t . 1 x F„'.t - I - l I I I I I i I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 19-VILLAGE CLERK 1967-68 Expended Unex ep nded Bud et Thru - Balance 10731768 19-110 Personnel Salaries $7,682] $7,563.53v 2 118.49 19-120 Overtime 192 _ 151,41" -40.59 19-228 Rentals 1801 _ 180.00 0-y. 19-230 Advertising 1751 . , 151.05 5 5 23.95 19-232 Printing 2601 260.00 . 0." 19-243 Membership Dues :-15 15,00 0 19-246 Court Costs. Filing $ Recording Fees 50 ' 22,80- 2 ,20 19-290 Contingent 55 '. 49.98 5,02 19-310 Office Supplies 175 ! 167.73 - 7 27J 19-316 Reproduction Materials 60 ; 60.00. 19-390 Contingent 50 ! 20.40 29,60: Grand Total -- 8,894 $8,641.88 $ 252-.12 j j i i VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT ' 20-FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1967-68 Expended Unexpended Bu- dget Thru - Balance 10/31/68 10/31/68 20-110 Personnel Salaries $10;1961-- $ 101160.95 35.05` 20-206 Office Furniture &_ _ Equipment - Repair & - y Maintenance = 175 _ 125.67 49.33' 20-216 Reproduction 695 542.56 ?52.44 20-228 Rentals 20 -0--- 20.00' 20-240 Travel avelExpense 65 53.05 . _ _ Advertising 53.00 l200 oo.- 20-243 Membership Dues Publications 45 - 44.00 _ 1.00 _ 20-245 Professional & Investigative 4,400 31231.48 : 1;163.52 20-246 Court Costs _ 150 - _ 53.00 97.00 ,. 20-290 Contingent 60 29.45 30.55 20-310 Office Supplies - 30 14.05 15.95_ 20-390 Contingent 50 7.22 42.73_ 20-406 Office Equipment $ Furniture . . 190 168.56 21.44 Grand Total '$14 437.99 $61 648 01- _ 16,136 � , Y I i j l i I a I THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH OPERATING STATEMENT 21-TRANSFER COUNTRY CLUB 196I x nded Un ended Budget Thru Balance to 31/68 1673170 I 21-40401 Golf Course Improvement Res Cart Shed Lease $10,000 $5,836.77 x$40163._23 GRAND TOTAL 109000 $5,836.77 14,163.23 - y I Y. a, r I ♦ Y — Jj 2: I �. --SYAIA•".fYlRIfYLS"•— _._yy..�,yyu —°C� �F"L•3^1L� y� I o�on✓ i i VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS NOVEMBER 30, 1968 RECEIPTS First American Bank-Checking Nov. 1 , 1968 i 2,782. 10 First Federal Savings 1 ,718.49 Fidelity Federal Savings x.,339.44 - Community Federal Savings 1 ,785. 17 4,843. 10 Ad Valorem Taxes 83,235.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS ! 90,860,20 i i RESERVES First Federal Savings 416 1,718.49 Fidelity Federal Savings 4W 1 ,339.44 Community Federal Savings 4W 1,785 . 17 4,843. 10 i Cash Balance on Hand 86,017. 10 90,860.20 I i i i i i i i I i i i I I I _ I I I _ i VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND NOVEMBER 30, 1968 BALANCE SHEET ASSETs CURRENT ASSETS First Marine Bank-Checking Account 3,900.27 First American Bank-Checking Account ;320,247.51 First American Bank-Payroll Account 500.00 324,647.78 Petty Cash 210.00 Accounts Receivable 1,137.25 Interest Receivable 357,65 Utility Deposits 138.00 _ Gas Inventory 1,476.38 I � i DEFERRED CHARGES Prepaid Expenses 426.95 I RESERVES First American Bank - C. of D. 80,000,00 80,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS 408,394.01 i LIABILITIES-& SURPLUS Accrued Legal & Audit 1,044.05 Accounts Payable 7,097.42 Accrued OASI - 3,299.60 Employees' W/H Taxes 1?938,40 _ Surety Bond Deposits Held 13,075.00 Deferred Income 58.31 26,517.98 Sales Tax Payable 5.20 Revenues (Exhibit A) 284,939.70 Less: Expenditures (Exhibit B) 30,716.51 254,223.19 Surplus (Prior Year) 127,652.84 i TOTAL LIABILITIES & SURPLUS 0 I I I i CORRECTED BALANCE SHEET I „ rd b 0 o to rnQr� � rn m v t o uiHw o r w o w c° w i cc�a o o w •NNE in ui O Q0004 O ° NO. rte-• ° o ° CS v� ° W b� IA 0 1 .o '_4 b i in c�i hi 1 n n n � m M `.O �9O 9 rh-1 I o O O O O O O � �' O O 0 c- O O� O O O O I � [- N 17-Q H nE rb I M O C` O 1 CN in O Ca n C� to M hr2 rat cv cv E�- cv -r '� O O i � �O c\I ul �tl m (K O 1 0 I O O, �o Ln I ` ul (�k C\i 0 to C � cv w O H O M - cl M m H H C\2 m to O M pp t0 O O°-'C) •I �Y OOQ ,-L`• oz f� cv V3 \ l to 0 r-4 W '3'. L� °z m coo m a -4 r H x � z z o r m rn� o od o bo n uV u o m o 1 I oa o o �u c ci O t0. m C•• O OI � � ^ 1 o N CC�i N of M rl rl c�it H C`�tt m N � N H rd }014 q - 0) �i P, - v] Fi yy44 a � mmq °� v to H o c cu H o m a) -H D O m �7 a P m N m C. O A w a (] m P H co W H rl r o °rl S~i Fi +- m 4L rl o •rt m ho 0 u a Q1 U m O r o c ao•ri -Y m q) U w o w a w ,1 •� A m •ri b ® 7° moo w o •9m + � is oo � mm O 4F Ori m W 'C a^NH ,� U o0 to as n, UU Op q a) �f ,-{ ns •rf +� w `W' U] i� O bi •rl cU� y4 �J N .+' U ,-{ �.., W EH-� o -I� a) H v] b0.�lOWPL4 PgUW CFx�y7I W.Z.. C W E H cu cu H i b 'd o 'n O O M>rl OI C� I o0 m cal�o -4 M a c5 a O CS a - - al 'i; C � I r`2 01 ��� � � I O F v W to �m +� O� m 0 c; map rl ri S g o � O � LA o op v y �n m r-q O O W R L` O C SO O tl 8 O m CD 8 pp T n A �fT l n R T N T �t7 Pa m !"'� ri N O DJ •Y r-4 l 1"i�O CS IM C) rl M M m to I i IDI ri M I I 118, m o m r-i o n o � z z I q daC d m pa aae � a 0a8a o . v l o M ° cu`�I I r 1 � K 40 rl O M ni � � z m �v i z DJ 'O O M O trl 8� ° OO � aod daps . r a E-� P4 z � x � ro H O r- Nri M O � a O W O O �O 0 CV � O O to c�2 cal I h1 02 ^ C\Z O -- m C m m m o° �- H m m - � ro ❑ r�m mo Id wo w cu a Co p M rr, o1m W .r; zm0) o mao; � raaly pro cu �Ci F •G� y� � + 01 +vq� m � �ro m of mF� Oro HO � � E .mrr" •rl N Si m -mi ID- 09 �N H — m Pe H m m f.' j tin E � b m ova a m a) +a m A •ri m o ri • o v m 'd � � U m � ui � �a � i.L) m m r[��77 m b U •ri ri O cp O ro .� m m ri D r-1 19 m F •rf - H U H P'i ti C7 rr1 W W ri co l=7 m ro b m co i@s yFi • I I av F A bb y in o�O I It 1 ON L-10 -3'to in 1n ht bJ_ N °\O {T;; -�3' of E° W .. v � •� v.o � I ,O 1 �W:omMtm _- w w� I In Ni 0 o CD o u� rn ,-i �}3 C �1 O m �n Cat �+ O. pl m try`cnt to ° o �n m rn ,-I C- N O ° �r,�D U, rn �i' L a 17 0.cat o m a7 cat rn U n tod�i ° ten °t CJ 1.44'.00 mm rnr 11-1 rom � - a to «tn ` a oma� mMOOpmW a W �O M a I M O c^ q M.O m L`110 O o L�.O K1 OI ul 0r No C° C11 Crn 1 m oob �rntd°o °O � 10 I 1 ao Wrna1 nrntl _oa � 0 0" n o � z � I � I H w mo o u't D` D`W L� c mom (v �� O\t L, a rn m G-i mWOI d � �# Q m �l G7OaO OO q O a a fT 1 u, I sn CAE nT-r-1 D`a0 t0 ul O.(�j �' C4 I 1 x e£ ri ro°p � M O � a W 4 � O n-.t p cO cO W �} O, a tb ID �Y'•.O 0 cat to m w 0 0 n (HZ� m fYi w N m L- a -t O W N Ln l-1\O W m o O m to r-I FFyll �O M L,,-; 1 O� 1 m Q O O 6 L��O OI OI O H¢' 4 W O\ °I D` °I O` M O O ON D`t0 O O.W rl �O --- 1 I �O 0 C,W V] m Q`r-1 B O O-Lr N O O H, H a ^r o Cr, rno .OHM L� y w aW x oz o m p �t cv 10 -.t m W O O m-a O` to N. I O p �t' O m(v �O�0,to N O OH O 0` bt0 � O t o�O�D pNp -It Na W ON i 0 N --t � 0 0 a WOH m WHO �t � G L� 3a O t0 c ! 4 n n n n n I Q) a) a m' m 0 s i� mo93z p � x0 0 'ri cu P4 m atiz + xa) As~ + n $, �' �� �i � o m an F m ax oa +x + aa ra 2i am Exicu F� & CL r4 0 at +Y.. N w u •H 0 q P. y P 4� P. '3 cco ca , Wra ° m •i x xa m a) x x bD0[ w � 0 �d cu m X33 €° v m� � ca c m quo ° an a @�@ m anaa q t W (� Ut07 W ctl4raW PO< a aL>'i m 14 •`✓H' w�'IE I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1969 Present: Thomals F. Lewis, Mayor Thoma's R. Bell, Vice-Mayor David: C. Clark, Councilman = Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. ROLL CALL and asked the Village Clerk to call the roll,, all members - being present. Councilman Clark arrived at 8:10 p.m. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, 1/9/69 all present voting aye, the approved minutes' o£ Regular MINUTES Meeting held Thursday, January 9, 1969 were corrected as CORRECTED follows: LJ Mr. Albert Lehman won first place for Brest Overall Decoration and Mr. Thomas Tignor won second place for Best Overall Decoration On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, 1/23/69 all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular Meeting MINUTES held Thursday, January 23, 1969 were approved as written. APPROVED Mayor Lewis gave a report on the trip to Hollywood, Florida MAYOR'S on February 8, 1969 for the Teen-Team Power ,Conference REPORT ON on narcotics. There was a delegation of fifteen teen- CONFERENCE agers and five adults, who acted as adult leaders, from ON NARCOTICS North Palm Beach. This conference was state;-wide, and HELD AT the Village had the largest delegation from any par- HOLLYWOOD, FLA. ticular area in attendance. ON FEB. 8 Mayor Lewis will initiate a Mayor's Youth Committee on MAYOR TO Narcotics (MYCON) in this area. The Mayor stated that INITIATE Palm Beach Gardens endorsed this program one, hundred per- MYCON IN cent, and that Lake Park has not yet had a meeting where THIS AREA they can take formal action. The Mayor has 'set up a meeting for Monday, February 24, 1969 with those persons interested in being on the Action Committee and on the Adult Advisory Committee. Village Clerk read letter from Councilman H. A. Watt to LETTER OF Director of Public Safety, Herb Kohl, dated February 5, COMMENDATION 1969, commending the excellent operation of the Public FROM H. A. WATT Safety Department's fire-fighting division. TO H. KOHL On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor 1/16/69 Bell, all present voting aye, the minutes of Recreation MINUTES OF Advisory Board meeting held January 16, 19691and the REC. AD. BD minutes of Board of Governors meeting held January 22, MEETING & 1969 were accepted by Council. 1/22/69 - MINUTES OF BD. OF GOV. MEETING - ACCEPTED On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, RESOLUTION N0, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 376-69 - _376-69 ADOPTED entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ,NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING CHARLES R. O'MEILIA AS A MEMBER OF THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE, WHICH FUNCTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS PLACED UPON THE VARIOUS PLATTED SUB- DIVISIONS LOCATED WITHIN THE VILLAGE LIMITS OF