Domani Comp Plan Amdmt Legal Ad 2nd Readingr THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday Wes[ Palm Beech, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before [he undersigned authority personally appeared Wendy Elliori whn un oath says that she is ClassiFied Advertising Manager of 'fhe Palm 13each Post a daily and Sunday newspaper, published at West Pahn Beach in Pnlm Bcach County, Florida: [ha[ [he attached copy of advertising for a Notice in [he matter of Ordinance 2008- Q,$ was published in said newspaper in the issues of Auguat 18. 2008. AFfiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at [he post office in Wes[ Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affian[ further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Also published in Martin and St. Lucie Counties. i ~QP_~ ~~ -~ Sworn to and subscl•ibed before I8'" day of Aug/[u//s/Jp//, AA///.~~D\. 2008//1 j~"/(~~~/t ersona y known 2SX a' Produced Identihcuuon___ Type of Identification Produced VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT The Village Council o! the Villoge of Nodh Palm Beach, Florida, shall condud a public hearing on the kllowing ordinance on second arld final reading ORDINANCE 2008-08 AN ORDINANCE OP THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF 1HE VIUAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH,FLORIDA, ADOPTING AIARGESCAIE AMENDMEMTO THE VI WGE COMPREHENSNE PLAN REIAt1NG TO A SEVEN ACRE PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCA1fD ON THE EAST SIDE OF U.S. HIGHWAY ONE APPRO%f MATEIY ONE NJtE SOU1H OF PGA BOULEVARD, AS MORE PARDCUTARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN II°DOMANI PARCEL'; REMOVING 1HE PROPERTY FROM SPECIAL POLICY 5.2 AND ASSIGNING IT A HIGH DENSITY RES4 DENIAL FUTURE UVJO USE DESIGNATION; AMENDING iNE VILUGE ~ ~. FUTURE UWD USE MAP 5€RIEfr AMFNDINf, Mnlr4 d TM THE FI rtIIR€ uwtawrvSavDRtcoMMENDATI0N5;PROVIDINGfORSEVERABItITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFCt1NEDAIE.' The Yllage Council shall <andud the public heoring`on ~Apgust 28; 2008 at 7:30 p m„'or as soon Ihareoher bs Iheu marten can be heord,.oF the Yllagge Hall, 501 U.S: Highway One, North Palrp each; Florida. All members of Me public are invited to apppear of the hearing, whidi may be coNinued from lime ro time, and be Nord wlth,respect to Ihese m811ers. Copies of the Ordinance and the proposed Compprehensive Plon Amend'menl, including Iha complete legal description, era on file m the Villoge Clerk's OBice for inspecfion by members of the public The fallowing oreo is covered by the proposed ordinance: -' ~ EXHIBIT A, FUIYmtmtl"V or{vpM qM,l INPNLp PmenEOwi,lNd1 ' MunYmnMTOF16UNGAFNgeyl W q,p m9aacN Cam p _~~ FlWnH]-l - rM11Ae IAtiL U86 MM . PIANHaIO AtU3q In Pn1rJaIIlAl1D USE !EM S&1a15 T110 1' I` ,_~p =^•-, Karen ~;L !i1C1.1Bt0^ ?x°O: (~~~~~~~`'=Cac^ls,loa`DD359566 9 SST,°_ Eislcu~. tiOV. 15, 2005 ''~.;f'or Ft°~.,.' 9cvded Thrv ~ae.a: aovd~g Cv., Ivc. ~., ~~ P6sew WwNS,bY dti9,u~ Tnxnuse xar T^ '"sw~ /~ . . ®aAvu°~"n . nm e ~., ~ ~~ ®°aotW 500 ~S Oe 5W .~:,fdA~dlumawm Le. m?04++a c. n. ~ Rw.: fl111Na.. P"'. II a parson decides ro appeal arty decision made with reseed ro any mager considered al~ the subject mealing, ha or shawill need ro ensure Ifwl a velhafim record of the proceedings is made which'recard sholl indeda Iha rosfimdny and evidence upon which the appeal is ro he baud IES~ 286.01051. In occardarlu with Iha Americans with Disabilities Act any parson who mliy re9uire special accommodation ro porlicipok in th'n meeting shoul~ coaled the Moge k'rksOHi<aal'Bd13355 al eds172 hours prior to lNemeeting dale. PUBLISH: August 18, 2008 1