Domani Comp Plan Amdmt Legal Ad 1st ReadingTHE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Aeach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OR PUBLICATION STATE OF FIARIDA COUAfTY OF PALM BEACIi Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Marc Kramer, who on oath says that he is Inside Sales Supervisor of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper, published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising for a Notico in the matter of Ordinance 2008-OS was published in said newspaper in [he issues of April 17. 2008. Af6ant fut'ther says that the said The Past is a newspaper published ai West Pahn Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter al the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, far a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affianf further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Swam to and subscribed before 1T" day of r' , A.D. 08 Personally known XX or Produced 'f~pe of Identification Produced ?Ai'x~ 1taP2t5 iv,'~1~iTLia11 ~'~°`•' ~'[cmctitsio6-`DD3595h6 = _~, vs, 40V. 15, 2D09 :'~ ' p` %°rFa iTR;c sanded Thru , au~ : eaa+xs ca, tae. N0.25373r545 1/ILLAGE OF NORTH PAI;M~. BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED FUTURE LAND. USE MAP AMENDMENT ~`- The Vilbge Cauncl of the Village oFi<torth Palm Bauch, Fiaridnshall`conducF a pulYlic heodng an'Ihelollowing ordinance: ORDINANCE 2008-OB OF THE yIIgGE COUNCIL-OF, TAE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH .FLORIDA, gDOPTiNG.A IARGE SCAtE AMENDMENT TO THE VILIAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REIATING TO A SEVEN ACRE PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF U.5. HIGHWAY 'ONE APPROXNMTELY ONE MIEE SOUTH OF PGA BOULEVARD, AS MORE pARFICUTARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN "IJOMANI PARCEL",ff~~~ REMOVING THE PROPERTY FROM SPECL~L POLICY-5,2.ANti ASSIGNING 1T A HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTLAL FuTI1RE.LAND USE DESIGNATION; AMENDING THE VIttAGp FUTURE IAND USE MAP SERIES; PROVILNG FOR SEVERA611ITY' PROVfDIt~iG FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIyE-DATP;~ The Vilk[ge Cauncil shall conduct the public hearingg on April 24- 2008 aI 7:30 p m. or as soon thereaNar os thls mover can be heard; dl I~ieaVillogge Holt 50] I1.5. Highwoy pne, North Pnlm Beach, F)orido. All member`s ohtha- p b~icareinvil"d to appearulthehearing,whichmaybecanlinuedhamTime b lima, and 6e heard wish respect ro Ibis manecCoples oFthe O~dinoliceund the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment induding Ihe-mmplefe~ legal description, ore on Ala orthe village Clerk's Of~ice far Lnspetlion liy members oFthe public. The following area is covered by the proposed ardinanEe: ' ru¢muna a.e EXHIBITA - sa:.nme.mrocxsuae sa ~~"i°ro°ne.anrnr~ieeepnmenmrz.mor.ee ;, c ,an manacs-3 - ~VfaRaLSHI]fYB6MAP PL.4NNR:Q hA211 $2 Pilnaeat.AT~LSH ^~ ~ mpe~8v~sara - . `_~ :. -.ni. - ikkyi„I~+nxu.r - i~::"t.. spW tau tJP6nP M1Ya gun; ran dliasA~nanuat Bpoctal Pellcy6.2 ~~ rP iflHPn aonsay ResA7eallri ~'W casmusemrt puaiairvia~ ~~+r u ®~ :~ `° ~~ ~'°' aoo s'"u soo L.,x....~ u~T r v EE a F r d 'des fa appeal any decision mode vrilh respect to any molter conalderedm~he wbjed meeting he orshewillneed to ensure lhota verbnfim record of the proceeding is oiie, which record shall include the Iesfimany and 'den a Pon which the appeal is to 6e based IES. 2a5.OlOSI. In accordancecwah sho Americans wlth Disabilities Ad, any parson who mcry require spa ' I accummodulias to fa ipale in Ibis meeting should conmcl the Village Clerk's Office ut Bdr-3353 f I as172 hours prior to the meeting dote. PUBLI5t1: Palm Beach Post April 17, 20D8