2nd Reading of Domani Parcel Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan AmendmentVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Honorable Mayor and Council FROM: Jimmy Knight, Village BY: Chuck Huff, Community Develo~hent Director Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner DATE: August 28, 2008 SUBJECT: ORDINANCE - 2"d Reading of the Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment 07-2.1 (Domani) In 2005, Kolter Properties purchased approximately 7.0 acres from the Passionist Monastery of Our Lady to redevelop the property and construct multi-family dwelling units. The property is located on the east side of US Highway One, approximately one mile south of PGA Boulevard. This parcel was originally zoned as C-1, Commercial District with a Special Policy 5.2 which has a limited residential density of eleven (11) units per acre. At that time, the developer requested for a Zoning Change from C-I, (Commercial Neighborhood) to R-3, (Multi-Family Residential) and a Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD). On July 14, 2005, Council granted approval allowing a total of seventy-seven (77) units (69 condominiums and 8 town homes) for this site. The developer had initiated aLarge-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to remove a seven acre parcel ("Domani Parcel"), from Special Policy 5.2 and to assign the Domani Parcel a future land use designation of high density residential as shown on Figure 3-3 of the Village Future Land Use Map. This would increase the number of units from 77 to 168. Florida Statute Number 163 allows up to 24 units per acre which is also consistent with the Village's Comprehensive Plan and the approved Phase I of the U.S. Highway One Corridor Study. The Local Planning Agency (LPA) held a Public Hearing on July 24, 2007, and the Planning Commission voted 3-2 to approve the application as submitted. The Village's Consultant, Jim Fleishmann had prepared the necessary supporting documents and recommendation relating to this large scale comprehensive plan amendment and was shared with Council at first reading. (Exhibit "A") At the Village Council Workshop on August 23, 2007, the developer requested to amend their Planned Unit Development agreement Ordinance 14-2005 to revise the payment schedule for funding agreement as required in the original platting conditions. The Public Hearing was advertised in the Palm Beach Post on Thursday, April 17, 2008. First reading of this Ordinance was held on Apri124, 2008 and unanimousl~pproved. The Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment was transmitted on April 25, 2008 and was reviewed by the Department of Community Affairs as requested by the Village. In response to the ORC Report issued by FDCA on July 3, 2008 the Village Consultant, Village Attorney and Kolter Properties (applicant) drafted a response to the ORC Report and revised the Amendment 07-2.1 accordingly. The ORC Report response has been submitted for FDCA review. (Exhibit "B") On July 10, 2008, Bob Vail from Kolter Properties in accordance with the direction given at the Council's Apri124`h meeting provided an update of the project to the Village Council. Upon approval of the second reading of the ordinance, Kolter Properties will be required to submit a new planned unit development (PUD) application specifying appearance, height, number units, etc. Should the DCA return a finding or recommendation to amend the Plan as submitted, Council may still consider density during the PUD process and is not obligated to approve the maximum 24 units per acre. The attached ordinance has been prepazed /reviewed by your Village Attorney for legal sufficiency. Recommendation: The Administration requests Council consideration and approval of the attached Ordinance adopting aLarge-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment relating to the seven acre parcel of property known as the "Domani Parcel". 1 ORDINANCE 2008-08 2 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF 4 NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE-SCALE 5 AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RELATING 6 TO A SEVEN ACRE PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST 7 SIDE OF U.S. HIGHWAY ONE APPROXIMATELY ONE MILE SOUTH OF 8 PGA BOULEVARD, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN 9 ("DOMANI PARCEL"); REMOVING THE PROPERTY FROM SPECIAL 10 POLICY 5.2 AND ASSIGNING IT A HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 11 FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION; AMENDING THE VILLAGE FUTURE 12 LAND USE MAP SERIES; AMENDING POLICY 4.2 AND SPECIAL POLICY 13 5.2 OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT TO ADDRESS DEPARTMENT 14 OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OBJECTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; 15 PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND 16 PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 17 18 WHEREAS, Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Village of North Palm Beach to 19 amend its adopted Comprehensive Plan, including amendments to its future land use map; and 20 21 WHEREAS, the property owner, Domani Development LLC, has initiated a large-scale 22 Comprehensive Plan Amendment ("Amendment 07-2.1") to remove a seven acre pazcel of 23 property located on the east side of U.S. Highway One, approximately one mile south of PGA 24 Boulevard ("Domani Pazcel"), from Special Policy 5.2 and to assign the Domani Pazcel a future 25 land use designation of high density residential, as depicted on Figure 3-3 of the Village Future 26 Land Use Map (Planning Area #2); and 27 28 WHEREAS, on July 24, 2007, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning 29 Agency, determined that the proposed Amendment is consistent with the adopted Village 30 Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of Amendment 07-2.1; and 31 32 WHEREAS, the Village transmitted Amendment 07-2.1 to the Florida Department of 33 Community Affairs for full review and has revised Amendment 07-2.1 to address the objections 34 and recommendations set forth in the ORC Report issued by the Depaztment; and 35 36 WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the proposed future land use map amendment is 37 consistent with Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and 38 39 WHEREAS, the Village Council, having conducted two duly advertised public hearings and 40 given this matter due consideration, determines that the adoption of Amendment 07-2.1 to the 41 Village Comprehensive Plan is in the best interests ofthe residents and citizens ofthe Village of 42 North Palm Beach. 43 44 Page 1 oft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses aze hereby ratified as true and correct and aze incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts Amendment 07-2.1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan, as fully set forth in Exhibit "A"attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. The Village Council hereby amends Figure 3-3 of the Future Land Use Map Series of the Future Land Use Element of the Village Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Amendment set forth in Exhibit "A." Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder ofthis Ordinance. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. The effective date of this Amendment shall be the same as the date and final order issued by the Department of Community Affairs or the Administration Commission finding the Amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(1)(6), Florida Statutes. If a fmal order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 24th DAY OFAPRIL. 2008. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS DAY OF 2008. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" Vfl.fage Of ~larth Ra1m'Beac~:.l=.loritla L,arge~~~ale Gom.prehsnsive Plan Am~netmenfi ~mendm~nt ~~.~..7 Dpmanl Property .}.una ~0~7; ;Rev.: ~ul~r ZtIO~; A[~NiI 4D0$; Awgu~,2®0~ Prepared ~®r tM~ i~jllaga of North Pa'IktY Beath Pr®.paP9d by L:xrid :Resea(Y~#t Manag~sdrlex~t~ Inc. I~ev : $f11/08 TABLE ~F ~ONT.ENT'; Section .Wage 1.0 tnfmdlictiori 1-1 ~.0 Analysia Of Map Amendment 2~1 ?.1 Summary Qf F~atur® Land Use Itdap 5eifes l1m®niirraenY 07-2.1 ?-3 3.D Analysis fJf Bumulative lmpaots• Df Proposed 1S1P~9G:PAruiendment 07-2,1 3-1 3:1 Village f3f Noih R~irra )3eaeh ~©rnptelisnsiu8 Plan 3,2 '3.1.1 Vtltage taharacter ~-? ~.1.? Future Larrd~l7se 3-2 3.3.3 T~ansportal;ion ~6 3,3.4 Housing 3-B 3.1,6 Sartitary_Sawer, SolidUllaSta, linage, Pntatxtst?~fater, and Natural€3roundwaterAquifer t~eaharge &7 &1.:5 ~v2rstel:Maneg®rn®nt 3-8 8..3..7 ConsePratio7j 3-i3 8:1,8 #2eer~attan.Ahd Qpen Space 3-9 31.9 #ni~rgouemrnentel Cflottlination 3=9 3,1..4'0 ~apttal tmprgvemanta. 3-1~0 3.1.11 Pu}iUcuchool Gerncvrrensy 3-1D 3.? Villag® C3P North Pair"ra Beach Evaluation Ant. Appraisal Report 3-40 8.9 U.S.NigPoway.No_.1CorridorStud~ 3-43 ,4.0 Cnnslstencyl(~'tEfi Id~gibnatAnd Scats Plans 4-1 5.0 Concls)siorr and'Recomrraendatian fi-1 5.1 Findfig 5-1 5,2 F2ecomrrrendation ~-1 6.3 LPA Public Hearing ~-1 5fl LPA Meeting ~5~1 5,5 village ~ouncU.Public Hsa,ring 5-1 6.fi Village ldo}rncU N!testing 5-4 Appetritiic A NP@CP AmerrdmiYrrt tl~ ~.1 A-1 Tf~1B'LP AF GOIdTENTS (;~rontinuedj Li:S7 OF MAPS Numb~sr 1 Location Of Proposed Gamprehensiue Plpn Amendment '2 A#>utting Land Lase, Jnetuding Futurs Land Use And Zoning besigr~ations 2 Proposed Fwturs Land Use iVPap -Amendment 07=2;9 L1S?' f3F TA~LE9 Plurfib®r 1 AtPBGP Amendment 47-2,9 cumulative Impact Faoto~s Summary 2 irnpant (~fNPBGP Amaridment0`~-2.1 Upon Existthg.Land Usc LIST OF i4PP1=N17iCES Numher A RIPBGP Amendl~ent 972.1 LIST OF E~#{IBITS Nt+mber A Futwre Land itse Map i4mendinent NPBCP OT 2,1 B Future Land t7sa Element TextAmendmeaf MPBCPDT-2.1 C Of~nar>ce En~ct[ng NPl3GFAmenCtment (9~-2.'I .Page 2-2 2=4 2-5 Aag® ~-1 3-4 Rage A•`( Page A-2 A.3 A-4 'Rev.: 8Ti 1108 'I:0 I NTRflatJ-G~'It3N Th® Village of Ns1?ch Pain? BeacR is cunentty constderigg the.adoptlon of .Borth RalYn Beach ~mpceheRsive Plan, (IVP~SGP] •Amendment Q7-2,1 consisting of an amendrrrent to the Fuftrre Land Use Wlap series and ~ related text amendment to the Ftltune Land Use dement, NP13CP Amandrcrer[t 0~-3.1 Is necessary to acoomrnodate propDsed188 unit m4iltiple-farrtily.residYxtial seuelapment. The locafton tlP NPBCP Amendinant II~ 2.9 Is 1[lustrated on ~11ap 1, The panperty included wi[titn :Nf3131;P Arrrendrxient 07-~. i shalt be .referraef tv herein ae the "Romani" parcel. The Daisaarti :parcel'was previously the subfeot af'rezoning jGlrtiinatxce 13-20A5) .and PlaiSned Unit D.eueloprrisnt (Ordina:nce 1A-gA©5) approvals. Previous Village actions rezoned the parcel from C-1. {Nefghborhopd .COrnmerolal ®istrict} to R-5 ~parrtnent DweAing fJistrlet) acid enacted cronditfons oT &pprovai fnr a TT-unit mdltipJe- #anafly residential community, ind1~ding waft/®i's €Dr bUildiMg setbacks-arui height, docks and the seawafL This document ptotiides data and anaiysfe .cegpired bJ+ Sectfans ga•5 and 9,1- 11:1i0~1)(b~5: - ~ Florida _A~iminJ$tr~tlug Code,, as they pertaih t'a 'the proposed arnendment. Section 2 consists .of a brief summary and analysts of proposed 'NPBCP Amendment Of-Z.1, in fierms. of the, raquhementss of Sectlan 9;f-11.i706(1p(bj1 to B.l- 71:Ofat3('f)(b~.6, flodda Admfnls~tius Code. reaction ~ ,presents an analysis of the cGmulafive irnpEiofs. of the .proposed. arrrendment in terms o{ each elanxent of the Vtilaae E2t f~ tLh P~tm Beach Gnn~oreherrsfvei tan; .and recently ofrrnpfeted ~val}aatfnn errd rai~al f~eDr~~: and tks. Hlghwav Not. Cof•ridor &tud~ (#~hase 13. Sect"wn 4 contains an ~assassment of :proposed NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1, .m temrs of the Regional. Policy Plan and State Garnp.rehensive Plan, and an Objections Recarrim~ndations and Comments CRS) Repor! issced by the Florida []epartinent of Camr~unity Affairs. Appendix A, Exhibits A and B of flits dacutt7ent contains propnssd NFi§GP Arrieadrttent OZ-2.1. Rev.: 8111/08 t-1 20 AAIALY~15 0~'.fUfAP AMENDM~Nfi This section prouldes.:a data .summary and .anaiysls of th® propcaect t~tPF3t;P Axrrendo1ent, 07 Z,1., pwrsuant to the reglatrements of Seetlons 8J=t7.DD6~.'(7Jb)i, to 9J- 11.~p6dtp(bjti., Ftodda ArJministratiye Gods, iiaciuding: 1. The proposed future land use plan .map desi>rjnation .af the subJect property; the boundaries of the aWbJeet prflpirtjr; and the mapped.docation do relation to the surrounding street neiwark. 2. ~ rrrap of ilia preser~# land rrea de~ignatloq_ of th2 subJeG~r property, and abuttAlg.ptbper#fes, tnctuding'futuredand use map cfesigriati©ras; 3. The 5i~e of the sir6ject property in acres, or fraotians thereof; 4. A description ~of. the availa4ility of, and riema~nd upon the folJpwing putalic #ec-itiea: Sanitary sewer, soild waste, drainage, potsble 'wate'r, traffic otrGUiaf'ion, andrecneation .and open. spaoe, as ap.propriste; acrd 9. dnfarmation regarding the. compaflbilif~r.of the proposed future land. use map arasndrnent uvith the future Land Use ~lemertt o>3Jeclhres and pel[des, a$ well as those of other.&ffscfed elenter~ts. NPBGP Amendment 137-2.1 is a revision to Figure 3-9 .EPlanning Area 2} of the Future Land Ilse Elemept ofths V(Ilaxte Of North Palm E3eauh ~omprefiensdve Plan to inc¢potata ~ proposed developrnerit projrarrt revision for the "D.ornani" multiple=farv~ily Fe5lcfeattai ~n7munity, and a reiafod texf amendment. to the Future Land Use #=lament rrseessary fo respond to the ObJsotiohs F:ecummand~tians sort ~o~msnts {bRt;) depart i&sued ~ the FJortda Department of Gorrrrrrurtity Affairs fln~ duly i}, ~Q08. The location Af ddPf3CP Amendment D7-2.1 is iltwshated on'Map 1. ~'ha balance of this section contains .de5Griptions a~xi arzatysis of the :proposal amandrnerat. as We#I as fhe cumulattus impaets thereof, as approprdate, 'in farms of the live on3eria listed above. :Referettces to other related sections of this document are provlder> as rrbcessary. Rev_: 6/11!08 2~1 MAPS ~asation Of':prapa~ed G6rtlprehensivs PlanArnendm®n4 3VO1tT£IPALIvIB$AC$ CQBPOR:A-TH I.UvP~ xi d~WngapPNmtIL.Fa1in FleachP7nnning Aran ~nA 1Ntma I'anSUsa IflapSbiaa fBQ b 1JOP ' eem NPHC.P ~ ~..,--~ Amendiftertf DY-x.4 a4a~a ~ ~-.•^~ ® ZmLg9ana'aW mr wevaigsaertma ~~~~ -...-_ e~nmFCa+eeaunma - ~m~a a ~ ~ I. $iy. ~ ~ AIOFCn/r TAKE Y/eHIFt ¢moe Zaad.~m8~z$J~f~M1~°°aL.o aeceaeaanr awaw ae~.o+ae Rev.: $/1110& ~2 2.1 SUMMARY dF' FUTURE LANG 1J~E fUJAP SERIES AiIYIIEN[1rtAENT UI=.2.'1 A. Nanfe nr Des7gnatienc "DOtnanl" parcel, 6 Bartel t3escrlptioq or Lrocattgn: Irregular;stsaped Farcerl lccated on the east side of i1.$. Hfgttway T, approximately 1.0 tntle south of FGA Boulevard (Ref; Map 't). 7iae parcel le approximately 7.0 acres in siz®, and Js lpc~ted within 1/tllage PJannirtq Area 2. the .subject parcel was prev(ously :cleared in antteipatlon of ccnstrucllnn ~pureuani to the cond(tlans oPOrdinanc®14.20(75 (i7 unit multiple/famtly residertal communityj. C. Existing Future Land Ube and Ztonthg Dssignations: future Land else: Romani is a 7-acr~ parc@f Of°renard wtzt¢h ~vQS prgviausiy a. portion of a 25.44 aura parcel _owtted by thsJ'assiflnist Nlatvaa#ery of r3ut Lady o'P Ftorlda, inc, the entire ~5~- arses is ctar~elit(p eubJeet to 'the faraviafnns of Specie( Puucy S,3 cf th® Gomprahenshre 1'lat~, wlitsh 'pernlts a rntlJttire of ilQn-rasidehfial and r68tdentiai us®s, mcno7ding fa the fgllouving criteria; Non-residential devebpinent -maximum F.A.R ci 0.35; and residenti.~ develop[etant.- rltaltimtafn density of '11 units peracre, . ~ottitfst: }ZS - Apartmenh Dwelling Dig~lot. D. Frup4se9 i~tura Land Use artd ~anlrrg Des(griations jNol~Etrt?alm D~ac1): future Land Use: t+igh Density Ftestdeniiai:(triaxhnUm r,F.24 units• paracae), Znnin~: Fi3 -,4partment Dwelling ~Distrirt, J=. Apptting.Land'U.ae Summary: Rbuttinp. etcisting land uses, and fiaiture Jattd ties and zonfn'g destgnatioma,. are illustrated an 6ltap 2- F. SuhjestAropelty Development FatenflaL• t, 4evelooment Canoept: Multiple-family deveiopmeht of t88 residential units.. 2, ~Fooulation Pmiections. (proposed J=uturs Lend lla®desigrrafior~t 27~ rseidemts: G: Infrastrueturs Impaces: 1. Transportatidre Referto Sestiam ~.3. 2. potableipiater, Refert0 tieofion ~~ S. iNasf~;rvat®r. Referfo5ect1orl3.i5_ ~}: Drainage; Rsfer to SestJbn 9;6 5. •Shcld Uliaats; f~sfarto Section 3.5: 6. Rea~eatiomZQpen Specs: Refertn 3ecTaoh &.& Fl. Compaflgilityi With (3omprehanaiarpPJah`. 7Jte pr6pbsed NPBCP Arrl8ns9ittetittS7-2.t 1s deerned i:on~istent'withthe VillarteofJVatfh Palm 9each ComoreherlsNe Plan. t]etaita are presariteM In Section 3.9. 2-3 Rev.:.t3i't't10B co~:yw'uvut ax"os 8D/b L~8 :'Aa2i suu~geuSPSaa >8uiu~Z ~utl ~fi P~u@`I a~ii}ra~ &wtpr~PaW a$Fi p~?~'1 7ngti Z a$~1 t sssa ae 7 aza~s ~dv2C~ S • ~ ~~~ 1'C5. I?6uawwop I $ . , ~Sld way8 E~~ 8 trJ ~ ~ue~e,~a ~d~?11 te1F. L9 f~! ~ ... - - 7UC`~ .. ,... .. E9i IB9tHpIS~I~ "FII»9V~IF1 IPZ~H 6~j-;}I anR3•>to PIQ 5 _. _. i61 I>tAW 1~ .~ 0: n ak'mW1 R~ I , A 1•'J ~ 'y 6d9e9 ~ ~ D.Y. JsW . ..I~~~ f?7d 88 R~ 'RN :h3]i '~ 6Z-C0 ~awpuewa t!O$dH ~"., D '~ ~.~r.. "Y, ~. 7 's '#Q EWlia~ l +a cv v 1VIAP 3 Proposed. Future Land ties Deaigt~ation iNP~CP Ai~tendtn®nt ~'T-~.1 F1 GUIt.B 3 - 3 FT7TI71~ LA1tiTD. U~B MAI? PI.~1I*I3~]IldG A.RF.P. ix~ TxLJT`iJPB T.:~~ T~SE 3~rit1P S>?RI$5 207:U P19nn{tlgAsaaBmtudaty irirnra 1La1'CPtu-k:Ond~l7sa Tablas S•1 end'3.2. SPCsislPoilobs a °-- ~ J~PB~P-49;z.1 F~itpn3 Land llsa lu[t~t Amefidmant; prom Spt;Clali~olicy;t:2. T47#fpT~ tJensily Restdenflal Bded(vm'1).wsitySLesidandel (5~.1111a 11.00 UUlls/HCrL}. kHghIDeuei'tr-Reaideu0.al [1S11o 24.0 tlNlsfAorcj Qdecationel .. f'ommats3ai. a~ ~srd~:arecrc611+~a{gemohdnc. dof:ese.~ref m~ sea.~m~ ''+..~;1~~~ ly ~1'tot~ari'e W ~#`trai~ .5~0 >? 5#1D ~'e~t Rev.: 8r11f(78 2-~ $,A Analysts ®f Gernwla#ive ImpaGtis Of Prop.~seri AEmet~tdrMent ~`Itia section provides data sumatarles and analysts of prapased. NPBCP APnendrnent 07-8.1, txufsuant to fhe r~qulremarrts of Sei^tloll ~1-11.OU6f3:), Florida Adrriinlstraftue Cade {F.A,C.), ;Nhicrr state9 that all cAmprelaenshre plan amendments must rneetthe requirements: df 8ectian 9d-~, F.A,'G. Factions affecting the cumulafNe ttnpacts ~f Al~'BGP fkrriendment 0.9-2,.1 Irrcluc3g an ~fnersase In Nigh 13en8ity Residential use and a llka deceease ift .lyfedium T3ensity Resizl®ntiat usa witllfn fhh'3 Vlllaga hntlts {i.e, 1~ased span PiFtS Ordinance 14=20fi5J. There is a proposad Increase of 91 residential ~unJts and po{xulatian potential of 14g adrfftlonal residents. A summary ~? the fac'torff -affecting fire cum.ulatlve Impacts of NP~CP Amendment 09.2.1 is presented In Tatrle 1r T~~I.E 1 Arrtvirilriie~Y.Q-T-2.~ Cul>tiulaft~rafmpac~fFactors aummar~ Impact Factor NpBCP R7-~.1 1'otalaares 7AA Exist"uig Land Uae.Mik{SAllageaCres) Resldentral }:aw 0.00 ~Idaa~dentlal Medium 7.110 ftesidentlal High 0.110' ~nmrraerclaf 0;00 Pyblls ~ulldings/GrcWnds 4:60 EQucaf[t~nal 0,48 Transportation 0.00 Vacant 0.00 prapased tand U.sB Mix (Village acres l~esident3al pllgh 7,fl0 DweNin@ Units Fsust`mg Lanri Ws'e (Apprgved PUD~ 77 Prapo~ed Land Use 1~& PvpuYattott Existing Land Use fApprov®d PU€3) 12~ PrgposeiiLand Uss .275 Non-R®sislential Sped t~tls#Irtg sq, ft: 0 IUlaxiittum Permitted sq. tt.. 4 6q. R, Preptisedsq: tt. 0 sq. YL Rau.: 13/11 /48 3-T 'ihe subsections that follow present a review-of t11e 2QD7 12iila~te of NoFth Palm J3eaefi Comnrehens(ve ~ in 'terrrjs of proposed i~Pet;P Amendment '0~-2.h'. Amandmeitt 0:7-2.7 is present®d in APPENDJX A of this document. 3..1 'UtLLA~ OF ~fORTIi PF;LIHI 6EACk{ CQMPREHENSIVE P~0.N x.1.1 VILLAGE CWARiaCTEFE Th® pr.~perty included -within IURS"GP Amendment 07-2.~ is included within Village Planning Area 2, a. s JElusfrated on F1GlfF€E 3-3 of the Future. Land lJse )~tement Proposed iVPi3CP Rmendment 07-~.1 Js classified ~s a "large-staid" fu4uYe land wsa crisp amendrneirt, due fo ihsfact.tttat tY~e #trposed cief5sily is in excess c~ 1 A uriks ,per sere. 7?Te eumuiat[ue etfdots- pf the propesed arrrendment are summa. r}zed in TABLE 7. A summary of the key impacts is as J'oltows: ~, J•iiith den$i~y restdentlei use.(.up to ~*J unitsperaare5 is incTtased Jay ~,fl acres and relay be developed an the site: DeveJopmentaf Amendment tJ7- ~.1 rosy ©c+:ur provided that zoning and site plan appeovals art In place. 2. /although 6pecial Policy 5.~ of fhe F:u'twre Viand Uss EJe~ent :permits mixed use, :a 77 unJt Nferilum Denst Res[dential us9 apprbvaf~is currently in elf®at an tJe..pr©periy (PUI~ Ordinance 1.4-2QQ5~_ Ttrer®fnre, Anedium pensity f~,asidentiai.ls reduced. by 7.t7 acres by Amendment Q~ 2.'[ tpue#o fhe Umitectamourrt of lanet~i:e. 7.Qaeres3 involved Jn NPBCP Amendmenf 07-2.7, impacts of related .growth upon infrxsttucture services :are projected to 'be min+mal. tt is conehtdgd that She proposed NPBCP (+;mendinent ix7-2.1 is consistent wrTh the Yilfege Gharac~et., as desetibed in Chapter 2 of i'he 1:889 Vlllaae Qf 't~Jorth Palm J3each 5.'owaprihenshre Plan, .(n That Hlph Density Residers#ial eland uss is proposed. Aii other residenCal develciprnenta in the Village faceted ~©rth, of Parker Bridge. are currently assigned a High Density ResfYiel~tiat future land use dsslgnation. 3,1,2 FL7TUR~ LAND USE A. Data Strrnmary An enalysis of topography, soiis aril minerals; fldoding, ,and native v~atation in the VJJlage fs {presented .in the 79.89 Viliaete of Noiih Palrrs Beach Support Doculnenta#ion. (Future Land Wse Element). Data. from this document and sUpplemenfar-t+data are used Trrthe following analysis. Rev.; 8f.1" lllfF9 3-2 Topography: The. efeyation of the parcel included within N.p6CP Amendment i77-p.1 Yanges:from'b.3 fsot.msl ~Ivng fhe ek~oreline of take ~IOYtI~ io appcvxlmately 22 faetinsl ~ivng U:S,. Hhghway 1. 2. Sails and Wlinerals: The general sail type :of properties included within iJPBCP Ata~4dment.QZ=2.1 is Merits->3rbarr Land Complev (Au~~. AecorDing to the Soil 8urrzex;af F'altn Beach ~vunty (I~.S. Department of Agtlotflture, Soll C~.nservafian bsr~ice, 1978, Au land ",., canslsts of nearly level, somet poerly drained, sandy foils and urban land. 'this complex takes in gol# oourses, subdluisiona, eondbminium developrr~ents, roadways, business' or tndusfrtai areas, revlatrned borrCw pits, ~rtd other at8as filled aver tint; not develaped°.. 1?ue to these cttaraoter)stie~:, ibis soli type cannot'be piaced~rithfq capability units tQ rfeterrraineit>; suitab~lityfie,r devatopmant. •Flowewer, since :NPBCP Ainenrlment 67-~.1 .~ located Within an :ar~e'that .Is predomipantly developed far urban purpsases, and the .site was pTeviousiy cleared, it is •conoluded that general still types rib not present any lirrU'tations for develcpment. ~. Flooding .Patetatlat: pus to the '18 foot Ghar~ sin onsite elepat'mn, the Designation fVk'BfirP Airtend'rrreffi d7-2.4 ~s sp 1R ~etvaeen 1=tpod Zone A-7, l3, and C. Lands within •fhe. °`B" .and "p" zones are described as aieas suseeptibl8 t© the extertf of tl?e 190 -'800 year flood {87 tir .nrlnimal ft©cdiHg ~). Tha area v~iithin the "A-7" zbne !s .iocatetl adjacent #o lake Vafaifh. Flooding potential seas addressed )n the etarFent approval t;PUD Ordtnanoe 1d-2011fi~ by:reguiring.a rrtniiaurnfirstilvorelevatiiin bf 1.1 feef msi, wtiicit should .be inelrrtained In any subsequent approval related to ~IFrBC1' Amendment 0-2.1 ~t, tie 1/egetafiorr and~tildllfie: The developed status (i.e. vleareQ) of the parcel, as Weil as soil types previously discussed, indicate that there are no significant native vegetatfnn end/orwildlife issues to: be addressed. 8. Facleting tartd Use inventory: [~I:PSCP Ainendmerit 47-~.1. inclwdes 7.00 acres. The prAp®rty ineiuclerJ within MIAB~P Amendment 07-`i:9 is not lieted, on 'the Flothia NiasYef 8rte 1^ile, or tfte l~latiortal l~egtsfer of Hlstdiic Places. Ttr~ net~afteet of l`1PB01' Amendment fl7 ~.1 on Sitllage existing land uses lssttoWn In Tabte 2, Rev : 8f11f08 3-3 TPif3LE ~. tmpactt3f IVP86P Amandrnent 07-:t,.4 Upon F,~dsflrtg Land Use tdnrth Pa'1rn Bageh.(acrss) Land 1Jse GateBery Prior7b Amandttlerrf:D7.2,'2 Iricltltiirig ~Atr7er~ttmgnt OT 2.4 R981dentlal ~wingle-FaipHy 8.78.'55 638.65 Resldeni~l Multiple-Family 24&T"I'"'" 248;77,"" L~mritarcia? 18Q,36' i8A,38 dnstlfutional 94.t4 94.14!" tHIIRyII'canspartatlora 1U,28 ifi.26 Conserira~olif©pen apace 2;25.4 226.9& RecreaQon E~ c3pen Space t90<D8 4&ft:08 NYater 1,,Z.26.1D 1,228.1U 1/apet ilk22" :32.22 7otaf 2,it57'36*!"" ~;$b7':36. -Includ®s F1P80P1irnendme~fl6-1:2 *' -Includes NPBCP Amendrneni•DCr4.1 "" -lncludes NPBt;PAmeadtneat-137.9'([Ja net redG~tlOe, ai eitdiEl9n In 1 '"'" anoluiles fVPBCP Rmend~nerR fL7=x.i (1;1o nftehange tc rfeside>atlal 6. Eureent Pmputafion Esfimates:.NPBCP f<tmendrnent 07-2.1 will result in. no nit h~rea5e ih the surre'nt pepulattoFa as~lnate of the lflllage, HQt*~earer, proposed :NPBCP Amendvrent D7 3,1 (increase jtr deveJoprnent potl~pal ~f 89 r®arxiential units) is ~pro)eeted tp tesuit. ire a \/PllOge builddut population lGtcrease of itk9:pe~taPlent ~iad 3~ s®asanaf residents. t3. Analysis 1. Delineation of ~fllfage Planning P:reas: p1PBGP Atnen<ilrlent qT~2.'( will trot affect the norporafe llmitsahd'lhe boundary. of.Planrting Pvaa 2. 2, Extati'ng Land Use Map Series: MPBGP i~mendrerent 03,1 will affe~f the Existing Lind [tse Map Serigs of Planning ktrsa .2 by the aciditiari of F.esidendat High I]enss_ty Anil. fhe)•eductio'h of a like amount area .currently included within the geogtaphli;al scope of S,peciai Policy 8,2. As both #and wee Categories 8re currently grouped under fhe he-adfng. 'Residential Multiple-Farrlilya on Table 2, there is.no net.chartigatherflto: flea..: 8111.10.8 3.4 3. Seasonal Arid Resident Ptrpulation Projeailone: Resident populations wer$ rgcentiy updated as park of the NPB:~P Amendment OS-'I, as follows: 20A0 -'12,837; ~OO.fl - 13,049; and 2010 - 1.3;091. Projections assumed bultdout of vacant residgrltlal lands bM the year 2p1.0. Swbsequent amendments contained no ras.'fdBrrt(al components: Potential population related to I~~GP Amendment 072.1 is presented In Table 3. It is assumed that ilea property ~n!lll be assigned the proppsed Residerftial High density lend use deslgraatioq, and achieve bulldsaut by 2Ot0. Therefore, the 'net long terns eff®et ~rf proposed 1~1i781;P Rtrlendmenf. 07-2:9 Js a ptojetited lnCrexst} .Gs resident pepulation to 13:,24.0 resi€fen#s. by 2a-li). 5eas~rrlaf p.opulafion is projecfed te~increase to a peak-day tcst9i Df 1,5.55 residents by 2010, 4. Vaoenf Land Arnalyeis: Based upon the ar5alysis per#brmed in ~ueQtion 9.2.A, rro liraltations `to the development of #re related property ere defined, 5. Land lase Prbjectlons: It is.projeeted that the ResidentEni Migh Density land use category assigned td Pl•IxBtiP ;4melldPnent •07-2.1 ualll be SteVeloped fDr multlple-family purposes kty ~e tredr 2©111, coiisistarit wfth buildout prajeottons fnrtlle ~Ilage. t;. 6aal,. ©bjectives rind Policies Pssl"ray 4.2 of tare F'uttars Land Use Etement states that all future high density iesidenfi~t developnseist shall ba directed to area8 uaesk of lJ.s. Ftighyvay 1 sus' a means of soordi'nating coastal area;papulation dertsltles with Ilse Gounty HurrFcane EvaoiatiQn Pjan. A8•3ough located to its mast, NPBCP Amendment :07-2.1 abuts, and Gs pra~Aded pt7maiy aCOeBs by L.S. hllghwatr 1, including hurricane euacuafi.on. The applicant has pFauided corcespbndetsce f%rn the VUlage of iJorth PaEm Beach Publlb Safety Department stating that "no tp minirrial" adverse impacts to public safety conr°erning hurdcane evaaratian or storm surge are anticipated as a resulf of the proposed °Dgmant" development. Acs: a result, it 'is ~ohtlluded .that the proposed iVP~BGP Amendltsent 07-2.1 js not iriGOnslstent witR Policy A.2 NRSGF' Amendment 07-2.1 is aansistent with tits Fufur~ lantf Use Element of the ~omprehenshre Plan and na text aniendmants Bra required. Most specTicaliy, the proposed Res?deratial Migh Density future land use desigrratlon of.tha property included whin NPBGP Amendment U! p,1 is aansisterrYva~th the Future Land Use EI®ment in Ftev.: 8/'11708 3,~ that comrnunlly faellities neoessary to serve the ngecls of rhs reslderit8 ars &vatlable, as determined ]m the.sections That follow. 3:1.3 7'RANSPDRTAFION. A. DafaSummary 1dFBC1' A~endmenY O'Tt2,1 vv~ll :rmat:have any eignifloant ]napant upon the Village roadway systeraaa.. Aecr~rding td the ~g06 E1ral~aticsn arid,.Aopraisal Reklort, all .roadways arzithin tttelfillage .are currently opetatang at pegK hoar ~Iavel-of-service"D ; ar 1~etter• ~. Apai~rsis NPI3Cp Arrrendmaaf 87-2,1 consists of a F aer~ parts( to tze developed fear multiple-taraU~ purpOSes ~maxiinuT~n of 4E0 units}, 7'he ;prop©sed #uhare land use des~natlon. is Residential High DensiEy, wittr .a proposed R-~ L3is#~tct caning ~lesigieatfon. A traffte Irhpaet assessment is ii`Te(iideri In the future hand usa-arnsrrdrn~ent appl.[eaft©n. Tlie assessnrsrtt concludes That all trtajnr .road!Kaps ariifho~ the radius of ih#luence will taot exceed Village L,t1,S. •oapaoities and arp nqt signlficanfiy iraipanted #dr the20'I,2 anal20Y'S projeotton~periorls. A egncurrency traffic tihp~gt aiiaiysis rouill he .pxepared as :part .~ the site pier approva} proeess to ttieet tRe requtremarits of ~tfiole 12', Trafflo Ferforrraanee ~andards of the Palm Beach CeurNy Unified Land ~6evelopment Gode jULDG). 'C. Goal, t~bJeetlues Amd Poltcles t+IPB~P Aritendnient Q7-'2.1,Is nora~Jstettt with, ths~"ran9pnrtaticm. ~lerxrant of the f~ordgrehanstye #;lart, and rro text arnenderrenta aae n~oessary, •3.1..4 HOU811VS3 A. Data summary NPBCP Amendrrtenti 197-~.1 will increase- the Willage's long Serra .inventory t1f dousing b~!amaximum of'1813 units, B. Analysis The prc3ppsed future land use deslgnattnrt is Ftesiatentlal tligft Densfty. Fnr planning purposes, U is thcarefars assumed that the s[te v~rlll tie developed. to m maximum dans~tp of 24 uru~s per acre, and 91 addittoYaal residential lln[ts Ia tptai of 168 unltsj will bs built. Rev., 8i'i 1!0`S 3-6 ~ 6oa1,.43bj®ativesRnd Pollcl®s NP13CP Amendment 47-2.1 has no effect upon the Housing Element, and no tent arfieridments axe requlred- $.1.5 fAN1TA'RY Sf'iIVER, 5t~LID WASTE, ~D~Al1VA@E, POTABLE WATEt~ AND NAkTUFL4L ~ROkJNDW;47Ei? AQ1}IFBR REGMq~t3E A. [rata Summary Pcr; arralysls of -VPB~P Araiendinett ?a7-2.i, indicates that .thefe will bs no sigrufieant hrspacts upon lnfrastxucture services, T#le subfact property is ~th)rt rise seater and sewer service area of Seacoast i~fl'~iss AuthorRy. "The appltearrt. will tie responsible for constructing water main, ruastevuater Cvllectiart, and drainagesysteria impTAVements to serve the {property: Solid waste collection will fire aas~mad. by the 17illage of North Palm Beaeh`far the aeea eadstituting 1UE?BCP Amendment 07~.4.:i7ispgsal serV.aes: wltl be provided by the Palm geadh Gaenty Solid lfifaste ~1uthor~ty, Mtt>ieh liar atierluxte eajiacity to serve tits ~/1ltage#hrough bulldowt. B. Atralysis Genh~l patabie.watror service is provided the site by ~eacaasf UTififies ~1t(tnasity. An e$~unata of maximutrr ~' potable water d€rrrtand to service'NPBGP Amendrrrerrt 07- 2.'1,: usiRitadopted Village L[78.atan<far>#s~ is sa.follows; t:14~ reQiderrts~ ~.(447:g.pc.d,J =.2i,?t62.gallons psi dey . An estimate of maxlrr~Nm day uyastRv,~ater demand toservice ldPB4rP ~AmenClinent D~-9 la as fo114ws: ~~~ z (1tr4:g.p:d.d ~ =1t3,~&4 gail6tis per day.. A drainage sNateraent was sutamitted by the appitcant:indicating fhgt a drainage system was previauslp permitted by the south Ftodda Water ivlanagement District. The proposed Domani przafect will require x revised perrri~t. Aecord~rlg to Ehe applicant, a airgn'lar system, lACluding swafes, inlets,, eidiltratian trenches, control stCUCfures _and a 2~" odtfall .t0 Lake Uvortti will be used. NP13CP Amendment 07-2.1 is not located wltlRln a Proteetlan Zo~sfor erty-water treatment'facility. Rev.: Bf11l08 3 7' C. +aoals, Gb].ective~and Policies Proposed NPB'GA Amendment 0=2.1 is r.ansistentvJ`itY4 the F3anftary Sewer, 8olict LVaste, prainage, Potatils Water knd Natural Groundwater Aquifer Reoharge element of the ~om~rehenslve Plan., anU no text:amendmenfsare xeq.trfred. The 3-? applicant has praviiled a letfer from Seaaoaslf l,)tilities fluthority (included In the .Nl?BCP 07-2.1 /~rta®ndrnen# appilea4ionj aonfirt'ning the avaflsGltity at water and sewer service from Seacoast lliliity Authority. 3.1.6 C:f3A9tAl. MANA68MENT A. Qata Summary According tv t#~e X006 £v w flan acrd Apuralsal 1Zeport.(FNaP.7j; She pPaperty included wifhlrr :peepRSed NI'13~P Arnendrn~nt 07-~.1 Is tooated wifhin the defined Coastal High Hazard Area, However, pillage land development regutat'ipns vrttl assure That fast-floor construction requirements will situate resideritlal }Buildings a6nye 1q~ year ~aod dleVatlons. ~. Analysis The proposed land use far Nl'BGP Amendrroent 1172.1 is: dtsoussed In Section 7.1. None of the iotlauring are ideratifiert as Issues related fo NP6CP Amehdment 07- ?.1: Putbt9 access to beaches; or post rllaester` rede~+eloprnent. t;. Goal, ObJenttuas and Po1laFes NPBCP AR+endntent D7-2.1 ls• eonsisterit vulth the ~oestal. Management Eterrrent of the ~omareljensive Plan, :and no additional te3cE arnandme arm Pegiairet(. S.7_7 CONSERUATIbN A_ batx~ummary 1+FPS~P#trrs~ndment Q7-2.tl ~cansfists al: a CUrtently cleated and undevebped t1) sore parcel. The proposed use- is far mu(tipta fanilly residential, I~tPSCP Arendment D7-2.1 has limiters potential fD irr:pact natural resources addressed within file Consenrat(on k~ement. An inventarg o.€ resources is presented in Secfron 3..1.2. 6, Analysis No Canservaticn-related issuee arerafsed in rsfai<igrr to NPBCP Amendrrierit A7-'2.1. Rev.~'8E1't/08 3 ~. Bnat, Objectives and Po'#fs#es NPBCP Amendment 07 2.1 la consistent with the tnnseruation Element of t#ie Comnrehensfve Pfau, and na ad?9itionaftext amendmegts are required. 3.1$ RBGF~ATIQK#ANp ESPEN.SPAGB ,A. Qata &umna~[ly E1evalopment activity on the properEy associates{ vdfli .NPeGP tom®ndmerat 072.'t is pr~jecteci irtcrBa~e Rhe papulatlon ®f the llillag® by 94.6 iesidents. B. ~rialysis implementation .of the "Damani" dquslopment.G©ncept on the property associated with Ii~P6CP Amendment D7 ~.4 w111 not create any eddrtional. need to develop recrEation facilities. 7hd prdjeetsd reDreafiar~ 'fa~el-vf-sers6ae at buildput ji.a 47,8:8 acresT13,24i3 .Yesidenfsll,OE10 tesiderits,) '9s 3:62 acrasf'1,4II0 cesldents•, white •the: i/illgge~ adopted L.p.S. standard is 8:0 acres per 9,f1U0 rasldi3nfs. Tfierefare., approuai of NPECP Amendment A72.1 will not cause the 1fillagex Isvel-nf-service to drop below th.® adoptert LO_S. Standard. C. Goal; Objectives and Policies A}Pf3GP Arr~endr~rrx 07-~.1 is ~onSistent with the Rssi~tiara and tOpen Space 1=temerr# of the tom®rehansiue~Plan, arid. rio a~fi~tlor7al text:arsiendrnents are regpired. 3:x:9 l(JTERt30~ERNMEIVTAL OOf)I~itVATIt3A! J~i. Data Summary f~P~GP Amendment o~ ~.1 raises rrQ intergovemrraentaf ooordina#"wn issues. The :amendment is currenfiy being ptoce~eef fhrougb the 1PARC piaeess in :Palm Beach County, dunrwg wtrfch arty unforssen iitiferg©v®rnrnerital coordinaflan `issues valil be identified. B. sRnalysis K1PBCf' Amendment 07,2.1 is teat !soared within an .Area of Grftical Mate Concern. 'Rev,:l3l9 9108. 3.9 6. Goal, DbJeetiues arrd:Palicies NPBCP Arttendinent ~07?.1. ~ cac~as#ent vuith the fntergovernm®ntal Cvor~#.inadon Eiemeni df the .Gamgre(~ensiu® P.larr; and nv addi~cnal text arrtemdr~en#s are rsgglred. 3.~:1n CAPITAL t1UIPf~01fE[UI~NT~ ~4. Data summary NPI3CPAmenrdman#07.1 haano:effecf.upuncayiitafimprauementspianrfiing,.fn thatar+y additfonal impro,~enaen#s. {t:o, water, selntsr and draiita,lc e} .aCe the respotrsitiility Qf the ii®usloper. The siamant-.Pry~element teulew presented fn ~eetlons 3-3 fio 3.-9 did trot resuR w the :(dentlfie~fion of an~+ pApftai irn.pl'ovements to be included wifhin the ~lllage's ti~Year &cheatule .of tniprovsmeTi#s. t3. Anatts Ni~BCP Amendrrtent 07-~:9 ~~s no effect upon :eapitai Improdemenfs in terms or adding adtlfticanal capacity `Ea existing or eurrentlp pl~tnecl lenpravernents. C. 6oa1, Objectives and Poiic[es f4FBi?P Amendt~u~er~t d7-~.K (s egnsisten# Wit1i #kae tapita'l 1"naprovemei,ts ~lemer~t ofiheCcnmorahensive:Ptan, and n®.addifi©naf~texf.arnendraxents~.are rsgtr~ired, 3.d.1'I PUBLfC SCHlJ~3.L EONGItRREAtG.°Y A "9ehool GoneurrenoyAppiicatian ~ Senq,;e Provider F'arrri" lfias been filed by #lre applicant with t#~e Palm Heaeh Gounty tyahbol iaistrict, .A cop~t of the Yor+tt 1s lnciucled u~iitlr tta2 072.1 future land rasgariienttment efipilcation. 3.2 VILLAGE OF ~IO.RTt{ PALM'BEAC#f EIfAL:ElATi0N.,4iuD.RPPRA19:4L REPQRT RasiGtejSal densi#y was a rr+ajor is"sine 'in the lliliage's recently aompietecl EvaluaTi'on acrd ,~ppratsat l~sport (EARj. ~ ~t~nrrnary, it was~latermiined'in fire F..Af~,hat certaifl areas In t>ie Vfllrage may be apprpprlafe Tarriansities in excess of thpsa-currently assigned by tyre f=uture Land Use Map Series. Tp .aiidreas this issue, the 1=AR recommended that addftlonal data and analysts be completed In order. to define :areas v~ere increased rYensify proposals wAUtd lie tonsitlared. Rev:; 8/11~lt?"8 3•f 0 By addressing the .Issue of residential .d®nsity increases at ,selected antf appropriate locations, the followl.Ptg posftive results were .anficfpated: (1j Ciar~ioa#on of the Village's land use :policy Ih targeted annexation areas; j2~ esfablishment of the Village`s densitylintaneity policy for properties potentially appropriate for mixed-use developnrent.under the Village's CPiJD and G;3 ordinances, and (3) definition of areas potentially appropri~ta for a land use change. 3.3 t1.S.'plltaHUVAY IUt3.1 CORtd[C1QFX STUDY Based upon direotlon'in the .~; fhe Village comrfrisslbned the prapasatfon of Phase T of the. U.S. Highway l~lo. ~ Corridor' Study (Corridor Studyy). Rmorrg several obJeGtives, the Gonidor Study Phase I is to be .used a9 a guide. In determining wh®re atom U.S. Mglrv~y pia. ') allxei{-use and realdentlal .de+te'log3nlent proposals should be oor'rsider~d bythaVillage. ~pscificaily,objectlves cif the ~orridorStudyiiloiude; • EnsoretFtatdeuelcprijerrtarld[ezl6vdlopmetttaeEi~R47es:alongthe~tirridorocourin a manner sompatiblq with th® Viltag~:s $kraraster::, as presented in the CorrrprehensNe Plan and land developarent regralations. Ensure that developrnenf and redevelcprienf proposals are ccmpaable with the .character and scale of exYstlnq .land uses aLon~ and adjacent to fhe corridor, • Expand existing deu®lopmentanrl n=deve'lopmet~t gpportUnities along th.e ~r~dpr as a means of yir&reasirrg #ha ~/illage's tax base. Ensr~fa the Cong~erm eeonomia viability of the Historic cesmmer>rial cacridsr Tong }1S 1-~ghway 1 by insreasirigi~s-nuritaer nfpdtenttal developrpenf alternatives. * 1<acparrd residential end rnixed wee development and.radevelopnlentopportunities alaarg the corridor as a means of enhanGing the .market support for oomrnercial businesses. General Phase I Corridor. Study residential use reeon7rnendativrts ark as f©Itotus: (1) Allow residential development to oceur.ln areas .consist®ntW..ith 'the .character established by rteighhofiii~ tent] Uses; sand (2) ail ~resldenffar pro'partiss located north of Padser Bridge should he assigned a High Dei7sify F~esldestg;#1 'flJtsrre tend use designatlDn. proposed fVP13CP ,4rriendivrent 07-2_'l is consistent with the recommendations of the GorAdor St~uiy, ss directed by.theUllage's1=,WR intfratttl'epresenfs a hiigfrDensity Residential futare land use designation tot a residPntidl,property located north of parker Bridge; l~av.: si11ro$ 3-'I 1 4.0 CQN:^sISiENC`if fifill'FH ~tEGIONAL AND S7A7E.RLAN According ts9 CFrapter 9.1.5;a~1, Florida Administrafive Corte {fAC}, the caa~preherisive plan must be consistent wRh ttre 5fate Gnntprehensive Pfan and Treasare Caast leglanal. Ftarming i:.oaneil Policy Plan. G(iaptst 9;! 5_t127(~}, FAC states ", .. , .for the purposes of deterlnining eansistency of the .tonal plan With the State Comprehensive Flan ar appropriate.regional policy pian: the-state qr regional plan shat) be construed as a vaYr~la and nn Spevifta ~4al.arrd~ policy shall 15e .construed or applied in lsolattan frgm the ntti®r goals and poiicles." 4,1 f~CtANA6. P4L,1CY PLAN NPL~fP Artiendtaient I77-.2:9 v/as rev~ewsd in #errns of the 7Yeasura Crust 'Regional Planning Cnunell Ragianal f'©'IPcy ratan id s~rder 4o d®termtrfa consistency. Based on d?>s nevtew, It is determined ~thgt no slgniilcant rQgFariai issues are related to, or lrnpaeted. by PIPBCP Anxendment'Q7-~.1, and It is 1'oun.d consistent. With ~g7nnal foals and policies. 2 STATE'G©NIPREWENSI1fE PLAN NPBGP Amendment 4F ~.t was reviewed lr~ fermg of the gnats; ob)eatives and policies of the mate ConaprahensivQ Plan, as presented in Chapter 1~8~, Florida Based upaq this review, It to eonduded'tiiat IVPBGF Amendtnant A7=2..1 Is cansisYantwith state goals, objectives and poileles. 4.3 013JECTIdIV$ t2ECD1V1iViENDA'YIO:N'$ A~JD Cflit~lUlE1VT5 (QRC} REP.OI~'r The Florida Department of Community Affairs ~~CA) Jssued its :objections Ftecnfnnaendatksris and Canlrasnts (DRS} Report on IVPBCP AmeAd~Ytanf 67-2.1 oE~ July 3,20E18. TheoFtCReportralsedthe:fallaWirigthrbe_isSUes: i. Include data and analysis to demonstrate-fat the ptw.posad air~endment is consistent va~ththe requlrepnelits of Ru]ea 9.1•~5.41~(3)~(b}~ and ?,. fiorlda f~dniinis4ratlve Code (F.A.G.) vukitch rer{uirFis local governments ke direct canaantraflons oP population away from the Ccastaf :l~'rgh Hazard Area (CC1-tA} and maPntain or sEduca hurricane evacui§tion tirrres. 2. R®vtse.Fritwra Land llse Policy 4.~ and Special ~Palicy ~..~ so that the adopted land us®nhanga ts.rloi inconsistent with Lhasa two palloies: R~r.; •8117/08 4-1 3. The traffic impacE analysis submitted with the corriprehensive plan amendment application needs to be'rev"rsed to evalwate and compare the traffic impacts allowed by the existing- future land use designation (Mixed-Use) land and the proposed future land use designation. Each of the above issues was addressed in the V_illage's QRC Report response, submitted to FDCA witih the adopted NPBCP Amendment 07 2.1. The pRG Report response necessitated a text amendment tv Policy B:2 and Special Policy 5.:2 of the Future :Land Use dement of the Comprehensive Plan, which read as follows (unrterlined text is added to'the policy and str~lske" is deleted). Policy 4.2 All future high density residential development. with the foUowinp exceptions, shall be directed to areas west of U.S. Highway No. 1 as a means of coordinating coastal area population densities with the County H:utricane Evaeuat~ori Plan.-:. Special Policy 5.2: Utitlze khe mixed-use proutsioris of the V71age's Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD} Ordinance as a means of developtng tlaa#-pertiera-ef property delineated as "Special Policy 5'.2 .on Figure 9-3. of the Future Land Use Map Series} in a transition mode from Commercial (i.e. compatible to the C-H Zoning District) to Residential (i,e. compatible fo the R2 Zoriing District) running from U.S. Highway Na. 1 east to Lake ltr/orth. ftrlaximam gross density shall not exceed 10-1'T DU{AC. Non- residential level©pmant pods shall comply with the Floor-Area-Ratio standards listed in Policy 1.4 of the 1="UTURE LAND USE ELEMENT. Development of t(e property shall be subject to the Village Council approval of site plan and PUD appltcafions. The following uses shall be excluded from this development: (1) Golf club and its accessory uses such as restaurant, bar, driving range and equipment stare; (2) bowling alley; (3) filling stations; (4j :dry cleaning plants; (5) mobile 'home park; and (6'J adult entertainment establishment. The balance offhe flRC Report response shall be considered data and. analysis supporting NPBCP Amendment D7,2.1 Rev.: 8/15/08 4-2 effect on August 28, 2DD8 are complied with . ~.o ~ot+rcLw~r~r~ Apra R~eonn~i~nroATra~r ?File following r®commssndation~ are;presenfied: i*i.'i EI1~161PL6 ItlPBCP Amendment t77-2.1, as revised in tespAnse to the OfiC Regort, is Eonsisteht wititi the provisions of the Villasae of nth ~Im Bsach Comgrehenstve Ptan and U S. Htohwav Ata 1 CarrtdAr Studv~ Phase 4 as _dirseted by the V14age's-EVai a o and Aooraisal t?eport. Ntor® spearfica4y: ,(13 NPBCP Arnerldment 07;2.1 is jait[tin the ~.an Serwee Area, and does nat contribute to a ~eonditlan flP utbtan sprawl, as defihed by Chapter 9,1~5At1H{5j, tMiotida Adininlsffa4lsre_~DCte; 'and t~~:StPJ~GP Amendjtieet d~- 2.'l Is oonsisfect ugh poltcy 4P ttr9 t3ap[tal Impravernet'1ts Element in that it floes not contribute to a condition of public. haaard, as definecj therejn, does n¢t exacerbate any existing cond'itio» of public facility cap~Elty daftcits; &9 tlel3eribed therejn~ and is son3patibie with land uses, as shown on the Fufure Land lice Map ~e~`les and. dstemainad my the t1:^s. Hiohwav Nc. 1 CorftdorStndy.:~?hase I. 5.2 57AFF I~ECCSMMENDATtoPI' Staff recapamends that fihe Village Council app- t~ve ~IPBGP tkmendment 0~ 2.1. ~.~ EPA PUBLIC W~Ali;tt~G An advertised L©ca1 P.lanning Agency (LPAj public hearlnB on t+1pSCP Amendment 07 2.1 was hetd on July 24, 3007 at 6:3Q F'.[>Yl, in fhs village. malt. There ware snare roncems regarding dansiky expressed hy~ rr~em'bess of the public. 5A LpA'MEE7'I~JG The i:.PA recommended approval of TdPBCP Amendrttsnf :07=~.1 at the regular rneeting nn July ~d, ~AQ7 by a 9 to. ~ vote. S,5 i/ILt.A6E GOUNEiL FsUBd:tC WEARINQS An adverliserl Viliaga Council publtC ttearirrg on AIPB..CP Amendment 6y-2.1 was taetd on April ~4, 2AQ8 at 7:~0 .P.lvl, In the 1Xillaga Halt, Thrgg mernbers of the: public ezg~ress®d ~oncems.tegerding dan813y, Tha r~art~es and addresses of moose riremhers of tFis putXUCVaare recorded on the CornpreFrenstve Piati Cltlzeh Courtesy ln~oftat&tldkj t_ist. A second advertised Vglag2 Co. unc11 pubUc hearing on NP8'Gt? Amendment .07- 2.1 rotas held on August 28 , 20D8 at 7;3tt P.M. In the V'tllage Hati. No members of the public chosefo speak. 'F~ev.i 8X11#0$ 5.1 ti.~ ViLLAI,zE GOllMCIL.iVIEETIIJ.GS The ~ljll~g8 Council approved 'by unantrnpus vrite first reading of Drdlha~c® ~QQfd-08 tC~ adopt. NPBC.P Am~n€lmerd 07-~.1:Its i•egutar rrteeting tsrt Apr124, ~>~I)&. The V'~ltage Council approved by wnanirrwua vote eee3ond readin8 of Ordinance 2AQ8-6f1 fo. adopt i+IPBCP FSrrmendment ~! 2.1, as amended in response tee She ©RC ftepott, its regular rneefing on Fkugyrst 2B, 20D8.. #Z®v:: 6f1 tf08 6-2 APPEN.D:IX A - NPBCP Amendment U7-2.7 NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 consists of Future Land Use Map Series amendment and text amendments to the- Future Land Use Element of the Uiltage of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Map Series amendment is accomplished by revising Figure 3-3 of the Future Land .Use Element. Text amendments are accomplished by revising Policy 4.2 and Special Po.liey b,2 of the Future Land. Use Element. The rnap amendment oompcnent of NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 is presented In Exhibit A. The tent amendment component of NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 .is presented in Exhibit B. Wnderlirred. text 'is added to the policy and sfrt~sk-t~et~i-texxt is deleted.. Tl2e.enacting ordinance is attached in Exhibit C. Rev.: $!15/0$ ,4-1 EXHIBIT A Ftrtuce 4and'llse'Map Arrtsndmsnt NpBCPAmendment 07-~.1 /lmeettlmsntTnFI~U~~3~3eftgel/loll eof~idrtM~PaimB.e~chCnmgrehensivePlan FirrIJitE 3-- 3 FL77'UI~L LAND 1~~I3SI' P~AI~71>TIAFC,f Aiz7?~. tf2 FIITiT~.~,L1~I~7I? LfSE Yc~1-1~P S~itiE~ 3010 +uwuw&A188 Bii11tl~HL5/ ~s4U~41 '$dftrto~lnud(ke~7'ablas3.l,nnd3~ Z ftlEAO~st NPECP 07:21 Fntuce.4aird tJso Amendment ~pec#al Poiicy 5.2 T9'liig613satsity fitesidential LAUD LIMB ICY Mn'Cium D.anstryltesidmldei 1~ghpm~lgRwitlunllN tlt.i.wxaoudrsr>~tif >~~a~i ~e 661.8&&g48/ Fox 6841f'Y08 'Rev.: 8;r9~~08 3-45 7 - ~ B Sazfe SD!!i D Sao 3~ee~ A-~ EXHIHIT B Amendment NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 Amendment To Policy 93 and Speelal Pplicy 6.2afthe Future. Land Use Element O$JECTIVI; 3: X111 development orders and permits for fii'ture development arrd redevelapmetit activities shall be issued otily if public facilities neeessaLy to meet Level o£ Service (LOS) standards are available concurrent withthe impacts of the develaptYrerit. Further, requu~e that all on-site lands for tights-of way, easeiuent, etc., Ue conveyed to the proper authority prior to the :issuance of:building permits. Polisy 3.1: The development ofresidential atttl commercial lord shall be:timed and staged in conjuncfion with the. provisisan of suppotlhig eonununity facilities, sueh:a. s. streets, uta'lities, police and fue.protection service, etnergencyanedical service; andptitzIie sclactls. Policy 3.2: Public facilities and utilities shall 6e located tn: jl) Maximize service efficiency; (2) minimize public costs; and (3) minimize impacts upon the natural enviroiunent, Policy 3.3: Reuiahuug properties currently uo't utilliing central watex and wastewater systems shall be governed by the provisions of: (l) Chapter 381.2'72, Florida Statutes;'(z) Chapter l Ob-6, Flor'rda.Adtiiisustiative Cadc; and {3) Patin Beach County Eiiviromnental Conhnl Rtile - I. These codes regulate the use and installation ofindividi:al sewage disposal systems. OB.i`CCTTV)/ 4: The Village shall coordinate with appropriate governments and agencies to tnininize and nutgate potential mutual adverse impacts of fuhne develolunent and redevelopmen# activities. Policy 4.1: Requests fox development prders, permits of projeetproposals shalt be epordinated by the ~!illage, as appropriate, with adjacent mtinucipalities,lVletropolitauPla~ning Organization, PalmBcaclt Cotutty, School District of Ptilm Beach Couai2y, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, Special Districts, South Ilorida ~Jatet` MauageiuentDshie'tand st¢te and federal agencies fluoughits partieipafion:n 1PARC. Paticv d,2 All future highdensity residential development with thefollowiug exesp_tions, shall be directed to areas vast of LT.S. Highway No. i as a means of coordinating coastal. area population densi#ies with the Cotiuty FTurricane Evacuation Plan;_ 1 Pro}ierties located east of U S fIi'alrwav No 1 tint are assigned a fTi~h DensYty Resiiiential fittiue land tie desiamrtion as of August 28.2OD8:: Rev.: NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 Rev.: •Bf76/08 3-7 A-$ Policy 4.3: Although there are c1u•retttly no resource plauuing and mauagemettt plans piepared pursuant to Chapter 380, Tlorida Stattnes, iu effect within North Palm Beach, the Village shall participate in the preparation and implementation of said plans should they become necessary. .Policy 4.A: hi the evetlt of a proposed futtue amtexation of sttfficient size to site a school, or calocate a school with public facilities (e.g. parks; lib~•aries, and eommurtity t:enters}, the Village shall ceotdiitate with the Palm Beach County School Board, to dete>znine the need for an additional school siren the area. If it is determined that thet•e is a need, and. that a school site canoe ascornntodated, the proposed annexation sltallprovitlt; forthe school site. OBd);CTIV~ 5: Special land use policies shall ba:deaeloped by .North PahnBeach when necessary to address site-specificissuos relat€d to impleittentitg'tlxe Village Goal $takemeut. Special Policy 5.1; ,(Reserved). Special Policy 5:2: Utilize the mixed-use provisions of the Village's Conunercial Plxnued IInit Develapmeufi (CPL1D) Ortlnauce as'a means oPrlevelop4ug thappertiax-ef PTattuittL=Aesato~ea a _~•, T c Tx:..w., _,,.r,. , .._a .....aa. ,.a ~,r....~re-the property delineated as "S.pecial T?olicy 5.2 ou Figure 3--3' of fihe Future Land'Ilse Map Series}-ut a transition mode l'i:wn Cotumercial (i.e. compatible to fihe C-B Zonarg 1lishict) to Residential (`i:e. compatible to the It2 ~oruttg. District] ruttning from U. S. Flightivay Na. 1 east to Lake Worth. Maximum gross density shall not exceed 10-11 TaUft1C. Iavn- residential developmcul pods shall complywith the door-~•ea-Rahn atatidat~ds listed iu PQlicy 1:~ of the FI7TU12E LA1VD USBELEIViE.ATT._ .Development af:thc property shall be subject to the Village Cotmdil_approval of site plea and PL1D applications: The follpw. ing uses shall be excluded fiain this developmettt: (1) Golf dlub and its.aecessory uses such as restaurant, bar, driving r~attge and equipanent stone; (2) bcrwliug alley;. (3} filling statipus; (~) dry cleaning plan?s;:(S) niobilehoine park.; and (5) adult entertainnteitt establlslnueut. Special Policy 5.3: As a means of preserving native vegetative species in Planrtirtg Area 6A, encourage tlrcuse of the Planned Unit Development by allnwhtg fihe clusteritxg of residential units in defined buildable areas (i.e. all.areas 3n Planuing Area fiA are as "buildable"; with the exception oftliose delineated on Figure 3-13B}. Special Policy S:A: Renuire all new developments hi PlanningAreas 1:anii 6A Yo pErfotm an eu~7tnnmeutal assessment to define potential impacts upon the viability Of vegetafive species and/or habitats deliareated on Figures 3.1$B :and C. The impact assessment shall itichule. necessary technielues and/or controls to tilaintahi species and/or habitats in their current eortdition or mitigate potential impacts. 3-8 Rev'.: 8/'f 5/08 A-4 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS `Dedicated to making Florida a better place to calf home" CHARLIE CRIST Governor MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Quinn, DEP Susan Harp, DOS Gerry O'Reilly, FDOT 4 Michael Busha, Treasure Coast RPC Kate Edger, South Florida WMD Date: July 3, 2008 THOMAS G. PELHAM SxreAery Subject: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review Objections, Recommendations and Comments Reports Enclosed are the Departments Objection, Recommendations and Comments Reports on the proposed amendments to the comprehensive plaD(s) from the following local government(s): North Palm Beach 08-1 These reports are provided for your information and agency ides. Following the adoption of the amendments by the local governments and subsequent compliance review to be conducted by this agency, we will forward copies of the Notices of Intent published by each local government plan. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ray Eubanks at Suncom 278-4925 or (850) 488-4925. RE/Ip Enclosure 2668 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD • TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-2100 850-408-8486 (p) • 850-921-0781 (f) • Website: www dca state.fl. us . caeruem PLANNING 85Pda&Zi59 (n) 6°A.ea8390B M . • NDUSINO AND COMMUNRY DEVELOPMEIR ~0<ee-7858 Nl 656A7t5823 m STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" CHARLIE CRIST Governor July 3, 2008 The Honorable Dr. Edward M. Eissey Mayor, Village of North Palm Beach 501 U. S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408-4901 Dear Mayor Eissey: THOMAS G. PELHAM Secretary The Department has completed its review of the Village of North Palm Beach proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (DCA Number 08-1 ), which was received on May 1, 2008. Copies of the proposed amendment have been distributed to appropriate state, regional. and local agencies for their review and their comments are enclosed. -Che proposed amendment was reviewed for consistency with Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and Chapter 163, Part [I, Florida Statutes, and the Department has prepared the attached Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report which outlines our tindings concerning the comprehensive plan amendment. The Village proposes a land use change on a seven acre parcel in the Village's Planning Area 2. The enclosed report identifies concerns regarding higher density residential development in the coastal high hazard area, inconsistencies with Future Land Use Policy 4.2 and Special Policy 5.2, and an inadequate traftic impact analysis. 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD • TALLAHASSEE, FL 72799.2100 850-488-8466 1p) • 850-921-0761 (1) • Website. '.v r:w 7~.:a s; a:e f! us r COMMUNITY PLANNING :%e~4J:6;p1 'Sv-rGB~]]L9 ~ry r • MOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELDpMENT ti5J-iBA-~ 556 ipl 6`A~522-%27 dl r The Honorable Dr. Edward M. Eissey July 3.2008 Page 2 For your assistance, we have enclosed procedures for final adoption and transmittal of the comprehensive plan amendment. My statTand I are available to assist the Village in addressing these objections. if you have any questions, please contact Bob Dennis, Regional Planning Administrator, at (850) 922-1765. Sincerely yours, Chazlie Gauthier, AICP Director, Division of Community Planning CG/bd Enclosures: Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report Transmittal Procedures Review Agency Comments cc: Ms. Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner, Village of North Palm Beach IVIr. Michael Busha, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council TRANSMITTAL PROCEDURES Upon receipt of this letter, North Palm Beach has 60 days in which to adopt, adopt with changes, or determine that the County will not adopt the proposed amendment. The process for adoption of local government comprehensive plan amendments is outlined in s. 163.3184, F. S., and Rule 9J-11.01 I, F.A.C. The City must ensure that all ordinances adopting comprehensive plan amendments are consistent with the provisions of Chapter 163.3189(2)(a), F.S. Within ten working days of the date of adoption, the City must submit the following to the Department: Three copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendments; A listing of additional changes not previously reviewed; . A listing of findings by the local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance; and A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes to the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report. The above amendment and documentation are required for the Department to conduct a compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent. In order to expedite the regional planning council's review of the amendments, and pursuant to Rule 9J-11.01 l (5), F.A.C., please provide a copy of the adopted amendment directly to the Executive Director of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Please be advised that Section 163.3184(8)(c), F.S., requires the Department to provide a courtesy information statement regarding the Department's Notice of Intent to citizens who furnish their names and addresses at the local government's plan amendment transmittal (proposed) or adoption hearings. In order to provide this courtesy information statement, local governments are required by law to furnish the names and addresses of the citizens requesting this information to the Department. Please provide these required Dames and addresses to the Department when you transmit your adopted amendment package for compliance review. In the event there are no citizens requesting this information, please inform us of this as well. For efficiency, we encourage that the information sheet be provided in electronic format. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AMENDMENT 08-1 July 3, 2008 Division of Community Planning This rcpari is prcpareJ purs'uanl to Rulc 91-1 LU 1U INTRODUCTION The following objections, recommendations and comments are based upon the Department's review of the Village of North Palm Beach 08-1 proposed comprehensive plan amendments pursuant to s. 163.3184. Florida Statutes (F.S.). The objections relate to specific requirements of relevant portions of Chapter 9J-i, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), and Chapter 163. Part 1[, F.S. Each objection includes a recommendation of one approach that might be taken to address the cited objection. Other approaches may be more suitable in specific situations. Some of these objections may have initially been raised by one of the other extemal review agencies. If there is a diiTerence between the Department's objection and the extemal agency advisory objection or comment, the Department's objection would take precedence. Each of these objections must be addressed by the local government and corrected when the amendment is resubmitted for our compliance review. Objections that are not addressed may result in a determination that the amendment is not incompliance. The Department may have raised an objection regarding missing data and analysis items that the local government considers not applicable to its amendment. If that is the case, a statement justifying its non-applicability pursuant to Rule 9J-5.002(2), F.A.C., must be submitted. The Department will make a determination on the non-applicability of the requirement, and if the justification is sufficient, the objection will be considered addressed. The comments, which follow the objections and recommendations section, aze advisory in nature. Comments will not form bases of a determination ofnon-compliance. They are included to call attention to items raised by our reviewers. The comments can be substantive, concerning planning principles, methodology or logic, as well as editorial in nature dealing with grammar, organization, mapping, and reader comprehension. Appended to the back of the Department's report are the comment letters from the other state review agencies and other agencies, organizations and individuals. These comments are advisory to the Department and may not form bases of Departmental objections unless they appeaz under the "Objections" heading in this report. OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COM'ViENTS REPORT VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PROPOSED CO1v1PREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT U8-1 1. Consistency with Rule 9J-5, F.A.C., and Chapter 163, F.S: The Village of North Palm Beach proposed comprehensive plan amendment consists of a Future Land Use Map change on a seven acre parcel from Commercial and ivfedium Density Residential to High Density Residential. The Department has identified the following objections to the proposed comprehensive plan amendment: Objection 1: The proposed land use change increases residential development in the coastal high hazard area, which is contrary to Rule 9J-5.012(3)(6)6, F.A.C. Rule 9J-5.012(3)(6)6, F.A.C., requires local govemments to direct population concentrations away from the coastal high hazard area. In addition, Rule 91-5.012(3)(6)7, F.A.C., requires hurricane evacuation times to be maintained or reduced. The Village is proposing to increase residential density in the coastal high hazard area but has not included any data and analysis to demonstrate that hurricane evacuation times will be maintained if this land use change is adopted. Section 163.3178(9)(a), F.S., allows local governments to comply with Rules 9J-5.012(3)(6)6 and 7, F.A.C., when considering a comprehensive plan amendment within the coastal high hazard area if t, the local government's `'adopted level of service for out-of-county hurricane evacuation is maintained for a category 5 storm event as measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale; 2. a 12-hour evacuation time to shelter is maintained for a category 5 storm event....and shelter space reasonably expected to accommodate the residents of the development contemplated by the proposed comprehensive plan amendment is available;" or 3. appropriate mitigation, as outlined in the statute, is provided to satisfy one of these two provisions. "For those local governments that have not established a level of service for out-of-county hurricane evacuation by July 1, 2008, but elect to comply with rule 9J-5.012(3)(6)6 and 7, Florida Administrative Code, by following the process in paragraph (a), the level of service shall be no greater than 16 hours for a category 5 storm event as measured on the Saffir-Simpson scale." The Village has not adopted a level of sen;ice standard for the safe out-of-county evacuation of its residents, including new residents that will live on the site of the amendment, nor has the Village included data and analysis to demonstrate that the hurricane evacuation times established in the Section 163.3178(9)(a), (b), and (c), F.S., can he met if this amendment is adopted. In addition, the Village has not mapped the coastal high hazard area based on the definition contained in Section 163.3178(2)(h), F.S, and as required by Section 163.3178(9)(c), F.S. The statute defines the coastal high hazard area as "the area below the elevation of the category 1 storm surge line as established by a Sea, Lakc, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSFp computerized storm surge model." Local govemments are required to "amend their future land use map and coastal management element to include the new definition of coastal high-hazard area and to depict the coastal high-hazard area on the future land use map" by July 1, 2008. Authority: Sections 163.3178(2)(h) and (9)(a), F.S.; Rules 9J-5.006(4)(6); 9J-5.012(2)(e). (3)(6)6 and 7. F.A.C. Recommendation: Include data and analysis to demonstrate that the proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements oY' Rules 9J-~.012(3)(b)6 and 7, F.A.C. Alternatively, the Village could adopt a level of service standard for anout-of-county humcane evacuation time for a category 5 storm event and ensure that the evacuation time is maintained. The level of service standard adopted by the Village must be supported by professionally accepted and applied data and analysis to demonstrate that the evacuation time will provide suYlicient time for the Village's residents to safely evacuate in a category 5 storm event. If the Village would prefer to use the default hurricane evacuation times established in the statute, then the Village would need to provide data and analysis to demonstrate that the evacuation times established in Section 163.3178(9)(a), F.S., can be met and maintained. Include the statutory definition of the coastal high hazard area and a map of the coastal high hazard area, based on the statutory definition, in the Village's comprehensive plan. Objection 2: Future Land Use Policy 4.2 requires all future high density residential development to be directed to areas west of U.S. Highway 1 in order to coordinate coastal population densities with the County Hurricane Evacuation Plan. The High Density Residential land use designation proposed in this amendment is located east of U.S. Highway 1. Therefore, the proposed amendment is inconsistent with Policy 4.2. The proposed amendment site is located in Planning Area 2 and is subject to Future Land Use Policy 5.2. Special Policy 5.2 requires development in Planning Area 2 to be based on the Village's mixed-use provisions of the Commercial Planned Unit Development Ordinance. The policy also limits residential density to 10 to 1 ] dwelling units per acre. The proposed land use change is inconsistent with Special Policy 5.2 because it is a single use land use category and the maximum density of 24 units per acre exceeds the maximum of 11 units per acre established for Planning Area 2. Authority: Sections 167.3177(2) and 167.3187(2), F.S.; Rules 9J-5.005(5) and 9J-5.006(4)(c), F.A.C. Recommendation: The Village should revise the proposed land use change to resolve Objection I and to be consistent with Future Land Use Policy 4.2 and Special Policy 5.2. Altematively, if the Village chooses to adopt the proposed land use change and has adequately resolved the hurricane evacuation issues identified in Objection 1, then the Village should revise Future Land Use Policy 4.2 and Special Policy 5.2 so that the adopted land use change is not inconsistent with these two policies. Objection 3: The traffic impact analysis submitted with the proposed amendment evaluated the residential zonin r applied to the site (l 1 dwelling units per acre or 77 total units) rather than the maximum development allowed by the land uses assigned to the site (Commercial and Medium Density Residential). The existing land use allows a portion of the seven acre site to be developed for Commercial use at an intensity of 0.35 floor area ratio and residential development at a maximum of 11 units per acre on the remaining portion of the site. In addition, the radius of intluence for the traffic study needs to include all the major roads in the Village, not just the '`trst directly accessed major thoroughfare roadway". Authority: Sections 163.3164(32); 163.3177(3); and 163.3177(6)(a), (b), and U), F.S.; Rules 9J- ~.00~(2); 9J-5.006(2), (3)(b)1 and (c)3; 9J-x.016(2), (3)(b)l, 2, 3, 4.5(c)3, 6, and (4); 9J- 5.019(2), (3), and (4)(b)2, 3, (c)l, F.A.C. Recommendation: The traffic impact analysis needs to be revised to evaluate and compare the trattic impacts allowed by the existine land use and the proposed future land use. The existing land use allows a portion of the seven acre site to be developed for Commercial use at an intensity of 0.35 floor azea ratio and residential development at a maximum of 1 I units per acre on the remaining portion of the site. The Future Land Use designation allows 24 dwelling units pr acre or 168 total units. The radius of intluence for the traffic study should include all the major roads within the Village, not just the "first directly accessed major thoroughfaze roadway". II. Consistency with Chapter 187, F.S., State Comprehensive Plan The proposed amendment is inconsistent with the following provisions of Chapter 187, F.S.: Section 187.201(6), Public Safety, Policy 22: Prepare advanced plans for the safe evacuation of coastal residents; Section 187.201(15), Land Use, Policies 1, 3, and 5: To ensure development is located in areas with public facilities are available, encourage mixed-use development, and evaluate impacts of development on public facilities; Section 187.201(17), Public Facilities, Policies 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9: Encourage the development, use, and coordination of capital improvement plans by all levels of government to ensure the availability of public facilities; Section 187.201(19), Transportation, Policies 2, 7, 9, 12, and 13: Ensure the availability of an efficient transportation system, but avoid transportation improvements that encourage or subsidize development in the coastal high hazard area; and Section 187.201(25), Plan implementation, Policy 7: Ensure that local plans implement and accurately reflect state goals and policies. [3y addressing the concerns noted in Section 1., these inconsistencies with Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, can be addressed. 3 ~0.~~ 'Riddle, Andrew' To 7ay.eubanks@dca.state.fl.us" ~..''. <Andrew.Riddle@dotstate.fl <ray.eubanks@dra.state.fl.us>, .uv 1wb.dennis@dca.state.fl.us" <bob.dennis@dca.state.fl.us> 06/09l200803:52PM cc "Denise.Papajorgji@dw.state.fl.us" <Denise. Papajorgji@dca.state.fl.us>. "richard.post@dcastate.fl.us" bcc . Subject North Palm Beach Comp Plan Amendment 07-2.1 I am writing to advise you that the Department will not be issuing an ORC report on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment 07-2.1 for the Village of North Palm Beach. We found through our screening of the amendment that there are no state or regionally significant transportation issues. Related discussion follows: The Village of North Palm Beach is proposing a map amendment fora 7-acre parcel, located on the east side of US-1, Just north of Mclaren Road, with a "Medium Density" residential land use (11 du/acre = 77 units, also an entitlement in a PUD). The amendment proposes a "High Density" residential land use (24 du/acre = 168 units) with a net increase of 91 units. The TIR by McMahon Associates shows the segment of US-1 from PGA to Northlake operating at LOS standard "D" for 2007, 2012 and 2025 with insignificant project impacts (<1°,6). The staff report stated that the amendment is consistent with the US Highway No. 1 Corridor Study (north of Parker Bridge targeted for High Density Residential FLU) and compatible with the surrounding future land use (contiguous to High Density FLU). The Village's staff report is supporting the amendment and the Council approved amendment unanimously. Andrew Riddle, AICP Office of Modal Development FDOT-District Four 3400 West Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 TEL:954-777-4605 FAX: 954-677-7892 Email: Andrew.Riddle@dot.state.fl.us ~~~ollalo~- ~~ '~ : ; FLOR A June 3, 2008 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-31100 dir. D. Rav Eubanks Plan Review and DRI Processing Team Florida Departrnent of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 RE: North Palm Beach 08-1 Dear Mr. Eubanks: C1arG: ~'n;t !.~ .. ~.. ~ ~ ~~. ,. ~,;t31u6 On behalf of the Departrnent of Environmental Protection, the Office of Intergovernmental Programs has reviewed the City of North Palm Beach's comprehensive plan amendments in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 163, FTarida Stntutes. As required by law, the scope of ow comments and recommendations is limited to the environmental suitability of the proposed changes in light of the Department's regulatory and proprietary responsibilities. Based on our review of the report, the Department has found no provision that requires comment, recommendation or objection under the laws that form the basis of the DeparCnent's jurisdiction and authority. If the report pertains to changes in the future land use map or supporting text, please be advised that at such time as specific lands aze proposed for development, the Department will review the proposal to ensure compliance with en/vonmental rules and regulations in effect at the time such action is proposed. In addition, any developmem of the subject lands will have to comply with local ordinances, other comprehensive plan requirements and restrictions, and applicable rules and regulations of other state and regional agencies. Thank cou for the opportunih to comment on this proposal IF [ mad be of further assistance. phase call me at (850) 215-2169. Sincerer-. Christopher 1. Stahl Environmental Specialist Office of Intergovernmental Programs C1Si TREe~SURE COAST RE.G~ONAI% PLANNING COUNCIb \ INDIAN RIYER - MARTIN - PALM BEACH ~ ST: LUCIE June ?0. _'008 qtr. Bob Dennis Regional Planning Administrator Office of Comprehensive Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Subject: Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendments - DCA Reference No. O8- I Dear ivir. Dennis: l U a~ ~~as~ o~ Council has reviewed the above-referenced amendments in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes and Council's adopted plans, policies, and review procedures. Enclosed is a copy of our report as approved by Council at its regular meeting on June 20, 2008 pursuant to Section 163.3181, Florida Statutes. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Tc~ess, AICP Deputy Director TLHah Enclosure " 8 r i u 4 i n{ C o rn rn n n i r i e• ~ u e r r b r r ~' • E~ 1 I '~ ' F i1 A ~. ,.u Jen .\ nu. ,, u.ri. P1.,~.I, 1tv'r1 1'M1.•nv ~'. ]r __'1. In60 - F.r 11J!1 _11. InbC .'_~~u^.y TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COL'\CIL MEtifORANDU~i To: Council Members AGE\DA ITEM[ ?F From: Staff Date: June 20, ?008 Council Meeting Subject. Local Govemment Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendment to the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan DCA Reference No. 08-1 Introduction The Local Govemment Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, requires that Council review local govemment comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the provisions of this law, the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) prepares an Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report on a proposed amendment only if requested to do so by the local govemment, the regional planning council, an affected person, or if an ORC Report is otherwise deemed necessary by the DCA. If an ORC Report is to be prepared, then Council must provide DCA with its findings of consistency or inconsistency with the Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP), and provide any comments and recommendations for modification on the proposed amendment within 30 days of its receipt. Back rg ound The Village of North Palm Beach has proposed one amendment to the Future Land Use tap (FLUM) of the Village Comprehensive Plan. The Village has requested the DCA to carry out a formal review of the amendment. Evaluation This 7.0 acre subject parcel is located on the cast side of U.S. I, approximately I mile south of PG:~ Boulevard (see Exhibits). The amendment cannot be processed as a small scale amendment because the proposed designation allows a density higher than IO d«elling units per acre. The property is currently vacant, although it had been cleared previously in anticipation of de«lopment. The proposed use is fur a 168 unit residential dr~clopment. :\s Exhihit -F indicates, the property had both Medium Density Residential and Commercial FLL~I desi_mations, although it was restricted to those usas to he alhi~~ai under Special P~~licy 5.2 of the Future Land Use Element. This policy anticipated a mix of uses subject to Village Council approval of site and PUD plans. Certain uses were excluded. The proposed FLU~1 designation is High Density Residential, which allows a maximum of _'~ dwelling units per acre. The existing land use on surcowrding properties includes a religious institutional use to the north, offices and a canal to the south, the Lake North Lagoon to the cast and a private school across U.S. I to the west. The FLUB[ designations on surrounding lands include Medium Density Residential and Commercial (subject to Special Policy 5.1) to the north, and Commercial to the south and west. The property was formerly part of a larger 25.3 acre parcel The entire parcel w'as subject to Special Policy 5.2, allowing for a mix of residential artd non-residential uses. The Village indicates that the proposed amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Village Evaluation and Appraisal Report indicated that certain areas of the Village may be appropriate for increased densities. The amendment is also considered consistent with the recommendations of the U.S. I Corridor Study. Extrai urisdictional Impacts The Village submitted the amendment to the Patm Beach County Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee (IPARC). It was processed by IPARC on June 29, 2007. The Village indicates there have been no objections to the proposed amendment. Effects on Significant Regional Resources or Facilities Analysis of the proposed amendment indicates that it would not have serious adverse effects on significant regional resources or facilities. However, there could be impacts to the capacity of public emergency shelters and to critical evacuation links and intersections for hurricane evacuation. Analysis of Consistency with Strateeic Regional Policy Plan The effect of this amendment would be to allow higher density development (an increase of 91 residential units) in an area which is susceptible to damage from the storm surge created by a tropical storm or hurcicane. Regional Goal 5.1 of the SRPP is "Lives and property which are less susceptible to disaster". Regional Strategy 5.1.1 is to direct development away from areas most vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters, and Policies S.I.I.I and S.LI? are to discourage the designation of land in coastal high hazard and flood plain areas which would increase development intensity and densities; and to deveWp strategics which will reduce existing population densities in coastal high hazard and flood plain areas. Other Regional goals, strategies and policies address reduced vulnerability [o disaster, limitation of development to non-residential and water development land uses; full mitigation of impacts to existing public shelter capacities: and maintenance or reduction of hurricane evacuation clearance times. In reference to questions from Council staff, the Village planning consultant has indicated (see Attachment ,~) that the proposed residential units (waterfront condominiums) are likely to be occupied only seasonally or occasionally. The Village Public Safety Department indicated there would be minimal adverse impacts to public safety concerning hurricane evacuation or storm surge as a result of the proposed development. However, no calculations have been provided regarding impacts on hurricane evacuation routes and no mitigation has been required by the Village to hurricane shelter capacity as a condition of the plan amendment. Council recognizes that many coastal communities in the region have experienced or are experiencing redevelopment in traditional downtown areas, many of which are susceptible to damage from storm surge and flooding from coastal waters. Some redevelopment proposals seek to increase residential development in coastal locations. At least two of the counties in the region have identified concerns with the loss of working waterfront commercial uses to residential development. The redevelopment and revitalization of existing neighborhoods and districts would be consistent with Regional Goals 3.1 and 5.1. Clearly, there can be competing goals which must be weighted when infill or development activities are proposed in coastal locations that are susceptible to storm damage and subject to evacuation during a tropical storm or other natural or manmade disaster. CommentsRecommendations Prior to adoption of the Domani Parcel amendment, the Village should document that there will be minimal impact to hurricane evacuation clearance times as a result of the amendment. [f there are impacts, mitigation should be required. 2. Prior to adoption of the Domani Parcel amendment, the Village should ensure that there is adequate shelter space for residents expected to seek shelter during an event or required evacuation. Mitigation should be required if additional public or special needs shelter space is necessary. Consistency with Strategic Regional Policv Plan The contract agreement between the DCA and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council requires Council to include a deterntination of consistency with the SRPP as part. of the written report to be submitted to the DCA. Council finds the proposed amendment to be CONSISTENT with the SRPP. Recommendation Council should adopt the above comments and insh•uct staff to transmit the report to the Department of Community Affairs. •~ttacluncnts 3 List of Attachments .-lttachment A fay I~, _007 memorandum from Jim Fleis~hmann, Village Planning Consultant :attachment a To: Tent' Hess, TCRPC From: !im Fleischmann Village Planning Consultant Re: North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment 07-2.1 (Domani Parcel) Date: May 14, 2008 MEMO Regarding your question regarding the issue of hurricane evacuation for the above referenced property, the following data and analysis is provided: 1. The current Medium DensityFLU designation will allow a maxinmm of 77 residential units. The proposed Hlgh Density FLU designation will allow a maximum of 168 residential units, an increase of a tnaximum of 91 units. 2. Per Table 1 of the amendment package, the maximutn potential increase of 77 units could t•esult in a maximum increase in resident population of 149 residents. In reality, due to the location and proposed development concept (waterfront condominiums), many of the units will likely be occupied seasonally or occasionally. Using the resident occupancy rate of Old Port Cove (2000 Census), located directly adjacent to the Domani parcel, it is estimated that the proposed development will generate a full-time population of 197 residents, an increase of 10T residents above rho current FLU designation. 3. Dttt•ing the t~view process, the North Palm Beaclt Public Safety Department (Police, Fire and EMS services) was asked to assess the impact of the proposed amendment upon its ability to provide services. The applicant, as pat•t of the submittal package, submitted correspondence from the Public Safety Department stating that "no to minimal" adverse impacts to public safety concerning hurricane evacuation or storm serge aze anticipated as a result of the proposed development 4. U.S. Highway 1, which directly fronts the property and provides primary site access, and PGA Boulevard, located 0.5 miles to the north, are designated hurricane evacuation routes, with interchange access to bath I-95 and. Florida's Turnpike. 5. Two designated hurricane shelters are located within a 5-mile radius of the site; William Dwyer High School (Donald Ross Road and Y(ilitary Trail)and Independence ~[iddle School (Greemvay Drive, Abacoa). Combined, the two tacilitics have a capacity of 2,400 persons. 6. 1 have placed a call to Palm Beach Comrty Emergency IVfanagement to determine if they have any criteria that eve can use to estimate the number of persons that would use a shelter in the event of a hureicane event. To date, they leave not responded. However, when and if they do, I will forward their answer. Based upon the above, it is concluded that adequate facilities (evacuation routes and shelters) cui~•ently exist to provide for the safety of potential residents of the proposed project. Tlris conclusion is supported by that of the Village Public Safety Department, as related above. If you have any additional questions, please contact this office at: (56l) 686-2481. ~w~-_ J' Fleisclunann List of Exhibits Exhibit l Grnrral Location ~iap 3 Location of Proposed Comprehensi~ a Plan .amendment 3 .abutting Land L'se Including Future Land L'se and Zoning Designations a Proposed Future Land Cse Designation 5 Hurricane Surge Zones -Surrounding Area 6 Humcane Surge Zones -Immediate Area Exhibit 1 General Location flap Village of North Palm Beach Murrn nur. e.. cn ,. ~r North Palm Beach l.rj, l .. 3{ 9 ~ a lNQP~~ ' `~ '. ~~~~ .~,2~ V ~: ;.. w A!lTMrIY~ ,- I ' .~ 1 • ~N.. 3 ,, :. w~unltax ~ ° wwln+xw_r :~ { i ~ ,~° -~ -i ~01MW J ,~ VFO- 'Y4IYNYN ILII IOCC~N1190! lRMY i erzesla ~am[w i~ i i B~orua ..--" Exhibit 2 Location Of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment NORTH PADS BEACH CORPORATE LL~(I75 ws ,~ ~ ~'it{age oF~totth Palm Beach Planaiag Area ,may Fume Land L'se Slap Series ;pp p~1W _'IIOO ~ ' P•" NPBCP ~ l Amendment 07-2.1 ua~e L~L.~~ . ue~iewm.~r~ ~ . .... lees YJIYe orYPB = ao.e. a w~..n -.r_ n.e~nr~a.uaa.a O w,~.r, a/I..-Mn LAKE WORiH O V awe. Lad Rer<vc6 .Sfn~y®<nr,Ia<. aer.eee.s~ar ro. eai.e~oa Carolinda Or. 7 `s 1 NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 2 4 5 KEY: ~C G ~~ N I G1tAPIllC SCALLS 4 ~ t-~-~ (UI 1'YIR Abutting Land Use Including Future Land Use And Zoning Designations NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 Sowcu: LHM, Inc.; 6107 _~ Q' w McLaren Rd. Exhibit ~ Proposed Future Land Use Designation NPBCP Amendment 07-2.1 FIGURE 3 - 3 FUTURE LAND L'SE VLrIP PLAN. ~'LVG AREA =2 FUTURE LA~1D USE ~1AP SERIES 2010 Planning Area Boundary ......n Refer to Land Use Ta61ea 3-1 and 3-2 Special Politico ~m~ NPBCP 07-2.1 Future Land Use Map Amendment: From Special Policy S.2 To High Density Residential LA\'D USE KEY Medium Density R:sidentiai (5 .81 to I I.00 Unitv:4cr.) F~gb Density Residential (t t. t to .4.0 Uni'sL4cre) ~'~'~ Edncaaonal Ccemercial _:~_.: L~dR~reueb ~'liaagen:ear,jnc. .i 51.fi36.2JB1 e'ax 63J.37J9 ~~...9~~: ; . ...: '••:'eW ~ .~~9 '• P '•. N ~v ~ E Scale 500 0 500 Feet Exhibit 5 Hurricane Surge Zones - Surrounding :1rea Exhibit 6 Hurricane Surge Zones -Immediate Area EXHIBIT "B" UBJECTIQPI~, RECQMiV>;EPCI)ATTOPIB APID CCtlVbMLPITS 1>;~PQRT 12i;Sr.QPtSE B'SC THE VIT.7,AG>; OF PltlItTH PALM BEACTi P1OPRSEI) COMPREHLNSIVE PI.API A1VI>1N13M);-PIT O8.Y X. ConsPstency with 13~1e 9J=6, F:A:C., and Chapter 1b3., rrS. UbJecflon Lc -The .proposed land use change Increases. residential ilevelcpmentin the coastal.lii~li hazard. area, which 1s coriirary to Rnle 97-S.Ol2(3)(li)b, F.A.C.. Rule 9J-S,012(9.)(1i~6, 1;,A,~„ regtitites local. g~verttin~nts #ri direct po~iulatlon eonaentrations axvay froiat. the Gaastal high ha2ard. ,area. Iu adslitan, Rule 9J=5 012~3)(li)7; r.A:C., requires hw'Micaite evacuation. times to he maintained or reduced, 1'he Village is. peaposing to increase residential density in the ooastal }igh hazard area but has riot included any data: and analyars to demonstrate that Hurricane evacuation dines will be maintained if this laiiil use change is .adopteCl. 5ectinn 1fi3.317&(9X(a), F.B., allows local -governments to comply with Mules g7-S.OI~(3)(li)6 soil 7; F.A:C., when considering a comprehensive plan amendment within the coastal 'high liazarcl tries if: 1, The local government's "ailoptad level of service far- out~of county hurricane evacuation is maintained for a category S:storrn eventasmeasured on the Batter=Simpson scale; Z. A 12-hour evaouaton Mime to shelY~r is maintained for a category 5 starm event...:and shelier space reasonalily expected to aecomrtrodato the esicients of the development eonleinplateA by the proposed ccmpiehensive:plaR amendment is available;" or 3. Appropriate niitgaCion, as:outliiseit iii the statute, is prczvidesi to satASl~ pne o£ these tW0 grvvisions. r`Foi• tho~s€ local governments'tkatl~ave net estalilished.~a level .o~l'seivlce for ou~of county hurricane evaeuaton.hy Tugy 1, 30(18, but elect to comply with role 9J- 5:013(3)(b)6 and 7; Florida Adminish~ative Code, by fallowing the process in paragraph (a), the level of service shall be no ,geeater "than 16 hrours for a category 5 :atom] event. a9 measured on the S:affir-Siinpsou scale;" The Village has: not aifia:pted a level of servLCe standard f©r the safe outrof-county :evacuation oi' its a~esuienf8, iueluding uew resirjerrts That will live on the site of the amendmenf, nor 'has the Village included data.and arialySis kv dewoiistr~e iltatthe hurrlsaue evacuation tithes est;iblislxed ixi flee section 1.63..317.$(9)(a), (b).; aid (C~ I'.~., can be a'ret if this arrierrrlitcent is adopted. -l- Ut addition, the Village has not mapped the coastal .high hazard area based on the definition edntained in Section 163,3178(2')(hj, P..S, and. as rti;gniied t}y SEGhon 1b3.3178(9)(cj, P.S. Tire statute defines the coaataI high hazard area .as ".the au^ea'below the elevation of'the category 1 storxq surge lute as established by a Sea, Lake; anci Overlattz} Surges from Flnn~ieanes (SLOSH} computerized storm surge model" Local governments are required to "amend their fiitute laud use map and coastal management element to include the irvw definition of doastat high-h'a'zard areaattd to depict the coastal High-hazard at~a on the future:land use map" liy 7uly 1, X00$, Aut ori, : Sectipns 1b3.3178(2j(h) and (1)(a~, 1i.;5:, Rules 97-3A06Z4)(b); 9J.5;O12(2)(e) (3)(b)6 and 7, P.A,G. Itecbxgme~udatfon: Inc'tade data anti analysis to dvtitanstrate that. the proposed atitendment is Consistent with the retluiLVmvnts of Rult.s 97-S.D:12(3)(b)6 and 7; F.A,C. Attvnratively, fhe Village could adopt:a 1eue1. of service standtu~3 for au out-o£-counfy huufcann evacuafi]ott Yime i'or a category 5 storm event :and ensure-that the evacuation time is trrainfained. The level:of service standard adopted 'by the Village must be suppltrted by professionally adceptvd and applecfi d"eta. attd analysis to demoustrafe tliat.the evacuation. time will pinvide:suff'iclent•tme for the Village's residents to safely evacuate ur a category 5 storm event. If the ;Pillage watild prefer to use the default hutraane evacuation times established in the statute, then the Village- would seed to provide data and analysis to cletiionstita[e that the evacuation times established in Section 163.31389}(a), P:S., can be met and maiutaitted. lnelude the statutory definition of the coastal high hazard area attd'a map of the coastal high. hazmd seen, based on the statutory defntltiou;, in tlty'trillage's comprehensive plan. '[pillage Response: l: Creneral: Tice Village has adoptea':the Palm Beach Courrty Coruprehensive Emergartey MamrgcitTent Plan (County CL+'~2P) by reference. The CERIP p>•puides .th¢ gerrerat emergency management structure and guidance ttndeY which the Vllrage of I~farth Palm Bcrreh CnnrpY•slteras•it~e I~.mergancy Management I'dan (Ipolage L;EMPJ was• formulated As part 4f the Pillage CBNIP, INarth Palen Beach ndapted the Zfl4A Flurv-icane Pion, ta~hich estalilislies procedures Fo be ,fablovved.in the event the? a huirlcane. is expected to a,~eet the cprporate m•aa, $hauld North Palm' Beach appear an the predicted "GOPre:d•~errnr" ofa storut; as determined.by Fhe NaFinrrral Ijurrleane. Cerrtez; and shoahl.a nzandrrlary evacuation be ordered by Palm. Beach Countyy; the Village wlll, w~itlvn 72 hours of predictedlctxc7fal~ noti, fy rasidsrtfs.in the evacuation: area Fhrouglx xhe use of puUltc trddt~ESS speaker sXs.'tems built ntn mursicipal vehicles or lty.dovr to-u'onr noHfrcati4n, shvtrlrl ~ipie nnd:mdnpawerperrnrt.. Residents.desirirrg Fo evaauQte to a:laca! shelter bill be directed fa either William T. Dwyer High Schaal (Palm Beach G"nrdens) or Independence fiddle school (.IulziFerJ.. YYlllfaata T. Dwyer High School is: aFpnoximdtely i.0 miles dr•ivrng distance from the subject site. >iia FGA Boulevard and 2 lvfilitary Trail; 77+hilelnlependenee rYtiddle Schnal is located.in Abacoa, approztrawtel3i 7.0 miles drfving distdnce i?ia Z'G 9 Boulevm•d, illilitary ~'rai2, Donald Russ Road and Greemvay 3~rive. Thbse :chcasing to evacuate' the Village will be directed to either Nor•thlalte 1}o2rlevmd or PGA Boulevard both of wDitela are designated Ifinrteatae Eroacuation IZdutes. Should tra~c assistance be necessary, Vz?Igge Public Safely q•~Icers will b¢ stationed at the {nteasedtions of tl.,~ Nigh2vay 1Vo, 1 artd.PGA Boidleverrd and U.S Highway t~to, 1 and Nci•thlaks Bouleum~d to ass7stwith. rhefldw oftrafJ`Ic.. ~. Erurieat:e Eaacuatlon ctttrl Slt elter Services: Neither North Patna Beach nor• Paln2 Beacli .Cn'unty has. adapteit a letet-rf-sez~siict; (LAS) standard for hurricane evacr4Crlion, Flowe~+er;. far those gavei~am.enis that hove ntrt aYlirpled .an LRS for evacuation to a shelter; F S, 163.3178(9J(ez) •estdblishes the LOSstandaa d at no greater dhan 12 hours for a Category S Storm event. If it is dern'onstrated that a pr o~msed cornprehensiue plan amendment can enmply with -this standard, it shall lie firursd in eon:pliaiace w+ith tlae state's coastcil high la#zn~dprnvlsians, rin analysis r1f the shelter evizCUation xme fai• proposed NPBC.F Amendment 07-Z:I (DEA 08-1J is presentecl ha the bittaahed repart.entitleai~ "Village gl'Nortla Pabn Beacls Corr2l~relaensive Plan Antendtnent 08-1 pomani Par•ce1 Impact on Flui+rzcane E2racizatron Clearance Time. mail Compliaisce 2~+112 Section 16,1.317$(9), Flirr•tda Staf2rtes", prepared liy Kemaeth Metna~ AI~P (M-efts f Staxdl+), Tke report ebnclucles that proposstT 1VPBC1' ~Jznendin¢nt 07-2,1 will b•esult to a 2008 h2rrricarte eucrcuation clearance time of 9.23 hours to a shelter and, therefore, eampiies 2vRth Section I63.3178(9J(aJ, Florida Sfalutes. aviu2 the Vdlage's;zzuliey of raat~lixg residara(s of a marrdntory! estaciraaon iyiXhiiz 7,2 Jro2rrs nl lartz(fall ar2d the proximate location of desigrated shettcrs, the l2-hour ma.~lrnum ei+gcualion tirste. to a shelter, per F.S 1b3.317$(9)(aJ2 can also easily Tie mitt by resir]erats lining at the subject site. 3. Coastal Fiiglt l'-lazarrl ftrett &Fap: T'he Tiillage prepared an updtrled Coastal High Hazard Area ~CHA) nzap cis part of its 200,6 Evaluation and appraisal (Ref Map 7 page 55 of the EAR) Ilse map was the n2ast currently available at tFte: tune of floe EAR. Furtlser;. the EAR resotrsntendadan2er?tltng F'i~rra 3-I7 of fihe. Puttzre land Use Map ,series as pant pf the E(R-Bas'etl wzzetzdttzetrts, .ta reflect the c'urr•ent definition of the Coastal FIzgh I3'clzard /.{rea, os depicted on map .7 f1 copy of Map 7 fi•Orez tl7e EAR is attached hereto, Flowever, according to I'afm Beach County Emergency i4lanagamerit, the CCfIA map will be further revised during ilae next year .as part of the statewide update process The I!illage's naap wall :lie nnaended as appropr.7ate, fullowt7?g conayleftors of the County°s updoting process, 3 The £sA1t was faurad s~u,JjReienl by F.UGA r+n 1i'ebruary 6, Z-0Q7. SvBsegvent to #lae Eroding of su,jisien¢y, the Village regvested and was granted an ¢xtensian by FD~9, to 1?ebruaay 6, .2009, is Eorupfete the ~tlt based Corraprehensh+e FFian amendtnenm (copy of ekteaasian 1¢tter attached}. If the C'ounry has ravised its CCHA neap by the time that rlae ~lllxge cornpl¢tes the EAR-based amendments thsa•evisedmapwillbeinclvd¢dtlaerein. The CCFIrI is currently defir2efl in Clbjective 6 of the Caastdl Manageanetat Elenaerat ps "The. evaaaation zone for a Categaly 1 htrt•rtcane". The definlt€on will b¢ anrendecb ln. tiotH the Future hand Ilse and Coastal Management elenlen#s, to cas'resppnd exactly wlth 1he• stattrtary d~tattion when the F~1t-liasad ameaadan¢rats are enacted next~scal y¢ar. fibjcet"tan 2: Futiu'e I,an'd Use Polley 4.2 teyulr~s ~ll.fntwne:high density reside~xitfal develapin~nt to be diseeted to areas west of U;&. highway 1 in Girder to ¢aardinate coastal.poputaiion densities With the County Hurricane Evacnatian Plan. The High Density Residential land use designation .proposed in this amenchaient .is }oeated east .af iJ.S. Highway 1. Therefore, the proposed amendment is inconsistent withPolicy 4,2. Tize prapnsed amendtncnt site is loaareiL.in Plsnniug Area 2 and is subject to Future Land also Pai%cp 5:~. Special Policy 5.2 recluiras development In Planning Area 2 to be based on the 'Village's rriixed-.use provisions of the GommerEial. Plafiured Unit Development Ordiuanes, The taoltey also limits resideltial density to 10 to 1.1 dwelling Waits per ac:o. The proposed ]and use ckanga is inconsistent with Spatial Policy 5.2 because itis a single use land use category and the maximum density of 24 units per aerC excce'ds the maximum of 11 units per acre estaUlished far Planning Area 2: flat ri Sections 167,31'7'1(2] and 167.3187(2], F.S,; Rules 4J-5..003(5) and 9J=S.,OOfi(4)~c), F.A,C. Rceammeardation: 1'he Village should revise the proposed land use change to resolve C3hjectian 1 end to be egaisistent with Future Land Use Policy 4.2 and Special Palioy 3.2. Alternatively, if the Village chooses fo adapt the proposed land use change sand. has adequfltely trsolved the hu:rcicaue evacuation issues identified in bbjecbnn I., then the Village shoiill revise Future Land Use Policy 4.2 and Special Policy 5~2 so that the adapted land use change. is xtot iu~ansistsnt wltfi these:twa policies. VlllagE Response: i. F'alttreLanrlUse.Ts'lemetrt3'olicy9;.Z; U.S. Highwcly Na. 1 is a nov7h-south flvrricane. Evaeua/lon Route collector road fox• its ¢nlire course thrvaugk tlte..brillage. Zl:S. FTFghtif+ay No. 1 .ttuerseets.bofla 1Vor9lalp!€¢ Baulei+az•d aaad PGA Boulevard, which are designated Xvrricarte Et!acuation Routes with interchange access #o I-95 pbd Florida's Titrnpilea. Prrop¢rties located on U:~S Iliglaway No. 1, wizetia¢r nn its east ar H!est side, are a,Qard¢d similar .evaev¢atian apportarnities. This is.partirsalarly tnve rrz light o,J'the ndrrox! extent o} the Village along th¢ eas# sid¢ o,~'tlic T~S..Higkiway 1Vo. I eorriflot ira t5e Villcrg'e, 4~ith regard to proposed N7?BCP ~Iniendrn~tat 177-Z.1 (DClI des/gnatfan d,~''Q$-I), tJa¢ subject parcel has 467 feet of frontage along the east side of :U:S. Pftghti:ay Na. 1 and will Ge aljorded direst access thereto. Funtherr, tlxe property is located approxianately 17.4 miles south Qf' PG~1 l3aulevard and thereby a,~}`orded convenient access t6 the desfgrTUted east-}vest Htmi'iccrrte Lvacuatipn Route. .It is deteimained that location on tlxe east side versus the yvest side of U•S. H'..zg~laway 1 makes no df,~ererie&, iri tertras vfhurricune evacaration opportunities in the Pillage. During :the comprehensive plan amendment i'erilew process, the Pillage Public Safety Department .provided coit'~4pona'ence in support ql' ihis conclzrsion, stating :that "no tv rniniiraal" aduei'se impacts to public safety concerning hurricane evcreuation or storm surge ar•e anticipated Yrs a re.sula ofthe proposed "Dornaari" development. On Phis basis, it was• concluded iix the s1gJf report drat the proposed amendment ryas. not inconsistent yvith Palicji ~:2 fn that hun+ieane eraaeztation npportzrnitier would -rapt be adveasey ajfeeted by tl?e pi'opased tlevelppmerat. 13artlzer:, the Metcalf Stcrdy, a?scussed in :thrt F~esporrse to Qlijectlora .l, above, dacumeMs this co~acta<sian. Policy A:% currently reads: "Atl future high density residential development.shall G'e directed to areas Hest of L? S Highway 11?0: T as a paeans .a,~daardinating coastal area pgpulation densities wlth fhe Coxtnty Hzn•ricane Dvacualion Plan. " To aa'dre~s. the FDC.4 ileten»ined inconsistency, as welf as other sinxilcm etrcum s7anees along the. f/.S. Highway Na. 1 corridor, f?oliey 4.2 .rhadl lre revised to read as follows: Policy 4.2 gill future high density residential devElopment, with tlae follar~ina.exceptionr, slxall ba directed to pteas rr+est of L1.:S Hfg7atvay Na, .l ire a rraeerns of cgprdinatigg coastal aa'ea polsulation densslties tvith the Eounty Hutricane EvacuaEiun Flan-~ 2. Ftt4~treLnnil ifse ~ieniertiSpecial Policy S,2 Special Policy 5:2 reads as ,fnllorvs: "Utilize the mlied~rrss proa+israns of the Yillaga'.s Commercial Planned exit Develapnaent (CPUD) C?rdiixarxce as a mecn7.s of develapirrg: that porllan of PlannirigArea 2 located east of t1,5. flghrucry No. 1 and trorth of Alorret Koad (i.e. zlelirieated as Special Policy 5:2 on .Figure 3-3 of tlae FlatanE .Lund flee Map Series) in a h~ansitian mode,from Comrnereial(i:e. coinpatiGle to the GR Zouiiag District) do RESidential C.e. campattGle to the R2 2anirtg Distric() running from U.S. klagTatr+ay No, I east tp Lake YYorth. illaximarm.gross density shall not exceed 1©-1:1 D- U/A~ Develaprnent of the property shall be subject to -the Pilltige Cmincil approval of site pfar9 and PL111 appllcctttorrr. The foilvrtring uses shall Be excluded frnna Cliffs developmetat: ~I) Golf elirb and ifs accessory uses sxrch as resta?rrant, Gar,. tlrivirtg range and equipment store;, .(2) Go~yling alley; :(3J~llirxg scdtians; (~ dr y cleaning plants; fs) azrtrbrTe home park,'. anti (6) adzdf eixtertaimixent extraGlishment. 1 T'ropertles 9ocated east o~S HigTnvay lia I xlaol are currently assigned a Hlgh Density ,Residetifial future larril ua>' destanation: Per7tnentinterpretations• afSpecfal Polfcy5.2 fnelulle: The geographical scope of ~peeia! Polfsy :5.2 is currently lhratteil to that area ttrdieated on 1<'igzire 3-3 of the I~'utztre Lartd Us'e Map Series,- imt the ez3tir'ety of Plantrtrr$ Ai ea 2. s The ,geagrapitical scope of Special Pziilcy S.2 can be revised ~y amending fire area detineaEed an Figure 3-3, .as proposal to dm~ndtnent 0~-1 (f.e: 1JFI3CP AnrendnrenC 07- 2.1). a it'1arfmunz resldetrtl4l density fs 11 zmits per gross acre. • Commercial deuelopmerz! is expected to be clustered along U.S. Htgl3way N©. 1, with specifrc itrofensil1y cletermfiied troy tkie applfcation of Village I.azrd deve'Ippnaarrt regtilatforrs. (1•ZOT~:.moi•e spet:rfia frirxed-use intensely cr•zieriir ¢iave 5eetz approvecl•by the 3/r'llage to tha recent U&, f~ighxvay fVo. 1 Corridor S'tirdy -Phase Il. These erlleria mill .be lncorportttect rovithin the Camrrrehensive Plan via the upcoming E~2R Based Amendmeaits~. In addition to ~'pediall?oliey 5.2, Poitcy ].rot ofthe 1%uture Zand Us'e dement ltmlls thr; mcrziruutn coHZmeratal,Jldor-area-satin (FAR) far comntercfal developinerrt north' of tFie Parker fridge, including the szrb~ect site,. is 0.3:5. Per the nlzove discussion, it is the Village's deternzfrratfoa that the geographic extent of Special Policy S.2 scan be z'euised by a Future Land Use iY1ap Series acnendmerlt to Figure 3-3; qs is proposed.byAmendmeirt 08-1 .~,e. fJl'f3Cf' Amenilrnent Q7-2.1). 1:utYher,,for the purposes of assessing the impacts of proposed flnrendrnent 08-1., the. foZloN+ing i~itensity detetminattons foe fihe ?Gerapareel are nmde: Current Future Lem. d Use Aesignatfon (rLfixed--Use): Residcmtal component - 77 dwelltrrg units; .and commercial component (equivalent fa 2.333 acres per diseusstois rovith FDCA) - 35,374se1. ft. of retail space (2.333 acres ar a 0;.35 FAlt). These intensities are used to assess the tra,,~}"ic impacts of the pr+aposed amencbnent in ObJecton3; below. ilbje~#mr 3: T1ie.txa#fic impact anal~sis'silbmiltoil H+itli.t~teproposed ametiduieutevaluated the resideiifial zotiin applied to the site (11 .dwelling uuifis laer acre .or 77 total uA[ts) xatiier than the maxiniuzndevelopment.allowed by the land.uses assigned to the site (Cffniniercal and lvledituxt 13ensfty Residential). The existing .1anc1 use allovis a portion of ttre sexen aCa+a site to be developed fox Cointuercial use at an intensity of 0.39 floor at~;axatio and residential developmexzt' at a,maxiznurii of 11 units per` acre on fife remaining portion of the site. In addition, the radius of influence for the traffic study needs to incJ.ude aR the majer roads in the Village, not ;just the "fast directly accessed major tltoroughfat~e roadway". Authori :Sections 1G3.31G4(~2);1b3;3177(3); and 1633173 jG) ja), {b); and (j),F;3..., Rv1es 93- 5.003(2); 93-5:006(2), (3)~li}1 atad (a)3i 9J-5.016j2j,{3)(b)1,2, 3, 4, 5 jc)3, 6, and (4); ~J- 5.619(2), (3), and (4)(b)2, 3, je)1, F.A.C. Recommendation: Tho traffic tnpact analysis needs to be revised to evaluate and compaa•e the traffic unpacts allowed by the existing land use and the .nronoscd future land. use. Tire existing land use allows a portion of the seven acre site to be .developed for Commercial rise at an intensity of 8.35 floor area ratio and tesidontial ,development at a maximum of 11 unite per acre on the remaining portion :o'f the site. The Future Land Use tlesignafion allows 24 dwelling units pr aexe or 1G8 total units. The radius of influence for the traffic study :should include all the major roads within the Village, not just t(tie "first directly accessedrnajnr thoruttghfate rpatlway". Ydlinge R~sporrse; i. Developmeaat Intensities: It was dere..rtnned in Che. above. dtscussdan that devedopraaertt prilentiad ota the sarbjecd site under dds existnag firtame dared rise zlesigaation is a miz~r!-use ide>>elopmerli consisting gf 7? residential units (Le. I1 malts pei• gr'nss aCr~e) coed .15,:374sq. fd of coarlmBr'cial devedopmond (ire. 0.351<AR on d/3 ofddae 7 acre parcel), whi=p devedopanent pofentiaf uaatder the pa•aposed. futarre lend use desjgr~rrtioaa as I..fiB a•esddentictd :colts'(%e. tnaxinamn of 24.un~ts per acre:on.7 aeaes). 2. Revised traj~c Sturiys A eQpy of the revised tree sh(tf}; ,prepared by. Mc1Ylalapn 7'i¢tnsportatton :Cazgineers and .Pfanners, fs attached hereto. 7fie analysis sboivs fhat [he prgpased,~tture laird arse desgetarivn geaaerates fewer vehicular fi•fps than the existing fulaire land use designatloaa. As a result, the trip distarfbu2toaa analysis is not necessmy. II. Consistency with Chapter I87, PS., State Comprehensive Plan The proposed amendment is ineonsistentv,+ifli the following prnysivrts cif Chapter 187, F.S.: Section 187.201(6), Petblic safety, Polley 22: Prepare advanced plena fot• the safe evaeuatiari pf coastalinsfdents; Section 187.201 (15), Laird Use, PpliCies 1, 3, and 6: Tu ensrue development is located in.areas with public; facilities are available, encourage mixed-use development, and evaluate impacts of development on public facilities; 5erition. i872t11(;t"1), Public Facilities, Policies ~, 4,. 5, 6, 7, and 9: fincouxage the development, use, and coordination ofcapital improvement plans by all levels of government to ensure the availability of public facilities; '3ection 187.20'i.(14),'1'ransportation, Folicios 2, 7, 9, 12,:and l~; l~nsure the availability of ail effccienf transportation system, but avail transportation improvements tJzat-encourage or subsidize devtiloprrieitt 171 the coastal highhazaid area; and Seetfon t87.2ti](25); Plan Ttnplementation, Policy 7: Ensuie that local plans ianpleinen't and accurately reflect state goals and policies. By addressing the concerns noted in Section i., these inconsistencies with Chapter 187, Florida Stahrtes,can be addressed. I%illoga Resronse: ti~r~es~anding to t7ttjectdons 1-3, above, the if:cansisfeflctes r+~itk Z;:S. 1$? are ndso [addressed c'?.tkTS%'r~r GS;.a~?:.'~ ~" ~%,J STATE .6F FL.ORIDA~ D~PA~1`IVl~hIT' O~ CA.MNtUN1 "D®dicafeq 84 making ~Iar1o'a a betlar pleas 4ti/181:i8 GRIST AoVeinor Febsnary25; 24D8 N1L, Jlnsmy T4uugbt Vltlege Manager 'Vil(ageofrlatEhPalm Beach SAl "t7 3. Highway 7 North3?alni &eacir, Flarida33408-4902 Dear Mr. Knight, TY A~FA1R~ to ca:11 home" THOh7A3dS. P64HAh7 BeerBtety ~~~ This is inrespon6etoyourletter datedFebntary 11, 2008, retluesting.a six-month exten$ion t'or ELeadopEiona'Etho:B~ahaa3ion:atul Appraisal lEepott(~AIL~ based amend>hevts to the Village o€ ritorth t'aim.'Beach Comprehensive Pian.. PheDeparWieat may.grantasix=month exienaion€ox~headgpation aftlie.F3valuation sad Appraisal Report based atltendusetitA, if tlieretjuest;is,;}tsstifad by good and;su~igient canes pursuamto8eetionl.fi3,31~{10),Plorida5taiutes. TlieDepartmenthasrevlewedyourregDest iuid:accepts the reastips as sufficient cause and grants the ~illaga ofIQorth Palm Besets tfie exten$ion. P.leasasuVn?ittiteEA'1~baseciafr~andmentstotheFlemidaDeparttnetrt•ofCommunity Affairs, Division of CommuuityPlanising, Ylan Processigg"Team b"y k'ebrundry 6,;2D09: Tl'yau have eny questions concerning this matter,.please do not hesitate to cocltac3 Bolr Detutis, Regional l~laitiiing Adniiiiistrator, at (8511) 4s7-9,5~T,5. sincerely, r~ ~~ Miice:lt>Ic77anieT Chief o£Comprehensivo Planning cc: TerxyL. Hess A,Tf:F, PlantridgDYeetor Tcea6ure Coa6t Regional;;*ianniug Council 2868 BHn di Aii'D dA.K 88:ULEVARO TA.I,4AHA$SE~e; F't:D HfD-A. 9298&-2ii1D P~hvne: #F,'se..A~8~8.8469/BLrcBrit 2:79.E~i¢a ~ F:A X: 86"e..921.Cia1f;9~U.no O'ro ~28 t.0~~e 9 Iqj ar met~s:tl dre&s: h~tp;((wivw tlga-eta'tq,, I_us. cP1il0A1-BTaiBCOH0EW1 Ea;1.p.OrFlcg OOtdtdUH1T4 PLAHtNad :HO7tBIH48C01dMUH1TY0EYT[bPM6HT- SNBga,emSHmhxay,6~dp,T12 ~SBS-SLWnold QldlBoUlal+~t 49BB91gtidN0 O-0teou{avWA' Maraeon F.,8;+860@7dt Tepa6a+ao4 FLYgBB~107 iWlnlivsaa0...FL 7Y383R107 :' ~~ m a_u~ ~s~ ~ aD ~. 0 f a-c~ s" a° m° s m a z° !I ~3 ~ G ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AugusI 7, 20x8 Jodi 1Ventwielt, Pillage Plnmrer Village of M6rtk Patm Beach SO;I U,S. Wiglttvay 1 North Pelm Boaeh, h'L 33'408 Re: illpntanlLandUaeAmendment Dear Jodi, RadSce Iti 1000 Corporate Oriue, Sulte 250 Fort. Lauderdale, F133334 PHONE 954..202.7000 FA& 95y.$02.7070 Enclosed please fled the revised Traftie AnalySis.#oi• 31te e$isting land uso. Phe aiia'lysis is based on the Village's interprettixiou ofthe 11888 alLoveable currcntiy wlticli are y7 resideafitil unite and 3'S;STA SF of eotnmercial retail ('1~b1e t), In tlais scenario;:tlw"PM peak oyes are g1<eater i1] the e7atskingland use vs. the proposed of 1 G8 units. Per 'Cable I, the rlM peak out trips (16 trips are minimally hlcreased and al! ether •catctidations indicate a reduotion of ti•ilis based on the proposed tCiB ilnits, 1o atlmmary; by inaludLlg the Futnrently t111oWed eammelxial use to the e>Fisting land use caiculatiolis, the :daily. traffic coln3ts for the existing laud use versus tho proposed land trse:are AcasticaHy reduced`wttli minor inct~eeses<tq the AM peak numl3ers. Should yotl have any tluestions; comments or require Any additlaunl l nforroetion, please Ao nntbesitake to call me at (954)2D2-7U9(I, Thankyou for your time and .kind Gaasidelxttion with negu`ds to this rriatfer. Sincerely, IiOI°iLI;R~NCiNIsERi)~1G, LLC I?;yan 0. Tlionlas, }]iE, Branch 1vlanager cc: John tsapq Koller Cnmmnnities gob Vml, Koper Communities 4TIdE:R OFFICE tD~L1TTONS: n SonthhomuBF, NA s klbang t:Y s Purshaso,. NY ~ Ronkonkoma, AY a Warren, NJ 'a:EenTer Valtay, PA 508.4 80.9900 558.438'.9900 9tR.25]9AD0 631.798:1200 908.668.6500 Bta.709.9971 ^-CbSlfant, PA = Towson, Id0 v iterlfng, Y8 o:l9arrwnon, VA ^:eovifc. Fie 2't'S:096.'9100 A30.821J900. 703;7A9:960.0' S40:3'S9~.4500 307:009.4000 tIVR AND [ONSOl7INC: ENGINEERS • -90RV.QYOaS o PRU1tLT M~ANAGEftS.e ENYIaONMENTRL CONSIILiANTS- WtyVt.aatllarEngtnce rtng.cem T\13Lf; 1 iHl1' C:LVL"It.\.Tk(h~1:\7Vi,L.Y51S D(7\IA~1 T[2AfF(C FLl/A '!UT VD.\IEtV 1" ~{A:\EFFG~ `iiUI7Y D- eily [t~xonnsed Future Gang Use ~, Condo/I'awnhuuses(.L•ID) 230 168:DU T=T{X) 588 388 1,17b Fr L td Use Coltdr7FCnwnl,onses:(R.3.) CommercL~l 230 .820 77 ~AU~ 3557.4.51+ . T=T()n ; Ln(E)~a0.G4•Ln()Qt'3.87 a70 A,942. 269 7,742 ~ 539 3;484 SubEp[x]:. 2;012 :2>Olf _ 4;023. ~Diffeiertie~ -1,424 7;423 -2,842 g,M~ncentStreel Peak Pio~osed Fulttro Lattd Use gmdofl`owuliouses(HD) ~ 230 kG8'DU I:n(1)=~0;8"Co(X7+02li 13 ~b5 78 CtCreent.Fti(ure Land Use CandoF['ownhouses (t?:3) Commerdol Y30~ 820, 77 DU 357+k ~5E ~ Ln(11 =0:8'Ln(K)+0;2G 7'~=1..U3'(~) 7 t3- 35 14. 42 37 SCiltolal: 30 99 79 i){ffetencer ~.d7 1G -~ RMAtfaeentSkeetPeak ProoasedPUhtrv Lnnd Use ~Com(o1i'mvnbnuses (}:ID) 230 1b8 DU Ln(Tj.=0;82'Lnf~tCL32 62 30 92 Cnrr~:4FukuneS~rid 11se CAndolCOwnhouses (R~) Commeteia) 231T 820- 77 DU 3S57d SP' Ln(1')=0,82`,Ln(X)+0:32 Ln('1')=I):GG`:Ln(Xj+3elD 33 15a "I:G Ib4 ~ ~t9 315 Spbtah9r 185 180 3b3 Diffemnce: •123 150' •273 Niiee: (1)Ffalm Oeach County TriNGenemtion RnCes ~ ACA A ~u~~T Village of 1Vorth Palm Bench Comprehensive Plan Amenx~ment 0.8-1 D,omani Parcel Impact on Hurreane)rvacuatioi~ Clearance Time an--c1 Compliance witih §1.63.31'78(4), riorida ~tactutes Prepared ,i'oi• Koltcr C. omxx-unities Prepared by Kenne~li McCcalf, AIGP Greenberg Trai~rig, P.A. July 31, 2U08 1.0 Infi•oductiou The ptnposed mnendtnent changes the land use designation ova 7~aere parcel from Mediturt Density Residential (] L dweUiirg milts per acre). to Hi~li Density Iteciileutial.(2~ dwelling writs per aeraj far a net increase of 91 units. The. subject pmpctty is located lit the Coastal High Hazard Area (CI~IHA:)„ defned by §163,31'l8(27(1iJ, F:S., as the area below the elevation of the Catagoty 1 stone suX,go :as modeled 'by the 'Sea, Lakes and Overland ~uurge f[•ain Hnrricmtes (SLASH.) model. §163.317$(9)(aj. F.S., states that: "Local govetxunents may elect to comlaly w[tlt rule 9J-5:012(3~(b)6, and 7„ Florida AdtttiuistrtitivL• Cade, thrgiagh the process Nravded lit this section, ~S proposed comprehensive plan amendment shall Ue found in eompliavee vrth state coasts[ high-']iazartt. pruvisitrns pursuant to rule 9J- 5.012(3)(h)6, rind 7., Floritls.ildministl•aYive' Coale, if: 2. A t2-Roux evacuation tints to shelter is maintaisted 'for a category 5 stone everts as iiteasurcd on the SafYir Simpson scale .and shelter space reasonably expected. io accomtnodate the residents of the development contemplated by a proposed eorrtprsiterlsve ,plan amendment is available.. °' The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that the prolaoseil aineudment ecuupliesvnth tlteprwisions eii0d:above. This siatato.y aiuentUneut was adopted in 2006 .in order tp establish statewide min. imurrr standards For maintaining ~urt9cane evacuation elearattce time and to .provide addiNOnai flexibility ~ the comprehensive planning piocess where eompetlrsg polilie policy objectives affect land use decisions in rho CHHA. In this case, the Village afNorth Palm Beach has adopted .policies recognizing theateed for econotnic:redevelopntent along the tl,S. i egcriilor. Tlie follove+ing report doeunte?its that the adotatod azvendment .will result iu a 2fl08.hurricane:euaeuatian clearance tints of 9.25 hours to a shelt+:r cud, ttterefare,. complies wills §i43:,3178(9j(R); F:S. 3:0 Deslgnatlon of the GIIHA The Treasure Coast Ilmlicane Evaeuation.Aestudy was covtlileted lit 2003 in response'to revised storm surgo modeling based on improved elevation data tesultii~ fi~om Hte use of Light >)etection and Ranging (I:IDAIZj technology. 'The 20U3 model updato increased the number of emits rvifhin the Category. ] storm surge area by Xe1ocatigg writs froty Categm•y 3 evacuation zones to Category 1 evacuation zones based on the adjtrstinents resultingfrom the I.IDAR.and ;;LOSH model. 11te draft Restady report indicates flint. tlla Categoryy i evacuation area bou>Sdary was baseA nn tlie: Category I ,revised .SLOSH .xesuYts with adjastmerits based ou census bcaurtdaries, nattu'al aitd utaniuade features and roadways. Palen Beach C:owity Emergency Mattagentent Itas also etinfiiftted that t(te. evacuation botindasies continue to reflect These adjustrne~tts. Thus; the. CH]-lA for Palm $each County lies not yeC lacen revised in accordance with the statutory amrardment. This modification is expected next year as part of the statewide update process. Fot• tine purpose cf thi's report,. the adjustments to the Category 1 b0uitdary are not critical and would :not change the outcome of the analysis. 7'he subject property is assutned to be vtthn the Category l boundary based axi fhe availabt0 reaps. Moreover, shirt use oftlte Category ]elevation shontil geueral'ty result iu the eoutracfian of the CI-1H?,. Most imporFa,ttly, any adjustments between flee C'ategoty 1 atad Category 3 areas would not ;impttct t7ze issitlTs af• the model analysis because the tnodet assumes f00°lu parficipatign from residents, regardless of the evacuation zone involved, The only difference in the mode] is Otat tootists are assumed to pai'tiCZjtatE at 9t?°l° if lot;ated within a Category 3-5 evaeuatiof zrnte versus 14.66/a participation if located within a Categ©ry t storm sure area. "flris differeneeviould not change'the.results oftlie modol findings, 3;0 Harr3cane =Lvscuatiou Clearance Time Analysis The followit~gdocvtnents wetereviewed and utilized npreparing thiarepcut: Draft Trauspoitation Analysislteport, dated Tuise 203, olitaoe$ fi•om the Stateof Florida Division of Entergeney lvIanageroent; Trgnsportatiou Model Support Supplement (undated), obtained fi~otn 'f`reasura Coast Regional Plantting Cmucil ~l'CItPC); e Abfi•eviated Transportation Ivtodel (ATM) :snmmary repork, obtained, from TGRPC; e Abbreviated '.['ranspottatinn Model Spreadsheet fa• tlae '11-s;asure Coast region, obtained fi~grrt TCltl'E; end Palm Beach County Lnre~~gency Management. tJn line repfltt slrOwirig shelter )'orations;, and s 20'08S1ieIter~CapacityrepartabtainedFromD)/*1Vltvebsite. The }t•TM report was pt*epared vt 2003 as a supplement to the Transportation Analysis deport and ftrovides more detsil ou fhe assumptions utilized in the spreadshcet model Tbc AT4vl report and the ATtvl spreadsfieeY model provide hurricane evacuation elearanee Dimes for vatzolts scenarios by individual county. Foz the ,purpose of this report, Elie vYOtsY-case scenario for :l°atm Beach Comttg was. utilized based otr inaxiinytn occupancy fpr a Category 3-5 storm event. "1`lus is eonsistenE wltlr the .statutory retlutrentenC to analyze the mpaot for a Catagoiy 5 hurrcari6. The ATM report and the spreadsheet provide a Year 2000 'baseline update utlizutg.U.S. CeruSUS 2000 data, The ATM spreadsheet model is designee) Lo allow users. to input.adjusted variables to update the model f¢r subsequent. years and for different scenarios. Fot' the pttepose of this report,. all orighrai assutnptiens for the worst case scenario were rltaiutained. I-Toweuer, evacuating veli'icles generated'by the mode] were increased to account for ,growth front 2000 to 2008. The following inethoilology was utilized fo estimate the Hurricane evacuation clearance tiiine fox rasiclents located at the sulzject amendment site:' 1. Iferriewed County shelteJ• snap to identify nearest Qperatillg shelter to the Damani Parcel. The Shelter Capacity Report Ptrovfdes the eaurity shelter ivap, the EOG repast and an aerial map showing;the two potettfial mutes to t1ie Dwyer High School Shelter locflted at 13601 Ivfilitary Trail. Tlils shelter is located about S-6 mhos from the Domarri pai~eel, depending on tlse saute stslected. The Shelter Capacity report d'acuments an available shelter eapacrty for 2,34 $vacuors and. forecasted Igcal u"sage of 1,900 evacuees.. Tire ATM tixvdel reports tUatshelter gapacity-wquld.peakfor Category L-2, while Category 3- S would involveless detnattd due to. the greater potential fnrregiouaal evacuation. 2. Analyzed the ATM :report and spreadsheet to idwitify the''link along the sltaltet• evaoaafign. mute which expeieneos tho highest volume to capacity rafiio, 7Yiis is tleftned as the critical link. Two routes at'e available to roach Dwyer I3igh Scliool .as indicated by Exhibit A. The yellow xoutepxoceeda notch an iJ.S. 1 to P6A $oulevard, west on PGA Boulevard to Alteiuate AIA, west on Ilood,Avetme attd then north on Niilitaty Tian. PGA $aulevard i$ the. critical litils along the yellow mute. The gt~en oute proceeds north nn ti.S~ 1, west. on Donald Ross Blvd. and sontli otr lvlilitary Trail. il.S, 1 is the aritibal: &nk:alottg this route. The PGA route:was analyzed forflis repoit 3. The.ATt~d report utilizes a directional flaw rate of 2,200 2.,500 vehicles Pei hear for PGA Bqulev8cd from U.S.1 to AlternataAl A (aka SR 81l j. Utilizing 2,200 vehiel:es per hour, the year 2000 simulation loads 12,489 ~~ehicles with a resrtlfing 7'nik olearance titve of 8.17 hours. This is the clearance titne'tasttlting fmm a full evacttatian, inciud'ing evacuees intendit}g to evacuate to another county, to a hotel, tq firends/relatives slid. to shelters as a result of a Category 5 evacuation. 4. Tlui final step involves updating thevioilel to reflect 2008 eonditiatis'based on current 1[l.S; Census paptilatiori estimates. ~'he U:S. t:easiis '.documents tlic 2004 Pahn 13eaeh non-group ~uatter population as 1,111,8Sa and houselaalds as 474,15. The nxodel currently utilizes 474;175 for the 2-t)00 baseline, Ths TJ,S, Census estimates flte 20(16 caunty population as I;Z6b,352 and the 2007 couiitypopulatiov as 1,266,451. As. of tlte. date of this report, flio'2008 census popalatigii estirriates'liavenot been released, Based ai the that rate gtowth wends, a 200$ popilation esfiinatc of 1;267,000 provides a .reasonable estimate. This population is then adjusted by deductiiig the same group quarter popiilatian (1.9,328) resulting in a 20t)8 hAUSeholB pvpirl.atinn of 1,247,672, This represents a couiitywide increase of 12.2%;in household population fioun 2000 to 20a8, This gtowdi factor was then modeled by iiioreasing, tke evaeua6ng vehicles by 12:.2% on Pc1A $oulevard to estimate the increased oloaraiice tune on the critical link along the evacuation route tq the shelter. The 12:2% gtnvith factor should be goiisideeed a eoiiservatively high adjustment, given that most -growth within Aalm Beach. County would Have occurred farther to the west or within bglily urbanized downtown areas, such as WestPalm Beach. Exhibit $ inelirdes four spreadsheet print outs documenting the results of the analysis: The first sprea3sheet shows fhe 2000 baseline ve}rfcles and shoWS the htcreased Year 2008 evacuating vehicles based cn the 12.2°fa growth factor increase and. the pat increase in dwelling units from Cha subject. site. The nuvnpeF of evacuating vehicles fpr the prajept was oaleuL.ated as .1.2 vettioles per unit by multip]yingffie number of vehicles per unit (1.5) by file. vehicle usag¢ date (.80) as provided in the irrodel. Thg second spreadshe¢t sHraws the results of this sceria"rio ~rrd eoritirifls sn incteasa in elearanpt: rime af' about .74 hours fiorn 8.171rours kc •aborrt=8.92 hours as a result 2000-2008 growth and :the additional of 9'i net units to tlreproject slte. THe tlzixd, aud.f`purtH spreadsheet uses the same ptpcezture eXCel~t based. an 158 gross units at the amondment site. Tlie clearance Time increases marginally to &.98 hours based on this scenario. F.or oath of these sceliarfos, an<additional quarter of axi hour would be adtletl fpr theutvestrictedtravel time anthe ptber links which do.not Dairy Imncane evacuation traflie under the model. 'I'Irus, the final clearartec three with. tho amendmont cite developed at rnaxiinum density and fully occupied would be abpPk 3:25 bolus, witiolt is well below fH¢:maXimum standard of 12.allowaHlehonrr. This trlethodolpgy provides a reasonable estimate of elearanee time to the shelter while axoding the difficulty of accurately allocating 2000-20Q8 Housing unite by evaciiatioti zone. I.n effect, the adjustment directly to evacuating veHicles sirrgplifiea :the update process by avoidurg lire need for the model to re.calculafe all of the variabl¢s to load. th¢ roadway. Those interim steps: ate unneoesBaiy liecause i~p adjustment fo the factors; such as occupancy or %d utilizsng a shelter, arc requued 'for the 2000-2U118 growth. By making the growth factor adju5trnent to vehicles Drily, the mode] esseirtielly assurues that dwelling rtiits in all zones increased by 12;2°!o and utilizod :t1ro same evacuation xoutos. Again; this is a epnservat3ve assmnpflon bocanse more grow@lt would have- actually oesurred wesC ofd-95 rather Phan east of 1-95. So, this model adjixstrrlent overesGnlates the Impact o» PGA Boulevard by upt factrfring iu lower growth rates .for eastern. cones that era eikher tblly developed:or infilli~tg and redeveloping ataslower rate compared to cones West pf 1-95 where sigirificant vacaiik land :exists. IIi additipn, the. 2008 update should ii'e Corvservative ht tetrns of pvoviding •a worst case Impact .analysis based on the followtng assumptions as app[iea to the suluect prppcrty as utilized irr the modeling: • IJOinani pm'cel will develop to the maximum allowable d+ursty; • 1)ornaiii parcel will. be fully occupied at 1Ql)% rather tlia~r assnntiirg seasonal uecupancy; anil s A11 residents at tH¢ Domatu parcel will ovaenate to a:shelter, The anal.yais d¢monstrutes that evacuating residerits from the Domelii parcel can reach the shelter h} approximately 9,25 hours based an a Category 5 evacuation scenarip. The atualysis deirtpnstrates eolnpl:ience xvidr the criteria sot foitH hi §.163.3178t;9)(a)..ES. 5 exhibit A: 2008 Risk Shelters 2006 :Statewide Pmergena~ Sheltex Plan ~ac~ation Routes from.Doxnanl Parcel to I7wyex Nigh School (shelter Exhibit 13 .Baseline with 2fS08 adjusted vehicles on PC~~1 Boule~varel, Pages 1 - 4 d H x w X008 ~I~K ~WELT RRS GLAAES ARE/S SHELTERS ~ \~ 4 is i. W ITID[ATYi'OV/AI TtD ) = r.~ ': i ~ , : t -~ ~ i, utxe ` = ~8 ~ , ~ ~ ~ : X r Y y ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ F. z "~ NDIETL3LAIST DLVD `y,. ~ - ~ _ -- _ ~ ~ ~~. q >„ a~ M r~;i ~ © ` ~ + YIKHHCFZ©BH I3$LV - D `': 1(Y(F(y12TA1ti1';TyvCallsltelterswfllLeolleaetl , NY UIC Stolle 4ime::9tay 4unecl 44 iut~1 T~ Anil v~ SOU'P118RLQ ; ~ <'' - rlltliu foral:slter openictg uzrnpnneeeuetrta. Vii: - FORT3ST LLH 7 L fNDEPBNDENCEMTDbLR3Cf{OOL ~ ,; r 400kG:tiEPdVV11AY DR, JP 33456 2: 'WH.L7AI4t D~NV>;ktli$Ertt SCHOOL A ` T~ - ?JGUI ~I.~ILt!PAliYT1tL, PBC: ~S4J'U ~ ~ 3. IfETHT1J'fE ELGMgMTARY SCHOOL ~ N ` i5ff1AVSNDBD,kiB33444 LA ANA1tA 4. SiSMiNOL-I+f RIpY',R fflBf-I9Ck100L ~~ HYP LOX4 -~ 4dplSGIMINC17,EPRAT7'WHLTN~YIZU, . -~ Lo~c 33470 :_ x ` 5. V/F,&.TGATE CLEi1M1RNTARY SCRAOL - . ~~`~ 1345 LOXAHATCH$B.IkR,~YPI13340G ' ' rR ~ Q : • 9N BT3 CLL m-`~ b . _ 6. I~'6RLfS .t' T~tILI.TIIGI~I BIr HOOL ~= 6901 P~1ifK1;RAVE,WP13 33405 _~ - !'- 7: PALMT4L'ACf[CENTIkALHSGH~SCHOOL _ -'~= 8440 ROREST HILLdILVU, W 4 33413 s ~t ~S. JOHNI~LSONhRAHI~HSC1S0~pL ue} . _ 470110TH AYGN, O1fGENACRP,S 33463 ~,y. - '4. 1"il1i;IC VIS7'iY. HiGii:SCROOL A" -~ ~ -; ~ ~990i}JOG:[tD,~h12 39427 - is0,klpl'N7'p1YrIE);AeHHIGfiSCklOOL ~ ~ .c, ~ ~.~ ~ . 4475 Pr4RF 74IACL-+-+ DLYA, BS 33436 A 4 p I LA Q ' - 1MtINITI , T NTCCC 1 73 Gl9,SCII00L ~~ - 245515' ATLANTIC AVL~, DB 33445 Y ~• 11'FO ~ i2.BOCAItATONIIlOF13CHQQ1, ~ = * k5tl1 Nl?V ]3'CkI CT, $R 53486 ;~ :E_ . ~ ~_}- _ 131Y$ST R.OGA1,tATDN1iIG,f1.SCHOOL ~,~~ 1283] CLADI;SRD,BR 33428 14:T.AItE5HCSRE:IVID)DLESCHpOL - 925WCANAL9T M,BG 33430 ___ _ 19.GLADES CIiNTRAI, ElIGt18CII00L IOOI~SW AVIINDL> iYT,~BG 35430 LgOgyyd n • se"Q"PO Rubltc Sflfety Department ~0 1.5 9 B ~ ~Z$ $BPYJGOS 563. 7'12-8487 ~RISIC a ird Mtlea ' ~ Date: February ?.9, 2DOS TER SHEI ~ ^ ; ton~v '~ Source: ARC Shelter di#ta 2WO--UCmW6 ftnr#wx SnoUr PIM Evacuation Route from 13omenl PareeGto bwyer High School Shelter H W ~$~'~~~ w~ ~ ~~ ~~~. ~.~ y ~ 4lp h u~ G ~~ r _ ~CC N' ~~ ~,~ ~~ ~f^,~g~roy~°n.~~' 4 $v"'Y.i ~'.'>>:-~'Y,' ~'. TB~mat~. ~u'°'i ~~&,>r9.'&:kl.~~ ~y-~~g~~ ' N%~p 8'~~°.A 9,~ ~~ ~~8g.a..o °o~.°n;°o$.°ov5'~~`Q;°ogaoo ~c3a~ p~~. ~, ' ~ 'n . i v pDbtlp.Cff. b. 0.0000 Qa~p a'v0-P 4daP pA+10000'0=60. a:p FUPnv [I ~ ~~ m IDg w ,m ~~ ~.~ ~,o gg~ B~ S VF ~ G ~. tA. O G tm. 0 a. z: ~ =~Z m ~3- ~" ~~ vTid12008 adjustatl vg7licles' on PGA Saulevayd 1.2006 gccvdkiaaaocw of ProiecE arii~ tlacOtf Gaumy-at bpttom Mpagetlir®bmores~iprlda) T pdt of f3odd5Tr)rtip9c@nb aE afRahfon {v+/&Ff6)- Re9fon 195 t~oukoARegign~(w/S FWJ iritlfan Fe9srnere Road et:lA'S River Webaasa R5aQ9t U5'1 06•.mty BemeY ®Sd4WSR 60;aL1131 tlth~SireeFBdd)3dfraA A1A to US9 SR 802ta95 61. 02eeLA0t16a Reed 11?rn LJS i 0D71aWaP' Wde NerN Beadi.Causevrsy att131 ~'mY SeBtvby thdieae tAS.1~ U61 tmrt 561iN BfidgelSeatveY ornra p O+zr)geAvems 0i9rlge AVelnie~e4F95 liid'~antbwnRpd at I95 PcA fimdat usl PfiA 8Wd'at'i~85 Bhre Iirten Onrd 2t US'1 Bore HFiarl8lvp at k95 Okeodrb68e Blud,al•US 1 Patin ONeedrdbee 8AN at 1.95 seam. sdunram ewaax u6 i (.mirEy Sau0fM5 BNp ~aAS .SWIAem t7w4ey4rd from TOmaMeiaf-otsom~ Reap uS i 4U51 aCtrs t AA.a(5n Highway at Fte TraeGitce Mxrltn Cag80vsy BAN weal Otl Gillian RbeY BNd. C»uhty A1A.GCm 5ldan Beath :vesl~Sewa05 P+tlIrt BriHg6 Rd(near Hoba ~ranq) at IAS, Htglt Paesaovis't7d.att~85 PsUd City BriBg§/MOntsrey f2d-MaPP ~'~ xuo.~d shepus ratswe Cgaaltiw(®rie7rarnpvRa6pn Arr3lpsis2083 7ie;polgg rmre! Bad~logd 7ra0itFScidr $S a:5 1$ i.3 1:5 I5 7,3 2:5 2,t 2b 2:5 2.5 2:3 2,5 2:5 2,5 35 26 2b 28 29' 25 is 2S 2,5 25 za z5 25 2 $. 2,6. 2:5 Resp4~a7~A1e HaeigroarM trMSe FaGtar 2 z Z 2 2 2 (Xparatiea Cilm3faiYfa CAa0ge 'f0nAS 3d Flmps~C FrMr•.n2sa tOJh Ora H`~~hh Oi# Tfine .357'!43 toYi359143 0 82 59,071428 58.07A428~ 0 1225 1£YS 0 5.0625 5i062S U 3ssaes67 a96s$64T o s.6333333 3:.fi333339 0 8.5333333 $5339333' 0 as §.5 6 8:3125 65725 0 &5 8.5. 0 10:733333 10,733333 0 8~5 9S• 0 12:44727$.12.9,47271- 0 t$,71 ta:71 a 9.i7681p2 8:ei8026$~0.74220818 7p4 7.4 8 5:8098909 3:0x99989 0 356885@7 5.~66$6T 0 5.3181$1$ 953873t6 0 44x3333"3. d~3 9 ~ 5.0366567 ~ Z 0 1s.6.0828fi 15586216 0 ®t 6.1 0 6,933}393 6.63337.33 0 4'.25 4.~ b $:? 5,2 0. 3:6 3a 0 a.i 4:i o s~933;:333 3;0333x13 0 Sr65.065z 5:1866667 0 A,B668867 x1:6665667 0 7.53909 7:st909os a Clemar109. deaialrtie f:hartge 7imae23 Tniias 4S From Base wan am Hen a4+:. Time BS T2493688 9 3.3333339 5.1331195 O 4277777b 4.zT7.7T76 n 3.4 S.BR'(25 0 B,ti;TS 7:23' U 6.56as067 ii,r94~> tl to 7;45'6>5 6 Page i CD~d L9E4 0 ist4 Dos Sb-nePa a~!R~ ZELSk 0 Z6L£F OOSI 1u; P211R?]L~7D~Vy(aPWE~~DPd 98 t4 © 4aG4 008 56'I k~Ptl dNl~'L 6MiE 0 b60E 000 56YlefP+~DDS ~w~~'e6PPB bsua b' osOS u66 y1Dd~~ta.LaSoi~+W~81!et9S'~O VLb 00L4 0~ POLt 0051 'PN®t~11f~JN1.D1 tL~sPnl9 LQAE?~Da~ ugmgt £YSLV 6 '£bSEt pOt4 ~W!ti.?F7 to L%MORH DIPe4V ~i4681 . 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Cleararim Change Badup~alaid TratBa Tim~2-3 Tlroes 45 Fcofp 6hse: FaeWr h89MCloe Ngti Oie Yfcpe a s:a t~a92s86 u H~ i aioa3333 3:1333333 73 GouMY 2 4'2777778 42Tr7778 0 2 5'.4 5:81126 0 2 BT79S -7;26 0 2 8:5888867 t1,19Q6BT 0 2 6.3 7:45875 I! %ga t Evacuation Route from Docnanf Parcel to Dwyer Htgh Schoot SMgltec MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 10, 2008 Present: William Manuel, Mayor David B. Norris, Vice Mayor Edwazd M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T.R. Hemacki, P.E., Councilman L Jimmy Knight, Village Manager Leonazd Rubin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 8:07 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staffwere present. DOMANI PARCEL PROJECT UPDATE Ryan Thomas of Bohler Engineering, and Bob Vail and John Csapo of Kolter Properties were present to provide an update on plans for the Domani project. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Vail gave a presentation on the proposed design of the project. Mr. Thomas reviewed setbacks, which are 100 feet on the north and south sides, with 50 feet between the two condominium towers, which are each 220 feet high. Mr. Vail discussed concerns raised by Old Port Cove residents, including impact, quality, and traffic. Mr. Vail displayed a site line study depicting the view looking north from Old Port Cove. Discussion took place regazding the timetable for the project. Mr. Vail advised it is a two-phase project, in which the south tower and town homes would be sold and built first, followed by the north tower and town homes. Mr. Vail projected sales would start in fa112009, and estimated the wmpletion of the project would occur in 2013. Discussion ensued on comments received from the Department of Community Affairs. Mr. Vail noted the DCA report seems mainly concerned with hurricane evacuation, and advised he will be meeting with Village Administration to address this issue. Brief discussion took place on the possibility of Kolter seeking an easement from Old Port Cove Holdings. Mr. Vai] advised that Kolter does not plan to request an easement. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ~//~~~o~ l~~ ~~C Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk i