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2008-11 Small-Scale Comp Plan Amendment - 9249 Alternate A1A
ORDINANCE 2008-11 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF A 2.62 ACRE PARCEL OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS "LIVE OAK PLAZA" LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ALTERNATE AlA SOUTH OF RICHARD ROAD, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM THE COUNTY CH/5 LAND USE CLASSIFICATION TO THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL LAND USE CLASSIFICATION; AMENDING THE VILLAGE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village has annexed a 2.62 acre parcel of property known as "Live Oak Plaza" located on the southwest corner ofthe intersection ofAlternate AlA and Richazd Road; and WHEREAS, section 171.062, Florida Statutes, provides that in azeas annexed by municipalities that are subject to a county land use plan, the county land use plan remains in effect until the municipality adopts a comprehensive plan amendment that includes the annexed azea; and WHEREAS, the Village has initiated a small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ("Amendment 08-O1 ") to assign a Village future land use designation to this parcel of property; and • WHEREAS, on June 3, 2008, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, determined that the proposed amendment is consistent with the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of Amendment 08-O1; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the proposed future land use map amendment is consistent with Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Village Council, after public hearing and due consideration, wishes to adopt proposed Amendment 08-O1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses aze hereby ratified as true and correct and aze incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts Amendment 08-O1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan, as fully set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. The Village Council hereby amends the Future Land Use Series of the Future Land Use Element of the Village Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the amendments set • forth in Exhibit "A." Section 4. If any section, pazagraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is for any reason held by a Court to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not • affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith aze hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty-one (31) days after adoption or, if challenged, shall become effective upon issuance of a final order issued by the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission determining Amendment 08-O1 is in compliance, or, upon the effective date of Ordinance 2008-10, whichever is later. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 28th DAY OFAUGUST 2008. u J PLACED ON PUBLIC HEARING THIS 11th DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 2008. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2008. (Village Seal) ATTEST:" MA OR VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~~~ VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 1 oft EXHIBIT "A" VilFage O~ North Palm Beach Florida Small-Scale Compreheis~ve :Plan. Amendment Amendment Q8-1 Macch 20D8 Prepared. for the Village of North Palm Beach Prepared by Land Rese'areh Marsa.gsmeh"t, 'Inc. TABLE OF GONTE:NT Section Page 1.0 Introductlon ............................................................,...,,...,.,......,...._...,.................... 1-1 2.0 Analysis Of Map Amendment _ .................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Summary Of Future Land Use Map SeriesAmendm®nt 08-1 ......:.......:.................. 2-3 3:0 Cumulafive Impacts Of'Proposed Amendment..,.,..,...,...., ...................................... 3-1 3. 7 Village Character,..........:...,:.. .............. ....~.......,:...,..... 3-2 3. 2 FutureLandU§e ......................................._....._..............,......... ......._......,...........3.2 3. 3 Transportation ..........................._.......,..........,.....,...,................... ............,.....,....3-5 3. 4 Housing ............................................................,,.,..,...,.,,.,.,.,..... ....,.....,..,.....,.....3.6 3, 5 Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste,. Drainage, ;Pofat~le Water; and Natural GroiandwaferAquifer ReeliaYge :...................:.............: ..::.................... 3-7 3, .ti Coastal Management ......................:............................................ .....:.................. 3::-8 3. 7 Conservation ...................................................................-.......,. ...,.....,...............3-8 3. i3 Reeteati'on And Open Space ...............................,,..,........,...,... ...,..,.......,.....,.. $-g 3 8 Infergovernmenta.l C©ordiraation ....................,.„_..::........,...,....., .......,:...,.:.......,. 3-9 3.10 Capital Improvements. .....:..:.:..:..,,........,....,::.._..,..:....,....,,,...,.,..... ............,,......,..3-10 3.11 Other Plannilig Concerns ....................,..............,..,.....,.....,...... ...:................. 3-10 4.0 Consistency V+7ith Regionai And State.F~lans ......................................................... 4-1 5.a Conclusion and Reccrmmendation ........................................................................... 5-1 ~. 1 Finding .......................................................................,....,...,.....................................5-1 5. 2 Staff Recammendafian ..................................................................................... 5-1. 5. 3 CPA Public Hearing :......:......~...:.......,:.,.,.....:.,.....,,..,..........,.,,..,..,,.........,,.__.::._ 5-1 5. 4 `LRA Meeting ....................................................................................................... 5-1 5. 'S Village Council Public HeariYtg .......:.............._,..............._.,.,.....,........:................. 5-1 5. 6 ~Ilage Council Meeting ........................................................................................5-1 AppendixA NPBCPAmendment08-1,..~ ........................,..............,...........:...:....,..,.......A=9 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continues[) LIST OF MAPS Number Page 1 Lgcatien Of Proposed C:nmprelrenslve.Plan Amendment......., .............,...,................... 2-2 2 Abutting Land Use., Iholudng .Future Land Use And Zoning Designations ................. Z~4 8 Proposed Future .Land Use Map Designation - NPBCP Amendment 08-1 ....,..,....... 2-5 LIST OF TABLES Number Page 1 NPBCP --Amendrent ^8-1 Guniulative Impact Fae#ars Summary ......................:..... 3-1 2 ImpaotOfNPgCPAmendrnent08=1 Upon Extsting Land Use.,,.....• .........................3-'i• LIST OF APPEI$DICES Number Page A NPBCP Amendment 08-1 ....................:..............................................,.......A-1 LIST QF E3(HIB'ITS Number Page A Future Land Use Map Amendment NPBCP l)8-1 .........................................A-2 B Annexation Ordinance NPBCP Amendrrlent >t3-1 .....................................A-3 C Ordinance Enacting. NPBG:P Amendmentld$-'I .,...,...._.............. A-4 D Ordinance Enacting Zoning Designation .,,,..,: ,,..:... ....., .;,,, A=5 1..0: LNTRODUCTItJN The Village of North Palm Beach is currently Considering the adoption of North Palm Beach Coriipreheas(ve Plan (NPBCP) Amendment 08-1 Consisting of an amendment to th'e ~utsrre :Lend Use Map Belies. NPBCP Amendment OS-1 is necessary due to simultaneous privately inifiated voluntary annexation application. NPBCP Amendment DB-1 'is.:riecessary to incorporate a 2:5.1 acre annexation parcels within the Carnprehenslve. Wlan. The nrdlnance eraactlrig tare. voluntaiy annexation under Chapter 171, :Florida Statutes is enclosed as Exhibit 13 Of Appendix A. An ordinance enacting a oonditlonal (i:e. subject to approval of related Small- Seale Future Land Use Map. aeries .amendment) .zoning designation upon the property included within NPBCP Amendment'OB•1 is enclosed as Exhibit 17 of Appendix A. ?he loeafion of NPBCP Amendment OB-1 is illustrated on Map i.. 'the properly included within NPBCP A.mendrrient 08-1 shall 6e refer'rad fo herein as "Live Oak Plaza", This document pro?iides data and analysis required by :Sections 9J-5 and JJ- 11.006(1)(b)'1. - 5; Florida Rdministrative Code;; as they pertain. to the proposed amendment. Section 2,0 consists of a .brief summary and analysis of proposed NPBCP Amendment 08-1, in terms of the requirements of Section 9J-11.006(1)(b)1 'to 9J- 11.006(1)(b)B, :Florida Administrative Code. Section 3.D presents an analysts of the cumulative 9rrtpacts of the pTaposed amendment in terns of each element of the Willage Of North Palm Beach Support Documentation, an. d S/illage Of North Paim. Beach +Comprehensive Plan. Section 4.0 confains an assessrrierit of proposed' NPBCP Amendment Ot3~1, in terms of the Regional Policy Plan and State Comprehensive Plan. Apji`endlx A of this document contains proposed NPBCP Amendment OS-1. 1-1 2.6: A'NA'LYSIS l?F MAP AMENDMENT This section provides a data summary and' analysis of the proposed NPBCP Amendment, Ot3-~, pursuant. to the tequiTements of Sec#ions 9,f-"11.006(1)(b)1. to .9.J- 11.17Df3(1)(b~6., FlortdaAdmiriistra#ive Code, including: 1. The proposed future land use plan map desi:~naton of the subjeot property; the boundaries of the subject prcper~y; and the mapped locaticn in elationtrthe surrounding street:netWotk. 2. A map of the present land .use designations of the subject property., and abutting properties, incl.ading future land use map designations; 3. The size of the subject property in acres, or fiacti€rns therecf;. 4. A dascription of the availability af, and demand upon the following public faeilifres: Sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation, and reoreafion and open space, :as appropriate; and 5. Infiormation regardii'ig the compatibility of the proposed future land use map amendments with the Future Land Use Element objectives and policies, as well as tho a of'other affected elemenfs. t4PBCP Amendrnenfi t)8-1 is a' reuisioti tca Figure 9~9 ~Piannirrg Area 5.) of the Future Land Use Element of'the Village Df N.orth Palm Beach Cbrnnrehensive Plan to incorporate the. Live Oak Plaza annexation. The location of NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is illustrated:on Map 1. The balance. of this section cDntalns description amendment, 'as well as the cumulative impacfs thereof.., five criteria listed above, Refierences to other related provided as necessary. s and analysis of the proposed as appropriate,, In Yerrns of the sections of this document are 2-~ iViAP 1 ~1 Nk 5cai2: 'f' = $OU' 2=2 Locatfan of Proposed Comprehensive flan AmendmenE 2.1: SUMMARY OF FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES AMENDMENT 08-1 NPBCP Amendment o8-1 A. Name or Deslgnetion: "Live Oak Plaza" Annekation: B. Parcel Description or Lncatiizn: Roughly reotangwlaY shaped parcel lacafed at the southwest corner of Richard Road a..nd State. Road A-1-A Alternate (Ref; Map 1.). The par el to 2.51 acrea 1n size, and 1s located, following annexation, ,within pillage Planning Area 5. Thesuhject parcel is currently developed as a 24;830 sq. ft, commercial plaza. C.: Existiny'Future Land Use anal Zontiig.4esignations (Palm Beach County)i Future Land Use: G!-I/5 -Commercial High:lnt®nsity/Medium Residenfial S. Zonino; CG -General Commercial (Resolution#84-11192), D. Propoaed:Future Land Use and Zontng IJes9gnations (NOith Palm Beach:): Future Land Use: Commercial (maximum FA;R. Q.7aj. Zonis :.C2 -Automotive-Commercial District. E. Abutting Land Fise Summary: Abutting land uses, and #uture land use and zoning designations, 'are illustrated on M'ap 2 F. Subject.Property Development.Potential:. 1. Development Concebt: Maintain the currerif cornmerclal shopping center use until needetl for expansion of the Mercedes dealership to the south, 2, Poorilation Projections (proposed Future Land. Uss designafion)¢ NA-:Proposed commercial. use. G. Lnfirastructure Impacts: 1. Transportation: Defer to Section 3.3. 2. Potable Water: Refer to Sectlon 3,5. 3. Wasfewaten'Referto Sectien 3,5. 4. Drainage: Refer to Sectors ~.5 5, Solid 1Naste: Refsr to Section 3i5:. ti. Recreation/Open Space: Referta Section 3.8: ti. Gonipatibiltty V1Lith Comprehensive Flan: The proposed NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is deemed. consistent vadh the Village of North Palm Bgg.Eh Comorehensiva Plan. Details are presented in Section 3:0.. 23 MAP Z o. Cun[eat Usa FLU ton n Baninl ~ Enie r see Gommercfal jNPD) GCjN B) 2 Vacant . Somme NPB NPD 3 Vena11F Can I: . B CC NPD 1(86a'M1 ~ Gomma N B CC NPD Eonvanieixe. 91Sre7Prash P uce Ct11ti Canty) CO GQUnty) $ '.Us6dv®hfcle ~Ieg CW CaunlY) c9(GountY) 7 D ~C ar GtUS~. Gant ~. un B ftOaN UI3a€ ~ CN/S-Goon Q(3 Gounl 8 An ~8a kU3. unl~~ it Cou 'TD Vacen S~Gaun -~ -G' a1 .IndueMal INQ ~ouq IND Doun . 12 Uncle) mnswcHgn auto de Qpmlfio(Clgl(NPB) C2 jNPD) 2-4 Scale: 9' = 300' N Abutting Land Use Including Ftrture LandUse And Zoning Designationsi NpBC'P Amendment 08-1 MAP 3 Proposed future i,errd Use besi;gna~tian \ NPBCP Amendment 08-1 ~p~~A~Rii; ~R ~~ ~ ~Nl?9CR 08:-1 Ptb.(~used Future 4and Use o, C - Gnmmercial „~~, ~~ 2~5 Conroe Roa~J t Scale; 1' = 300' 3.0: CUMiJLA71VE IIVIPACTS QF PROPO~ED.l~\MENDMENT This section ~proVides dafa surrunaries and analysis c>f proposed NPBCP Amendriment QS-1., pursuant to the requirements. of 6ectioii 9J-'11:OQ~(3~, o ida Administrative bode IF.A.C.~, whigh states that all cpmprehensive plan arrmehdments must meet the n::quirements of Section 9J-5, F:A:C.. Factors affecting the cumulative im,paets bf N'PBGP Amendment D8-1 fnelude an fnerease in total aril commercial acres, inrithin the Village lirrtits: Tiiare is .no associated Increase in r$sidential'units and population poteritia(. A summary of the factors affecting 'the cumulative lmpacfs of MF'BCP Amendment 08=1 is presented In: Tattle 1. TABLE ~. Arrienctmen# U8-7 ~umulati~e Itn:pael: Factors Summary Impact Factor NPBGP 08=1 Total acres 2.51 Existing Land Use Mize (Village acre. s). Residential Law 0.00 Residential Medium 0;0q Residential. High R:UO Commercial 0':0.0 Pul7lic BTzildirtgsF~rounds 0.l)D Transportation 0.00 Vacant 0.00 Proposed Land Use Niiic fVillage acres} Commercial 2.5t .Dwelling. Units Existing Land lJse 0 Proposed Land Use 0 Population Existing Land Use 0 Proposed Land Use 0 Non-Residential Spate Existing sq. tt, 24,:830 Maximum Permitted sq, ft. 7f,~3t3 Proposed sq. ft. 2G:,630 3-1 The subsections that follow Ares@nt a review of the 20D1 'Village of North Palm ~cFi Comprehensive Plan In terms bf proposed tJPBG4P Amendment '08-1. Amendment 08-1 is presented In Al?PEfYDIX A of this document 3:1 VILLAGE GCiARACTEF Proposed NPBGP Amendment 08-1 is classified as a '~mall,scale° future land use map arrlendmenf. The cumulative effedts, as suinrnarized ih 'CABLE 1, include the expansion of the corporate area by a total of 2.51 acres. A summary of the key impacts is as follows: Commercial land is tncceased by 2.5'1 acres. Commercial uses may be developed on the "Live Oak Plaaa" annexation parcel by maintalnin~ the current commercial cenfer; converting the e~sfing buildings, andlar redevelopment Conversion or redevelopment of }Fie Amendment 08:1 parcel may occur provided that honing and site. plan approvals are in place, Including all required coneurrency certifications. 2. IVn additional VlOage land use gategones are affected by the ..proposed NPBCP Amendment 08-1. Due to the limited amQUnt of land (i:e. 2.51 acres) tnvoived In NPfiCP Amendment 08-1, as well as its currently developed nature, impacts upon infrastructurre services are .projected to be minimal. Should redevelopment occur, lnfrasfiructure impacts Wilt be. reassessed during the site plan approval process. It is concluded that the proposed NPBCA Amendment 08-1 is .consistent with the Village Character, as described in Chapter 2 of the 1:999 ~fiAage of North Paim Beach Comprehensive Plan in that the proposed commercial designation is co:nsis#en@ with those along tFi~ west site of Alternate A=1=A. The properties Included within NP~CP Amendnrenf '08-1 are .included within Village Planning Area 5, as illustrated on FIGURE 3 9 of tare Future Land Use Element.. Planning area maps :will be revised as part of the next round of :Evaluation And Apor~isal Report based comprehensive plan amendments (currently in progress. ~3.3'FUTURE LAIWI] USE A. Data Summary An analysis of topography, soils and rntnerals, flcodtng, and native vegetation in the Village is presented in the 'l.9>a9 Vi lags of North Palm Beach Support Documentation (Future Land Use Elemeent). Bata from this document and' supplementary data are used in the following. anafysls. 3-2 Topography: The elevation of parcels included within NPBCP AmendmenE 08-1 is approximately 12 feet N:CQ'VD. 2. Soils and Minerals: The general soil type of properties included within NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is Arents-Urban hand Compie~t (Au), According to the Soil Survey cif ,Palm geacb County (U.~u. pepartment of Agriculture, Soil Cans®nration. Service, 1~g78}, urban land ".,~ t;nnsists of goff courses, subdivtsioris, pondominiums; develaprrments, roadways, business or irrdustrtal areas, reclaimed borrow .pits and othor areas filled over but not yet tlevelc~ped". Due to :these c-haracteristlcs, this soil tgpe cannot lie planed within capability units to determine their suftafiility far devetopment. However, since:NPBtP Amendment 08-'t. is located within an area that is preddrriihanfly developed for urban ;purpDSes, it is concluded fhat general soil types do notpresenYany limitations for development. 3. Flooding Potential: The tleslgnation of properties within NPBCP .;amendment 'OB-'I is Flood Zone C, hands 'with'in the ".C" zone are described as areas ofminimal flooding.. Flooding potential does not indicate the presence of any development lirn[tatians fnr properties Ideated within NPBCP Amendment 013-1.. A. Native Vegetation and 1Nildl'rfe: The devefope~l status of the vicinity and. parcel side (i.e_ 2.51 acres}, as welt as soil types preuiausl.y discussed, indicate that thane are rib elgrlificartt native veyetati©ri and7or wildlife issues to be addressed. 'S. Existing Land Use inventory: NP'BGP Amendment 08-1 includes 2.51 acres of land annexed to the Village. The property included vrlthin.NP.BCP Amendment 08-1 is hat listed an the Florida h/laster Bite File; or :the :National Register of Historic .Plar;es: Ttse het effect of NPe.CP Amendment Q$-1 on Village land uses is showp in Tattle 2. 3-3 rat~LE z Impact Of NPBCP:Amendment t)8-1 Upon Extsting Land Use North Palm B.eaeh (acres) Land Use i;alegory RNoc7o Rritepdmerit 08-1 'P" lrtctutltng -Am9ndroent. Residential Single-Family 87$,55 879:f6 Residential Muttfple-Family 249.71 249.71 Commercial 1EQ~:36' 1fr2:87 Institutional 84,14 84: t4 U41ity/Trensportatlon 111.25 il).2f ConservatiorUOpen Space 225.94 225:94 RecreaBon &Open Space 190.D9 198:09 Vtlater 1,225.10 1,?2b.10 Vacant 34:22. 34.22 Total 2,8577:38 2,859•:87 ' -Includes NPBCP Amendments f18-t:1 and 06=12 "* -Does not include Amendments tl7-1.1 end 07.1.2.(pr~poseda. Snurce:.2006 North Palm beach Evaluation ani Aecraisal Report.. 6. Gurrerlt Populatipn C-sttmates: By annexing develaped commercial areas, 'the ctarrent p®pulatiorr esfirriate of the pillage is ntst hereased. .Further, ttie proposed ftiture land use :designation of NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is comrnerclal. Therefore, there ~+liill be no net effect upon the long- term population projeetivns; as eorrlme7cial development potential is assumed. B. Analysis Delineation of pillage Planning Ateas: NPBCP Atnehd'ment 08-1. will affect tkle c~rparate limits and the boundary of Planning Area 5, tay the adQition of.the property illustrated on Map 1. 3-4 2. Existing Land Wse M8p Series: NP'BEP Amend+nenY 08=1 will affect the Existng Land Use Map series of Planning Area 5 by the .addition of commercial land use., as shown in Table 2. 3. Resident Popufatlon Projections: R~$ident populations were recently updated as part of the Evaluation and Rp~ praisal Report (EARS as follows: ?ObU 12,0&~; 2005 = 1~,~sti3; and 20'iQ - 13,09.1, Projections assumed. buildcut of vacant residential .lartds'by the year 201 Q. Potential population related to NPBCP Arrrendment 08=9 .is presented in. Table '2. I:t is assamzd that the property will be .assigned the proposed commertiiai'land use des'Ignatiion. Therefore, th'e net tong-term affects of the proposed NPBCPAmendment 08-1 is nancrease in population, 4. Vacant Land ;4rialysis; Based Upon the analysis perforitiied in. Section 3.2,A; .no Iirnftatol5s to the development or redevelopment of the related properties are defined. 5. Land. Use Pcojectlonsi tt .is projected that cpmmerciai land in NPBCP Amendment 08-1 will remain developed fflr eort~mercial purposes by:tlie yea"r 2010, consistent with buildout Rrojecfioits for the Village. C. C3oial, ~gjectives and Polictes NPBCP Amendment 08-1 :is consistent with fhe Future Land Use Element ofi the Comprehensive Plan and no fex~ amendments are required., NTOSt speciftt;atly, :the property included within I~PBGP Amendment 0:8-1. is IocatSd wfthtn the Village's future annexation area, per Figure 3-17 ofi the C.omprehansive Plan. Further, th.e annexed property is placed in Village Planning Area 5, which is Iocate¢ in fhe Village`s Urban Services Area. The proposed cornniercial future land use designation of the property included within NPBCP Amendment 0$-1 is consistent. with the current future land use pattern along the west side of State Road Attemafs A-1-A. Properties I'n'this corridor are assigned oommerciai future land use and zoning designations, 3,3 TRANSPORTATION A: Qata Summary. NPBCP Amendtnerit 08-1 will Trot Have any significant impact .upon the Village roadway system. According to the 20(18 Evaluation ahti ;4opreisal: Report, all roadways within the Village are currently operating at peak hour level-of-service "l7°, or better. ;Further, the properties are currently assigned t;:HY5 FLl1A designafion in the County. No increase in land use intensity is proposed. 3--5 B. Analysts NPBCP Amendment 08-1 eottsists of one deVelop'ed.commercial Cot (i.e. a total of 2..5i acres). TMB .proposed future land use das'ignatton is Commercial, with ~a proposed G2 - RutomotlUe Conrmerciai i]istricE zoning 'designation. The current FtUA designation (CHI 'in the unincnrpijrated area) permit$ a maximum development potential of. 3&,267 sq. ft. (F.A.R of 0.36 wlthaut ADD approval, while maximum potential under fire Commercial FLU designation in North palm Beach is 76,.934 sq. ft. (F:A.R. of Q.T9). Live Oak Plaza, currently corrslsts of a 24;833 sq, ff,. Eommercial retaff center (0,23 F..A.R.~ Live Oak Plaza was approved by Pairri t3each County :in '1984 and developed .prior to. the advent of wtrcUrrancy requirements. The existing development is "grandfathered" intq compliance with Article 12; Traffic Performance Standards Qf the Palm Beach CoUrity Unified Land Development 'Cods (ULbCj, However, any future renouatiof or redevelopment project that increases traffic generation WlU have to obtain an updated concurrency determination. The agptfcant for NRBCP .Amerrdm.er#t 08-1 proposes to retain the existing use until such time that the ivleFCedes dealership to its south needs to be expanded. Traffic impacts for the current use are Bested, thus meeting 'the County's Traffic Performance Standards; however, any future. use 'that increases traffic generatfonwill need to obtain traffic concurrency. C. Coat; Objectives anil Rolictes NPBCP Amendment A8=1'is consistent=with the Transportation Elemehtef:the Cornprehehsive Ptan, and no text amendments .are necessary. 3.4'HOUSIbIG A. Data.Summaty 'NP~.CP Amendment U$-1 will :nat. affect the ~Ilage~s long-t®rm inventory of housing. NPBCP Amendment QS-1 v~ill contain na dwelling units. B. Analysis The proposed fwture land use designation is Commerclai. For planning purposes, ft. is therefore assumed that the size will be :developed for commercial purposes, and no additional residential units Will be birUf. C. Goal, Cbjeatives and Policies NP'BCP Amendment t)8-1 has no effect upon {lie- Housing Element, and :no text amendments are regriired. 3-6 3.6 SANITARY SEWER, SC?LID WASTE, t)RAINAOE, POTAB"L>= WATER AND NA'f'Uf~AL GRQUNDWA'TER AQUIfrER ITEGFdARGE. A. Daita Summary [!ue to the small size of the property included in NPBCP Ameridmenf 08-1, there will be rio significant impacts upon infrastructute services.. The property is Within the water and sewer service- area of Seacoast Utif~ies Authority, and is currently being served. A Drainage Statement was submitted as part of the Future Land U:se amertdmeht appaieatlon. Drainage facilities are currently in place and' will remain "as is" for the :Immediate future. No modifie^dtions are euriently planned. The drairYage system is compr'~ssd of a series of inlets loos#ed of reaeiowa locations arauni the ISropeity, w#h a current autfall to the FDOT right-of--way in Alternate A-1-A through overland flaw. Based upon fecal information, Live Oak Plaza "does not flood to the extent that buildings are compromised. Solid waste collection will tae asswirred by the Village of North Palm Bsaeh for the area constituting NPBCP Amendment 0&1. Disposal services will be provided by the Palm Beach. County 6olid VNlaste .Authority, which has adequate capacity to serve the 'Village through bwildout. B. Analysis Central potable water and wastewater seraice is provided the site by Seacoast Utilities Authority. An estimate of maximum day potable warier demand to service NPBCP Rmendment 08-1, wsing adopted Village LCFS standards, is. as follows: (2:51 acres) x (1,874 gal~acre/days = 4,7Q.3 gallons per itay, An estimate of rtiaxlfnum :day wastewater demand to sHntice N'PBCP Amendment OS-9 Is 2s follows: (2.51 acres) x (1,060 galJacre/day) = 4;Q16 :gallons per day.. NPBCP Amandlrrent 08-1 is located within F?rotectian .Zone 4 of the Richard Raad water treatment facility. All non-residential activities wititln Zone 4 whi'eh stare, handle use.ar produce any regulated. substanceare prohibited, unless they qualify for a general exemption ar receive an operafing permit from the Palm Beach County Department of Environmenfai Resources Nlahagernent. Regulatedsubstanoes are ttefined in:Section 9:3.6.26 oFthe Palm Beach Caunfy UrYified Land pevelopment.Code. 3-7 G. Goals, Objectives and Polii"ies Proposed NPBCP Amendmenf 08-1 is cansistent miith the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waate, Drainage, :Potable Water And Natural i;roundwater i4quifer Recharge element of the Carnijrehensive Plan in that the property can he adequately provided infrastructure services consistent wlth the Village`s level-.of-seivice (LOS} standards: No text artrendrrtents are required. 3,6 GOASTAt. INANA£~EMEN7 A. Data Bu-nthar!y According to the 2006 evaluation and Appraiser Report.(IVlap 7), the property included withn.proposed NPBCP Amen~finent Id8'-1 is not located uvthin the defined Coastal HFgh Hazard Area, nor Is it located witlitn a storm surge Vulner-able zone. B: Analysis The proposed land use far NPBCP Amendment OB-1 is discussed in Section 2.1. Nune of the follow"rng are identrfied as issues related •to NPBCP ,4mendmeht Oa-1~ Infras#rudture within. the roasta[:High Hazari Area; public access to :tieacFies; or post- d[saster redevelopment. C. Goal, Objectives and Policies NPBCP Amendment 08-1 #s consistent with the Coastal: Mallagerrient Elemenf of the Comorehensrve Plan in That no inconsPstencies are identified. No additional text am'endm'ents are required. 3.7 CflNSERVATI.ON A. data Summary NPBCP Amendmenf :OS-1 consists of :onedeveloped paroel of 4and. MPBGP Amendment 08-1 has ilmi#ed potential to impact rratwrel resourbes addressed within the Conservaflon Element. An inventory of resources Is presented in Section 3.2. B. Apalysis The Drily :issue raised in telatian to NPBCP Amendment DS-1 is the potential use of regurated substances within Zone d bf 'a potable wuater weltfli?!d. As discussed in Section 3,5..b, the County rtes adequate eonfrQis in place to In3UrB that ce-ated facilities ere operated properly. 3-8 G. Ooal, pbiectlaes and Poliele's NPBCP Amendmerit.'Oti-1 is consistent with the Conservation Element of the ComQrehensiue Plan (n that no nconsistenciss are identified, No additional #ext. amendments are.requlred. 3:13 RECREATION AND bFrEN SPACE A. Data 5ritntrraiy The result of development or redevelopment ae~ivlty under the ptQposed F'LU. designation nn property associated with N. PBCP Amendment (3$-1 wilt not inorease the popwlation 6f the ~/iliage.. B. Analysis Implementation of a commercial development ooncept on property associated wifh NPBCP Amendm~:nt tfi.8-1 will Rot create any additional need to develop renreation facilities. G. Goal, Objectives and Polleles NPBCP Amendrrrent 08-7 [s consistent with the Recreation and Open Space E[ement of the Comorehensive Plan ih 'that leuel-Qf sarvine (I.OS) .standards are not nompromised. No additional text amendments ate reguireci_ 3,9 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COO~DINATI9N A. Qata Sramrrrary NI'BG'P Amendment D8=1 raises no :intergovernmental coordination'issues, The annexation ~rf the property associated with NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is being simriltaneously processed. The pLU arnendrrtent. i9 cwrreritly b~[ng processed through the IPARC process fn Palm Beach County, during which. any unfo'rseen intergoyernmentalcoord[natinn issueswill be Identified. B. Analysis NPBCP Amendment 0$-1 is not located wlfhin-an Area of Griticat Mate Concern. 3-9 C. Goal, Oiijestivei§.and PolPefe 61PBCP Amendment 08-1 is consistent with the lnfergovernmental Coordination Element of the. Comprehensive Plan Any ntergouernmental issues- raised during fhe approval process will be addressed aceordPngly: No additional fe~Ft anTSndrnents are required. 3.10 CAPITAL IMRROVEMENTS A. Data Summary NPBGP .Artrendment. 013-1 has na eYfecf upon capital itnprovepnents planning. The element-by-element review presented 'in Sections 3-t to 3-9 di'd not result in the ident~ication pf any additional needed capital improvements. ~. Analysis NPi3CP Amendment 08-'I has no affect upon programmed. capita[ :improvements Pn terms of adding additional oapacity to currently pianneil improvements. C. Goa , ©bjectlves and PAIicPes tVP(3CP Amendment 08-1 is nonsteteot~vith the Capital improvements Element of the Comorehensive Plan, and no additional text amendFnents are required. 3,1'1 l7THER PLANNCNG CONCERNS 7t5e 1/iltage Public Safety Deparlment commented (Nnuamber 79, 2007 and Janyary 30, 2008'. memcaranda to-the Village Manage.[) tegardirjg pofeitlal Pmpacfs of annexing Live Oak Plaza. Concerns focused on the number tlf police and fare rescue calls generated by Foster's Pub, one of fhe 13 tenants of the shapping center. To address potential impacts, the Public Safety pepartment recommended that the Village take the following actions. at Foster's'Pub; (1 j 'Restrict the hours oP operafion; (2) require 'the employment cff GTff--duty Village pblPce officers to. perform special details during peals hours; speciaP events and holPda~ss and (3j authorization pf the Public Safety pepartment to act as agent ta.enfarce fgitering, trespassing end other nuisance crimes. The above actions are to be specifically addressed by the Village and applicant in the annexation ordinance accompanying N.PBC:p Amendment 08-'I. a-~o 4.0 C=ONSIST~'NC.I( WITH FiE~IONAL AND STATE PLANS According to Chapter gJ-li.02i, Fldrji;Ia Rdminstrative Code. (PAC), the. comprehensive plan must be consistent with. the State Comprehensive Plan attd Treasure Coast Regional. Planning CAUncil Polloy Plan, Chaptr g,l-5A2'[(2), FAC stales ".... ,for the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan .with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropPiate regional Polley pleb the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole :and rio speciEie goal and p. alicy shall 'be construed .or applied In isolation front tfie other goals and policies." 4.1 ftF_t3t0N;4L POLICY FLAN NPBCP Amendment Q8-1 was reviewed ih terms of Fite Treasure Coast Regional Plannirig Council Regional Policy Pian in orderto determine cons4steney. Based on t17is review,. it is determined that na significant regional issaes are .related to, or Impacted by NPBCP Amendment 08-1', and it is fotand consistent with re~gionai goals and policies, 4.2 STATE CQIVIRttEHENSiVE PLAhI TIPBCP Amendment p'8-`I. was reviewed in terms of the .goals., objectives and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan., as presented 1n Chapter '187, to d :Statutes, Based upon this review, it is c~rneluded that NPBCP Amendment t)8-1 'is consistent with state goals, objectives and policies. 4-1 5.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations are presented: 5.1 FINDING NPBCP Amendment OS-1 is consistent with the provisions of the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. More specifically: (1) NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is within the Urban Service Area, and does not contribute to a condition of urban sprawl, as defined by Chapter 9J-5.006(5), Florida Administrative Code; and (2) NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is consistent with policy of the Capital Improvements Element in that it does not contribute to a condition of public hazard, as defined therein, does not exacerbate any existing condition of public facility capacity deficits, as described therein, and is compatible with land uses, as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. 5.2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Village Council approve NPBCP Amendment 08-1. 5.3 LPA PUBLIC HEARING An advertised Local Planning Agency (LPA) public hearing on NPBCP Amendment 08-1 was held on June 26, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. in the Village Hall. The owner of Fosters Pub commented on hours of operation. 5.4 LPA MEETING The Local Planning Agency (LPA) recommended approval of NPBCP Amendment 08-1, by unanimous vote, at its regular meeting on June 26, 2008. 5.5 VILLAGE COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING An advertised Village Council public hearing on NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is scheduled to be conducted on September 11, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. in the Village Hall. 5.6 VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING The Village Council, at its regular meetings on August 28 and September 11, 2008 is scheduled to consider approval of NPBCP Amendment OS-1. 5-1 APPENDIX A - NPBCP Amendment U8-1 NPBCP Amendment OB-1 consists of Futurs Lsnd lJse Nlap Series amendments to :Incorporate a voluntary. annexation accomplished. pursuant to`Ghapter 171, lorida State es. NPBC.P Amendment 08-1 is accomplished by amendment to Figure 3-9 of the Future .Land Use N1ap Series of-the billagc~ of :North P--aim Beach Conawrehsnsiye Plan. NPBCP Amendment 08-1 is presented in ExhibRA. Erraeting.ordTnanGes, ineluciing annexation, future land use and coning, are attached in Exhibits 6 - D A-"I ~xHr~ir A Futwrs Land Use Map AmendrrrenE IVPBOP Amendment 08 h Addendum Tb FIG'tiRE 3.9 of the Viliape of North I~alm Beach Coinarehensivs Plan ~i~FR .~~, fVPBCRO&t Future Larf d Use Amendment CFfI& (Palm.B~aach County) Commerelal North Palm Beach) Scale.: ~T' = 30U' A-2