09-03-1968 VC SP-M~~ MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1968 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Lewis called the Special Meeting to order at ROLL CALL 8:05 p.m. and asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Councilman Clark, who C~ arrived at 8:25 p.m. ,--+ ~ On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Be11, BILL 3#55 V all present voting aye, Bill No. 55 entitled: PLACED ON 1ST READING & READ AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, IN FULL FLORIDA, AMENDING PORTIONS OF ORDINANCE N0, 164-67, CONCERNING DETAILED APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1967-68 was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman BILL 3#56 Everard, all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 56 entitled: PLACED ON 1ST READING & READ AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, IN FULL FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 20, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID VILLAGE, BY CREATING NEW ZONE "R-2-A - LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT", BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE P - PUBLIC DISTRICT AND RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS R-2-A LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UP TO DATE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL ,_ OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES wa.s placed on first reading and read in full. There will be a Public Hearing on Bill No. 56 at 7:30 - p.m., September 24, 1968, in the Village Hall. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman PROPOSED RES. Clark, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. READ IN FULL & 364-68 entitled: ADOPTED AS READ AS RES. NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN UTILITIES 364-68 AGREEMENT FOR THE ADJUSTMENT, CHANGE OR RELOCATION OF CERTAIN UTILITIES WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITS HEREAFTER DESCRIBED, AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS RESOLUTION SHALL TAKE EFFECT was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 364-68. -~ Minutes of Special Meeting held September 3, 1968 Page two Village Manager reported that we were advised today that the urbanization of U. S. 1 will be extended to Palmetto which is our south Village limits. Mayor Lewis passed the gavel to Vice-Mayor Be11. On motion of Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Clark, all present voting a.ye, that the proposed Country Club rates as submitted by the_Country Club Board of Governors on Monday, September 2, 1968 be approved in total with the exception of the pool membership rates, and that they be established as discussed with the Chairman of the Board of Governors by telephone, and that the new single resident rate be $100, and new family rate be $120, and that single non-resident rate be $120, and that the family non-resident rate be $180, and that the resident and non-resident rates as proposed be eliminated from the proposal. Vice-Mayor Bell returned the gavel to Mayor Lewis. REPORT ON EXTENSION OF URBANIZATION OF U. S. 1 NPBCC MEMBERSHIP RATES There being no further business to come before the Council, ADJOURNMENT on motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, the_Special Meeting was adjourned at 9:OS p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. f~ialker, Village Clerk J