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06-04-1968 VC PH-M
}_ ._ MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1968 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Vice-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman I{erbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan; Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Lewis called the Public Hearing to order at 7:35 g.m and asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, a.11 members being present. ~ Ma.yor Lewis stated that the purpose of the Public Hear- ' ing was to entertain a request for rezoning of Lot 1, ~ Block 26, Plat 2 from R-2 to R-3. Mayor read letter '~ from D. J. Heller, President, Nova International Leasing ~ Compa.ny, Inc., dated April 20, 1968 requesting above V rezoning. Village Clerk. read legal notice of this Public Hearing which wa.s dated May 15, 1968 and published in The Palm Beach Post May 20, 1968. Mr. Don Heller presented his proposal to the Council and audience. J Mrs. John Bechtold, 700 Kittyhawk Way, did not under- stand what Mr. Heller meant by housing trucks. Mayor Lewis informed Mrs. Bechtold that the Village was- contemplating relocating our Public Works facility directly south of Fishermen"s Village on the west. side of Prosperity Farms Road. Mr. John Neal, 739 Ibis Way, asked Mr. Heller whether there would be two apartment buildings on this lot. Mr_ Heller informed him there would be only one.- a, two story building in a "U" shape design. Mr. Robert Miller, 745 Kittyhawk Way, inquired if this property was rezoned to R-3, would Mr. Heller, re- gardless of what he:said at the Public Hearing, be able to do anything that is within that zoning at a. later date. Mayor Lewis answered Mr. Miller's question in the affirma- tive. Mrs. Grace Chanody, 752 Ibis Way, asked Mr. Heller why, since this property was already zoned for two story buildings, did he request that the zoning. be changed. Mr. Heller replied that he wanted it rezoned because the property is now zoned for a limit of four apartments. Dr. Jerry Guffey, 727 Ibis Way, asked Mr. Heller how many a.pa.rtments can be built on this piece of property under the present zoning, a.nd how many could be built if it was replanted. Mr. I{eller replied four under the present zoning and 'twelve if it wa.s rezoned. ROLL CALL PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE READ MR. HELLER PRESENTS PROPOSAL QUESTIONS POSED BY AUDIENCE ~ +~ -2- -- Mr. Vernon Ayers, 717 Ja.cana. Way, asked Mr. Heller how many bedrooms he would have in the proposed units. Mr. Heller replied that he would have two bedrooms and two baths. Mr. Bill Neville, 716 Ibis Way, asked Mr. Heller how many units he would erect if the property was rezoned. Mr. Heller in- " dicated he .would build twenty. Village Clerk read letter of opposition to the pro- LETTERS` & • posed rezoning from Marshall 0. Woodworth, 623 PETITIONS Westwind Drive; also letter of opposition from Charles OF and Ann Laurie, 748 Ibis Wa.y. OPPOSITION Council received seven identical letters opposing the proposed rezoning. Village Clerk read one letter, then read the signatures on the remaining six. These letters will be attached to the minutes of this Public Hearing. Council received another seven identical letters in opposition to the proposed rezoning. Village Clerk read the first letter and read the signatures on the remaining six. These letters will also be a,tta.ched to the minutes of this Public Hearing. Council received three identical petitions opposing the proposed rezoning. Village Clerk read the first petition, and copies of all three petitions, indicating the signatures, will be attached to the minutes of this Public Hearing. Council also received one additional petition in opposition to the proposed rezoning. Copy of this petition will be a.tta.ched to the minutes of this Public Hearing. Dr. Thomas McDonald, 731 Ibis Wa.y, alto submitted a. letter opposing proposed rezoning. Village Clerk read minutes of Special Meeting of the MSNUTES OF Planning & Zoning Advisory Board held Wednesday, April P & Z AD. BD. 17, 1968, relative to the proposed rezoning. MEETING HELD 4/17/68 t 1 On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman BILL 52 PLACED Evera.rd - 4 to 1, Councilman Watt opposed - that Bill ON AGENDA FOR No. 52 pertaining to the rezoning of Lot 1, Block 26, 6./11/68 REG. Plat 2 of the Village of North Palm Beach be placed on the MEETING agenda.. for the June 11 regular meeting for a.etion. There being no further business to come before the Public Hearing, on motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. n-G+~"~ Minutes recorded-by: Do ores R. Walk r, Vi1la.ge Clerk t 'd 4 t ~~ i - * ~ -.. `~ i ~ i. r • t - .. R 1 - ~ 1 r Y~-. F N.s n:. k • r 1 -_-- .~ z `~ ~ ~t i -kS err-~ $~' ._ ~-,.y#c. ~}~, '~;-~` We xish to herexith make formal ©b3eetion to the proposed Y ~ ~` rezoning of the lot located on the southeast corner of T'bis NaY and prosperity germs Aoad. We feel very. strong-_~-E i~ a ..~ ly about this in that vahen we ps'treshased our iiomesite gee rt ~srere coast®nt ~a3th the Ei-2 zonir~ M~'~ia~ gaistad aSang - ' toohappen~Coabothathe~neghbarYtoodaand oureinaes menus t . ;,;: ~ Por your convenience, xe outline 8elovr several reasons ` ` against this proposed rezoning:= _ ,.- - '. A :... ~ .. :. ~u ~. .. - --. .. ~ , , ~ ~ 7,. -This oou2d Ke12 'be considered spot zoning. ~ ~T' 2. Tt introduces a, high densit~r.oeeupan.a9 iato a - _ .. -. --` residential area. ' .' -~ .. _ ~:~ fi . ~. ;t cannot-help but adversal~ affect propest~ 3. _ values is the area. :_;- --- ~ ,-_ m . ' $, The type of ~pay~f;mants v~hich are proposed are . ~,M ... ~. ;~ ~~ 7aot aondue3ve to steble residential oecunaney~.~~~ ~ _ ~ ;,~. _ ,. .:...fi .:-«!: ".. x: -.t ~ :mom` --Y-~ . i _ - ~ F ~ ~ y, This structure xou18 ~,ad csonfusioxx to an already ~ `a i ~~ ~ serious traffic problem eat this intersection. _ ~ $ ~, ;fi Zt is requested that this i~b~ection be read into the _ n •- Mimxtes of Lhe publio hearing asYeieh !s to be held on _ - this grogosal. - _ ~~ Respeetfull9s e - ~ d •-. • _ a. ,. ~._ ~ J s ~ ~y b . "., + } .~ ~ ~° ~e~ ~~~ ~ - ~ -~_ p~~ ~~ /~ we wish to herewith mike formal objection to the proposed rezoning o£ the lot located on the southeast corner o£ Ibis way and Prosperity Farms Road. We £eel very strongly about this in that- when we purchased our homesite we were content with the R-2 zoning vrhich existed along Prosperity Farms Road, but nocr we are wonderixtg_ what is to happen to both the neighborhood and our investment. For your convenience, vre outline below several reasons against this___ proposed rezoning] 1. This could well be considered spot zonir~. 2. It introduces a high density occupancy into aresidential -- area. 3. It cannot help but adversely affect property values in the area . ~., The type-o_f apartments which are proposed are not conducive ___ to stable residential_occupancy. 5. This structure vrould add confusion to an already serious _ traffic problem at this intersection. It is requested that this objection be read into the bSinutes o£ the public hearing which is to be held on this proposal. Respectfully, Y . w/.3~_~ ~/ ~~~ 1 ~L'C ~ ~ i ~ .,~.. FR ,r'~1 i! a ~~ ~9 ~9. f' t v. r.... .. ; . _.. V Yw ern ~-r...~~.W~r' ~eV~4y' - . •:tWF°~N4Mf~Wlsalil.liYC i, +~y yy ~} ~ ~. P ~.l y~ l .~j.} ai.: .3L~4~~~x-y;, ~ `_111yY ~.p4~'{' $59_~'y~"$` J~. L 3_ k~ jF t: ~-J t~ ~i We wish to herewith make formal objection to the proposed _x A~ rezoning of the lot located on_the southeast corner of Ibis Way and Prosperity Farms Aoad. We feel, very strong- - ly about this in that when we purchased our homesite we , __ xere content with the A-2 zoning which eaisted along Prosperity Farms Soad, but now we are wondering what is -_ -= to happen to both the neighborhood and our investment. _ _ _.k For your convenience, we outline below several. reasons proposed against this rezoning: _- _: 1.. This oould well be considered. spot zoning. 2. It introduces a high d,enaity occupancy into a -~ residential area. _ - 3. It cannot help but adversely affect property ~A, values in the area. .. .__ ,e ~. The type of apartments which are proposed are _ __- not conducive to stable residential occupancy._ -° :~ 5'. This structure would add confusion to an already serious traffic problem at this intersection. It is requested that this objection be read into the }-_~ Minutes of the public hearing which is to be held on this proposal. __ "- s T ~'.~ f I 3 ~ I r' GFe xtah to here~cith r~aIte fbrmaL ©b,}eot4tax~ to the ProDes~l 3'~2oaitt~ Off' t$ie It3t ZoCltted O1J ttie atatithe6tat coaxser ttt` -- - " Ibi>~ t~°a~ enQ Prosperttg L~arafs 8oad. tde Peel very strot~,- _ ' _ ly about ehls 3n that tth~s Rto pureftsaed our hotaeslte sae _ - xere+ cantextt uStA the F?-2 ~oniz~t xbfcrh eslsLeFk slortg _ __: ~ -_ °_ ..,- Pror~perlty P'arfca Road' buL xzox ~e are 'aondeMa~ mat its -_ ` - - --- to happss to taoth tha xsai~3abarhoo8 aztcS our irtveatment. .. _ _~ .:_ 1Por your ooxavenience, me out2i~as bsZox seserml ress~rsrts --' - . - Sy~tlSISL t121 T.i ASOj3<3~BSLI rew~02'il!]gL ~ _ >..- - -.;-.~> ~...,at.„,,:^„~"..,?pr.•~,4A?~ie.#+`~'~~"~"~s~=~"`''~^'~~r a`=~",~yr~°®~''` . '"Sr- rl^±.' 2. ~`hi a uca3.Cl ~Tas21 L+s aoasxderQC2 , ~6t zox~st~q. .. - ~~. t - . ." .. - - .. - - - -- --. - 2'. ~t ~.tltrOdllfle8 ~E h~.$'P2 !$~1'3Si~~~~@OC'Rp~3iCy iBto & - . _ - rssltl~ntiQl erltfl. :;. ,. >~ ~r,~ ----'-:. -: . -- - .~-.: -- -- ~. Yt cannot hetp 3spG adves+se~.s offacst prrapertg -: _ ra~lues ix~ ttse ea~ea~ ,-~ _ ~s .~ ~~ ~'w '~'h4 t}~'~e O~ A.'p~rtffib73t$ '+rhieh tA2'0 1~r+2POas'd Bf7Ce e _ ~_ 'not conduciae to ~~,'~,~ r;fssidentia~ ocot>~ara~y. - - l 5.~ 'PP~Ss atrrscature ~~sulQ es3d ct~afl~3aa . Lc apt els~sactg .' ~ __ serious- tsat~'ics prtrbl~ t$t, t3x#a interaeotian. _ - - -. ~ ~ It is requoaLeQ that this ob~eatioa ba ress2 1fl3tt~ the - :^ - - kSitztltmr~ o£' the ~nbllo h~sztatg xthfcsh is Ecs be ~aeZQ ozt this prcg,~>~at. - - X - - = _ _ rv. - - __ - >. - :vim,,::- . .a~~ ~: ... -, ~,- ~ , ..- rt ~- 2 s - ~ rg - M~ __ -. _~ ~- .- ~ - .. .- -_ . r - .....F r~..-...-_'a,"' -~ _ - ~ 4 ~ ...rte- s.* .".~ - ~ -_ - ~-- - - _'~^'. t ^~ ~ ~_. - ~Y _~-,c..z_ "._ a __ _ .. - ,= _~ MAY Z~ 1968` ;~ ~ ._ _ • s vn~aciw~ ~,r _ _ ~ i<7ANA^ER _ _ :-. v ~ _ _ u ~ ,~,~ i s ~, -. ' ' _ -mss.. ; r - V - - - .: ~ ~ -,~- y.wi~.;yi3;ti a~"r'~k_-fs~' $Ade.~b.~.~Vi°" -"'~ "` ..De.....s.. ~ ';~'_ _ ..~-Ya ~c_~-A., i~_. _~~:Wi.'~rsrylgcR=rf~~vnvoN w,~.a.., w e....a-. ~.-.~.t _.a:- ~ .c a _ i~#r~°°",~"~a6.f - We wish to herewith make formal ob,ection-to the proposed rezoning of the lot located on the southeast corner of ,._ ._ Ibis Way and Prosperity Farms Eoad. We feel very strong- _ _ ly about this in that when we purchased our homesite sve were content with the 8-2 zoning which existed along __ Prosperity Farms (load, but now we are wondering what Zs_ to happen to both the neighborhood and our investment. For ,your convenience, we eutllne below several reasons against-this proposed rezonings . ~ _-. - - ~ _ -,_ _ _ - -- _ ;~ `,tea 3. This could well_be considered spot zoning. ___ - ~ - 2. It introduces.a high-density occupancy into.a _ _..,_ a.. -m residential-area. __3. It cannot._help#but adversely affect prpperty~ va3ues in the area. t - _ _ ... .. _ A - _ _ • 1 ~. ~ t~#es 'o~.sh t€3 1t~ecetv~th ins}:e ~arsnai o'bjea~ian to the prapc~sesd. se- 9 L'~.'31$.Ilff p~ X1[9 , p'~ laca:tat3 pXl 'Gtlt~? $bttth0et6'~ CaS:Iif~2r D$ ~~.5~.~ ~.3y _ _ - - ~zxci Pras3ty ~`aems Ftnad. S7c~ i'ee:L ttsr~* stKrnng2y about tl~~.s in t'+aat tafien eta purchased atit• hoa~sSLQ tqe cvex~e cnnterzt t•~.th the R-2 zoning z~Izi,c~Fz ex3.sted. u4.oxirj Pras~3ty 1'ar~s k2o~d~ bt,~ i sattsfi era ati~ Saoxadetr3.nq '[f'~.t ~.a ~p ha.~en t»© Iaptls the neighbor.. Ixonr3 aste3 au~ 33zt~estr~ant,~ -_ - Tax yotar convenience, ex3 aut~x+..Ea be2a~ several seasons aga,~,ast ~- this Fcroposet3 rezrnirags - . - =.- E ..~ ~,~ his evul$ 'ero1~ be ~nsidQre+~ ~t zox~#,ng., 2,. ~t intt:ne~szaes a 'tx3gh des~s3t3,r +aectxpa~cy into a ~'~s~.derxti,a3. area.. _ - - 3. Tt caxtapt help l~tat advars~ly ~~~ gargPer'ty' v~ltias 3.n t3ie ~ecrea. 4. ~2ze tie ~ amsnte rcTa are pspposed are rot cnn8u~3.ve E to s'tablEZ sesi~testtisl rac~tr - 5. ~'iai3 s'truc :uxa t~trntic~ ~dc~ aotts3.oz~ f:a z~xx alreaaX sex3.s~us k 3xa.fiic ~la7.agn a•~ ~1ais ~.xstersr~ctiaaz„ . ._ - ~~ ~.E3 SELC(lEb'ffit@C'~ '~h3t th,$,S pbjeCt3aY3 bQS~'.8t~~$SltO th~.~2~ir~.txte~s _ - _ _ -- o~' ~I~e ptib? is 2zearinc7 e~~c3z i~ tcs ~ he3,d ass this prcappsal. z.~~ - J l 'rle wish to :herewith make formal. objection to the proposed rezoring of the lot located on the southeast corner of Ibis ley and Prosperlt9 Fa.z~s Aoad. '+7a feel -rery strong- ly 3~out this in that when we purchased our homesite we _ zk~rc ^ontent with the et-2 zoning: which existed along ?'r~~spexi.ty* Fexr~s 8o3d, but nom we are aondexina what is to happen to both the n~aighborhood and our inve4tment. Far ;Tour convenience, we outline balom several reasons agains*, this ~+rc~gosad rezonS.ng: _ Z. ?'his could well be considered spot zoning. ?, ~t introduces a high density occupancy into a r~s3c7antiat area.. i. It cannot help but advaxsaly.affect Flxty Prof . _ .. .. v~~-vRa ?n the area. =E. '.C~•,e ty-pe of apartments whicY, gxe ;~roposcci n•re .. _ __. ':at co~^d+wa`~ve `o stable ~esidertaai eccup.~r~cy. 5. ^his structure would add confusion tc An already serious traffic problem at this intexsectier. It is raquosf:ad that this ob~2ctic~ ba reed ini;o the _-_-_ __ Minutes of t:^P public hearing ~:hich ire to ce k3elc' on ,....::. this proposal... Respectfully, . ~_ ~~ ,, ~~~ -•~ '~.%~. ,"ice`: ~~ _. .~, r _ t~/ _ . -. 3 1 s We xish to goon record as objecting to the proposed.--_____ _ -______ rezoning of the lot located on the southeadt corner of Ibis Way and Prosperity Farms 8oad. We purchased our -_°.-- home in this area knoxing that-this lot xas zoned R-2 and xe feel that the rezoning of this property devalues our investment in that it x111 allox a more dense population, add to an already serious traffic problem, and xe figure the proposed apartaents xould adversely effect sll property values in the area. Please consider our objection and xe xould appre--_--_,-•____------ .. ciate your putting our abjection on record at the public hearing. _ _ .Very truly Yours, ~~ rt i - ~, ti ti ~r rlt, -- s3s%~_ ,L n ~ r ~~ , v ~LFll t ~~ Q v rr it ? r~~3' ~ . ~. f ~~rtvi~.n.~RMYWIYib aur.-v'4 s.hlsr,:r..?: i "'i^T1 Lih'4AR$M1~:2 Si4E~iY.~LK..4.~.2.S~~ix`i!°~'~"["'TMryj3 F.F~JM:rq(S.s YMt.fflrc_'.~:.~~ - .•-ymi~N.iNew/. ...rn-n~~~ne .~.eMf~ L ~n+. i' ~T-f .-. -r *7F'r ,.., _ s - ~~'~ - :~ -._ - -. _. -. ~ I a .LYI. tike. __ ;~ ,'P ~~ G'e xish to go on reoord as ob~eoting to the pro _: '~ posed rezoning oT the_lot_Iocated on the southeast _ - ,. = -~ corner of Ibis 4iay and Prosperity Farms Hoed. [3e -= purchased~our.homa in Baia area knoxing that this lot - - `° °_ ~_~ xas zoned H-2 and xe feel that-.the rezoning of this _- -- grogexty devalues our investment Sn that it x122 e12ox " '> s mare-dense population, add. to an already serious , ,,,;~ ~"~_ traffic problem, and xe tlgure tha proposed apartments -_ ,: `t ~_..,~~ ~ ~ xould adversely effect aZ1 Property values in the area. ~.. ..~. ++ Please consider our ob~eotion and we xoulQ -~ ~-- pn., °' appreofate your putting our ob~eotion on record at -~ ax -. _ the public hearing. __ ~+'_ r; .t ,. _ . _ i- ~ Yoetra vea^y tre~iy, _ ~ ~ _ _. _ _ ~. w~ 1 /' ~%<. ~ ~r tut. ....-r/w,- Y ~:. _ 2-e vas ,~ ++^- ~ ~ ~;: s'Y -. • ._ -i-..t r ~ s r W 3' r . ~_ ^ -K ~' ~ ' '~ Y~ ~a .~ ~ M ~r ;a~ c .~ 2 4 ~ 14 C. TVa~ 1 ~ t_ ii ~`n Y'4 i ~ Si ~ F ~ _ ~ W s --- E ~ t . a«,... a _y ,.. r - -t ,Ch Y ~ l _ _~... .~ 4 ~ . ~ ~, ~. - ,::1 'ti-~- {li~'G~~1Y 4 N:s#1H E'.i ~ fY _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ''.r 'S _ - K- ~ _ _ iii""",,, L 8'` ° _ 3 -R .a a4 .~~i ~ fl ` ~ - -- - '- ~ ~ ~ ~ }"'qty ~.- .. - ~ 4 `! { t '~ .~ ~ ~ - '. _ _ i~~ ~y ey - }i i X x-.n. L. _ n ~y_ ~ y ~- ~ ~ " _ _ _ - -rT.,.~ . _ -rn.a. .e-~.,. ,....,..~. .... ........... '.-.:.rt~i~m-m~.as~~rnexnrmiw~F.nmme3fm~+~'SVCA:./vt?'JS~F.'.9t•MAaRC~T!R4Y1lYlM1'Hi1T~i69 ~YS y ~~ ,--f A ~ ~~ ~~ J ~~,~ ,~. +1 ~ 3 ~ __ .'R#~ d}pi. ~` n f~ x ~'{j~." i~: 54 ^C ,y 2{~4~ q,-y .;~•H•~ttY' t it T ~u y,~, . n.. ~ „~..- ,. [•~r,Y 221968` OFFtOE Ofi ,- v~~u~~ MP.1~AG~R ~g. ?' ..... - w tia w --- '-~- _ -~i. 1..==. - May 11 ~ 968 -. _ - _: .. _ _ Village-Manager_or Mayor °-_ _ - - ~_ -,r Gentlemon: _ - - Gf@ Vil Bh to ~,q Cf2i r9GOrQ. tRB ~ Gb~et3tiil.~ ~€) €'-tt8 j32b+ ~-~ - - - - _ '- - - gs9d Z't32gi31 f t}t 1 t 1 ~ d _ - -_ _. - . - North Palm Beach Village - _ _ __ -__ : _- _ '=1 the pn'~21o tz~,az~.st.~. - - _ ~ - =1 p _ nr o e o ocss a an Lhe southeast = aorxlar of Ib~.rx ~Fa~ atsB Prosperity Farm~a Road. ~Q purah~z~sed attr horse ire thla eras 3srw~f.gg that tttls 3,Qt was ~4zaee~ 3~~•2 end ~~ !'e~3. that thee 3°oSOr~tss~r qt' tb3s property ~!®veiues our Sav$a#.merst Sa Lhet !t ~t23, a2.2os~t s mare c3exise gopu3~tion. edt! to an e2readv serlsnt~s La~f'ftts pTOh7.sts, ~artd we figure tte® proposed rapart3a:extte ._ > ,,~ mould adQersel8 etSect a1E pa^opsrtY aa}.uoe. #,r~-_tha er~ea« -- ~Ieasc~ aoxzs~.de3+ oar ob~eotlrsa acid ass arauld appreatst~ yrnir puttttag our cst+geest~osa on rec©rci at 1 i - w`~ r,~cE~~tC~ A~' lv1RY ~3 t968 ~ ~ CFF~G~ Q ~ --~ ~y Z il!-nGE _ h°~ ~, ~W ~ ~-° ire wish to go on retard as objecting to the proposed - rezonir~a, of the lot Zocated on the southeast corner of Ibis " ~"'W" %ay and Prosperity Farms Road. Ne purchased ovr home in this area knowing that this lot 4aas zoned R-2 and we feel that _. ___ rexoning of this property devalues our investment in that it - - will allow a more dense populations add to an already serious _ traffic problems and Re figure the proposed apartments would -__-~_: __- -_ adversely effect all property values in the area. - Please consider. our objection and we would appreoia_te your -_ i °- putting our objection on record at the public hearing. - ----=- 1`__~ *~"- Very truly yours - -- _ ~ti ' i1 y -_ _ _ 1 _ _ :5?IfiPIj33l!F.Wk:iN`HA+RRR}fl'~ITRRk!~t''1~5%w~GR~wi4V9 Y ~~- ~ - - 733 gittyhaxk Way West North-Palm Beach, Florida _-_ ,_. May 21, 1968 V111age Council Village Hall - -- --- North Palm Beach, Florida - ., Gentlemens .- _.-- - We wish to submit our ob~ectioa to the re- - zoning of the lot on the southeast corner of Ibis Way and Prosperity Farms 24oad, Village of North Palm Beach. When xe purchased our hemesite xe were content xith the A-2 Zoning xhieh existed along Prosperity Farms Aoad, but nox xe feel-that the rezoning of this property devalues our investment in that it will allow a more dense population, add to an already serious traffic _ problem, and xe Figure the proposed apartments would adversely effect all property values in the area. - _ Please consider our objection and xe xould appreciate your putting our objection on record at the public hearing. _ I?espectfully, _ - _-. ~eYY6MR3iuF.wr±a~nY~mamawz~w-~++merxr.en...~... a......,..~~~r...-.. .. .... .. - r ,Y •' .. _ .~ iQe wish to submit our objection to the rezoning of the Iot on the southeast corner of Ibis Wag and k'rosperity PYtams Road,, Vi'Llege of Borth Pa71a Beach. Pdhsn rre purehesed our hams here, vats felt that Ore warm in a Predocdttsnt],y single family,rQaidentisl section. We did have Fsnoaslsdgs of the R~2 ~onin8 of th4s property, but strozagly ob~sct to any tyge of zoning a]3.oaring a Wore conceaztratsd-population area. Besides bring what ate would consider -spot moning, i:e feel that any chango erou3d dofinitmly devalue our property. - - _ . . Respectfully, _ ' ~ =. _ ~ ~~~ ~. _ ~E _ .,._ ,.: . - _, . _- ~ g = - - _ _. _ _ - = - - $, ~ ~ CJt-f-f~ ~9~; i cG1 ._vt~.Pr~.___-_ "" ',,` ~ I{ i. r '.Tf: s=::iL~ ~Si Wei as residents in the pillage wish to petition aganst'th' .,__ ~_ , rezoning of the property on the southeast corner of Ibs'~.y an~t~' ' ~ 'rf-=- Prosperity r~ rms-Road. We feel that the present R-2 zoning shot}3.di~+ C-` stay in effect singe in all good planning programs R-2 zoni~ ~.s, ~ ~ _ ~; used as a buffer zone bettyeen residential and other types o~ 2~on~,ng A chafe in this instance would. constitute spot zoning irt:diar~ --. :. opinion. ~, ~ }~~ °- _ - - ! Fte also feel. that such a change of zoning as has been requested - would be conducive to a density of populations traffic-problems and most of all a devaluation of our investment. We therefore object to this proposal for rezoning and request that our objection be read into-the minutes of the public hearing to be held on this matter. Respectfu't1y~ NAME ADDRESS ' -- - ~~ ~ ~I~-.~ .~'~~.~7`~C~r.~Z ''ti f (yH C. r ~ //~ ~ ~~ili 4 `/ ~-i~~~ 'LL+L' 2`~G'// ' - ~C ~ /'~ .cam ~~rt r--' ~y--~~•~ - , - _ 6~,.. ~ I~L~.Ia-u1 ~. „ ~~ c s j , Y eer.:re~Jt% ~ j r/ / ~ We, as residents in the Village wish to petition,.: _~i4~,,y~ against the rezoning of the property on the southeast ~~g;h~~ corner of Ibis Way an8 Prosperity Farms Road. We-.feel ~t that the present R-2 zoning should stay in effeet~ since,,`-~~ in all good planning Program§ R-2 zoning is used;a~ a .~1 buffer zone between residential. and other types oi`i;~, s,~.,iFi -.. zoning. A change in this instance would constitut't~ spot zoning in our opinion. We also feel that such a change of zoning as has been requested would be conducive to a density of popula- tion, traffic problems-and most of all a devaluation of our investment. ''- We therefore object to this proposal for rezoning and request that our ob3ection be read into the minutes of the public hearing to be held on this matter. _- Respectfully, 1 C~ ~, } j `;, ~.,, NAME ADDRESS :. L~ t~ 7 3 3 '~{~ _ " ti car/ J J ! ~~~tiy ~I _ % ~ ~:. Jam`/{ ///)' .,,~ _ -7~~P ,1~„ ~ ~~sa ~1e _ ~~- = ^ ~~*~~ Ftoi as rapid®nta ixi b~he 9f7~s ;fl` cr3.sh to pcrtitioa against tk~ ~ ~-~ so~.n8 oP the property an tha southosst cerner of Ibis 'tsay mffi Proopority Ln Road. ~o Eool that tho Fa'©s©rtt R 2 ~onir~ should- ~ay in c~£fflot t3'~SiCe ASS ate. (,'OD(I F~a~' ~L; I~O~'ra~9 R~ 4S41T~.12~ ~a woad as a bu£Per Sono bcrGvreon sosiclesnt3al and othor types of zoning. .4 c?r~s~o 9.ss this ~nstanca t9ould constitute spot soa~ix~ 3.n out oLritL'~'-• ~ _- - T!e also feel that such a chax~o of sanL~ as hst3 be3o*s regsestod ~rould ~ co~r3nc3vo to a density oY popuiation~ tsaffio groble~ ansi moat of s11 a dava:Le~tion of pus irnreotmor~l.. ~; ~5e therefore ob1©et to thi8 psc~poael for r®~or~ing said rc+guast that our objection Lxi remd into the mizuxtas of the pnb~.io Er=sting to L-o kxold on this caattor. -_ ...~-- -- Re®~cact£ullyy -_ _ ,/~ - - c~~ ._ ;, ~f'I - Y /-~!/t/,b, ~ L5~ ii.~~Y4-g%5 ~....,,~: - _ - _ 1. `'~ _ _ ~ 4~~ ~ `~~ ~ a~~,~.~.. _ ~ USA - ~, : ~ ~ ,~Q?--- _-_ . , ,~ ~ ~~~~ _4 ~t u% ~ mil- ~/ra.~..e. `~".i/. ~~e~/~. ~~ . ~ ~~~,, ~ _:/~ ~s~,~7`- ~ s- ~/P : ~e,~_- GC« /~ -sue /'~ yfy, ~,, ~ ,Z - L~!'~"~t, C #.- w ~t~~,~ lg { ~ ` .:.• /~~~,J~y-/fr , r(.sn~~i \~ _- f'~ -~~ ~~ (^~. - ^, ~' -' `{ ~ - '; _~-~.- Y ~)"-.~~r'. f1- ice.. - -- ~- - - - -- .- ra _ ~. C~ o _{. i ~ _ .~ ~i,. x- ~~' -_ _ .-. _....-: .. ~..~~..~.._~.~.~......w~..~.~~...r~.n..~..~..~.-~aa....~w.'..u~arr.ia~dM:'TNfn~w~r~.n SisM ~" -_ _ _._~.-~ ~~ '~ - /~ ~- f ~ ~ ; ~ ~ (iFFiCC ~~ 4 s S~~r1.. - iS:.p:e~GE. .nom Ode vtish to submit our objection to the rezoning of the lot ' on the southeast corner of lbis Way and Prosperity Far_ns Road, Village of North Pa7m'Beach. _ ___- When we purchased our home here, we felt that we were S.n a predominently single family residential section. We did have kno~rledge of the R 2 zoning of this property, but-strongly object to any type of zoning allocring a more concentrated population area. -= m Besides being what we would consider spot zonings we feel-____ -__'__ that any change would definitely devalue our property. Respectfully, A ~"~ (t'~ l,~~t '_' •~ s.J ~y ~'7~ Cr-P«„,fg.,~.iCiy 1-t.~ L - ,/ '~~- ! . ..J _ _ _._P.._- __~ ! L ~° Vii.-ifc. s ~' cct cerz,¢,X~- J?~.xs,~ L~~~ 7 a ~ ' Q ,- (/ ~ ~ ~ ~*. !/ZCr~'LG++/~ j~~ ~i~yc<-~'jv '7 ~Q ,f'll/L~z.,..2 ~ ~,~~~,`~,~-- ~~ ~a.7/ - s cz-G.~~`~1. ~" `mil ..~v W .. ""' n ~ sG~ ~/~f ~ ~3.~,. i~ ~~a . ~~~~ ~jr, ~' ~ Y~s ~ 3j 3 ~ .~n ~ . __. _ . _. ~ ~~~ `'52~ ~a~~a ~~,-.~. c 4~ -~f?~ m..~...,w.~.,,.«. _.. ... y.~._.__„