07-23-1968 VC REG-M~- I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1968 ' Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R_ Walker, Village Clerk Absent: David C. Clark, Councilman ~ Ma.yor Lewis called the Regular Meeting to order a.t 8:05 p.m. ROLL CALL ~' a.nd asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members Y,~., being present except Councilman Clark, who was excused. V L~ &Dn motion of Vice-Mayor Be11, seconded by Councilman 7/9/68 MINUTES Watt, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular Meeting APPROVED held Tuesday, July 9, 1968 were approved as written. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, 7/16/68 MINUTES all present voting aye, the minutes of Special Session OF SPECIAL SESSION held Tuesday, July 16, 1968 were approved as read. APPROVED Mayor Lewis read Proclamation declaring 4Vednesda.y, August PROCLAMATION - 7, 1968 as JAN MINNICH DAY, and proclaiming that she be JAN MINNICH DAY - Honorary Mayor of this community during the period of her AUG. 7, 1968 visit. Miss Minnich was crowned "Miss Apple Blossom of 1968" during the Shenandoah Valley Annual Apple Festival in ' Winchester, Virginia. On motion of Councilman Wa,t~ seconded by Councilman Evera.rd, all present voting a.ye, the approved minutes of Board of Governors Meeting held May 22, 1968"; minutes of Chaxter Board Meeting held Monday, June 10, 1968; minutes of Recreation Advisory BoazclMeeting held June 27, 1968; and minutes of Zoning Board o~ Adjustment Meeting held July 8, 1968 were accepted by Council. Village Manager gave a progress report on the plans for the new library. Vi1la.ge Manager reported that the Village was 98% complete on the personal property and business inventory tax roll. ' Village Manager gave a report on the status of Village revenue bonds. APPROVED MINUTES OF BD. OF GOVERNORS MEETING OF 5/22/68; - MINUTES OF CHARTER BD. MEETING HELD 6/10/68; MINUTES OF REC. AD. BOARD MEETING HELD 6/27/68 & MINUTES OF ZONING BD. OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING HELD 7/8/68 ACCEPTED PROGRESS REPORT ON NEW LIBRARY REPORT 01V PERSONAL PROPERTY & BUSINESS INVENTORY TAX ROLL REPORT ON VILLAGE REVENUE BONDS Vi1la.ge Manager stated that the Village Engineer is making SWALE DRAINAGE - a study of the Swale drainage at Buoy Road and Cruiser BUOY RD. & CRUISER Road and will give the Vi1la.ge a report when he has com- RD. pleted his study. `~ f - 2 - Vi1la,ge Manager reported that the Flame restaurant is under construction, and that the sidewalls are up about six feet. Village Attorney informed Council that the Levonia, property was purchased this morning (July 23, 1968) and that the Village now owns this property. Village Manager read bids received from the following: Atlantic Fire Apparatus American LaFrance. Jack Cocke & Company, Inc. Mr. Dallas Chrans, Distributor for American LaFrance, approached Council with a. letter that was not included in American LaFrance's bid and apologized for their having inadvertently omitted this letter. American LaFrance's sealed bid as submitted was not in accordance with Village specifications and had to be considered as an informal a.nd incomplete bid. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Evera.rd, all present voting aye, Council awarded bid in the amount of $27,990 to Atlantic Fire Apparatus Company, who wa.s second lowest bidder and met all specifications. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, Council accepted audit report prepared by Village Auditors, Callaway, Carpenter and Ma.y, for the period ending April 30, 1968. Mayor Lewis stated that `the Village is in the best financial shape that it has ever been in its history. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Be11, all present voting a.ye, Council denied petition of Village Garden Apartments, Inc. to dispense m*ith the enclosure. requirements for switmning pools as required by Ordinance No. 165-67. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Batt, seconded by Vice- Ma.yor Bell, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk REPORT ON FLAME RESTAURANT PURCHASE OF LEVONIA PROPERTY BIDS ON FIRE APPARATUS AMERICAN LA FRANCE _BID COUNCIL AWARDS _ BID TO ATLANTIC __ FIRE APPARATUS IN' AMT. OF $27,990 COUNCIL_ACCEPTS I AUDIT FOR PERIOD ENDING 4/30/68 COUNCIL DENIES PETITION OF VILLAGE GARDEN APTS., INC. ADJOURNMENT 1 1