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2008-08 Domani Large-Scale Comp Plan Amendment
• ORDINANCE 2008-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE-SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE VILLAGE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN RELATING TO A SEVEN ACRE PARCEL OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF U.S. HIGHWAY ONE APPROXIMATELY ONE MILE SOUTH OF PGA BOULEVARD, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN ("DOMANI PARCEL"); REMOVING THE PROPERTY FROM SPECIAL POLICY 5.2 AND ASSIGNING IT A HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION; AMENDING THE VILLAGE FUTURE LAND USE MAP SERIES; AMENDING POLICY 4.2 AND SPECIAL POLICY 5.2 OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT TO ADDRESS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OBJECTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Village of North Palm Beach to amend its adopted Comprehensive Plan, including amendments to its future land use map; and • WHEREAS, the property owner, Domani Development LLC, has initiated a large-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment ("Amendment 07-2.1") to remove a seven acre parcel of property located on the east side of U.S. Highway One, approximately one mile south of PGA Boulevard ("Domani Parcel"), from Special Policy 5.2 and to assign the Domani Pazcel a future land use designation of high density residential, as depicted on Figure 3-3 of the Village Future Land Use Map (Planning Area #2); and WHEREAS, on July 24, 2007, the Village Planning Commission, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, determined that the proposed Amendment is consistent with the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan and rewmmended approval of Amendment 07-2.1; and WHEREAS, the Village transmitted Amendment 07-2.1 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for full review and has revised Amendment 07-2.1 to address the objections and recommendations set forth in the ORC Report issued by the Department; and WHEREAS, the Village Council determines that the proposed future land use map amendment is consistent with Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Village Council, having wnducted two duly advertised public hearings and given this matter due consideration, determines that the adoption of Amendment 07-2.1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan is in the best interests ofthe residents and citizens of the Village of North Palm Beach. J Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM • BEACH, FLORIDA as follows: Section 1. The foregoing whereas clauses aze hereby ratified as true and correct and are incorporated herein. Section 2. The Village Council hereby adopts Amendment 07-2.1 to the Village Comprehensive Plan, as fully set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. The Village Council hereby amends Figure 3-3 of the Future Land Use Map Series of the Future Land Use Element of the Village Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Amendment set forth in Exhibit "A." Section 4. If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in wnflict herewith aze hereby repealed to the extent of such wnflict. Section 6. The effective date of this Amendment shall be the same as the date and fmal order issued by the Department of Community Affairs or the Administration Commission finding the • Amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 24th DAY OFAPRIL, 2008. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSE~D~T~HIS 2~8t/~h DAY OF AUGUST, 2008. (VilIage~Sehl)a d%(/,~LG~ ~. 0 MAY ,.. , ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ~° • VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A° v~i.~e ~~f ~~r~h P~~m ~ea~~h: 'Iar~Eda ~~rg~p~~c~i~ ~.o~n~:~'~h~.~~iWe ~PI~~ ~~rt~~d~.~~,~E ~~m~~:~i Prc,~~.~ ,iu.n~ ~.~~?.; :~~u,~. ~~u[y X00:7; J4~rii ~:Q~~:~; A~c~u~f.~~~~ P"~~~~r~d fir ~Et~ ~~ll~.g~. t~~ ~~~h ~a~lm° ~~~eh ~re.~.a~~:d Ejy La~nc~:~~~~a~'c=h tk~ari~.g~m~n~, Irr~t Rev,: ~11~f08 ~oc~i~n :i;?~:~ 1:ia ~ir~trodiaction '!-~ ~.Q Ar~aiysis C?fi 111f~p Amend~~en~ 2=~ 2.'I Summary ~C~f Future Lend Use Tap aeries Am~~ndmen~ Q7-~.'i~ 2-3 3.0 Analysis Elf ~um~l~tive [r:~paats .~f 1~r~pased i~P~~.G:l' ~m~ndr~ent t37~2. ~ 3-'( ~,'I ~li.l~l~c~. ~ ~fi Nc~rtk~ F~Im B~~cf~ Carr~preElensu~ Plan 3~~ . ~ .'1 ?Village Ghat'aCter 3-~ 3. ~ .~ Fufur~ ~.an'd~ iJ~se 3~2 ~.~~.~ firansportatio~t ~ 3~~6: ~3. ~ .4 Housing ~-6 ~.i,~ S~rita~~Sewer., ~olld 1~~~~, i]:ralr~~c~e, Po~a~,[e ~llJafer, ar~d i~iat~ra[ `~rQ undWat~i` ~~ttlfe~ :Recharge 3~7 3:.~.:~ ~c~~stai:ik!lar~.agerrt®rt~ ~-~ ~~-1.;7 Cttnser-va~ia~~ ~ ~~8 3:1,~ Reer~atid~.And a~en space ~3-g ~,~ <ln~~r~g.~u~rnrn~ntal ~flo~dln~fian ~=9 3.1-.~~~ C~pifai impr~~vem~nts -~<~~a ~.'l.'['I: P.u:li~~ Sc}~aal C.ortcut'renoy `~-1~ ~;2 llilla~e O~ North P~Irr~ :Bea.c.17 Ivva°luat7ot~ ;And. Appraisal l~eparf ~-`I 3~3- U.~. Highway Nn, '[ ~orrldc~.r ~tuci~ ~3~'l ~,i7 ~~nsieieneyilt~i€E~ I~~gionel°.And `Stele Pians 4-"! ~,0 Canclr~~iai~ artd I~e~corr'tr~~n~datit~n 5~'i 5.'1 Finding ~-~ ~,2 F~ecor~me~d.atiort ~~1 5~3- I~!'A R-u~1ic Haarin~ '~ 5.4 Ll~~t 11~ee~irrg~ ~ ~-~ 5>~ `~liiag~ Ca~ncll.Puh]ic N~a.ri~g ~~~ ~.6 Viliag~$ ~u~ncii~l~±ieafiin~ ~~-9 App- endix ~t NP~CP ~meri~tlm~tit i~'~ ~.'I A-~! `1~~.: $l`E 1 ffl ~`~~~LI~ ~F~ ~~~NT~~~'~ ~cdn~in~u:~d~ Nurnb~r ~F~e Locattor~ ~f Proposed Cemp~e:hensive P~I~~n At~en.dm~nt ~-2 A~bu~ting Lang! Vie, .I.rrcluc~ing Fut4~re I~~nd °ltse ~~d ~onii~.~ bes~~r~~tio.ns ~~4 ~ Prr~{~ose~ .F`[~fur~ L~nct l1s~e l~i~ap - Am~ndrren~ {~~=~, ~ 2Y5 L.1~T {~~ T~~LES ~.~ar:~ber ~~~~ 1 iV.P.B.GP Arn~nd~ent ~.7-~~~1 ~Gurnulaf~ve :tmp~~~ Factors Summary :3-~ 2 Ir=.i'tpa~t t~f h1RBCP ~m~r~~.ment ~~-2.~ UpDr~ ~~cisti~r~.Land Use '3'-~ Ll5'~ ~~ i4PP~ND-1~~~ ~.u~ber ~age~ A ~PB~~P ~menc[r~en~ ~7 2.1 A~ L1~`~ ~~ .~~lil.~l.?'~ N~mb~r (~a~~ F~rture L~nd.lJse it~ap Arr]e~dfn~nt NPBGR Q7~2:'~ ~AP ~~ Fu.Fur~ Late .iJss. ~~er~ent T~xt:Amen~met~f N~~'BC:P07`~~.~ A-~ ordinance ~rtaot%ng~ t~RE~~~P~Amendme~t 0~~2.~ A~4 :R.~1t.: 8,~~'t ~:1~18 '~:tl il~"~F~C~DU~~TlC3~ Tile ~1'iiEac~e cif N.a~ti~ Pa[rn ~3~ach is ~~ErrentL~ can~~dering #h~ -adtiptiQri of .NorEh Ralrr~ Beach ~~xmpi"ehs.ri;sive Plan: ~i+N-P.B~P) :Am.et-tdme.nE 07 ~,'i consisting of an amen~rrrerit to tine i'ufure land Use Mai ~~erles at~~ ~ relai:~d text an~tendm~ent to ~fhe 1=[~ture Land -Use 1=lei~~ent. N~B~P~ Amc~nd~ner~~ ~~-~.1 Is netie~~ary to~ accommodate. a proposedli'-i8 ur~ff rn~iltiple ~~n7.ily.r~sider#ti~f dev~lc~pr~en#. '1"he Is~cafiQn. ~f NP~~P At~e.ndrrient-4~-2.7 i~ iiEustratad: ors 11~ap -1.. The prn~SeTty lrtcluded ~~ifhin :NFB~~P Amendment ~~-21 :shall be .refe~°red: #~ rter~:)n a~ the " Doman" partial. Thy Dama.ni ~~_ ~arcel was previously the suE~J~ect of °rezoning ~C~rci~nan:ce .1~-2oQ~) .and I?)ai~ned Unit De~relopment .(Drdi.r~a.nce 14-~.(~a~) :~ppratiaE~, Previous Tillage :acEions rezoned tho parcel Pram G-1 (IVei~f~b~rl~otid C~~m~r~i~[ aistricir~ fc~ l~-3 :~Apai-Ement ~i~v5relling 1~isfricE} and enacted eor~d'ation5 of~ approvai for a 77-unit mdltip.le- farriiE~ resi>`3eritial eom~iuiiiy, including wa#~e~s four k~utJdir~ set~actcs -and hei~.i~E; ~d:ocks and ~I~e s~awa(I. This document p1•rivtdss data and anal~+~7s. f~q~irect fJ.y :5e~ei;ioias ~~~5 ar~.d 9J- 1~00~~'~~~b:)-~1; - ~, ~I~rida~_~t~~.in' tratlve fade, s~s they pef-E~tn f~~ ~#h.a :~irop~sed ar>~end~meriL Section 2 consists -of a brief st~rnrrrary and anatysis caf ~repasad °NPBC~P Anlen~finerit Q~-~.1, in berms. o't` tie, regulrement~ of ~ectian -~~f~'l1~:a0~(~1)°~b~~l tc ~J- 11;~~G.~T:}~b.),~, Flc~rictal~drr~tnistrativ~'Gcde. ~Sectian ~ .preseiat~ an at~alysi~~ of ~tlte cziit~.uiative imp~~s. a~ the proposed. arrrendr~er~t :in terr->7s of eatih ~eietrnanf of the ~li[f^a~~ Qf ~I~rth Palm ~~a~h .. reherisive~ Pfari~, .and recently tiemp(eted Euaiuatto:rt arrd_,gp~raisal Repo. aria! UB. Htghu~y No'I . C.~rr~dc~ Study ~~Rhasa I)~. Section ~ contains an a~~essment of pro.pased NPB~F' Arne~drn~:n# D7-2.9, :in terms of tFre Regional :Poilcy Flan and Saete C~mpreh.ensiue l~iaEi, and an Ohje:ctians R~ccmrn~n~faf<i~sns and Gomrnents (`C:}FtG~~ RepcrE is.;~ued. b.~r ~tl~e l/Ioricta .l~e.par~ment of tom-rnc~.riity ~AfFairs. Ap~endi~ ~1, ~hi~ifs A -arid. i~~ of ties d:cc.~merit co.ntain~ preposed N~~~:P A~end~ent ~?7~2.1. Rev.: 6191}pg ~-1 This seefi~r~ pravi~{e~ .:a data s~mrnary ~rrd .analysis of the pr~ap,esed I~:I?B~P A~metidmertt, ~7-2:,'1,~ pursuant. to tf~~ rer~uir~m~nts ~o~ ~ec~ot~.s ~J~'I'1.~D&('17~!?}~, `to 9JM 'I~:(~Ofi~1~~b)~., Fior'tda Adri~inistrstiye ~~.de, ~ii~eludir~~~ ~. The .~ropQSed future land use pian ~.rrt°a.p de~igr~:a#i.on .ef ~tk~e ~u~je~t .i5r~ipert~; #I~e botandaries of file s~ubje.~t p.~ep~ri;.y,. and ~i7e mappeal:.loc~tivn 9n r~iatior~ t~ the s~rrr~urrding street ne(warl£. ~. ~: m-ap of the pres~n~ lead u~~; ~~s~~~~i~~i~~ of the :st~hjeet ~rop~erty, iand a~.~ittir~~.pr~per#~~es:, in~[udin.~~'fufiure.fa~nd use reap de~i~natiei~s, 3, Tk~e ~i~e of fhe s~hj.ect (~.r~~e~fy :in °a~cre~, .err ~r.~cf[ans tf1.~`e~'F 4~: ~ description of ti•[e avail~~h~ility of, ar~d dei~aa°nd upon `tie fQlJ~wing ~aubiieR 'facilities: ~anifary .suer:., solid ~nva~~, drai~a~e,. potak~le ~~uvate'r, traffic cireu~at'~nz and~re~reati~an and o,pe€~. s~~aoe,. as ~~prop-r=iaf~, arrd ~. ~lnformatian ~e:~ardmg the. c~m~pafifiilify .of the proposed fu#ure iand. u~.e rrrap a-nendmerrt with the Future :iand lJse 1=l~i~et~t ~b]e~t~r~.s aril poficles, as inrel .a~ tl~ros.e of et~rer-.affectedelements. NPR~P Arriandment ~7 2.`l is a revi~i~n to Figure .3.3 .(:Planning area ~} of ~>~e Fu-tur~ 3~arxd EUse ioletnent of~the Village Qt l~ortli F'aim B:ea~l~ ~ompre#~enslue ~Pla~n to iricvr-~viato ~ pi'opose~ d~velopr~~nt pregtartr re~tisir~n ft~r the "l~.orrm~~7i" rn~uitip.le=family i'e~Jctentiai ~ommuni~y, arty a i•elatrc~ text ~men~dmerit. to- fhe 'Future iand Use ~te~~ner-t ri:~ees~a`ry to reapet~d tc tha DE~~ectioiis .Ft~esorrirri~nd~tian~ :and ~~ernments ~(~I~~} ep~rf issued `~Y the.-fifortda :~eparfinenf o€ C~m~rrsur~~iiy Affairs an~,J~ly 3, ~QOS. ~T`he Iereation .of AIPI~.~P fleriendme.r~t f?~~~,1 is iltustrafed c,n M~~ ~~ . The I~alar-~ce~ of ttr.is secti4tl corrlans .de~cripti:ons .and a~al~sis of-the :p:rap~sed amend.r~erat,. as well .as ~e cumralaiti~~ impacts ~there~of, as ,apprc.prlate, In terms of the .five criteria ~lisfed above. :Refererr~:es to -efher related ~ecfiiorrs ~ot fhis dacument are p,r~vicled as rr~ce~sary. .. . Rev..: -&f'1 ~If~t3 ;2-1 f~~LP `i `La~~.#ic~n ~fi~.i'rc~ps~~ec~ ~am~~eh~r~siv~ i~l.n.~4me~~men~ 3~DR~i.P~3T.14i.B~~A~~ tr~~i~Ttx~T~ I.~1t~I1.TS rc erta, ~ - l~'I1lagcnfNcr~:th_~?al.m I3~eachPtnntain~ Arert Se+Fle ~vtin's Lhincltisc hIap Series 3f1~ D SQO ~ .l300' wear ~~~ f~PB~,P ~,~..~` Ainendinenf ~~-.~ ral;~! . ,.~ Zut~BoruFdarplpr -- 1E~e-lxil[age_of~B ~ ~. Aaada'&`Nlglneuya -.-~~ F.LT!ast•C4a9tltAilltbad ~ _ - 1YalCiism}s ~1iTnri/ia~ _ ~ ~Vi~~ . t7e~rnr . r°'~r , ~ ~~~ ~§H _~ ;~ -~~ ~. C~-. ~~ ~ - °1:ItKE ~lF~ftll t '~ - _' .~ ~ ~ - ~~ ~ u~ l - 4 Q~l ~ ~ I:...~1Lf etarnl ~'- ~~a~ Dula.. - - --- - ~. Sonrca: - - - - ~ - - ~Arr7:~~xCn '~s~T..~r~vnicy,:,~r,c 59f.68B?rlal 3Cns dU4.d'709 ~~_~ .~.~ ~U1~1~Y ~~' FIJTU:R~ ~~N~ :tJ~~ :1~A1' ;~~R[~~ A-i~E~lE~>iV{~NT ~b7~~.~1 ~. Name .ax bes~~na~ion; "I~amanl" parcel, 6. Pa~ce~i t~eac~i~tir~ti ar L.~n~~fion: i~regui~r~sh~aped parcel located an tl~e cast si;:le .of U:;~. Highway 1, a~proximateiy ~.fl ~mlls south of f'~A.. BQUl~var~ (I~~i~ Map ~}. Tl~e parcel is apprascimately 7.0 :acres- In size, .and fs ioa^ated w.itliin 1/ille Planriif:tg ~1ree 2. The ~uhject parcel wan pravlansly :clea~'~d in net#icipaflon of constra~fi~n ptarsu~arit to the condlti~tns.af-Qrdlrrartce ~~~-.Z€3C?~ X77 °ur-it ~nuifi~lewfarnily re~ideritia) ~ommu~9ty').• C.. )Q:xisting_ ~aiare~ Lana1U~.e and Mariii~g °E)esig~tf~in~:. 1':utiare Lanef . se' Domani is a 'i'-aer~ parc~~ i~f r~card ~wl~iel-~ way pre~i4:tas1~+ ~. poriipn °~sfi a 2~.4~ acre parcel -awned by ih-e •laassi:anist I~tiaaaaster~i 4~ ~~u~ Lady ~i~ Flaritla, lrtc, ~h~ eriflr-e ~~f acres is c~rreritf:Iy .sub~eat ~fc~ #ha pra~isior~s of B.pe~af P~li~y ~,~ :a$ the. G:orrtlar~ehei~e :Play, wki3:ch ~periXiffs. ~ t~tlitf~re of rian~resfden#iai .and :r~etderitla[ uses, -acaaidi~t~g: fa. the -€oilowfng .orEteria, Ilan-reslder~tial c€eveleprr~ent m .ma~imurn f.~1.3:? ~of 11:5; and residential devalapt~ent.-- ~a~mum derts~y cif ~'1 t~rii#s peracre. , Marti : ~ -° Aparten~rtt Dwe111~g I7.istrict~ l7: Pr~tZa~sed 1=`tiEu~e Land [3~sa and Zani~g C~eai~na~ian~. (Plo.rEh' ~t~alm ~.~aci~}. `Future Lana Use: High i~ensity l~eslderttfai::(tna~lmum t~f.~~ uriifs° ~er~acre}. Zarb ; F~~-Apartment i]welf[ng °T~isfrlct. ~Y Ahutting:L,anti 1~ae~~armmarye ~Cbz~~ti~~g. existing larirt uses:, ar~.d ~uturs Jart~l .rasa and ~vn[rg ~f~s[grrafions,. are ill~t~tra~ect on Map 2_ F. ~uk~je~#~r~:p~~yBeveiapmentt~o~art~IaL 1. Lie lc~ ~ rnen~ Cc~nas Multip..le-farriily d~uel~ipment of ~ 68 residential units; 2, _~©auiafion-~ralecl:ioC~s.~Cpropa~ed future ianci lJse eleeignation).27~ ~`esic!$nt5: ~: infra~tructur~ Irrr,pa~ts: '1_ ~Trarls~ortation: ~eferta ~ectian ~.3. 2, F'atable ~V1later F~efer to Sec~'an ~:~. ~. 11Vas-te~tafer; F~efer~o section ~:~.. ~. ter--wage; Rei<er#o Sedtis3r~ ~.~ ~. -~Q1td {i7l~sfe; Defer'#t~ Seati0G1 ~ ~. ~. Recreationlapeb SiaacQ; f~.efr?a-ta. ~ecstcan ~..8. h3. ~att-laafil~llit~il~tlith Gan3preh~n~ivePl~n:. The [~raposed 1~~?BG>~ Arm~nd~~.erit f?:7'=~,'f ~is e[eerne.d ea~sistei~t~with ~e pillage ~:~i~rEh. Palen ~eaci~ Goat - rehe-risive Plan. ~et~aii~ are p~~serited in ~.ecti6n ~~:4. 1~1., lui~ S - r•1~~~, a-~ tic .r•!! t~ ~~~~{{ c~S( : P 4t~ N .~ :~ E ~ : ~ ~ ~ np ~ y ~ ~- ;~ ~ w .t0 .r~ ,~. _~ d1 ~ ~ia _~. -' ~w ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ,- ~~ ~ : O.~ eX 6 N ~'L -SY '~ '. ~- w ~ :~.'.x: ~ ~~ z; C3 _ `~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~' Goifv~Y.~--~~. .~ O r°n Mf ~~ .~.w iex ~~ A~ ~V ~~~rr l` ~y~ .../ q~` ~wc s ~q W ~.~ y4~/,q fU ~y~~y~' ''.Ei. :~~y `V ~~ $F { ~~-~ ~~~ . l~rc~po~ed ~ut~~e L~n~ tJ~~- ~e~`ign~~kian ~~~~~F~ Ar~n~n.c~rtm~n~ ~~~~.'~ ~r~~ ~ .~ ~ PL~TII~TCr AR~:~ ~ZJTLT,€~ LSD U`~~~ S~RT~~ ~D1.~ Plauz~tti~lit°ea.I3atwdaey uiRxas[ ~efe~°to-I~dnd ~1's~'Cn~~es ~•1 a~d~3-~ ~pa~ial Faticie~ - ~~i F~t~~`~ ~.an.d 1st3 fV[a~~3 Rmtsr~dt~e:.t~t, ~'t'Dt~ ~p~~ilf~crli~~ i,2. T~ ~i~~ ~~ntzi#y~R~s:idsn€~~~ .1,L~diu~x~T~cnsity_Ft~esii~~~dal {;i~.:'~1 to 11.0[} ~itLsirl~re~ ~$^h: flglt3~dllst)+~te5it3'eittiat X15.1 to 24.0 tliuts~A~~~} ~ll~ ~~t~cationnl ~sm~c: ~rrc~erearr~~ru~ement:~ric. fell.: $f'~ "~~~.~ N 9 ... .~. /~ ~'~al~ ~'.~~tl LC ~~IJ ~~~.~ =.~ ~,0 ~+rt~:ly~-i.~ ~~f ~urnul~~~~~. Ir~p~~~~ t3f ~.r~p.~~~d ~4r~t~lfi~~~nf This secfion p.r~ovides d~ai<a sumrnaFies and analysis of proposed. lVPB.~P Ai~n~~~e~ifi ~l7 .1, :p.ut'su~r~f fa fh~ re~uirem~nts of ~e~~iori ~~1-~'i.0~~:(3:}., F°[~.rlda Adrriinislraiiue ~a:d~e `(F.A,G.}_f which sfates thaf all c:ot:nprehsnsive lar~ ame~~lt~enfs mist ~`~e~t the t~e~~uirerr}~nfis: ref ~~ecflan .9,1-~, F~A~~., ~actQ~s ~~Feetir~g ~~e ~um.ul~~ive 1tnpacf~.~~F N:P:BGi' .Amend~n~nt f?7-~:'1 include ~~ ~inerease~ :in High Density .f~~sldenfiai use a~1d ~ like .d~cre~se lip .Medium D:enslty Resider~~iaE use wiirh~irt fi~e'~lillage limi#s ~{l.e, abased €~pon :PtlD Ordli~an~e ~~-20:Q5~. T~~re is a =proposed incre~se~ of 91 res7deritial ~uni~s ~a~id peap~utatlan poter~tlal cf '14:~ ~dditi~r~al re~~~dents, A s~ri~rnary ~f the factory ~fFec#ing fhe ct-rrm.~latve irnpa~ts a~ .~f~.i3~P Amendment D~=2.1 :is ~presenfed:in Table ~:_ T A>~L~ ~ .~4~.~r>id~.~~ri~ Q7~~.~i r~u~ul~€i~r~ ;Ir~npa~~ F~~~~~~ :u~~~ry Irn~a~t ~a~tar NI~~P ii7~Z..1 Tritai ~aares- ~.~~ Existing Land l~~~e- Mir .~Vllla~e afros) Restder~#ia! :L~~ 4.0~ -F~es~ei~ntiai lyfedi~anz ~.OQ Residential High ~;QQ G~ir~r-n~relal ~~~~ Rt~blic ~uildin~s(Gtcu~ids ~:tl~ itlu~afi~rial ~~~ Transportati~sri 0.0~} _ Vaeartt ~Q.~Q ~rc~poso~l wand lJse [Vli~ {~iila~e acres ~~sidentia[ ~ligl~ 7,0~ E~wellir~r~~. llnita 1=xi~ting ~and~ Use (Approved=Pl1D~ 7~ P.r~pns.~d land Use 16~ i?opuiatt.4r~ Existing Land Use (Approved pl~.b) ~ 2~ Proposed L~el Use -~~~ Nan-~~~dentiat ~pa~e ~~~~titlg s~, ft, ~ is(Ea~ciri~u~rr l~err~ittecl s~, ~~. 0 sq, ft. Prapose~l~s[{:~ft. ~ sq. ft:. ~R:ev.: ~l`l~ll~~ 3~'I. Ttte subse~tio~s that ~ollaw present- ~ revi'ew •of the 20~'I Villa e of I~erth i'~a1t11 Beael~ ~otn ehensive P:l in '#err~s of pre~~sed ~NPBG•P .Arrienciment 47:2.~1~.. Ai~endme~~t 47-2.1 i~ pres'e~,ted in Al?PE`Nl~.l~ ~ of this ~lae~rnent. .3..~1 11Ite~Ai~l~ ~~ N~RTI~.{~AL~t[ 1E3L~~Ff Cq~i11.RRBFiI~.iVB111~ E~:~,~;4Fd The prope~y :includr;::d -withlrt 1VP~B~~P At~~n~.men~ ~~-~.1 °is in.~lu~t~d Div{thin ~llillage Planning Area ,~, as 3if ustr~te.d on ~l~U:~E ~-3~ o~#he Future La»~d .C~se ~I~ment< Prep4~ed NP°BGP Ame€~d~merit 07-~.~ pis claeslfied ~~~ a "urge=~eal~" f~tfure ian.d use ~m~p~ amendme~i~; ~d~u:e~ to ft~a: tact. t~:at :the ~ro.po~ed density ~~i~ in e~reess o~ 10 crrits per acre. TFie eum.~tl~ti~re effects- ~f tlrye proposed amendme:rtt are summarized 'in TAB.~.I~ '~. A summary e~`the Bey irnpaets is. as~ ~Qilcws~ ~: -Hi~~ de~tsity resldentiai use .{.u~p to ~~ .unats~ °por~ a~r~) is ins"r.~a~~.~ ~y ~';~ acres an~€ may be~ cte~e[oped en. the site, l~eveJopment: ra# ~,rrrnendmerit 0"~- :~,~ may eceur provid~:d that caning and site dart °approu~Js arc: in place. 2. Although Speci~i Policy 5.~ of the F:~tur~ farad EJ~~ 1`lernent :permits mi~~d~usay =a. 77 Cln.lt ~le~lum I~e~nsity Res[dei~t[al ~rs~ approval =is e~rrerltl~r in -affect Qn fhe..pra}ser~y ~:(PIJI~ ~rdina:nce ~.A•-20~~)_ Therefor®, Medi~rm pei~sity F~es.identtal.s re~~~ed, icy 7.R aeres`i~y Amerrdre>~t~ D?-2~ i~ue to tFre limited ar~ourr>: ~f lend :~.~. 7. -acres ir~uelvet~ in l~il~F3CP Arraendrrler~t ~~-~.~, irrrp~cts ~f related .grt~.Snrth upon .infirastructure ser~uiees :are pr~oje~cted to ~be minires~zi. ~tt is concla.~el~d tY~aa~~the ~prcposed~ NPB~P llrr~aertdinent ~7•-2."f i~ ~on~'rsterrf witFr t}~.e ~5~llia~~ Char-octet, -~~ descrilaed in ~liapter ~ :ef tl'i~ 199 l~i(laq~„af ~I~~1~ ern :Beach l~omprehensiye Pl~r~, ,i~ that High -Density l~e~idertial larac~ use t;x prc.posed. fili ofl~r resi~ienlial cle~tel~~.merats in tFre Viilage iaeat~d Werth. cfi Parker :Brielffe are currently assigned a i-iigh Density E~eszder~~i~I ~ut€~r_e land rise dcasignatinra. ~.~:~ ~~`CLIt~~ Lt~1V~ U-~E _~._ .~a~~ ~t~rnrrrar~- .fin analysis .ct tc~o~rapY~y., s~.il=s acid .minerals; floadin~, ,anal native vegetation in the 1lillage is .presented m the: 19.99 ~llit~~ cf NorthPalm .Be~ct~ ;~u~pcrE~ Docum~nt~tien- (Putu~e• Land 11se Elerneni~). D~`ta. frar'n `tla~is rl~ci~u.rnerit end strppierrrentar~r data .are used 1ra~the foiiou+r[ng analysis. l~ev.; 81't°'1f.08 ~~2 1. Topography, Tt~e. eievation of the .parcel iriolu~fed within N.E?B~P Ar~endrne~tf 0~7=~..~ ranges: from ~.3 ~fe~t msl :Meng fJ~e ~ha~`eline of La1co Wc~rfh to ~approximaii~ly _~~ ~feet-msl ~alo~rig l~.S.. H.ighway ~.. 2. fails and Minerals; TJ1a :genaral so'1! .type of pCop~r~ies incEuded ~witi~in NP~~P:~t~.erad.ment.0?~2.9 i~ Arer~tsW.Urban~ I:arid ~ompie~ (Acid}~. According to floe SaJI 3uru~y cf -F!ali~.~eac~i ~Gocmfx :~IJ~,S. C~epartmenf cf Agriculture, Seil ~4~nser~-afi~n ~S~rv:ic$.~ '~:~~8}., ~1.o Ind ".., cnnsisfs of nearly level, samewhaf po~oriy efr~irted, sandy soils end urban Iand, This ~ccmplex ta4~~:s in golf ccurs.e~, :suk~:divi~ic~r3s, condominium ~le~relop~m°en'ts~ r~ar~ways, b.~sir~ess or indristri~l ~rEa~, reclaimed :borrt~w pith, and other ai--~as~ filled ever buf: rat. ~eve[asd".. R~.e to these ckt~~ract~~~stics~, this soil type canna ~~~ pl~~ed ~!~tithi~ cap~abilii`jr ~uriif~ to ~~terrnir~e ~if~ suita~llity for de~relvpm~.nt. J°i~awe~rer, since ~[Vl~l3~P A-~riendme.nt ~~ ~.~ is :ioca~ed v;~It~nin ~r~ erea ~fhat :is pr~c#orr~ir~antly .develdped~ fior urban purpeses., and the site was ~p:reuicsusly cleared, it is ~canc[r.~ded thaf g~r~erai sc~ii fyp.es da not present any Jimtt~tions for developcr~en#. 3. FJoo~ding l~c~.te~itiai: pue. tQ fhe ~1?' foot cJ~ane m onsite ele~afien, t#~e tJesigrtati~ar~ f~F'~B~P Arrtendn~ent 0~-2. ~[ ~ s~. ~t ;betvr~.eer~ Fi~t~od done A~~, ~, :~r~d C, l~artds with~Jn. t~ra "~" .and `"G~ zones ire described as arias ~usceptib[e to tJ~e exferEf of ~t}~ ~°4Q ~ "~~ year filood €~:~ ~r• rriir<~aJ flvodJng (G}. The. area within ti}e "A-'~" ~~ne is .Incate~f ~arJjacertt to La~e~ 1~141~rth. -~icacJing ~OtF~f1'~:1~1 w~S arJd~sse~ .In fii18. current a-ppreval '(PI.ID ~:rdirlailc6. ~ ~~~€?0:5) .by :r~.c~uiring .a ~ni.riimum -first=~flonr :eleuati~n ~f 'i.'[ ~`l:e~et r~s_[, which should .be ~mair~#a€r~ed fn a~nji st~l~~e~.uerit a~pr~av~l~ related t~ °NF13~P A~rnendrner~t 07~~.~~ 4.. i~f~five Vegetati~rr a~~3 t~7ildlii'e. Tl~e devel~sped status ~i.e. cleared) of the parcel, a~ dell .as soil types previously cliscci~s~d, i~~dicaf~ that there are n~-~griifi.ca.nt nafive vegofafieq a~tcl/or~wildlii°e Issues to:be..add:re.~sed. ~. >e~lsfirtg Lari_rl Use Jnv~rifory: I~1:PS~P Am~ndmertt :~7-2..1. includes 7:a0 aer~sa Tire .property- inciuded witi~m I~PB~P~ Amendment Ci7-z:'I Js. naf~ li~fed: on the Florida llllas~er ~iio.~ .l''ile, .or fhe I~Iativrtal l~egisfer of Historic l'laees. TIZe neteffect of .~iPl3G~ Amer~~ir~ent ~'~ ~.~ err ~Ii•lla~ge ~:~isfi_ng. land uses is s~owr~ in Table ~, F~ev:.; 8f f ~ lOl~ ~-3 ~~~~~ .~. fmpa~t.'~f ~fP~~P ~3n~.ndi~rien~.~7-~~ EJp~~ f~~~a~rsg Lartd I~s~ Norih P.i~rn B.~a.~h ,(a~~e~) Land lls~~Ca4sg~ry Pt'IorTo ~m.~ndt~enfi:~7a2;'# tricl~iditig~-Arr~.~rrdm~nfi~©~ ~.~ R~sid~rl#lal'~tngle-F~iriily :679r~E t;~~.~5 R~sider~#IaI ANuEtiple'~arr~lly- 24~:~~~**~"" 24~~7~-~~*~ I3amrxrerclai 18~:~~~' 1~6.Q, 3~ ~nstlfution~l 84.14 8~,~~F*~* t~tiEityf ~'ranspartafion ~-t~,~~ 1~6,~€~ Coriserual~i~1E~~en ~paee 225:I~A~ ~2~,94 I~cr~ation & Open Sj~~ace '1:9p:49 11~Q~~ tCVater :E:,22~.1 {} 1,~25.~::4 Vacant 3~:2~Rk ~2~~~' r Iraeiudes IVPB~I~-~mar~dtt~e~t•A6-1.2 ~~ -IncIades NPBCP.~rnend~ment Q6~.1 ~'R. -~Irrctitdea IrlpBll'~rnepdrr~ent-a~-'1 {Na net r~~tu~tion:oi ai~diEion in land use). •~~** ~Ir~el~des NP13I;1~ Aencirnen't 07=~.~ (I*la net~eh~~c fa Residenffal Nl~ltipi~-'~arr~fly. use). B. -I/urrent i~.o~.u~atiar~ ~s~im~tes:.NPB~P Amendrn~rit D7-2,'i ~il.l rI~-s~Il~ in. Ian I~~t°i~~rea~se iii i;he uurre'nt~popula~io~ es~~lm.~fe ofthe Village. ~-Ia~re~r, pro~~se~i :NP~~'!~~ P~merrdrrr~n~ III' ~.:`l ~in~re~a~e .l~ ciev~loprn~nf (~at~'itial ~of I~~ re~icienfiaf °~rllts) i~ ~:E•4]~cte~ ~~ resulf. in :~ 4~iilage build©.U~ lae~~l;~~ion ilZCre°~se ~f ~I~:9~:~~~rrn~an~rtt ~n~ 3.~~.sea~~sr~al ~rir-~id~ri~s. 'i. Deliriea~ion of llill~ge Pl~nnir~g ~re~s: Np>3GP Amendrr~~r~f (~7-2.1~ aril!! ~tflt ~ft'e~t tf1~ :cnrp~r~fi~ {Irrmit~~-~nd~~tl~e~.~~Undary of-i~la`nriin~ ~re~a 2, -~, -tvx~tit~~ Gaud ltse l~fap Series.; N~B~P ~~ertdrn~nt {77 2~,~'1 ~v~rill ~f~e~cf tie ~xis~in~ sand l)'se M~~ Seri ~f P'lanning Aroma .2~ .b~€ fh~- add'ittiJ.ti of F2e~:~detlilal Wgh D~en~s~ and_ €l~~ i'eductiorr of ~ tiKe ~,~mount area cur-ren~ly -i~.Gt~~led wifh~n ih~ .~~~~~~a~~E~~i ~sce~e .~f ~~eclal P~li~y ~.~. A~ i`ia#Y~ land use c~tegori~s. ,ate curr~nfl~r ~r~~ap~cl un:dei~ tl~e .he~dirl.g. ~"Re~idtial Multipie~F~~rti~~" ~n Tai?l-e 2F there is.nc~ r~et.chan~~~t~er~~c~: l~~~r.. sty ~~~.a ~~~ ~. :~eas~rnai Arid. Re~id€~nt Pa,~~tlaf`ron PYr~jeatians: Resident po~ula~ians vuere reaently:updafed:as ~a1~ of fhe NPI~:~P.Amend~ner~f:Q~S=I, as fcilla-~~: .~O:~a - 'i2,S37; 2~0~~.5: _ 1 ~,D4~, -arid 2Q~~ U - 1.~~:D~1. Prejectior~s assumed bullt'la~at of va~arrt rasi~~ri#ral Lands by the year 2Q~:~, ~absequerif arrmendments eantained n~ resfd~ntia9 ac~mpon~nt~: -F~o~ent~a~ pppulafian relater{ to ~i~pB~GP ~kmer~drnerrt 472.'[ is presented ~iri Table ~, If ~ a~su~lled fhat the pra~:erty wfi b~ as~~gned the prap~sed Residential Hrgh aenslty land t~~se designafi~n, a°nd achieve b~ildou-t by 24~f~. T'here~ol'e, ~~ net long termeffect .of pxopvsed Ali=`B~P .arnerrdt~~nf. 4=7-~.~ .ls a ~~©~e~ted increase: ~i~n res:ident ~iQ_~u{anon ~ta ~~~,~4;0 res~i~ehts by 2Q~{ 4. -~easoria p.ispt~fatio:n is pra~ecfed to ir7crease ~ta a p~Ee~d=ay fotei of `i,a~`5 r~sidenfi~ kiy 2.4'10,, ~, ~~aanf L~n~i Analysis: ~aseri upnn ~t_he analysis perfierrned in ~ec~tion 3.2.A, n~a limiiaf~ns tD tft~ develop.r.~i~nt. caf fhe raiatecl property are defined, ~. Lund U~e~ i'ra~e:ations: tt.is.projecfe~d fhat the Residential HigE~ Density la°nd use ca~egar~ assigned to 1'+fl'BGP Aiiendm~`rifi ~a7-~..~ ttsrili ~e r~etrr~[op~d for m~a~tip.Ie=farrmily purposes k~y~ :t1~e year ~~1~D, coiisi~t.~nt uvith i~uiidvui+ pr~jectians for~the 1lillae. ~~ ~l~cal,. ~{aj~c~ives Aid ~cali~ies l=vli~cy ~.2 ~f tie i=u~tur~ Land Use ~leme~f sta~e~ ffra~ a[I future high ~~r~s:i:ty. residential development shall ~~ directed to are~~. w of ~.J,~. -Hi~h~vay 'i as a means ~af ~oaard'inating ~aastal area °pop.ulati~ri derrsitles~ with `the C:rt~nfy F-lurr'roan.e~. ~u~aauation Plan. Al~~o~uc,~h. raaate~ tQ its ~~asf, l~F'1~~~ ~krnendri~enf D~-2.~ ~bufs, and is .prauld~d {xrirnary access ~y 1J~~. Higl,v,~a~r ~, indlirding hurrica~~ ~e~racua~i.on_ The ap~iiaant l~.as ~~ravid~d avrresp.~nderice ~fra~~ the Vf.fla~e pf :forth. PaEm Be~aeh l~uk~llc ~atety Department Mating that "no to rriinirnal" advers-e i~`np~a:cts to .pta~lia safety ae~neernin~ hurrtoarte evactrafion rar storm surge arse anticipated as a result of th.e p.r~po~ed "l~ort~arai" ~deveidprrient. As: ~- r-exult, it ~is ~.ar~c~l~d:ecl .that the propo~~d NP~BCP Arriendment 07-~.'I is .riot in~~nsistent wi:Y~~Palicy ~~.2:. NR~.CA Amendment ~~`-~.~ ~~ =consis~Eent vri~h tha ~~'~af~r~- nand Uwe ~i~f~ies~t ~of the ~c~m~rehensi~re P._I_an and no text :ame~drnerits arm ~-equiied. ~{ost` s.pecifiaaiiy, rho p~a~asad Residential High Density future land use c~esigna.tion of the praperfy included. within- NP-~~i' amendment 07~2,~ -is~ consis#errt with .the Future ~~and Use l;lem~nt in Rer~.: i~l~{'110~ 3-5 that cemmur~i~y fa~iii.~ie~s [~ece~sary ~a.s~rve the needs .of its reside~-ifi~x are available, as ~dete~rr~lrt~d ire ~the.sectl~ns That fallow. ~4. l~a~a -summary I~PBCI' ~rr~endrrierit ~7°~~~.~ will :ri~Qt::hive Eany ai~nlf(ea~# :impart upon the 11i~lage rv~dway ~}~stem~. A~cdrding t~. ~t~ie 2fl~:~ €valua#~c~rf ~rael.:Aral~al I~epo.rt, all .roadways ~nritl~n t~ lli3la~e ~re~ cUri~ently np-erat(n~ at peai4 :het~dr ~[~vel-air-~er~ic~'~D", ar b~:tter. ~-..~inal~s:is NPBCI~ ~menclmept ~7~~,'I consists of ~ 7 sere ~arcei to '1~.~ ±r#ev~io~ed ~.f~~r rr~ultiple family ~urp~ses (ma~imurrm cif ~~~[~ ur~(ts~a ~T~~ :pro~~a~ed f~at~r~. [arid ciae t~@Sl~~Flk~tlQ1~ Ifi RBSi~~flt€~l Hi~.h p~nsi~_y-i t~i~FY .a ~rapQSecl R-~. I]Isirlct zo:nir:~~ eiesigtratia~. A f~aff[e impact assessrne~it i~ i~~Iud~d -.(n the #uterre land ~s~-arnen~t~ier~t apts(iaa€lan. TI~~ aase~srrf~r~t con:~l~des fhat afl ~aj~r..r.~a~l!,~~y~ irvithir~ the radius ~f ~nfiuen~e usrill x~oi:~e~~~ed 11.illag:e L:C.~,S. c~~ci#les anal ark rrQt ~ig~n~if'icar~tly impacted fbr tF~e~ ~~'l2 a~nct 2~~ ~roje~tlo~t p.e~(ads. A concurrency ~tt-a#~c imp~~t arialjl;~is will b~~ -px:~parect ~s ,pert ~f the site ~"l~n appra~ral irc~ess -to meat tl~e requirer~e~f~s cif Artlc:(e '1~, Trar~i~ I'~~'orm~nGe ~~a~daref~. of the Palm 13:each Go.unt~r unified Land °~~r~l.apr~ent ~~:ode (~ILD~). ~~, Coal, ~Cl::l~j~~ti~tes ~r~d ~Poli.~i~s NP~~~~ Amendri=tent Q~'-~.1:(~ cr~n~isteat ~;vlfh: fhe T~artsp~a_ r1:atEOn [=1em~nt :e~~the ~or~ipr`eh_~r~~iye :F~lar-i, ~anel rro te~€t amend~rr~nfs. are n~o~ss~ry. x.7.4 E~CIJ~l~C f~. ~a~a ~c~rt~rv~ary NF~~C~P }~mendmer~t ~~~~.~ will increasa- ~~~ Tillage's [Q~~ berm .~ve.~tnry' ~f tlousin.g by_a-:[n~~i~n~rrn of 7-~s r~nits, ~. ~natysie The prop~s~d future -land use ~d~si~n~atior~ is Re~~~dential 'NigFi L~e~slty.. Fc~.r -~lar~rtiing: p~rlaos~~; if Is therefore a~:s~med ti~at the s[te v~rill ~e de~elap~ed to :a rna~€imur~n density of 24 units per acre, acid 9'[ adtiitceilal resfd~ntiai ~artt~ .(a f~t~) of 1i?8 units.) will ire ~bullf_ Rev.;=&t~~1~ :~-~ C~ Gc~aI~.~Qbj.~~#ivas~ -4r~d P~~lici~s i~l'BC.P A~endrne~t -0~'~-2.'t has- nv .e~evt u~:vn tia~e hiv~rsir~g_ ~lemenfi, arrd r~ f:~~t amendments are ~.qufr~~, 3.'i.,~ ;~A)~1TA~Z~Y ;~~~~!ll~R, ~C~1~lD {~VA~T~, =D~-4ENA.~~~, PQT~I3:LE ?~AT~I~ ~i~ID i~f~`~fJRAI~ ~R{3UPVl~7V11ATER A~~.4~[FE1~ t~~~MA 'E~~ 4t Q.~#~ °S~rrtmar~ err ~rrel~;;is~ of NP~3GP~ Amenr~irtef~~t 0-~-Z:~l~x ~indi~a#e:s tiia# the~e~ vu[[! be .no sigr~f~canf lrri~acfs upon ]n'frastru:ct~tre services, The ~ub~~c# prv~erEy is~:wfhi~l fhe- grater and sewer servi~ve area of Sea~oasf U:#ilifies Autilc~€ify.. 'Tl~~ ap~lccan#. wii.[ b~ respc~ri~ibl~ for -cor~si~rucfin~ °v~ater main, w~s#ewafiier e~a~lle~fivn~-and drainage;system irn,pr-avem~~is ~a se~~ve the ~rr~et#y; .Solid --nta~te ~ollecfiart will be ass~am~d. icy t}~.e ~lilla~e of i~t~rfh -Pa[r~rx ~~a~l~ fvr the. area eQnstlf~u#ittg ~PBC1=' ~Amendt~tent D7-~-.'l_ .L~ispesal se~-vic.e~: w$Ti k~e ~raUidecf ~y the R~lr~ Beach Caurrty l~Qli~ ~~te A~ihriri~y, u~i~ieh ~s a~de~q~uete~ caj~a~ify to serve tf~e ~fJllage #l~rougF~ buildout. ~. Ar~~alyis Central potable u~ai:er~s~:rvica js tarovided=the 5~te fay seacoast tlfilifi.es ~ufho.rity, An e~tirnafe of rimaxirriuri~~ day pota~ie ~n-ate~ derimand fio senr~iee-N~~CP Amendment q`I- ~.~-,:u~i~.~ adapted Village L~~-s~fanc~ards,. is .~~.i:vllaws.: .(~~i41; resieler~#s_} x.~'1~7.,g.p-.c.d:= #,~~~.~a11.~rts firer d°ay~.Ari estlrria'le o~F.m:sxl-i~.um dad was#ev~rat~r d~ma~d to~service N:~'~Cl' ~trneridrnent ~~6~49 is as fell~ws::~'1~4~) x (#~4 g.p~ dt} = ~15.,'G~~4 gal-lo~:s firer e~ay.- A d~'ainage .stateE'ner~fi vas sulart~iitecl by .thy applicanf :indicating i:hat a drainage system vas p~'eviaus~l~ perrrfifted :>ay ~f~.e SQt~th 1"torici~ 1Nater ]V~a~za~eme~t l~.lstrlct. The prapased Q€~r-~arri r€~~ec# will require ~ ~re~il~~~ perrr~it. Avicerd~ing to-tile ~~pficanf, a simtiar ~ysterr~, ~t?el~tdirsg sw~lesE inlets, extilti=.atian trenches, ~oritro.l ~tiri~c~~res..an~d a ~4" ouffall fo L~lte 1Alorth will ire ttse~d. NP~CP Amvn~ment. 07~~.1 is .not ]vacated wi#l~ir~ ~ Prote~.tian Zone far ar~y ~wa#~.r t~reafinerif `facility. ~Re~.::8f~ ~t08 C. ~:oal~, ~bjecfiva~~ ~t~d Poiici~s Proposed NPi3~F Amendment -07~2~1 is ~Ct~rtsi~ten~t with the ~anftar~ S~~verT -5o1id 11uas#e, ~r~tr~a~ge~ Fflfab.lB Water A~n`d [~a#urai Groundv~rateC Aquifer -Recharge elernertt of #~~ ~~omprehen~~~re. l~larr., arir~~ Rio t~~tt:ar~.~€~d~merifs are :r.-~a:u~#r~~. The 3-7 applicant h-as provided a :I~tter rem Seacoast lJtiii#ies 11~atiiarity (ir~~iude~ ire the .NPi3CP ~7 ~.1 ~4me~~drnen# ~p~ica@ion~ ccn~irr-nin~ the ava~ia~~~it~ of water and sewer ~~eruice Warn Seacoast U~ti~ity Auth~ori. A. i~a~a Serntt~-ary I~cco~`~ing to the ~~~~ i~val.ua#ian artd .}k~o~ral5al ~2~p~crt..~M~p 7}J the :pi'~per#y rrtciud~ert u~ifhir~ :prap~rsed ~i~`B~~~R ~1rn~ndrri~nt 0~ ~:'i is lor~ated wifhln `the defii~eci ~oasta! High ~H~zard Aria:. Hc~weve.r, l~igag~ lard ~ievelo~~nent reguiattens v~iil assure -that first=#Ioe°r ~c~nstruction requiCen7en#s wilt situate residerifi~al i~ttildirt~s af,:or~e 'i~~ year ~I c~~d .~lev~atic~r~~.. ~. ,4naiy~i~ The prcpased ian~ ruse for i~P:i3.~P Am~dr~er~t ~~'~~.~,'1 is_ ~Ets:cusse~ in sec#Ion ~.2.'i. N~n~ of the failo~irEg are i~e~tific:d~ as issues related ~fa NP°~CP l~mendmer~# D7w ~.9 : Pu~ila access to beacl~es~, cr past disaster r..ed~veJoprnenf. NP~~I~ Ame~drnent ~.7-~.~ is~ ccnsisterit with tl~~ -~~~s~I_ Mar~~ge~r~ent ~terrren:t of the ~or~pre>-i~t~sue F'larrf :arid rca ac~ditio.nal #exf amendrnen#a are .teq.uire~i. 3.x.7 ~~f'-l~~'~ATI.~f~ A.. ~a~a ~umma~r~ NP)~~~P ~mend~~en# {37=2:~ .co.r~s~'rsts ~f ~ °currently cieared .and undev~!_~ped 7~i~ acre parcel. =fh~ propcsed use- is fc~r rnuf#ip:le-family residential, ~~~P~~C#~ ~4m~nctm~er~f 47 ~.1 has -lirniteir~ peter~tial ~ lrmpact naturai resaurc~s addressed Zvi#hin flee Cc~nser~ratcn ~lernor~t. l~ n~rentc~~ of resources is pres~rited in Sacfion 3.,1.x. ~, Anai~~i~ N~ ~Qnserva~i~n-°relatetl issues are rals~~ .in r~latior to Nl~B~P Ameri~lmer~# 3'-8 ~. Gnat, ~~`je~t~ve~ ~rtrt ~cilicies ~~IP~~P Arnandme-t~t o? 2,1 i~~~e~:r~s:i~t~~nt ~w[ih I:f~e Con~er~ration Eferner~t ~~t1ie- G~r~pr~iler~~iye Pi~art, and rto edditi~rial~fiext.al~endm~r~ts ate ~'~~.uired., .~.`i.~~ I~E'~F~~ATICQii~.'14~E~ 4~~i~ .~C~A~~ ;A. ®.af~ ~~~~aa ~evei!apr~ren~ acti~~ty on they properiiy ~s~v~iate~ v~~l~ .NP~CP ~t~rlend~~r•~~t`~`T~2.1 is prvje~tet~ insraa~e ~tl~e~p~pulation of tie ~iliage by 146 r.~~ider~ts. ~. ~rialys`rs Im[~Iemet~t~tjr~~ ofth~ "Q~mani" d.eve)c~pment.co~ce~t ors the pr.-apertj~•ao~ates! with i~[P~~P Am.er~~rrrent 07 ~.'[ ~~vili' nat croate .at~y add-~~ionai, need. to d~ve.i~p .recrea~ifln faciIifics. Th~z- :proj~~ted re~reaf~izin L~~te#-~f-Servi~~ .at tat~~l~~ut ti.~,. ~47,f~:~ ~~~es1'i~3;24~0 .re~identsl~'~tOUD :res°ident~,} ~s ~:~~ ~a~resl~~F~~~ res~idents~, -~,rhite -ttie 1~iila~e~~ _ad4~f~d t-.~.5, standard is ~r~ ~acre~ per ~1 rflOQ r,~~id€nts. Ti~refnre., .approval ~~ N~P~f~~~P ,Amendrnenf .07~2.°i vuiii nit ~a~use tii~ lliif~~e`s (~-reir~f serv~~e to drip belay ti~~ adopted L.O,.~. s~sndard. ~. Gnat, ~i~j~o~trres and i~~l:ioi~s fiIPRCP A~r~~ndrrrerit 0,-~:,~ is :oo.~sistent with t.~e. ~i~~.cxeatic~n aid i~.ert 5p.ace -~ior~ent .of the Comprehansiue..Pia°rr, ~hd. na a~iciition~i ~te~i:a-menrttnents are required. :3.x:9 C~ii`~~.~~~~I~'~ii1~~i~1~f~L ~C~~3i~I~t~1~Tl~~t ~Ai. C~ata at~r~mar-Y NP~GI~ Amendment ~~~2:9 X~ises rya inter~overrimer~taF cnordinat"t~on issues. The ar.~~r~drrten~ {s aurrenfiy bei~:~ :pro~ossert ~fif~r~uc~h fhe 1F'~R-C .pi-o~coss~ ih P~I~i ~aanh bounty., ciurtr?~ wi~TGh any ~ur~fors:een inte~gou~r~~mei~tai -caged"rnatiQrn `~ss~aes wili ~3~ IF~~rl~l~lOCi.. -~, i4Ct~l~i sf~ i~fiP~~P Arrmendmer~t D'~-~.~ is ~o# tacatod wit}~i~ ~n .f~~~ea ~f ~ritioal =Mate Got~cerri. °Reur:.:8f ~ 'I ~0$. 3-~9 G. ~a~a[, C~k-jootiu.~s ar~~f Pvli~.i~~ Ni?BC`P Amendir~errt ~~7~2.~1. is cer~istenf with the Fl.ratergovarnmant~l ~ot~r-.dina~ior~ :Ele~enf. of the .Cam reler~~iv i ;and -rl~ ~adcti~e~al ~exf am.endrrrents are °r~.qui~ed.. . ~. D~ u~nr~ar~ NPBCP An~er~drr~er~t 0~ ~.'i hay, no.~:ffecf.u.par~ ca~if~]..~:np.raYaments pfan~ing.,. r:~ ~tETat an~r addttfQnai im~r~_v~menfs.:~i.e. v,rafer, seX ,and cfr~~na~e} a~~ fhe responsib~ilit~j €~f the ~#~u~lt~per, The eie.~n~r~f-~y~~l~merit :~euiew pr~.sented i_n ~.e~ctions ~-~ ~o ~-~ .did not r~sui:t in the ;identtfic~~ior~ of ant ~~pit~a'I rnp.rnve~ne~r~fs #fl F,e included wifi7jn the 11ii1~~~'~. ~»l~ear ~~c~e~iuie .ef imp.ra~verr~ieits. - . ~. ~-r~al~:Ps Ni~~C.P .Arnendmer~t 07-2.~ ~~i~~ r~~ e~o~ upon :ca:~ita! irn.prnverner~#~ in ferrns cf adding ~~Jd~itior~ai-capacity fi~ existing or cu~~ently pl~rrned irr~~raverc~ents. C. ~~al~ Qt~~ectiv~s anti I~~:tici;es E~:PBGF' ~4-r~endtnerrt 4~ ~,~ i:~ eox~sisf~nt~vfitii fine C~pit~'~ i`rripra~rem~nts~ Elarrrenf of the ~~om~reii~ensi~e :Plar-, and ne. addit~ona~~~ext-~rnen~rn~~~~~.are ~r+re~€~ii'ed.. 3.'t.~'t PUt~LIC ~GM~~.L Ct~k~Cll:l~i~~ltl~V A "~~kt4~! Coneurreriay Ap~pf-rcafi~n ~ S~e3vlee Provider F~rrn"has begin filed Fey fhe ap~iicar~t ~v~th tie P-alm E3~.a~h -County S~ho.o[ E]:is.f~i:~t, .A ropy.. of th:e fo[rr~ is ir~~claade~! ~niith #11e°Q7-~:9 ~t~f~ar.~~#a~d use ari~~ndmant.appl~catien. ~.'~ ViLL-~-~~~t~~t~l~[~T~ PkL~'~~;C-~1 i=1~ALU.ATIdE"~.~4~C?.~~~Pt~l~P-t~. R~PC~RT .Reside~tiai de~~sify w.as a rna~or issue ~ir~ tie ~Village'~s decently ~n~-np:leted ~~raiu~t~on ar~ct ~lpprais~a[ report ~EA~1~). irr ~surnm~ryF -it was~~deterrnmed in flea EAF~ That c~.rta%rj areas [n flip Vi~1;~ge :may 'be :appXopria#s fc~r...densif~es: ~ ~xss Q~ ti~QS~ curr~.nfiy ass~gr~ed ~:Y tlYe future Land use ~ N[~p ~erie~, To a~ddre~s #hi~ iss~$, the ~Ai~ r~corr~rnende~ teat addilia~al d~t~ end analysis ~a .com,plefad ]n o°rder. tc :r~efiina :araas~ ~rrhere increasert ciensify~ pr~a~pcsais woufd ba~~o'ns~dored~ C~ev: 8111~1i1~ ~A~O :By .addr'ess[rtg the .iss~ag of ~rssidential der~sif<y inorease.s at :s~fected art. appropriate coca#ior~s~, the follavtiring pas[tive results were .ar~tielated; (1~ Clarifioation of the Village"s land use :policy in targeted. ~nn~xatl~n :areas; ~2} ~est~blis~hme~t o€~ tha Village's densltyfintensTty polioy fc~r prope.rlios poter~fiialfy a~ipropriate for rr~i~ed~use d~velo~r~tent.rander tl~e Viilage's tiPllD ~nd~ G-~~ or~linartce~; and (~} definitiran ai` areas potentially ap~ropri~te for a land use .oi~an~e, 3.~ t1.S.-'~{I~W~IP-~ ~l~i. ~ ~a~Rfl~~l~ STiJ:T~~Y' Based u.pan direction -art tha ~I~~ fhe ~ilfage carrtrili`ssloned ~'he ~°reparatian of Phase '1 of the L1.S. I~Iigh+r~a.Y No. '1 Corridor ~Stc~d~y ~Gorridor ~tudy~: Arsong severs[ objeotive~~, the corridor Study Phase I is ta~ be .used a~ a vide. in d-eterm~inng vtrhere slang U-.~. Hig[~v,~r Igo-. '1 mixed-uss ar~d residential .~ieve'[opri~~nt proposals .should be cort~idere~l by-the Vllla~C e. ~p.eoif%caily, af~~.ecffve~ fltff~e Garrido~r-Study ~rtolude: Ensure that:de~eiopr-~erit and :re~.~v~[a~:rne~t ~eti~tit~es:along~ tl~e ~e€~rr[dor~ ocoufi~ i.r~ a martr~e:r compati~l~with the Village':s -cl~araeter:,, ~a~ presen~~d in tl~te Got7t ~ rel~~ns"ue Pi~.n anal land develo~r-~`ent r~g~alation~s. ensure That develaprc~ent ~~rnd redeueio.~r.-rter~ pro.~psals ire com.patfb[e ~w[th ~11e .character and -scale of existing [anr! uses slang :a°ncl-adjacent tc~ the corridor. Ex~~nd ~~isti~g ~{~ve[e~mer~t..an?d redeye'[fl:p~met?t:ap~or~~inlties a[or~g. the oc~rridc~r :as a rneahs of~°ih~ceeasrtg tf~e.Vllage'~ tai b-ase.. ~~ Ef~~~le the long ~e~rrr~ ~c~a~nami~ via~illfy of the his~torio •car-t~rnsrc%~I corridor -afanc~ -IJS. F-lighw~ay '[ by increa~irg'the nurrlaer. -c~f~otential developtn~nt alternatives. _~ ~a~~ar~d residential and rnixe.d-~t~se eValc~pmerrtarid .re.d~volop,ment o~~ortiunities aler~g .fhe corridor as a m~:arts of enhart~[rr~ the .market s°up~port for ~eornmeroi~l b~as:irtesses. Gert~eral i='haste I C:arrt~l~or - at~dy r~;s:ECierrtiaf use reenri~mendatiorr~ ark. ~s fol[a~us: ~~} .Alio~t =residential .d~ev~ioprnent to acc~ar~ .in areas .cansist~nt -with the .cllaraoter ~sta`~I[shed bj~:rtetghl,o`ring iand ~s~s:; ~an~f ~~} ail °resl~iential p~rnparE~s Ic~Gate~ north of .Parl4~r ~`rirlge ~sho~rid ~~ aa~igned a ~3igh ~ei~sity l~esidentlal mature land use des~rgnation. P~opose~l I~IP[3jG~ Arnertdt-nen# 07-~.~ is c€~nsis#.ent u~itl~ the reeommendatians~ of tl~e ~arridar ~t~dy, as ciirecteci Icy:tl~e Viilag~'s~:~A;l~ in that:€t represents a l~ighi density ~I~esid~ntial future land. use desigr:~atic~n fob a:reside~~#iai.p:roperty~ locatet~ north ~cf Parker 13r~dg~, .Rev.: `8/t ~ /t}i~ 3-~ ~ ~.0 ~@~~.I~T~f+d~l( ~!'1T~ ~~~.I~:I~AL ~-l~~ .~TA'~~~.P~L~~ l~ccord3rtg to ~~~hapfer 9J;5.~U21, :Flo.rida Admirt'.str-~tii~e ~o~~e :(~i"A~~, the c~mpreherisi~e Atari. ~u~t b~ ~~ns'r~tent wfth the 5~fa~~ Gom~prehe~~sive lean and Treasare Gust 13~c~ienal- PI.art~n:ing Coune'il Policy .Pla1~. Ciiaptei` 9~~a~12~~ 4~~, FAQ sfaie~ "; ..:.far the pw.r~oa~;s ~t° defer~inin.~ co~nslstert~~y of the lo~a[ ptan wifl~ tea ~t~te :i/~o~prehensi~e'Plan or a~p~rd:priate ,regional .pcli~y.:p~lan~: ~~~- Mate car .regional plan shall- be construed as ~a ~wha.lo .aid r~~ :sp~clf'[c goal an~~: policy shall .lie .csnstrued ur aptilled ir>. isolatlar- ~ro~m fheother €~a~ls anal pa°licles..°' ~,,~ :R~'Ct.(?i~A:im~PQI~a~Y Pi.,4N E~P~~P Ari~~r[drrier~t ~~~-2:'l was :rev[~vtired in ter~,s ~f t~~ Tr~as~ure Coast 'R~gianal I'lar~r~ing ~aut~.c.li f~~giortal f oi~cy Plan ira girder -to~ ~i~terrnf~~ c~.ristst~n~cy. .Bayed on this review, lt: i~s ~determined fhat no sig~~~catlt r~~i:~[~al -issues -are :related ta, or impact by. NPBCP Arn:ertdmerrt ~f}~'P2.1, and ~lt is fo.unc[ ~consieten~. with .re~'ional foals ~arl~ poli_~ies°. ~:~ ~T~4TE GOit#iPi~loH~N~.I~~ PLC ~N:F~C:P Arr~eridmeet ~-7~~,~ was reufe~v.®d ~ir~ f~rrn~ of the gals:, obj~e.ctiv~s and polieies of tf~e ~tate~ C:amp~hs~nsiva plan, as preser-fed lr~ Ch~pt~r ~-~7, ,Florida. Statute. eased upcri this reariew, it is~ .eor~ciud~d ~tflat ~I~P~C~P Arr~~dri-rerit 07-2,'1 is ~ar~~;ytenf=with sfate g~oalss Qlaje.~tives arid-poliilivs. 4.3 ~~~.~~~"[D1V~ ~~~~I~IIIIIIalltl~~Tl~:l~l~ ~N.D °~~I~.~~I~T~• (~RG~ R~t~~I~T The Florida Dep~artmer~t of ~Cor~munlty A~Faii's (PD~~} is~t~e~l its ~abjcs;tion.s R~corr~me~daticns~ and C~.mt`r~et~ts ~D~I~~} F~e~.ort on lVi~l3~P g~nendi~en~ .a7~~.~ ~on ~uiy 3, ~20t18~ The ~~RC Report rais~:d tlae.fallou~ingthree-issues:. ~.. li'ici~tde tfafa and analysis ~~.~emanstrat~-~tiat flee ~preposed~ ~mendrr5er~fi is cc~~nsiste~t wilt Yh~ requfremenZs of Mules ~~1~5...~~[-~~~~~-(la}~~ a~~ 7,.:Flari~a f~t~rriinis-trative ~cde {i=~t.G~.~ which: ~~.q:~ir~s fooal govert~menfs tc d3racf :canca~itrati~r~s cif pope{anon away -firorr~ the Caasf~l~ .High Na~ara Area (;GGH~y and r~aii~fain ~or :reduce h~rrlpa°ne eva~uati~n tit~~es. 2. F~evise-~u#~re. Land Use Policy 4,~~ and ~S~~cial °Fs~.Licy ~~..~ 5o that tFre ,adapted 1ar~d use ~ch~ngc is ~c~t inconsisfer~t with these, two-po.li.~ies_ [feu.: 877 ~fD~ 4e1 3. The traffic impact analysis submitted with the cornpreliepsive plan amendr-t~ent application ~~eeds to be revised tip evaluate and compare the traffic .impacts allowed by the existing future Iand use designafiion (Mixed-Used [arid and the proposed future la~-rd use designati©n. Each. of the above- iss~res was addressed in the Village's ORC Report resparr.se, subrriitted to FDCA with the adopted NPBGP At~e:ndr~~:r"rt Q7--2,1. The ORS Fi`epert response necessitated a text arrmendmer-rt to Policy 4;2 and Special l'c~ii~y ~.~ of the leuture Lard Use element of the, ~omprol~erisi~re P"lan, which r~ael as 'follows (untle.rlined text is added to file .policy and u~ +"r^, ~°'" ~~~} is deleted: policy 4. All future hilt density resid.er~tial development, with the folfowi~~q exec : tiQns s-hull be directed to areas west of U.S. Hig~~way No. 1 as ~ arcane of coordiriatin~ coastal area popul°aticn densities wlth the C.ounly Hurricane evacuation P~la~n-; 2. f'ra -erties that have fronts e o.n and access to the east side of U.S. 1-1i hwa Na. 1 provided ~ determinat%or~ is made by the Village,. __Ea.ased upon ~ professlori~ll carte etent stud that tl~e hurrrcane evacuafiion rovsiorss of 1=,5. 163.~'f 7'8.9 a in effect or7 Au ust 28 20D8 are cem .lied with . S~eciiaC Policy . Utll~e the mixed-.use provisions of flee Vi`llage's Gon~mercial Planned Unit Deve4opme-~t ~Cl?UD} drdinance as a mea~~s of developing ~~„ate-{~e,~~or-~-yofi DI.+~+ rti Ar.-.n "~ Ir.n~fr~r-1 r~~c~~ rv~ 1 I 4 E..liri}itarn~r f\I rl~h n~ 1LA~tn~i~ct~-tll~ t--tcn .~ i ~-. ~-ra--~ : -E r rgr ~V s ccy~ ~~ : -~ -~ 1~~--~f3 rr property delineated as "Special Policy 5.2 ors Figure 3-3 of tho lTuture Land L1se [ills ~eries3 ire .a ~ransitiar-~ rr7ode from Cc~rrrmerc.ial (i.e. compatible to the Q~B Zor~ir~:g District} to Residential (r,e. ca-~~patibfe to the l~~ ~onirt.g District) rurrniri,g firo:rn~r U.S. Ni:ghway No. 1 east to ..Lake tlVorth. 11~~xirnur~ grQSS der`tslty shall rzat exceed 1t1-'l'f D1,11AG, -Non-- residential development .pods shall comply wit1~ the lWioor~A:1'ea-Ratio standards listed in Policy 1.4 cf`the FUTUF~E LAND U5F FLI.~IUI~NT. 'Developrr~ent of the proper#y shall be subject fio the l/illage Council approval of site pian and PUL7 .applications. Th.€: feliowing uses -shall be excluded :from this developmer~f` (1) Golf club and its accessory uses such as resfaurant, liar, driving range arrd egulprn.ent store; (~) bowling alley; (~} fiiilin~ stations; (4) dry cleaning plants, (5) trtabile ':home park; and (G~. adult entertainment estabGshrnent. Tl~e balance. of the C)l~G I~~port response shall be considered data and analysis supporting NPBCP Amealdment 07-~,1 ~tev.: 8:11- al0 ~ ~-2 ~wtF -~~N=~L~I~~F(~i~ ~4~~ :~~G~1~i~i~NDAT1~~ l'he follvvuii~~ °re~trnmei~d.ations ~re;presenfied: ~.'! :FEN~IN.E~ NPi3CT' Arne~dmer~t ~7 ~:~~ s r.~vis:ed ifs i`esp~~se t~ tl~ ~F~.C ~e~o€~, ~i~ togs~ister~t with tY~e pro~risions oi= f1~e.Villa e cif' North P~ali~n lie til. Gt rel~en~[~e Phan and U.,~. Hi' hu~a..N:a ~ czt`rid.or ~.tu:d ~.s P:E~~_s~. I, ~~ directed ~i7:y :i~~ lliilage'~.~valuatio~rt ar~d Appra'~sal ~eporE. [~l~re s~ecificaily:.~1~ M1!'P~C=P ~m,~ndment OT =2.`l is ~+vit[~in tiae -U~1-ban S~ervite area, and ~o~ Ctc~t ton~riFa~te to a co~tditian -of urb~r~ s~rav~i, as :de~i~ed ~~ Ch~ptex- ~,1~~_04~~.~y, I~lot~~la_.~~lr-imi~,'r,~trative rv~~~e:; aid (~) .1~~,~~P ~1m~r~~r~nt O7- 2.'~ .is conais€~nt v~ih ~oli~~ ~f ~~~ ~-apfal Improv~r'nerits E:f~rrr~nt ~tn that it -~.~~ no# cQnfirilar~t~e t~ a c~ndit~on of ~.ui3lic heard, ~s defined therein, ~1oe~ not exa~~rb~fe ar~y exts~r~g cvneition of ~.ul~l.it fatii~ty cap~~it~ deficits, a~ dei3crrl~~ed tl-~ereirr~ a~ef i~ compatl~le ~ritl [[and uses, a~ sl?aw~t on fi~i~ ~~~tiure Land Us.e ~~p ~~ries~ arsd. d.eterrri~~~d tay the ~,~. Hi~gfiw~y Flo. ~ Corridcr~~.tudy:~l7a~se 1. ~~.~2 ~TA~~ ~f~~MNl~I'dD~4Tlt~l~~ ~taf~-recorrmir~endstlZat~tlYeWilla~e~Co~a~Eil ~~prvve i~PI~~P ~mer~dme~i: Q7=2.~. ~.~ IRA P[J~L:E~ ~1~AFilN An a~dv~rtised Local P.lann~i~g ~g:ea~y ~LPP;) public hearlr~.g~ on ~~1[~~G.~ ~mendrnertt (}7~2.~ was he[~d r~~n ,~u1y 24, 2iJt)7 at 5:~0 ~F':[vl, in the 1![ilar~e. Hai{~. There ~r~rer~-e same c~ncerr~s re~ar~ir~.~ d~r~si~~ ~~c~.resse~ [~y inern°bers of tl'te p.~tl~iic. ~ ~ ~~~'I~EE7FI~~ The i~PA re~r~mmendeci ~app.~-ou~il et ~lP~~~P ~k~t~r~~f~?~nt ,0~-2:'1. at tine r~gul~r meet[n~ an- ~I~il~ ~-~, 2.0:17 t?y..a ~ ta. 2 V€~te. a.5.1l1l.L~~~ ~flt~l`f~-tl.,.~u~i~a~ t#~~1~17~I~-~~ . Aye aduarli~et~ tfii[ag®. ~ounci[ ~.ubl~c l~ea~ir~:g o~ NRB..~P Arn~ndment 157 2.`l eras ~her~i an p.r[I ~~, 2i~0.8 at ~7:°~~ .P.it~, in the Vil[acde Haft. Three members c~f~fh~: ~ru~lic ~:xpres~ed ~r~r~cerrrs :re~ardri~ ~den,~t~y, The narn~~~ ar~~1 ad~r~sse.s ~of th~os~ ~r~~mbers of the ~u~fit vrrere -retarded ors tine ~arr~preh.ensiv.~-Plan Cit~~et~ ~~o.urtes~r- I:ri~o~'irttio~t List. A. ~ecvnel adue~rtised 1Ii:lEa~.e Coun~i] pul?tic f~ea1'in.~~ cn N;P-8'i~P Amer~dm€:r~t ~7n 2.9 v+ras held c~t~ A~~ust ~~~ , Z4~8 a.t 7:3~ P~~. l~l fl7e V[[~age ~iafi. 1~t4 members of the p~alalic~ehe~e- io -spea[e. . ~l~cv. 81~'tTO~~~ ~~~ -~.~ V1k.i:~A~~ ~~U[~~II~ 1kt~~ETli~tt~~ ~Th~ Viil~g~ council a~prc~ `by ur~anir~:~us v~t~ first re~d~ir~~ :af' ~r~l~ane~ ~~t~8~-08 ~~ :~~~p~. ~F~B~~F~ ~rrr~n.~r~en~. ~~-~.~ .ifs i'egu.la.r muting ~sri~,~pri1;~4, ~:~0~:.. The Viifag~ ~ot~n~il ap~r~ved by un~t~it~~sus vote ~~eaond. rea~l.9n~ of ~rdinan.ce ~.i~QB-4~ fo. ad~~.t ~hlP~:CP .~mendm~~~ :~7-~.1, as am~r-.rd.e:~ in rc~~ponse to the t3RC F~~p~c~rt, its rogular ~r:etir-E~ ~on Rc~gust 2~8:, 2(7U~. rev:: 8l1 '11:8 ~-2 NPl3~P Amendment 07-2.1 cen~ists of Future Land -Use ~a~ 5e~-ies amendment and Text a~r~endments fo the- Future Land Use Elernent of the Uiliage of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use Map Series amend~rrenf is aceompiis.hed by revising Figure 3-3 of the Future Land Use Elecne~~t. -Text amendments are accomplished iay revi~in Policy ~,~ and Speciai Policy ~.2 c`f the .Future Lance Use .Element, The mad amendment cornpo-Went of NPBGP An~end~rrer~t 07-2.1 is presented in Exi~rihit A. The text amendment compaiient of NPBCP Amendment 07-2,1 is presente~f in ~xhiiait ~. Clnderiir~ed text is added to -the i~,olicy and ~rei< f~e-~ is deleted.. Tile e~~acting ordinance [s attached in Exhibit ~, Rev.: 811.~~108 A~ 1 ~~'~urt; Land`iJae~~ap ~4mer~drrtant N~'B~{~ ~rtiertdment 9'~ ~.'1 ~Arn.~r~#m~rtfi~fa~ I~IJ~~3~-3 ~~fFr~ Viiia ~.~t~f~[~~r~h ~:ai~r~ ~.aa~h ~.Qm ~r~ha~tsi~~ ~Ean ~`I~r-IFI~E ~ - 3 ~T,J'1~.U~L LA.~Tp ~~~ ~U~ .LA~7D U~~- ~Eg~.roettBriemclsiy ~aa,ta~~1 $:el`Cr is T and l~ Tsl~le~.3-l. t~la 3' 2 -5p~a9ul1'vli~ies: - T~s~~~'~~I NP~~P D7~~,1 ~utla~~ -Land .ll.~E ~rnel~d~~l~t p~c;~a) ~~licy .5,~ ~"~ °~'~ i~~rtsi~+ ~F~e~idential L~~D LT~E Ivl~~lit~I3eu~ityltesideutial ~~5 :'81 to l ~..d[1-C]nits/Ae~c) _ T~ligh~)a~ls-itjr Rusidt;rltiAl .f:.: r:t f. j Eil~.malional ~arninor~ial ~~ at~.~.~earcti a~~m~nt,.~r:c. ~f~~ ~: ,:. Stele ~~~~ ~- ~~~:~1T Amerrdznent ~I~i3CP Atn~ndrrrer~t 0782,9 Am~rrdm~ri~ T~ i~oli~y 4.2 ~rrd ~.p~ei~l ~o1i~y ~.2 a~ the F~r1u~e le.~rz~ t1~e i~lerr~enf. Q~,1ECTiV~ 3: ill cievelopir~ezt orders azicl perza~:ts for .future d~xjelap~ent anel rerlevelol3znezxt actn~ties shall lie iss~ied raiily if public facilities necessary to meet Level of ~~rvice (L;O~) skanrlards are available caaicuzY•ezzt with the impacts cif the devclol3iezit. F~ir[Ilei°, recltziz•e that aTl on,sit~ lands for ri~lzts-tz~ uray, easern~zTt, etc., l?E convey=ed to the propez• azzthorty priot~ `to the ssua~xce cif Uizilding pcrnlts. ;~'oli~v : The develapi~iezit ofresdezltial ai~.cl eozruzaercial land sIra1l lie tiz~ed and ~~geci in conjunction «~ith filze provision or suppoz~fiir~ coilrznunlt~, facilities, such a. ~ sCt~eets, zatilities, police and fire protectiozi service, ezlrez;gei7cy znerifcal service,. and piil~Iic schaals. ~olicv 3.Z Public i'acilities and ntilitzes shall Inc locaied to: {1)11~Ia~i~a•-~e 5elvice efficiezicy; {2) n~iz~zzrize public costs.~id (3) ininitr~i~e impacts zzpozi the natul:al ens=irozuzient, ~olie~T 3.3:: Rezlrairiz7~ .properties clrrrentl~~ rlo°t ~ztilizii7~ central water and ~vaste~vater systems ~ha:Il `be go~Terzlcd by the provisions o~ (1) C~°I~al3ter 381.272, I`lorida ~tafutes; (2) Gliapter° IUD~G, I'loi•icla Arifiliz~isti•alive Ctzcl~; atld. (3} palm Beael~ Cotti~ty Enjjirozunerl#al Cantrol.l~i.tle - 1, These codes zegi~late the rise and it~stallati.on of ir~clivdital se~~vag~ dis~nsal systcztrs. ~>~3=1`~C~TIVE 4: TI~e ~llllane shall corizdinate ~viili ap.~rapr%ate governniezzts and agencies to raliirizni~e azid mitigate potential zr~zti~al ads=.erse iin}~a.cts .off fui~ii-e cievelol~rnezzt a~~.cl r~rlevelopzrxez~t activities. 1'oIicy.4.l; Regnesfs for developnieiit o.r~[ers; l~erinits or 1~z'oleetproposals. shalt lie caotcl:i atecl b~, the ti 11a~e, as appropz:i~te, uftll adj~~ex~t inl~rucipalities, 3vletrol»litarr Plaiznin ~i•ganizatiot, Pahrr Bcac~ Couzltyx school l_7sti°icf ot'I'alni 13eaclz ~ozzzz~; Ta~eas~TZ•e Goast I~egioz~ai pl:annn.g Couzicii, ~l~eciai I]stt'cts, Soi~€h I`loz'ida ~~Tater Mai3~~ezlzei~t.Distr€c"t.azzrl. suite a~xd federal agencies fiireugll il's par-t~icpation %ti. ZPfLRC. 7'aixcy ~:~ 1111 futLti:e lii:gl7 density residential developznez7t, ~~~itlr tl3e Qlto«rii~~ excerptions, shall Ue directed to ai°eas u3est of U,S. liblr~va~a I;To. I as a zneaizs of coordi-Zating coasfial. area lsol~zzlatiori rieazsities ~=itl~ the Cfliz~ty ~Iurricazae Evacz~atioz~ Plaia:= 1. I'r'er}zerties located .east of IJ.s~. IIi.~llu~a~J No, 1 that ire ~,-issffned a Ifi-~li T~ez~sty Re~zrlental fiiti~re land >:1s~ clesgzation as of ~1~:zg[ast 28 2008;; ~. I~ral~eY•tips that hay=e fiozzta>~e_~n azzd ~ceess to dze~east side ofU.~. Hi , h~va i~Ie, 1., provided a deternvilatio~i is zrratle Uv tl~e ~ill~.oe. based ~ip~zr a professiazxally competent study, drat the hurrcaire evactratiozi r~ro~~isiorts ~f ~',~. 163.3178(9)(~~)_ izl ef'feet oiz ~i~~rst ~8, 2008 are eoznplied ~vtli. Rev.: 1~l~BCI' A:~nezrdrnent D7~2.1 Rev.; :8/~~10~ 3--7 A-~ Pala.cy 4.3; ~.ltl~ou~li. th.er.e are c~uiezitl3t na z-csotirrce lalaruiing acid 111~iaag~Y~"r~i'rt lilai~s 1»epared 1~Iar•suat~t to G;haPter 3 ~~, Fit~rida ~tatrrtes, iii ef~'ect ~~tl~iaa Nort111?alrT~ Beach, the ~Iilla~e .shall l~ai•tr`.ciPate ire the l~rel~rrratian rued i~nl~letx~e~TtrTtiall of said Marls slaotilel tlte~t .1~eco~n~ necessary. Pnlic~ 4.q: 7ri the event of a ~rol3osed fut~r~re alnre~atir~r~: o~'suffcierlt size to sitc a school, ar co-locate a school u~it11 ~~iblic facilities {e.~. parks; lilaraiic5, ar~d coznii~.~rl~;y renters), tlla ~illa~e shall coordinate ~vitl~ lie Paln-r 13eac11 Cotu~:f}t ~cl~ool Baird: to deteranine the need far air aclditiailal sel~oal site ire. the area.. If it is el.etern~ried that there is a need., and tIaat a. schanl site cair ~e accor~nnadateel, the l~~~al~osed ar~i~exatiori sl~.all pi•ovi~3e for the school site. ()>3JE~TIVE 5: Special land use poloies .shall 17e €le~Jelol~ed bit Nnrfl~ Pu1rn Beach ~~rherl necessaay to address site-spceificssG~es related to irnpleixrerrt3T~ tl~e pillage Goal Staterr~ent. ~~~cial Policy ~.1; {~tes~rvccl). Special Policy 5:2i Utilize t1Te rn~ed-lrse pravisioras Qf the Village's ~ni~une~•eial Planned Ua2it T~evc;laPrl~ret~t {GP~LTI~) ~7rciiria11ce as aleaus of devela~r~g f',^,. •,^,~;~,; ~~ A ,-..r, ''1 I.t...-.{-,~T1 n ri'f T I 4' TAI ~1.. ~Y:-, 1 ni,~l „r~y1~1s_~' R rf.y.. a+ 7? r... t ~l~~t;~ _ -apt-..~~~nz-~-~-r .~~~~u 1~~~ 4E~ ~~~~-: fine gr~aPert~ delzl1eatecl as "~.l~ecial PolicSt 5.2 o~T I~gur~ 3-3` o.f tI~e ~iiture Lar1d Jse \~IaP ,5eres~ ir1 a. #rarisitiart. za1ode fi~n~i~ GaiTTmcrcal {i,e. cor~a~atil~le fio the ~-B Loping District) to Residential {i.e. cornl~atibl~ to Cltc ~2 Zoiu~ District) iurrnirzg fioi1~ U,S, T:I~h~~vt~3r No.. 1 east to Lalce ~~TOr11~. 11~la~irriurn:gross derlsit~ s1Talli~rot exceed 10-11 7~U/AC. ~or7- ~~esdeiltal develop~ar~t Dods shall eaanpl~t ~x~itlr t1» Floor--~~rca~Rafio sfiaida~'ds :listed iii Policy 1:~- of t17e TUZ'U7,~ LAND FUSE BL111VL111\T:. Develol~r~le~,r;~ n`tlic PioL~ei•ty slirIl be RIl7j EGt to the Village ~alrrrcil.ala~r•oval off` sine Plan axrd PIIT applications: TIIe foi~n~~=.i~a~ usas shall he excluded frnr~l this dev~ldi~~ner~f: (1) Golf club aiid its accesso~~y DISCS such as rest~urarit, liar;, dr-ix~ing t'arle aid eclflipt~eaLt stai`e; {2.) Uo~vlir~l; alle3t; {3) ~"~ilirTg statiails; (~)-dry cleaning 131arts; (5) inal~ile ~3t31T1U parr; acrd (~) ael>~t enter~taiiua~eirY estai~lslriaent. ~p.ecal I'irlicy 5:3; As a mcar3s of pr~eserz~ulg native ~~egetrrtive species ire Plarv~irl~; Ar.~a 6~1, erlcc~irra~e the use of the Plaa~ired Unit Develal~ri~erlt by ~ll:owii~g the clr:ISter~lg afi'eside~tial tuiits iii dc:fr~ed Buildable areas (i.e. all areas 5n Planning ~T•ea 6A. are as `°btrildable'>, with t11e exception oftliose deliri~ated ari ~igtrre 3-I~B}, ~lSeral Pcilc~~ ~:~: Reclrrre,rrll nev,~ dcvelopinents i7i Plar?~~ing.Areas 1 and.GAto perfoi•ia~r an evvironinerital assessl~rcr~t to define paternal ~npaets ul~otl the vial~ilit~T of ~tebct~sfi~te species oriel/ar° llaBitats deirreatecl ar3 l~igrzres 3-138 al~~ C: Tlie unpacl: assessnicrit shall include necessary tecl~rrrlttes aildlc~r caratrols to ttaaix~tairi species ancUar 1zaBitats rl then curient caridtiarr ar ii~iligate poterztial iln~acts, 3~8 Rev'.: 8!fi 51~ 8 ~~ E~H1~iT ~ ~r~.iin~r~c~ ~n~~~in~ ~.~rtd (J~'~?e~~igafiiQ~ NP~~~ ~4m~ndm~n~ ®7®2.`T Rev.: 8/~ X108 ~~