09-12-1967 VC PH-MMINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, HELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1967 Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Vice-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman A11an V. Evera.rd, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Lewis called the Public Hearing to order a,t 7:30 p.m. and the Village Clerk to call the roll, a.ll members being present. Village Clerk read Legal Notice of this Public Hearing which wa.s published in the Palm Beach Post-Times on August 26, 1967. Mayor Lewis stated that the purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear the formal proposal of the individuals requesting the Public Hearing, a.nd to hear the pros and cons of the people who a.re object- ing to, or accepting, this particular proposal. Mr. Eugene Lawrence, the architect for H G Enterprises, presented to the Council and the audience a. model of the proposed Paradise Harbour complex, consisting of 600 units - 3, ~F a.nd 7 story buildings. Mr. Joseph Finch, Lighthouse Drive and U. S. Highway No. 1, stated he ha.s no objection to the apartment complex, but feels it is remiss on the part of the Village Council to consider C-1 zoning on U. S. Highway No. 1 for this particular complex, since they have refused t consider this zoning for property owners on U. S. 1 in the past. Mr. H. Vorbroker, 605 Flotilla. Lane, inquired about the absence of a fire lane in the proposed complex. He felt it would be impossible to fight a. fire in the complex because o£ inadequate space for fire fighting equipment. Mr. Lawrence informed Mr. Vorbroker that there was adequate space for this purpose, and that resident or public parking would not hinder the access of a fire truck. Mr. Tom Magill, 119 Atlantic Road, inquired about the number of people the proposed complex would a.ecommodaae. Mr. Lawrence informed Mr. Magill there would be approximately 60% two bedroom and 40% one bedroom units. This type of development will a.vera.ge 2.5 people per unit, or approximately 1,500 people. Mr. Ma,gi11 also inquired if the Vi1la.ge would receive a. commitment from the developer that he will finish the entire complex. Mr. Magill was informed by the Council that, legally, the developer need not make such a. commitment. Mrs. Veckman, 713 Lakeside, stated that they moved to the Vi1la,ge of North Palm Beach because they liked the idea. of all residential units. She feels that if Paradise Harbour is developed, this would set a precedent and that North Palm Beach would no longer. be a residential community, but rather a. retirement community. Mr. F. Holler, 654 Lakeside Drive, stated he agrees with the general architecture of Pa.ra.dise Harbour. He disagrees with the height of the corner building. He said he cannot see the need for 4 story and 7 story buildings. Feels that this will change the concept from the Village of North Palm Beach to the "City" of ATOrth Palm Beach. Would like to keep this a. small town, with low height type archi- teeture. Would like the Council to consider limiting height of buildings in this complex to 3 story structures. LEGAL NOTICE READ PURPOSE_ OF PUBLIC HEARING PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED PARADISE HARBOUR COMPLEX COMMENTS OF JOSEPH FINCH, U. S.1 & LIGHTHOUSE DR. COMMENTS OP H. VORBROKER, 605 FLOTILLA LANE COMMENTS OF TOM MAGILL, 119 ATLANTIC RD. OF MRS. 713 LAKESIDE COMMENTS OF F. HOLLER, 654 LAKESIDE DR. Public Hearing -- September 12, 1967 Page two _ Mr. Paul Koski, 648 Lakeside Drive, stated he fully concurs with Mr. COMMENT OF PAUL Holler relative to the height of the buildings in the Paradise Harbour KOSKI, 61F8 LAKESIDE complex. DR. Mr. Leigh Conover, 825 Lighthouse Drive, objected to rezoning of land COMMENTS OF MR. LEIGH _ on U. S. 1 to C-l. Felt this would be spot zoning. Suggested that _ CONOVER, 825 LIGHTHOUSE perhaps the Council might engage an expert in zoning to study the DR. land along U. S. 1. _ Mrs. Lawler, 613 Shore Road, agrees with Mr. Holler relative to the COMMENTS OF NRS. 7 story units proposed for the Paradise Harbour complex. Feels that LAWLER, 613 SHORE RD. the value of homes in the area. would decrease substantially if these -- units were built. -_ Mr. John Atwater, 631 Lakeside Drive, stated that prior to the time C0~IMENTS OF JOHN he bought his lot, he checked with the people in the Village Ha11 ATWATER, 631 LAKESIDE __ • and was told that this area. was designed for homes in the $40,000 DR, i and up bra.eket. Feels that Paradise Harbour would open the door _' so that.the entire area. right up to the canal where he lives will _' be rezoned. He also objects to having 7 story apartments in this area. Mr. John Flanagan, Bessemer Properties, Inc., reiterates the ob- COMMENTS OF JOHN jections of Mr. Joseph Finch - namely that U. S. 1 would tend FLANAGAN, BESSEMER _ toward spot zoning, and if C-1 zoning were granted to H G Enter- PROPERTIES, INC. prises, it would be discriminatory to others who ha.d sought - commercial zoning of U. S. 1 in the past and ha.d been denied. Mr. John Downey, U. S. 1 and Aanchorage Drive, agrees with Mr. COMMENT OF JOHN Joseph Finch. Would recommend that this idea be restudied. DOWNEY~ U. S. 1 = & ANCHORAGE DR. Mrs. Linder, 130 Atlantic Road, is opposed to Pa.ra.dise Harbour COMMENTS OF MRS. because these will be essentially retirement apartments. She bought CINDER, 130 ATLANTIC a. home in North Palm Beach because it was a community which RD. _- _ _ greatly consisted of young people, and she would like it to remain __ as such. Also feels that we do not have adequate fire apparatus in the Village to accommodate a complex of this kind. Mr. L. Churchill, 505 Driftwood, stated that if the Village goes COMMENTS OF L. through with this particular zoning, it will open all rezoning on CHURCHIS,L, 505 DRIFT- U. S. 1 --- that once a. precedent is set, others will ask for re- WOOD __ zoning of their property. _ Mr. Eugene F. Bie, Lakeview Building, stated his objections to the COMMENTS OF EUGENE ` Paradise Harbour complex, which are contained in his letter dated F. BIE, LAKEVIEW September 11, 1967, addressed to the Village Council, and which was BLDG. read by the Village Clerk a.t this meeting. A true copy of this letter will be attached to the minutes of this Public Hearing. __- • Mr. Bie also sent a, letter to the Village Council dated September -_ 11, 1967 re: "Lot F, Block 9, Plat 1," indicating that in the event ___ Paradise Harbour is rezoned C-l, this lot should also be rezoned C-1. This letter was also read by the Village Clerk, and a. true copy will be a.tta.ched to the minutes of this Public Hearing. Mr. Bie referred to the enabling a.et that the Florida. Legislature passed July 10, 1967 which would grant homestead exemption in the amount of $5,000 to condominium apartments and cooperative apartments, thereby greatly reducing the revenue afforded to the Village. Also, the Legislature is considering a $10,000 exemption for those over age 65. Public Hearing September 12, 1967 Page three Mayor Lewis asked Village Manager Robbins if he ha.d the figures worked REVENUE AFFORDED- up showing how the proposed additional homestead exemption as proposed VILLAGE WITH AND WITH- by the Legislature would affect the revenue of the Village, and he OUT PROPOSED HOME- replied in the a.ffirma,tive. STEAD EXEMPTIONS ON CONDOMINIUMS & CO-OPS Mr. Robbins stated that using an arbitrary figure o£ 291 apartments (582 residents), or 6% of the Village population, the tax revenue _ _ afforded the Village a.t 8.7 mills, the current tax levy, without the - $5,000 exemption would be in the amount of $25,710. The estimated _ _ cost of providing municipal services to the above is $25,710. If the $5,000 exemption were given to 118 apartments, and-the $10,000 exemption were given to 174 apartments, the tax revenue . afforded the Village a,t 8.7 mills would be $8,920. Therefore, - providing the same municipal services as memmtioned above at the _ same rate of ta.xa.tion would cause the Vi1la.ge to have a deficit of $16,790 which would have to come from other sources such as --. utility taxes a.nd charges for sanitation services. -- Mr. Frank Kruzick, 1601 N. Prosperity Farms Road, representing COMMENT OF FRANK Fred Longo and Corinthian Construction Company, stated that once the KRUZICK, REPRESENTING Village starts rezoning to commercial and multi-family dwellings FRED LONGO & CORIN- on U. S. 1, no one will want to construct single family residences THIAN CONST. CO. adjacent to-this property. _ Mr. Herman Page, 508 Eastwind Drive, wanted to go on record as being COMMENTS OF H. PAGE, - opposed to the Pa.ra,dise Harbour complex, primarily because of the _ 508 EASTWIND DR, 7 story high rise apartments which are contemplated in this complex. Dr. John Bacon, 712 Lakeside Circle, is very strongly opposed to the COMMENTS OF DR. JOHN - Paradise Harbour complex. He stated he moved into the community BACON, 712 LAKESIDE because of its being a. single residential area. He felt his property CIRCLE would be protected by protective zoning. Feels that Pa.ra,dise Harbour will lower the value of the community and of individual homes. He = also stated that he doesn't see the present tax a.dvanta.ge to the Village because of the proposed $5,000 homestead exemption - does _ not feel that the community will benefit from this. Mr. John Remsen, attorney for H G Enterprises, stated he owns a. lot COMMENTS OF JOHN in Yacht Club Point which he intends to build on. He considered the REMSEN, ATTORNEY FOR matter carefully before he agreed to represent this client H G ENTERPRISES (H G Enterprises). He stated that li G Enterprises are very reputable, substantial builders and that this development is of great aesthetic _ __ quality. Also stated he does not think that C-1 is a,etually spot _ zoning. He stated that the land is already zoned C-lA, and in the _ event that the Council denies this rezoning request, his clients - do intend to move forward with the development, notwithstanding this denial. - • Mr. Frank Hahn, 641 Anchorage Drive, objected to rezoning to C-l. COMMENT OF FRANK HAHN, 641 ANCHORAGE DRIVE Marshall Benjamin, 533 Ba.y Road, is opposed to changing the present COMMENT OF M. - zoning to commercial zoning on U. S_ 1 primarily because of the BENJAMIN, 533 BAY RD. responsibility to the present land owners. Mr. Alden Smith, 112 Atlantic Road, objected to change of zoning. COMMENTS OF ALDEN He felt that this zoning change would be of no advantage to the Village. SMITH, 112 ATLANTIC RD. He also feels that the property value will go down. _ Mr. Pete Van Andel, 728 Osprey Way, stated that the Village of COMMENTS OF P. VAN _ North Palm Beach is relatively small in area.. Feels the Village has ANDEL, 728 OSPREY WAY reached a point where there is a, scarcity of good, single family res- idential lots to build on. Stated that Paradise Harbour is going to take the space away that the Village does have for single family dwellings. 0 Public Hearing September 12, 1967 Page four Mayor Lewis asked for a. show of hands from the audience of those who were in favor of, and those who were opposed to all or part of the proposed program. There was a significant number of persons in atten- dance who were opposed to the program a.s contrasted to the number of those in favor of it. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, the Public Hearing wa.s adjourned a.t 9:00 p.m. Minutes recorded by: ~ ~ d~ Village Clerk SHOW OF HANDS OF THOSE _-_ IN FAVOR OF AND THOSE OPPOSED TO PARADISE HARBOUR ADJOURNMENT • } J' 1:ZTC3E17E I'. BZE ATTORNEY AT LAW _ - _. __ LAKEVIEW BUILDING _ _ .- _ Noxrx Pena Baecx, Fnoame ___.. -__ _ _ _- VCTOR_B-IC 63 _ _.- _. September 11, 1967 Village Council - Village of North Palm Beach _ --___ - - - - North Palm Beach, Florida Re: Proposed rezoriin~ o~ broperty known as Paradise Harbour -_ Gentlemen: Village Garden Apartments, Inc., the-owner of Block 1, Village of North Palm Beach, Plat No: 1, hereby. objects strongly to the. proposed rezoning of the property known as Paradise Harbour. This property Iies directly across the street from the property now being developed by --- Village Garden Apartments, Inc. Village Garden Apartments, Inc.. hereby objects to said proposed rezoning-for the following reasons: `-_-_ 1. To'rezone this property would constitute spot zoning and be contrary 'to the comprehensive zoning laws of-t_he_Village-of North Palm __ __- Beach. In this regard 'the entire property on both sides of U_-S__ No. 1 _ __ ___ lying-North-of the Earman Riyer_to the North Palm Beach_Country Club is zoned Limited ComrrTercial: All of this property is_similar in nature and in the event the. subject property is rezoned to commercial-the_p~operty owned by Village Garden Apartments, Inc.; being Block,l, Village of North Palm ~Eeach, Plat No. 1, should alsQ_be,rezoned tQ commercial. _-_ _- 2. Village Garden Apartments, Iris. has relied upon the property in question being zoned_and plated as residential. Village Garden Apart_ment_s, Inc. has accordingly sold apartments__to-purchasers who have likewise re- __ lied upon-the property being u's_able only for residential purposes. To - change the. zoning to straight .commercial and multi-family would materially. -- lower-the value of .the property owned-by Village: Garden Apartments, Inc. --- which lies directly across the street from the property in question. __ 3. In the event the zoning change-is granted, it is very likely-- --- that within a comparatively short period of time many families will be residing in high rise apartments to be immediately constructed. This- will cause a severe traffic problem in the Village of North Palm Beach as all of the ,vehicular traffic will have. to spill_out onto `U:"S: No. l - in front of the Village H.a11. ,~ .. ;~. - September 11, 1967 - Village Council- _ Village of North Palm Beach _ Page No. 2 - -_ - - 4. The parties in favor_af the zoning change have openly advised -- that.it is their intention to sell apartments to parties_with children:- This will immediately cause the North Palm Beach Elementary Scho_nL to become obsolete. 5. On July 10th of_'this year, the Florida Legislature_passed _ _ Chapter 67-339 which is an enabling act granting homestead exemption to condominium and co_-operative_apartments. Irr effect this will mean -- - - - -. that condominium apartments and_co-operative apartments will .each be ~, _ . granted a $5,000.00 exemption for county and village taxes for_each__-_ apartment. This will drastically reduce. the repenue--afforded to the--- _ Village of North Palm Beach that is Alarmed to be derived from this , apartment venture. In essence the Village of North Palni Beach will lose money on its obligation to .furnish this property with garbage- -and trash collection, police protection and otY~er municpal_services. __ 6. There is no question that if the proposed zoning is granted _ that the remainder of the entire parcel of_land lying to-the East of the Village Hall will shortly thereafter be likewise rezoned commercial _ and multi-family. The reason being that after one apartment house is_ _ constructed no residential dwellings will be constructed adjacent_to it = and therefore the highest and_best use of the,land will only be for - _ _ - - - -- additional multi-family units,-___-This will cause the Village.of_North.Palm _._ Beach to change its-.character ,from a residential community,to a community. of concentrated apartment dwellers:- Eventually such apartment dwellers ,-- will be sufficiently numerous-to control the political-and governmental- - machinery of the Village_o£,~TOrth_Palm Beach..-. - 7. There is no need to rezone-the property in question for, the reason that there_does_preseritly exist adequate property lying to the _- _ - _ - North of the North Palm Beach Country-Club which s_presently zoned multi-family and is adequate.3n size to acgommodate-high rise-apartments ' Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE GARDEN APARTMENTS, INC. - - _°- By _ ___. _ EFBchf - - - -° E7C7CxENE F'. BIE _ ATTORNEY qT LAW _. _. _ LANEVIEW SURGING ._. - - - _ - - __ Nox~rx pe=.x Baaca, Fi.oame - - _. -- - VICTOR 8-146:3. _ _ _ _-- __ _-__ _ September ll, 1967 - _ ._ Village. Council Village o£ North. Palm Beach North Palm Beach, Florida „ Re- Lot F Block 9 Village of North-Palm_Beach Plat 1 Gentlemen: As the owner -of .the above property,=I hereby object to the proposed _-_-_-- rezoning of the parcel--known as Paradise $arbour and state that such _- - -- constitutes_spot soning_and_that in the event such property_is re- -- zoned C-1, that the above Lot_F, Block 9, Village of North Palm Beach, Plat No. 1, should also be rezoned ,C-1. _ ... _:_ ,__ _,; Respectfully submitted,- - - _ ~ene F. Bie EFB:hf n ~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1967 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney ' Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order a.t 9:15 p.m. a.nd asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, a.ll members being present. • On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting a.ye, the minutes of the Ta.x Equalization Board meeting held Monday, August 7, 1967 and the minutes of the recessed meeting of the Ta.x Equalization Board held Thursday, August 24,-1967 were approved as written. On motion of Councilman C1a.rk, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting a.ye, the minutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, August 22, 1967 were approved as written. On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Everard, a.ll present vo°ting a.ye, the minutes of Special Session held Tuesday, September 5, 1967 were approved as read, and the waiver of notice of this Special Session dated September 5, 1967 and signed by Councilman Allan V. Everard is attached to the official minutes of the Special Session. Mayor Lewis referred to his letter of August 1S, 1967 from the Honor- able John S. Ballard, Mayor of Akron, Ohio, thanking the Mayor for -the honorary membership in the North Palm Beach Country Club and for the Key to the City presented to him by Don Winfree. Mayor Lewis made the following comments on the Municipal Police _& Firemen's Trust Fund Board of Trustees meeting held Monday, September 11, 1967: He informed the Trustees that the Council was in the process of enacting a. 2% instead of 1% excise tax on property in- surance a.s approved by the Legislature. Also, that the Agent of Record for the Village is to investigate and work up a. plan to present to the Board of Trustees relative to pensions for policemen- and fire- men like the present Pension Plan in effect for all other Village employees. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, a.11 present voting aye, the minutes of the Zoning Board of Adjustment • meeting held Thursday, August 17, 1967 were 8.ecepted by Council as received. ~I On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting a.ye, the minutes of the North Palm Beach Country Club Board of Governors Meeting-held Wednesday, August 16, 1967 and the minutes of the North Palm Beach Country Club Board of Governors Meeting held Wednesday, August 23, 1967 were accepted by Council as received. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting aye, Bill No. 31 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE?NO. 121-65, THE OFFENSES ORDINANCE, BY PERMITTING ALL GAMES OF CHANCE NOT PROHIBITED BY THE STATUTES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO BE PLAYED WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH wa.s placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting a.ye, Bill No. 31 was adopted as Ordinance No. 155-67. ROLL CALL 8/7/67 & 8/24/67 MINUTES OF TAX EQUALIZATION BD. MEETINGS APPROVED 8/22/67 MINUTES OF REG MEETING APPROVED 9/5/67 MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION 8/18/67 LETTER TO MAYOR LEWIS FROM MAYOR OF ~1ICItON, OHIO POLICE _& FIRE BD. OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF 9/11/67 8/17/67- MINUTES OF ZONING BD. OF ADJUST- MENT MEETING ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL 8/16/67 & 8/23/67 MINUTES OF NPBCC BD. OF GOVERNORS MEETINGS ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL BILL N0. 31 PLACED ON 2ND READING & READ BY TITLE ONLY BILL N0. 31 ADOPTED AS ORD. NO. 155-67 September 12, 1967 Page Two On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all BILL N0. 32 PLACED present voting a.ye, Bill No. 32 entitled: ON 1ST READING & READ IN FULL AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 91, WHICH CREATED A BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, BY CHANGING THE REQUIRE- MENTS FOR AUDITS AND REPORTS FROM EVERY THREE MONTHS TO EVERY SIX MONTHS was placed on first reading and read. in full. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all BILL N0. 35 PLACED present voting a.ye, Bi11 No. 35 entitled; ON 1ST READING & READ IN FULL AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUIRING FENCING AROUND ALL SWIMMING POOLS AND REQUIRING SAFETY GATES ATTACHED THERETO, DECLARING THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE A MISDEMEANOR, AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE _ wa,s placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard,-all BILL N0, 36 PLACED present voting aye, Bill No. 36 entitled; ON-1ST READING & READ IN FULL AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF :FORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING AND IMPOSING A TWO PERCENT EXCISE TAX ON PROPERTY INSURANCE PRIIKIUMS FOR PAYMENT TO THE MUNICIPAL FIREMEN'S PENSION TRUST FUND OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor Be11, a.ll BILL N0. 37 PLACED present voting aye, Bill No. 37 entitled: ON 1ST READING & READ IN FULL AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF 1JORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 132-1966, WI-ITCH ADOPTED BY REFERENCE THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE AND THE REVISION OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE ADDENDUM, 1965-1966, AND A PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CODE, BY REMOVING ADDITIONAL FEES FOR NEW PERMITS ISSUED AFTER VOIDING OF PREVIOUS PERMITS AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THIS ORDINANCE wa,s placed on first reading and read in full. Vi1la.ge Manager read highlights of Building Officia.l's Statistical BUILDING OFFICIAL'S Data. Report for August 1967 and this report was a,ecepted by STAT, DATA REPORT FOR Council. AUG. 1967 Village Manager read highlights of V_illa.ge Financial Statement for the period ending July 31, 1967. On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Clark, all VILLAGE FINANCIAL present voting a.ye, Council accepted this report, a.nd a true copy STATEMENT FOR PERIOD will be a,tta.ched to the minutes of this meeting. ENDING 7/31/67 Village Manager commented on progress report from Nozzle Nolen, NOZZLE_NOLEN PROGRESS Inc. dated September 11, 1967 relative to the Vi1la,ge Rodent REPORT ON RODENT Control Program. Nolen ha.s 225 bait stations throughout the CONTROL PROGRAM Village a the present time, a.nd estiina.tes that they a.re killing about 200 rodents per month. Mayor Lewis asked Mr. Robbins if he Yia.d received a. request from REQUEST FROM ARMSTRONG Armstrong Construction Company relative to annexation of a piece of CONSTRII`CTION CO. RE property to the Village. Mr. Robbins; replied in the a.ffirma.tive, ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY and Mayor Lewis stated that he is not: interested in accepting any TO VILLAGE request from Armstrong Construction Company. Vice-Mayor Bell was in full accord. u r S. F September 12, 1967 Page Three Vice-Mayor Be11 suggested to the Council that the Mayor reply to the letter he received from Ira. Hotchkiss, President of H G Enterprises, dated August 18, 1967, thanking Mr. Hotchkiss for his invitation for dinner for the Mayor and the Council while they a.re attending the 41st Annual Convention of the Florida. League of Municipalities to be held in Hollywood, Florida. on October 22, 23 a.nd 24, but declining for the Council in total. Mayor Lewis informed the Council that he would do so. With no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Clark, all present voting aye, the meeting wa.s. adjourned at 10:OS p.m. ~~ Minutes recorded by: ~-C-a-av-o ~~G~.r~ Village Clerk MAYOR TO REPLY TO LETTER FROM I. HOTCH- KISS, Ii G ENTERPRISES, DATED 8/18/67 ADJOURNMENT ~~ VILLAGE OF ',•IORTH PALM BEACH DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT STATET+iENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS JULY 31, 1967 RECF.IFTS First American Sank-Checking Nov. 1, 1966 First Federal Savings 1,016.29 Community Federal 1,119.96 Fidelity Federal 1,637.15 Ad Valorem Taxes Interest Earned Total Recei ~~,N, DTSBlIRSEbdc'NTS First National Bank of Miami Interest Payment Principal Payment Cremation Fee 53,857.50 35,000.00 195.13 RESERVES First Federal Savings Fidelity Federal Community Federal 4%jJo 1, 625.00 4%~ 1,266.63 4~ 1,688.06 Total Disbursements and Reserves Cash Balance an Hand 244.78 3,773.40 89,057.00 1,425.37 $94.500.55 89,052.63 4,579.69 93,632.32 868.23 $94.500.55 r VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET NLY 31, 1967 ASSETS First ivlerire Bank-General Fund 36,675.99 First American Bank-General Fund 1,456.69 First American Bar.l:-Payroll Account 520.00 38,652.68 Petty Cash 50.00 Utility Deposits 138.00 Due from State of Florida-Cigarette Tax 4,186.90 Accounts Receivable 2,254.25 Gas Inventory 174.73 Taxes Receiva':,ie 543.35 RESERVES First American Bank-Cigarette Fund 2.00 Savings Accounts 79,300.96 First i~~arine Bank C o£ D 10,000.00 First American Sank C o£ D 15,000.00 104,302.96 TOTAL ASSETS $150.302.$7 LIABILITIES APdD SURPLUS Deferred Income 400.00 Accrued Legal and Audit 3,636.58 Accounts Payable 2,412.81 Accrued OASI 1,429.74 Employees W/H Taxes 1,321.80 Policemens' Pension Fund 473.75 Firemens' Pension Fund 433.51 Accrued Salaries Payable 66.00 10,174.19 Revenues (Exhibit A) 416,132.67 Less: Expenditures {Exhibit B) 353.220.26 62,912.41 Surplus (Prior Year) 77,216.27 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS $150,302.87 ¢ o ~.- H v +~~ aJ `r mmhocflo M in ono rn~coHmN H S..F' 3 O . . I . CO ~ O'ri O ~' to M L!J O ~- ~ ~ l~ h O [~ G W I OJ ~ ri N li) t0 H C7 C:: U7 r.j'- COO W N Q1 r 0 1 O tlif O ~ O U] Q1 OJ ri x s. 't7 U H rl H r-11 1 r-i r{ x v~~ W A, W~ h o i oooooo~o O OOGJO o 000000 (O o _ 00000 OiJ O ~j 00f0 O 000000 01 . t . . r rl {J ~.~ 0 0000 O C C O O~ O O 000anhO l U pp 0 0 000 O U 000(0 O OOOQ1 NO O t~ F O O UJ H t1J H ^I N lti 3 w' ^~ t[J G7 O an W CO O n n w w n w ~p Tf 0 •~ ~ n n n 0 NN r. t.!) ~ ^ n w Or'-1 N m N Mbh Hr-IN ri W M r{ M M ic+> N v. h ~ fy Ui O Q1 L!J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N N .7 O ~n O M c0 0 f(7 [O H M OLIjOOOG ~ O mh c0 O~ OO~hG9 O O . } H w N Or{CO inM ~` 07 1 NN r{ i O WNtn?? r-I h NLfi rl Nthh (D OOh CU O ONh~ W N r{ n O M i n O N N e- i ~' O I N N t M C O C O L~ M M Ill O r-I }.i '~ w M n w n (p M N n N .. +. f) w w r I r l n N n .. n w n N M M r{ M N (~ "/ rl ri ri M N •r? 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