07-11-1967 VC SP-M~- ~ A • MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD ' TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1967 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Evera.rd, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Vi1la.ge Attorney Mayor Lewis called Council into Special Session a.t 10:05 p.m. ROLL CALL and asked Councilman Watt to cell the roll, all members being present. • Mayor Lewis indicated that the purpose of this Special Session was to enact Bill No. 27 a.s Ordinance No. 151-67 and to adopt Resolution Nos. 314-67 and 315-67; also, consideration for motion to expend monies from Village Contingent Account. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Evera.rd, all present voting a.ye, Bill No. 27 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91 BY REQUIRING MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS TO HAVE HELD MEMBERSHIP IN THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, GOLF OR SWIMMING .SECTIONS, FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST FOUR MONTHS PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT, AND BY EXCEPTING PRESENT MEMBERS THEREFROM wa.s placed on first reading and read in full. ' On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Evera.rd, all present voting aye, Council subscribed to and endorsed second reading of Bill No. 27 on July 11, 1967 by title only. On motion of Councilman C1a.rk, seconded by Councilman Evera.rd, all present voting a.ye, Bill No. 27 was adopted as Ordinance No. 151-67 On motion of Vice-Mayor Be11, seconded by Councilman Clark, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 314-67 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING LAWRENCE J. ROBBINS AS VILLAGE MANAGER OF SAID VILLAGE wa.s read in full and adopted a.s rea.d a.s Resolution No. 314-67. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Everard, all • present voting a,ye, proposed Resolution No. 315-67 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH THOSE PERSONS WHO SHALL SIGN AND COUNTERSIGN CHECKS ON ALL DEPOSITORIES OF FUNDS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ' wa,s read in full and adopted a.s rea.d a.s Resolution No. 315-67. On motion of Councilman Evera.rd, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present voting a.ye, Council agreed that Village Treasurer be author- ized to disburse $753.76 from Vi1la.ge Contingent Account No. 5-500 to satisfy Accounts Payable referred to in memo from Frances A. Fox dated July 10, 1967, and that a true copy of that memo be a,tta.ched to the minutes of this Special Session. On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Watt, all ' present voting a.ye, the Special Session wa.s adjourned a.t 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Herbert A. Watt • Acting Vi1la.ge Manager PURPOSE OF SPECIAL -- SESSION _ J BILL N0. 27 PLACED ON 1ST READING & -- READ IN FULL BILL N0. 27 PLACED ON 2ND READING & READ BY TITLE ONLY BILL N0. 27 -- ADOPTED AS ORD. N0. 151-67 _ PROPOSED RES. ADOPTED AS READ AS RES. N0. 314-67 PROPOSED RES. ADOPTED AS READ AS RES. N0. 315-67 COUNCIL AUTHORIZED DISBURSEMENT FROM CONTINGENT ACCT.. IN ALIT. OF $753.76 ADJOURNMENT r -_ • i July 10, 1967 - ' To: Herbert A. Watt From: Frances A. Fox Subject: General Contingent _- Motion for the following to be paid from Genera_1 Contingent Account. Business cards - Council $ 52.50 :-_._- Miami Herald - advertising for Village Manager -_ and Art Director 336.00 Post Times - advertising for Village Manager and Art Director 106.20 -- Country Club - for farewell party for Mr. Eassa _ and Mr. Jacomo 255.00 Additional charge from Green Company for Keys -- ' to the City 4.06 TOTAL $753.76 ` n u •