12-19-1967 VC SP-M MINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1967 _`. Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor - David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman `_ Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor Mayor Lewis called the Special Session to order at 8:25 p.m. and ROLL CALL asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members being present . except Vice-Mayor Bell, who was excused from this Special Session after having been notified by telephone. A signed waiver of notice of this session wa s submitted by Vice-Mayor Be11 before the meeting. Mayor Lewis stated that the purpose of the Special Session was for PURPOSE OF __ the following: SPECIAL SESSION 1. To consider second reading and passage of Bi11 No. 30, whicJ~ is relative to the Green s Fuel franchise. 2. To consider second reading and passage of Bill No. 44 _ relative to land use changes on U. S. 1 north of the Ea.rman River and south of the North Palm Beach Country Club on the west and Yacht Club Drive on the east. - 3. To extend the Agreement with Mel Conner & Associates, Inc. to the amount of $3,800 so they may complete overall review of Village. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Evera.rd, all BILL N0. 30 present voting aye, Bill No. 30 entitled: PLACED ON 2ND READING & READ BY AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, TITLE ONLY AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 37, WHICH GRANTED AN EXCLUSIVE _ FRANCHISE TO GREEN'S FUEL OF FLORIDA CORPORATION TO DIS- _ TRIBUTE NATURAL GAS IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE MONTHLY MINIMUM CHARGE FROM $1.75 PER MONTH TO $2.00 PER MONTH AND BY SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF was placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Everard, all BILL N0. 30 present voting aye, Bill No. 30 was adopted as Ordinance No. 168-67. ADOPTED AS ORD. NQ 168-67 On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Watt, all BILL N0. 44 PLACED __ present voting aye, Bi11 No. X44 entitled: ON 2ND READING & _ READ BY TITLE ONLY AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 20, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID VILLAGE, BY CREATING NEW ZONE C-A COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE C-1-A LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS C-A COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE __ OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UP TO DATE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES -_- wa,s placed on second reading and read by title only. _ `'1 i- t- - December 19, 1967 Page Two On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present BILL N0. 4~1 voting aye, Bill No. ~}LF was amended as follows: -(See Ordinance No. AMENDED 1b9-67, copy of which is attached to official records of this meeting _ _ in Village Minute Book). On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present BILL N0. 44 voting a.ye, Bill No. 44 wa,s adopted as amended as Ordinance No. 169-67. _ ADOPTED AS AMENDED AS ORD. N0. 169-67 ' On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Watt, all COUNCIL AUTHORIZED present voting aye, Council agreed to increase the contra.et with Mel INCREASE OF CON- Conner & Associates, Inc. to the maximum of $3,800.00 for services to _ TRACT WITH MEL _ be rendered, including the codification of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance CONNER & ASSOCIATES, No. 20 and for additional land uses. _ INC. TO MAXIMUM OF $3,800 • There being no further business to come before the Conmicil, on ADJOURNMENT motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present _ voting a.ye, the Special Session was adjourned a,t 9:OS p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk 1 ~ `~ ~~ - r December 19, 1967 I, Thomas R. Bell, do hereby waive notice o£ Special Session of the Vi1la,ge Council of North_Palm Beach, _ Florida.., held Tuesday, December 1.9, 1967. ~"_ ` T S BELL- - --~- ORDINnNCD N0, lfi9-f7 AN ORDINANCE OF 7.'HE VILLAGE OF NORTI3 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING OItDSNANCE NO. 20, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED,-THE ,SAME BEING THE, COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID VILLAGE, BY CREATING-NEW ZONE C=A COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND BY REMOVING a,.. CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM TIE C-1 A LIMITED COMMERCTAL.DISTRICT AND RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS C-A COMMERCIAL DISTRICT;, BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZONING_MA,P ru' UP TO 1]ATE; BY PROVIDING FOR TF.[E REPEAL OF ORDINANCES `IN HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1,_,_,OrdinanGe. No. 20 of the Village of North Palm Beach as_amended~ is l~er~by further amended in Section 3 thereof by adding an add~tiona:L honing district to be entitled _ .. V ;.^. C A by inserting the words "C ~~ - Commercial D}strict"~ bFetween the designations of C-1A - Limited Commercial District and , C=1 -Neighborhood Commercial :District, in said Section 3. Section 2. Ordinance No. 20 of the Village_of I~Torth Palm Beach, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto, Section 17~ to read a~ follows: -` "SECTION 17. CrA COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: - `- „ A . GENERAL DESCRIP,T~ON, ~. Thig tourist-commercial district i$ established t~ provide areas within which tk}e principal use of-land is devoted to commercial establishments and tourist oriented trade,--The intent is to reserve lands whi.ch,_because of particular ti ,.. i i location and natural features, are adapted to local and tourist uses, and to encourage the development of these locations for such uses and in such a manner as to minimize traffic hazards- and interference with other 1a~?d uses: B. USES PERMITTED: The Following uses shall be permitted in the C-A Commercial District: i 1. Hotels and hotels, 2. Restaurants and oocktail-lounges where-food and- drink may be consumed on the premises only and where eating and serving areas are .entirely contained within the building -- not including driverin hambupger, ice 'cream, soft drink, or other drive-in and/or carry-ovt eating establishments. , 3. Golf clubslanc~ their accessory uses -- such as restaurant, bar-cocktail lounges,_driving ranges and golf _ __- equipment stores. 4. Financial institutions. S. Professional offices, Studios and clinics. 6. Private clubs and lodges.- r ;, 7. Veterinary establishments, provided that all animals shal~ be,~cept inside soundprpof-and air-conditioned f; buildings;_ provided there are no animal cemeteries used in;; _ connection therewith. 8. Funeral homes; provided that no process for the disppsa~ of bodies is used in connection therewith, including cremation. - r f o-~' 1Q. Personal .service establishments,'such as barber shops, i~eauty shops, health salor}s. 11. Utility company offices. 12. Florist shops. 13, Clothing stores. -2 - 14. Stationary stores, book stores anal/or art supply shops. 15. Pharmacies or apothecaries. 16. Photographic studios and camera shops. 17. Bakery shops, where products are-sold at retail only. 18. Sporting goods Mores. 19. Personal g~?ft shop's. 20. Jewelry stores: - 2Z. Marinas and their accessory uses, such as yaet boat storage-facilities, gasoline supplies, m¢nor repair facili- .. . ties that are incidental to wet boat. storage and do not involve - large boats and/or engi~s oyerha~l. . C. CONDITIONS FOR PERMITTED USES: 1. A11 activities except golf clubs, swimming pools ~ i and wet boat s~.orage,,sales and storage of goods-must be don- ducted entirely within completely enclosed buildings zaith 'If.. permanent non-moving outside walls.` 2. No outside sidewalk or .parking-lot-storage or display of merchandise will be permitted. 3. No manufacturing, or production of products for retail"or wholesale will be permitted except'_for bakeries ar~d their related retail sa~.es ite~s. i i t: D. BUILDING HEIGHT-REGULATIONS: No building or strNeture shall exceed-four (4? stories I or forty-four (44) feet.- Elevator towers and mechanigal apparatus are not restricted po the forty-four (44) foot limit. E. BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONSe Minimum Building Lot Size 1. The minimum lot of~ building site area for each commercial building shall be 16,000 square £eet and hays a width 1, of not less than 80 feet measured at the front-and rear lot p. i ~ . .3 lines and at the front building-line. Maximum Lot Coverage 2. Main and accessory buildings shall cover rho more than thirty-five per cent (35%) of the total-lot area. Minimum Lot Coverage - 3. 'NO main-and accessory buildings shall be constructed that would occupy less than ten ~er cent (IO%) of the total lot area or 2,000 square feet; whichever is greater: F. YARDS ' FRONT YARDS - A11 buildings facing U. S, . 1 right-of~way to provide a front yard of (70) feet. All k~uildings shall Set hack of streets whicY} intersect F,+ith U. ~ j 1 `I less than twenty-five (25) feet. SIDE YARDS ;hall--set back from the not less than seventy from thg right-gf~way c providing a yard of not All-buildings-less than twenty-five (25) feet ~.n height or two stories in height shall set back from side-lot lines so as to provide side yards of not less-than twenty (20) ';-. feet. All buildings three stories in height shall`-set°back from side lot lines so as to provide side yards of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. "All buildings four stories in height shall-'set back from side lot dines so as to provide Side yards of not less than 1 thirty (30) feet. ~ , -REAR YARD All buildings less than twenty-five (25) feet in Neigh' pr two Stories in height shall b;e set back from the rear lot line so as to provide a rear yard of not. less than thirty (30) feet,. _ Y~ All buildings three stories in height shall set back 'qi from the rear lpt line sp as to provide a rear yard of not less than thirty-five (35) feet. _ ~_• A11 buildings fpur star}es in height shall set back from the rear lut line so as to provide a rear yard of not less -..- than forty (40) feet. ' ~__ G. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS: ~, 1. Off-street parking shall be either on the same =€ lot ox within t*~o hundred'(2Q0)_feet of the bu~.lding it is h I ~ i intended to serve measured from the nearest po}nt of the puilding ~; n to the nearest point of the off-street. parki ng lpt, without crossing any major thoroughfare:-_ -_ _ -- 2. An area once d y esi.gnated as required off-street __ parking shall not be changed to any other use unless and until equal facilities are provided elsewhere. 3. Off-street parking existing at the effegtive date ~, =- of these regulations in connection with the operation of-an._ -_ -- existix~g bu}ldin~ or use shall not be reduced to an amount less II ~ r than hereinafter required for a similar new puilding qr ~}se. 4. Two or more buildings or-uses may collectively provide the required off-street parking in which case-the- _ required number of par~C~.ng spaces shall be not 1€ss than the sum of the requirements for the several individyal uses -, computed separately. - 5. T}ze required off-street parking shall be for -_ __ occupants, emplpyees, visitors, patrons and shal}. be limited in ~_ tr ~}se to motor vehicles. The storage of merchandise, motor -- ~~ ~~_ vehicles for sales or the repair of vehicles-is prohibited. ~ - -§- - - ;,E i [~' ~~, - ~ ... ~_ n~ TABLE OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED_ Uses_ Banks, business or professional offices excluding doctors and dentists, I Barber shop or beauty shop One (1) per three hundred -(300) square feet of. usable floor area, plus one (1}-per each three employees. Two (2) per barber or three (3) per beautician based'on the design capacity of the struc- ture. Churches One (1) per four (4) seats; or one (1) per thirty (30) square feet of usable flops area of auditorium, whichever is greater. Country Club _ One (Z) per five (5) members. Restaurants and cocktail lounges where food anc~ drink may be consumed on the premises only and where eating and serving areas are entirely contained within the building not including drive= in hamburger; ice cream, soft drink, or other drive-inn and/or ca~ry- out eating establishments. One space for each 100 square feet of arsa devoted to patron use or one!(1) space per three (3) fixed seats; whichever is the greater: Hotels, motels and Three spaces plus an additiona tourist courts space for each guest bedroom plus an additional space for each 1S rooms or portions thereof. For example, a fifteen room motel would need ~~ parking spaces. Marina Tiro (2) for each three (3) boat mooring or storage space, boat for rent, as based on the design capacity of the facilit If public boat launching_ facilities-axe provided the-- parking spaces s_ha11 be increased fifty (50) per cent of-that number as computed above. -6- ._ i i I I Uses Medical and dental clinics; doctors and dentists offices Mortuaries or funeral parlors dentist based on the maximu design capacity of the faci lity or five spaces for eve X00 square feet of usable floor space, whichever is greater. rive (5) spaces-per parlor or chapel unit, or one (1) per four (4) seats, which- ever is greater. Private clubs lodge or Union headquarters- . . Retail stores, and personal service establishments except as otherwise speci- fled herein Shopping centers containing 5 or more ;stores, or 15,000 square feet of building One (1) per three (3~ member based on the maximum design capacity pf-the facility. One (1) per hundred (100) square feet of retail door space.- - There shall be a ratio of four (4) square feet of parking (including driveways required for ingress and egress and circulation) to each one (1) square foot of retail floor space. Auditoriums One (1) per three (3) people and places of assembly based on bhp maximum-design w'thout;fixed seats capacity of-the structure-- Veterinary Five (5) spaces per veterin- esta{~li~hment arian based on the. maximum desi~capacity of the facil kty a~ five (5) spaces for. every four hundred (400) square feet of usable floor space, whichever is greater. H. prF -STREET PARKING LOT LAYOUT, CONSTRUCTION AN1~ MAINTENANCE: whenever the required off-street parking requires the building of a'parking lot, and wherver a parking lot is built, such parking lot shall be laid aut, cp~structed and maintained in accordance with the following regulations: ____ -7- ;: - . _ ~~ ~i i~ u 1. $ach parking space shall be not less than two hundred (200) square feet in area and shall be a definitely designated and marked stall adequate for one motor vehicle. 2. A11 areas devoted to permanent of~-street parking as required under-this section shall be built in accordance with specifications for streets and parking of the Village of North i Palm Beach and maintained in such a manner that no dust will result from continuous use, i 3. The parking lot sY}all be drained tp eliminate surface water, 4. inhere the harking lot abuts a Residential pistrict which has common frontage in the same block with the parking lot, there shall be established a set back line twenty-five (25) feet ~ , from the street lot. line £or the first twenty-five (25) feet from the Residential. Zone, 5. Plans for the layout of a parking lot must be approved by the Village Engri;neer based on design standards approved by the Institute of Traffic Engineers. _ 6. The parking-lot shall not have access from a more restrictive zoning district. 7: No parking shall. be permitted in the first ten (10) feet of-the required front hard depth, measured from the front property-line or the first ten feet of a Side or rear yard when the side or rear-yard abuts a residential zoning district, except as modified in Paragraph 4 above. 8. G'learly defined driveways entering on U. S, 1 shall be constructed using a raised curb of at least six (6) inches in height to deli}~eate the driveways. A,11 streets inter- secting with U; S. 1 currently designed driveways shall be constructed using both concrete byttpn markers of at least ' -- i _g _ four (4) inches in height placed twenty-four (24) inches apart to delineate the driveways. Such driveways shall have separate ingress and egress lanes not to exceed twenty (20) feet in width, exclusive of curb returns. The ingress and egress driveways shall be separated by a six (6) ir~gh raised curb island o€ not less than three (3) feet in width and ten (10) feet in depth back frpm the right-of-- way. Drivev{ays for two adjacent, separately owned parcels may be located on th®ir joint property line. In all cases driveways day not be located closer than forty (40) feet to an intersection. F~xcept in cases where driveways ale located on joint property sines, all driveways must be not i.ess than twenty-five (25) feet from the adjacent pr operty line. i` Onlyone such Combined ~driyeway shall be permitted ~~ ;, I ~ for each lot with a width of ore hundred (100) feet or less. 9. The rear yard of all lots in the CrA District shall be designed and improved to facilitate loa~Iing and un- loading. There shall be adequate space for standing, loading and unloading services to-avoid undue interference with public use of streets or alleys. I. LANDSCAPING- '+--' In order to provide the village, the shopper,- and the commercial building owners with an inviting, pleasing and safe atmosphere for business, tine following landscape features are required: 1. 711 front and-side Xard areas not required for parking, sidewalks and/or driveways shall be planted in grass or shrubs. .«. ?Sk •.:_ i~. ~'g-. 2. For each ten (10) parking spaces, a curbed area of ten (10) feet by ten (10) feet shall be reserved for a tree of the palm species. Trees of not less than fiftee}~ (15) feet in height shall be planted in each reserved area. 3. iQo shrub or hedge shall be planted which will interfere with roper sight diStanc~ near driveway or entrance. The maximum lleight shah be 24" within twenty (2Q) feet of driveway, J . ARCHITECTUREI: -r-•. -- To provide the Village with harmonious development, but without undue restriction, the following features are required: 1,. A1~ building fronts and sides must be completely enclosed except for necessary doorSaays for ingress and egress 2. No canopies are permitted unless constructed o£ metal, or other ~ermanent materials and are installed parallel to the store front sidewalks not less than nine (~) feet above the sidewalk. K. SIGNS• ' - __ - I The following on-site Signs are permitted in the C A Commercial Distr~.ct: 1. Ground signs -- supported by uprights placed upon the ground but r}ot attached to any building. 2. W~11 signs -- flat signs attached to the front or side of buildings and not extending more than twelve (i2) inches from the building wall surface. 3. Temporary signs. -=10 , ~; .n C i+ t:i f~ ..::, . ~.:=_ Location of Ground Signs No ground or temporary sign may be located closer than _' forty (40) feet from any right-of-way, No ground sign shall be erected whose total height is greater than twenty (20) feet above the level of the street upon which the sign faces. Ground signs shall have an open space of not less than five (5) feet below the base 7,i}~e of rsa~d Sign anal ground level. Areas of Ground Signs Ground signs may not exceed fifty (50) Square-feet of- i II - area exclusive o€ supports for lots of one hundred (100) feet or less in ~yidth, and may be increased ix~ area by five (5) square feet for each additional twenty (20,) feet of lot width upoto a maximum of seventy-five (75) square feet of area. There may be not more than one (1) ground sign for each eighty (80) feet of street frontage. ' Wall Signs ~' wall signs may be erected on front building walls or on the front 1/2 of side walls. Said signs must be placed so -m that the lower edge of the sign ~.s more than ten (10) feet above _, ground level and the upper edge nqt more than sixteen (16~ feet above ground level. The area of wall signs shall-not exceed the ratio of 1/~ square foot of area for each linear foot of building frontage with a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet-qf wall sign ~. t >`.. area per building.. ,_ n' Temporary Signs ~;. No temporary sign shall be erected whose total height r~•,.::r shall exceed tex} (10) feet or exceed thirty-five (35) square °- - feet. Said temporary sign may only be used during construction ~. ~,„.~ ,~ ~ - -11- to inform the p~~lic regarding t:he owner, builder, architect, etc., or pertain~.ng to the business conducted on the site:- ": y Temporary signs ~Sha11 not be used for longer than) a period of ~ _; tt_, six months. ~ fl Ode Sign of not more t7zan ten (10) square feet in area may advertise the-sale, rental o:r lease of the premises-upon which said sign }s located. General Sign Regulations _ - Rio cloth, plastic or s:Lmilar banners mar be erected in ~ ,._ the C-A District, Only t'he advertising f;ice of permitted Signs shall be illuminated by either direct or internal light~.ng. Support structure may not be purposely illuminated by internal or external lighting. The following are proh:Lbited in the C.A Commerc~.al District: Lighting of signs bX f],ashing or intermittent - ~ - I illumination; rotating, revolving, oscillating or moving signs the use of neon tpbes or other illuminating devices to outline ..•.-w part or all of a building. Motor vehicles with ad~rertising devices or signs ' ~ ,.,~_ t ;,•., attached or painted thereon ,shal]. not remain on one parcel of i land for more than twenty-four haurs. No sign shall be erected or maintained at any location where by reason of its position, wording, illumination, size, shape, or color ~.t may obstruct, impair, obscure, interfere with _ the view of, or pe confused with, any authorized traffic control ; Sian, signal, or device, i ~r n. -12- i ....~ it II - _ - I ;! I' No sign shall contain or make use of_any word,__- phrase, symbol, shape, form, or character in such manner as to II interfere with, mislead! or. confuse traffic. All t~efinitions, permit data, construction, erection and 1iab11iLy requirements shall be in accordance with Ordinance No. 33. In any case of conflict between this ordinance and Ordinance No. 33, the stricter requirement shall be complied with. A11 signs erected in C A Zone that do not conform to the terms of this ordinance-shall cgnfQrm within seven (~) years from date or be removed from the premises. Section 3. Should any section, clause or provision of this ordinance be declared by the court to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. Section 4. Ordinance No. 20, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: The following described property is hereby removed from the zoning classification of C-1-A Limited Commercial District, to-wit: All lots bordering on U. S. Highway No, 1 lying- North o£ the Earman River and South of the North Palm-Beach Country Club on the West anc~ Yacht Club Drive on the-East except Lot 1, Plat of Marina Addition, and except publicly owned property,} `~ more particularly described on Exhibit A attached her eta and by reference made a part hereof; Said .and sha~,l, henceforth be classified C A Commercial District. ,13 - ~" i~ f 1. Section 5. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to reflect upon the official zoning map by hatching or other appropriate means of designation, the changes in zoning classification effected under this amending ordinance. Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and they are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect upon- its passage and approval as provided by law. PLACED ON FIRST READING THIS 2$TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1967. PLACED OL~T PUBLIC BEARING THI$ 7,~jTH DAY OE' DECEMBER, 1967,. PLACED ON SECOND, FINAL READING AND PASSAGE THIS DAY pF li 2967. (Village Seal) L- -- - -_-_- - - __ - - ATTEST; - Village Clerk MAYOR F -14- EXEiIBIT "A!' LnP L. IS1ock 3, Plat 1 LoL'6 11 through 17 inc].l;si,ve, ]3~.op]: ~. Pa.at 'L Lei's A, I3, C, D, E, P, (',a t[ and ,1, Rlnel: 9. Pl-a t ]„ includin~*- two un-h)imhered lets nn thc' not'1'hwetit corner of l;hhC'IF]t', 1)rivr Tmd I~, f;. _. - ll_i.l;hway No. L hoL'a_1 tlrrou~,l'i .16, :Inp111U.ive, A1ack,1., Couirl'i~y C.tub_ [\ddition ~ . Lot 13, Dl~r_7< 7, Country C11;U Adclitirn; I',oLa 1 'thrott~;h-15; ~}]-ne]< 7U, Yaoht C.InI~ i\SIcI:iLibn .... Loth 1 through ),5, Bloc]<' 71, tYao7rt ~h.;b Addti.on Tots 1 ttlrough f,, I31ock.72, Yacht Chih 1lddit~on- L~~I':; 1 and 2, R].nck.73, Y;IS'h(- C]iilt ~clcliPinn AI.I. (~I' those lo~S and Parpetl-~ A Il ,Incl C, fhr(ti,, li. 9. 1[.~~1)way No, ~, in ille:.glat o(" V:i.l.L~igc 1;F15L _ .~ exL•cndin~ From the north~t~ound~ry of Canal C-1' r.3;,ht-oP-way, extenc]ing northcaard to 'tl;c soi.lf'h boundary. oi.' Lc?t 1, pluck 73 qr they glut 1<notv)) as _ J Yacht Chlb nddjizon, 9'his aria fppmrrly known as a part of the plat ~(' P~lrn 11e1]ch-t,akc' h'nrth r~L~Le~3~ - i r. _.. k .! i