12-18-1967 VC PH-M MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD -_ MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1967 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor - Allan V. Evera.rd, Councilman - Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney` Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager ' Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: David C. Clark, Councilman --- Mayor Lewis called the Public Hearing to order at 7:40 p.m. and ROLL CALL • asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Councilman Clark and Village Attorney Gildan. Mr. Gildan arrived a.t 8:00 p.m. Village Clerk read Legal Notice on this Public Hearing which was dated LEGAL NOTICE OF December 1, 1967 and published in the Palm Beach Post-Times December PUBLIC HEARING READ 3, 1967. Village Clerk read the following correspondence relative to the pro- LETTERS RE posed rezoning of U. S. Highway No. l: PROPOSED REZONING __ OF U. S. 1 Letter of December 13, 1967 addressed to Mayor Lewis and the Vi1la,ge Clerk from Ira A. Hotchkiss, President of H G Enter- prises. _, Letter of December 1~4, 1967 addressed to Mayor Lewis from Eugene F..Bie. - Letter of December 18, 1967 addressed to Mr. W. G. Caxver, Building Official, from J. A. Schwencke. There were questions posed by the following persons relative to the QUESTIONS POSED BY proposed rezoning of U. S. Highway No. l: PERSONS RE PROPOSED REZONING OF U. S: 1 Joe Finch 800 U. S. 1 North Palm Beach, Florida Bob Bice 755 Dory Road So. North Palm Beach, Florida - Oscar Welch 725 S. Cruiser Road _ - • North Palm Beach, Florida Eugene F_ Bie ° Lakeview Building _ North Palm Beach, Florida John Remsen Community Federal Building - - - Riviera Beach, Florida Esther Thompson Owner of Block 8, Lot 16 North Palm Beach, Florida Julian Field Representing Bessemer Properties ' Mrs. Lynn Jordan _ 625 Atlantic Road North Palm Beach, Florida - Mr. Tom Magill 119 Atlantic Road North Palm Beach, Florida • December 18, 1967 Page Two Dr. R. J. Curtis -- 748 Lakeside Drive North Palm Beach, Florida, Philip Bosse 136 Dory Road South North Palm Beach, Florida. All questions posed by the above were fully explained by Mayor _ Lewis, Village Attorney Gildan or IKr. Frank Brutt of Mel Conner & Associates, Inc. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion ADJODRNMENT o£ Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ~~ ~~~ _ Minutes recorded by: olores R. Walker, Village Clerk