08-24-1967 VC SP-M MINUTES OF TAX EQUALIZATION BOARD THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 19fi7 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor David C_ Clark, Councilman Allan V. Evera.rd, Councilman Herbert A. f~iatt Councilman - , Lawrence J. Robbins, Vi1la.ge Manager Frances A. Fox, Village Ta.x Assessor _ Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Mayor Lewis reconvened the Tax Equalization Board Meeting a.t 8:10 p.m. ROLL CALL • and asked the Vi1la.ge Clerk to call the roll, all members being present t Vi ll d M B ill ld excep ce- ayor e an V age Attorney Gi an. - Mayor Lewis stated that the Board reconvened to continue hearing the PURPOSE FOR -- various pleas of persons who felt they were unfairly assessed, and BOARD RECONVENING also to review two properties that were referred back to Hunnicutt & _ Associates, Inc. during the first section of the Tax Equalization Board meeting. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Ceuncilman Clark, all present LOTS 11, 12 & - voting aye, Council accepted opinion of Hunnicutt & Associates, Inc. 13, BLOCK 30, and denied petition for reduction of assessment of Lots 11, 12 and 13, PLAT 3 ASSESS- Block 30, Plat 3 (Robert Hofland). Assessment remains a,t $183,300. MENT R}SIAINS - _ AT $183,300 Councilman Watt made a. motion that Council accept opinion of MOTION ON Hunnicutt & Associates, Inc. and deny petition for reduction of assess- ASSESSMENT OF ment of Lotts 1, 2 and 3, Block 30, Plat 3 (Theodore Benda.). Motion LOTS 1, 2 & 3, ' died for la.ek of a. second. BLOCK 30, PLAT 3, DIES FOR LACK - OF SECOND On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Evera .rd, 3 to 1, LOT 1, BLOCK _ Councilman Watt opposed, the assessment of Lot 1, Block 56, I'a.cht Club 56, YACHT. CLUB - ' Addition (John Atwater) wa,s reduced from $31,960 to $29,000. _ ADDITION ASSESS- MENT REDUCED FROM $31,960 TO $29,000 Council received petition from a. number of citizens on Lighthouse Drive, PETITION FROM - claiming that property valuations a.re not conducive to the type of RESIDENTS OF street that Lighthouse Drive is, and requesting decrease in assessment _ LIGHTHOUSE DR. - of homes on this street. - Mr. Phil Terry, 625 Lighthouse Drive, who lives three houses east of • Lighthouse bridge, complained about the sound of the cars coming over _ the bridge, the number of trucks that use Lighthouse Drive and the speed of motorists using this street. Mr. Terry also complained about the beer cans, bottles, bottle caps, etc. that are thrown out of the win- doves of cars of passing-motorists. _ Mr. Lou Blendermann, 641 Lighthouse Drive, stated that Lighthouse Drive is classified a.s a. residential street, and he would like the ' Council to rectify traffic conditions so that it will become a - residential street. He stated that the noise from passing motorcycles and squealing cars precluded Lighthouse Drive from being a. residential street. _ - Mr. Frank Roehrich, 620 Lighthouse Drive, stated he has his home £or sale and cannot sell it. He said that buyers are adverse to traffic conditions a.nd feel the street is unsafe for children. Mayor Lewis stated that the Council would take this matter up with the _ Village Manager and the Director of Public Safety. August 24, 1967 Page two _ ' On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman Clark, all LOT 3, BLOCK _ present voting a.ye, the assessment of Lot 3, Block 52, Plat 6 52; PLAT 6 (John St. Pierre) was reduced from $23,350 to $22,600. ASSESSMENT REDUCED FROM $73,350 TO $22,600 - Mayor Lewis passed the gavel to Councilman Watt. On motion of Mayor LOTS 1, 2 & 3, Lewis, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting aye, Council BLOCK 30, PLAT ' accepted opinion of Hunnicutt & Associates, Inc. and denied petition 3 ASSESSMENT for reduction of assessment of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 30, Plat 3 REMAINS AT (Theodore Benda). Assessment remains at $351,810. $351,810 _- Council concurred that they will have Hunnicutt & Associates, Inc. HUNNICUTT TO __ investigate any areas in the Vi1la,ge surrounded by parks - Anchorage REAPPRAISE Park, Prosperity Park and the park in Yacht Club Addition - for re- PROPERTIES IN appraisal of valuation next year. VILLAGE SURROUNDED BY PARKS NEXT YEAR - With no further business to come before the Tax Equa.liza.tion Board, ADJOURNMENT on motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned for the tax year 1967 _ a,t 9:30 p.m. Minutes recorded by: aC/ K-d-o-.~.~~ ~L e~t~~ - ~- ' Village Clerk r1 U n