JULY 29, 2008
Present: William Manuel, Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
Darryl Aubrey, President Pro Tem
Edward M. Eissey, Councilman
T.R. Hernacki, Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the Budget Workshop Session to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council
were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director
Samia Janjua, Library Director Donna Riegel, Parks and Recreation Director Mazk Hodgkins,
Human Resources Specialist Jane Lerner, Information Technology Manager Michael Applegate, and
Public Works Director Wiley Livingston were present.
• Mr. Knight reviewed personnel changes, including deletion of positions for one full-time
Recreation Supervisor, one part-time Recreation Assistant, and one part time Parks Summer Staff,
reclassification of six part-time Pool Instructors to Pool Lifeguazds, and the addition of one part-
time Recreation Supervisor.
Mr. Knight referred to Operating Highlights, which indicates a 52.74% increase. Mr. Knight
explained that formerly, revenue fivm recreation events was shown in the budget, but expenses
were not. Mr. Knight advised that the proposed budget more accurately reflects revenue and
expenses for recreation events, camp programs, facility usage fees, sports leagues, tennis lessons,
swim team training, private swim instruction, etc.
Mr. Knight noted that the Parks and Recreation budget was reduced a total of $158,490 from the
department's proposed operating budget. Additionally, the capital plan was cut by $295,800.
Mr. Knight highlighted the lazgest capital plan expenditure, which is $75,000 to resurface the pool.
Mr. Knight briefly reviewed proposed total costs for personnel, operating, and capital in the Pool,
Tennis, and Recreation budgets, and noted an increase of 15.15% in the combined Pazks and
Recreation budget over the current fiscal year.
Mr. Knight advised that total costs in the Pazk Maintenance budget exceed $700,000. Mr. Knight
• compared the costs and advantages ofthe Village maintaining the pazks versus outsourcing the work.
Mr. Knight reviewed a spreadsheet for the Park Maintenance Division specifying hours worked,
hours of leave (sick, vacation, and bereavement), hours of overtime, and regulaz hours paid.
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• Discussion ensued on reorganizing the Pazk Maintenance Division. Mr. Knight estimated
potential savings of $200,000 if park maintenance is performed by an outside contractor.
Mr. Knight advised that outsourcing park maintenance would require developing specifications
and issuing an invitation to bid. Mr. Knight stated that the successful bidder would assume any
equipment leases, and park maintenance vehicles would be transferred to fleet maintenance or
declared surplus and sold.
By consensus, the Council directed the Village Manager to move forward with outsourcing the park
maintenance division. Discussion ensued on lowering the millage rate. Mr. Knight explained that
any savings would be reflected in Counci] Contingency (presently estimated at $222,000) and
Council may lower the millage rate by reducing the contingency amount.
Mr. Knight reviewed personnel changes, including deletion ofone full-time Librarian I position.
Mr. Knight discussed operating and capital costs. Mr. Knight noted that the major operating cost is
$60,912 for books, publications, and library materials, the cost for which was previously listed in
the capital line item. Mr. Knight detailed proposed capital expenditures for window replacement
and upgrading the elevator. Mr. Knight advised the total Library budget has increased by 3.98%.
Mr. Knight noted that the Library budget was reduced $12,070 from the department's proposed
operating budget. Additionally, the capital plan was cut by $226,200. Discussion ensued on
postponing replacement of the Library roof and air conditioners. Mr. Livingston reported that
• proper maintenance has extended the life of the root; which should not require replacement for
another four to five yeazs.
Mr. Knight discussed the decline in circulation over the past 10 yeazs, and noted that adult
circulation has dropped by 21% and children's by 41%. Mr. Knight expects an upswing in
circulation because the County library branch in Palm Beach Gazdens will be closing for
renovation. Mr. Knight reviewed a circulation matrix showing highest to lowest usage, with
audiovisual media having the highest usage and children's print the lowest. It was noted that
computer usage is captured as circulation. Mr. Knight and Dr. Riegel recommend relocating the
children's section upstairs with the adult section, and moving computers downstairs, in order to
increase children's circulation, reduce duplication of effort, and respond to the demand for
increased electronic access. Council concurred with moving the children's section.
Dr. Riegel reported that 80% of registered borrowers aze residents and 20% aze non-residents
Discussion took place on state funding. Dr. Riegel anticipates a slight reduction in state aid.
Brief discussion was held concerning the land parcel immediately to the north ofthe Library.
Mr. Knight reviewed personnel changes, including the deletion ofone full-time Code Compliance
Officer position, and the addition ofone part-time Code Compliance position. Discussion ensued
• concerning the position of Permit & Licensing Tech. Mr. Knight advised that two employees aze
primarily responsible for building permits and one employee is responsible for business tax receipts.
Mr. Knight reported new softwaze is being implemented that will allow inspectors to enter inspection
results in the field.
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• Discussion took place on the reduction in code compliance personnel. Mr. Knight plans to continue
having a code compliance officer work four hours on Saturday. Mr. Knight discussed having
Public Safety Officers and Building Inspectors shaze in certain aspects ofcode compliance.
Mr. Knight reported that the total budget for Community Development is $10.53% less than FY 2008.
Mr. Knight noted that the Community Development operating budget was reduced $34,770, and
the capital budget was reduced $85,000 from the department's proposed budget.
Mr. Knight reviewed the 2007 Building Department cost allocation worksheet.
Mr. Knight noted that the Human Resources operating budget was reduced $19,420 from the
department's proposed budget, and reported that the HR budget is 7.24% less than FY 2008.
Mr. Knight reviewed personnel changes, including reclassifying the position of I.T. Manager to
Director, and adding the position ofTechnical Support Specialist.
Mr. Knight discussed 20 recent LT. projects and the need for an additional position to perform
web maintenance and provide "help desk" support to all departments.
Mr. Knight reported an increase of 18.5% in the Information Technology budget over FY 2008.
• Brief discussion ensued on training, as well as personnel costs.
By consensus, the Council approved the personnel changes.
Mr. Knight noted the only personnel change is separating Information Technology from the
Finance Department.
Mr. Knight reported an overall increase of 5.5% in the Finance budget.
Mr. Knight reviewed the debt service schedule for the General Fund and Country Club, and
reported a reduction of 18.1 % from FY 2008.
Mr. Knight reported an increase of 2.3% over FY 2008.
Mr. Knight noted that total expenses will be less than originally proposed, due to changes made
• during budget workshops. With these changes, Mr. Knight projects a contingency of
approximately $570,000.
Budget recap and final millage discussion is planned for the next Budget Workshop meeting.
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• Discussion took place concerning budget changes, contingency, and lowering the millage rate.
The Council directed that the budget be adjusted to reflect projected savings from outsourcing of
park maintenance. It was determined that if bids for pazk maintenance services come in higher
than anticipated and pazk maintenance is kept in-house, funds will be transferred from
undesignated reserves for this expense.
Reduce millage and adjust the budget to reflect projected savings from outsourcing park
maintenance division.
Concurred with relocating Children's Library upstairs.
It was requested that Mr. Knight provide a list of Village positions and the names of those
holding the positions.
Information Technology to be a separate department; add Technical Support Specialist position.
Reschedule next Budget Workshop meeting to 8/19/08.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk