05-24-1966 VC REG-MPAGE 27 • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1966 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice Mayor (Arrived 8:30 p.m.) I i~ David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Joe J. Eassa Jr., Village Clerk and Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Manager's Secretary Mayor Levais called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. and ROLL CALL asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members of the Council being present. Vice-Mayor Bell arrived at 8:30 p.m. • On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman 5/10/66 MINUTES Clark, all present voting aye, the minutes of the APPROVED Regular Meeting held May 10, 1966 were approved. Mayor Lewis read a letter from Chief Wayne Thurman, SHORT COURSE President of the Dade County Association of Chiefs of CO-SPONSORED BY Police dated May 13, 1966 relative to a course they DADS COUNTY ASSN. are co-sponsoring to seek means of establishing a OF CHIEFS OF POLICE cooperative relationship between Police Departments and the public in order that the best possible law enforcement may be realized. This course will com- mence May 26, 1966. Mayor Lewis thought perhaps one or more of the Councilmen would be interested in attending. Mayor Lewis read a letter he received from K. S. LETTER OF THANKS Masterson, Vice Admiral, U. S. Navy, dated May 3, FROM K. S. MASTERSON, 1966 indicating appreciation for the many courtesies VICE ADMIRAL, U. S. extended to the officers and men of his staff and NAVY flagship during their visit to the Palm Beach area April 22-25. Village Clerk Eassa read a letter £rom J. W. Roscoe, RAPIDLY ACCELERATING Roscoe Welding Supply, Inc. dated May 12, 1966 rela- CARS - HUMMINGBIRD tive to a complaint of rapidly accelerating cars DR. EAST FROM PROS- tearing down Hummingbird Drive running east from PERITY FARMS RD. TO Prosperity Farms Road to Northlake Court. Nr. Roscoe NORTHLAKE CT. feels that this is an area of extreme potential danger. Council instructed Village Manager Eassa to forward to Public Safety Department for necessary action. Village Clerk read a letter from Phil O'Connell, 1965 INVITATION TO . General Chairman of PGA National Four-Ball Champion- INFORMAL GET- ship dated May 16, 1966, extending an invitation to TOGETHER AT PGA the Council for an informal get-together at the PGA on Friday, May 27, 1966. Village Clerk Eassa read a petition dated May 23, 1966 UNSANIIARY CONDITIONS relative to the unsanitary conditions and high cost of food at the Snack Bar at NPBCC, and suggesting that they & HIGH COST OF FOOD AT NPBCC SNACK BAR ' install sandwich and drink machines. Print of this pet- ition forwarded to Mr. Jack Schwencke, Chairman of the Board of Governors, NPBCC, for recommendation to Council. Village Clerk Eassa read a letter from Mr. William A. LETTER FROM NPBYAA Sunshine of NPBYAA informing Council of schedule of RE ACTIVITIES FOR remaining activities planned by this association for this year. Print of this letter was sent to Mr. Paul BALANCE OF YEAR Emond, Chairman, Recreation Advisory Board. PAGE 28 MAY 24, 1966 PAGE -2- Village Clerk Eassa read letter from Keith Nichols, REAPPOINTMENT OF Harald Beery and William Meyer dated May 16, 1966 re- MESSRS. SCHWENCKE questing that the Council give every consideration to AND HANKEY - the reappointment of Messrs. Schwencke and Hankey when their present term expires. Village Clerk Eassa read a :Letter dated May 17, 1966 ANIMAL RESCUE from Animal Rescue League of the Palm Beaches, Inc. LEAGUE AFPEAL relative to appeal for assistance to continue the FOR ASSISTANCE humane work this League has performed for many years. This will be discussed further at the Work Shop session of the Council on June 7. The General Financial Report - Debt Service Account - - GENERAL FINANCIAL General Fund; also Operating Statement - General Fund REPORT FOR APRIL for April 1966 was checked Toy Council and was 1966 ACCEPTABLE acceptable. TO COUNCIL Village Clerk Eassa read minutes of Recreation Advisory 5/2/66 MINUTES OF Board meeting held May 2, 1966 which were accepted RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD by Council. Village Clerk Eassa read Legislative Memorandum No. 13 LEGISLATIVE dated May 20, 1966 re Distance Requirements to Council MEMORANDUM NO. 13 for their consideration. Village Clerk Eassa-read a letter dated May 17, 1966 LETTER FROM GEORGE from Mr. George V. Warren, Chairman of the Board of V. WARREN TO JOE J. County Commissioners acknowledging Mr. Eassa's EASSA, JR. RE AREA appearance at the meeting of the Commission on P~iay REGIONAL PLANNING 17, bringing his request for the County to proceed in PROGRAM organizing the Area Regional Planning Program. _ Village Clerk Eassa read a_letter from Mr. Paul Emond, LETTER FROM RECREATION Chairman, Recreation Advisory Board, dated May 15, ADVISORY BOARD RE 1966 relative to donation from the Village for spon- DONATION FOR SPON- soring Colt League baseball team, recommending that the Village not make this donation in order to avoid BORING COLT LEAGUE setting a precedent. Village Clerk Eassa read a letter from Governor Haydon LETTER FROM GOVERNOR Burns dated May 11, 1966, thanking Mr. Eassa for his BURNS RE URBAN HIGH- letter to Governor Burns regarding the urban highway WAY IMPROVEMENT _ improvement program. PROGRAM Village Clerk Eassa read a letter from Mr. Howard 5,/11/66 LETTER L. Searcy of K. C. Mock & Associates, Inc. to FROM K. C. MOCK & Trustees of Internal Improvement Fund dated May 11, ASSOCIATES TO • 1966 re Village of North Palm Beach Resolution No. TRUSTEES OF INTERNAL 232-65 relative to seeking the release of certain IMPROVEMENT FUND lands within The Village of North Palm Beach, - lying on the West Shore of Lake Worth, from the. - Florida Inland Navigation District and from Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund for use as a Village f ili ac ty. recreation Village Clerk Eassa read minutes of Beautification 5/3/66 MINUTES OF Committee meeting held May 3, 1966, which were BEAUTIFICATION acceptable to Council. COMMITTEE. Village Clerk Eassa read a letter from Mr. William LETTER FROM NPBYAA ' A. Sunshine, President of NPBYAA, thanking the Village THANKING VILLAGE STAFF staff and the Council for the excellent preparation of AND COUNCIL FOR PREPA- the Prosperity Park ballfield. RATION OF PROSPERITY PARK BALLFIELD Council was agreeable to terms of E. M. JacomoTs E. M. JACOMO LETTER letter dated May 17, 1966 relative to his employment OF 5/17/66 with the Village for the 1966-67 fiscal year. PAGE 29 i~ u MAY 24, 1966 PAGE -3- -- Village Clerk Eassa read a letter from b1r. E. M. Abufaris, 5/18/66 LETTER President of Ace Maintenance Service, Inc. dated May 18, FROM ACE MAINTEN- 1966 submitting a quotation to the Village for the Lot ANCE SERVICE INC. --- Clearing Program. Village Clerk Eassa read a :Letter from William E. Hill, 5,/12/66 LETTER Acting Assistant Engineer o~E the Board of County Com- FROM W. E. HILL, missioners dated May 12, 1966 re signalization of BOARD OF COUNTY Northlake Blvd. and Prosperity Farms Rd., stating that COMMISSIONERS RE _ the completion of this signalization will be delayed SIGNALIZATION AT until after June 1, 1966 dui=_ to manufacturer's NORTHLAKE BLVD. delivery. & PROSPERITY FARMS fiD. Proposed Resolution No. 271-66 entitled PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 271-66 READ IN A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH FULL AND TABLED PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE UNTIL 6/14/66 -- BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TO FILL AN UNEXPIRED TERM was read-in full by Village Clerk Eassa and tabled until - Tuesday, June 14, at the regular session of the Council. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman PROPOSED RESOLUTION Clark, all present voting aye, Proposed Resolution N0.272-66 ADOPTED No. 272-66 entitled AS RESOLUTION N0. 271-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT - WITH HUNNICUTT & ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED, FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE 1966 VILLAGE TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL was adopted as Resolution No. 271-66 as read. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman MOTION AND 2ND Clark, Proposed Resolution No. 273-66 entitled WITHDRAWN BY COUNCILMEN WATT A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF & CLARK, RESPEC- NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING TIVELY, ON PRO- MEMBER TO IHE BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE POSED RESOLUTION NO. 273-66 be adopted as Resolution No. 272-66 and that Mrs. Aileen Freeman, 520 Bay Road, North Palm Beach, be appointed to the Beautification Committee. Vice-Mayor Bell wanted to seek out additional nominees for this vacancy. Therefore, motion and second tivith- drawn by Councilman Watt and Councilman Clark, res- pectively. Village Manager Eassa indicated that Village Manager VILLAGE MANAGER Report and Recommendation No. 1 had previously been REPORT & RECOM- submitted to Council. MENDATION NO. 1 Mr. C1if Feldkamp complained about the terrible con- COMPLAINT RE CON- dition of the playground area of Prosperity Park. DITION OF PROSPERITY Village Clerk Eassa stated that the Village would PARK PLAYGROUND AREA like to spend as much money on this park as possible, but that we were unable to do so at the present time because of lack of funds allocated in the budget for this particular project. Mr. Eassa further stated that relative to improvement of this area, he had prepared a proggosed transfer of funds, Legislative Memorandum No. l1, for Village Council consideration so as to provide sufficient funds with which to renovate this park in quadrants. PAGE 30 i MAY 24, 1966 PAGE -4- Mrs. Chris Bean complained of overgrowth on property located at 409 Lighthouse Drive, which is adjacent to her property. Village Manager Eassa to check on this condition. With na further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. OVERGROWTH ON PROPERTY AT 409 LIGHTHOUSE DRIVE ADJOURNMENT ,~' 9~~~~1AfiN Village Clerk