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03-08-1966 VC REG-M
i 1 ,~ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING T~ETING OF THIa; VILLAGE COUNCIL tTNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH `- ` _ ~~ ~ - 4,.y ..': TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1966...'' ~ . ".+- -- - „ - f ~ r; _:~.:. E :.: Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor ~ ' Allan V. Everard, Councilman :=- j ~• s •~ Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman. ~ s Herbert A. Watt, Councilman ._ _ - Herbert Gildan;.Village.Att~rney ... , , r.: ~ ~:; _ :Beulah. Samples, Deputy Vill~~.ge ,, ~. ,•°;. ,. ..Clerk ` Mayor Lewis called the meeting to .order at 8x00 p.m. and ROIL CALL------- asked the Deputy Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. ~ ~I The Mayor noted one correction needed in the minutes o#' the_2/22/6E _- Council°s meeting held February 22, 1966. He stated that .TdINUTE:' the called executive meeting was for the purpose of meeting GGRREC7ED: with the Chairman of the Police Examining Board, for the; APPROVED i, purpose, of discussing the selection of a Police Chief. w After this change in the minutes and on motion of Council- man Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all members voting aye, the minutes of the Council meeting of February 22, 1966 were `. approved as written. The Mayor asked the Deputy Clerk to read the minutes of a ST'GCIAL special meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, February li~~FTINC- 23 1966 and on motion of-Councilman Watt, seconded by MLNUTE~~ Councilman Everard, all members voting aye, these were ap-,_2/23/6E -- ~~ proved as read. AP1'ROVI~,D i The Mayor asked the Deputy Clerk to read the Treasurer°s TT~Ll1SUIL I report for the Debt Service Account and the General Fund-_ RE~;FORT Account for the rrionth of February and these wero acceptc~cl as read, --- --~ Mayor Lewis announced that the Workshop meeting scheduled ,.; T~411YOR for Tuesday; March 15, 1966 would be cancelled due to the =._ I'.~POI3!'Ss Village Election which would be__held on that day. He then WORKST.OP called .for a special meeting of the Council to be held . - Cl~iJCEL1 ED Wednesday, March 16, 1966, at 7:30 p.m..for the purpose of,~ __ canvassing the election returns. The Mayor reminded the meeting of the election which will EIECTTON be held on March 15th, and said a meeting *~~th the poll BOARD 7'0 workers would be held on Monday, March 14th, for the pur- MITT pose of going over plans for the election on Tuesday. Mayor Letiais reported on a meeting he attended with the Nt11Y0R Village Recreation Board on Monday, March 7, 1966 and said MP3TS C~ITH_ plans were proceeding for filling the positions of summer.- ;RI~IC BOlRD playground supervisors. The Mayor also announced that the Village would be repre=.;:= ;,V]:LIAGi; sented by Mr. W. G. Carver, Building Official, and Mr. -TO BE 1.T Howard Searcy, of the Village Engineer's office, at a COUN']'Y meeting with the County Commission on Wednesday, March 9;, MIiIETIN(~ 1966, for the purposo of presenting requests for partici- .° - pation in funds allocated to urbanization in the County. Mayor Lewis. reported that the F.I.N. D. had not yet turned F~I.N.)). over the deed for the spoils area in Yacht Club Addition, TO GIVJ; but it was expected within the near future. The Mayor ,DIi,ED_ also reported he was to meet with F.I.Td.D. Chairman Gleason ___ Stambaugh, Sr., for the purpose of revie~;aing the erosion problem at the NPB Country Club golf course. r ~i °~ I Page Two The Mayor announced that plans had been made to process the VOTER ,; March election vbters registration list on an electronic _ ROLL system and stated that a candidate might obtain a Dopy of B.ING - the list when it tit~as oompletedg for the sum of~~+5.00. He RT-ADIED also stated. any candidate seeking a copy of the Village -- Budget and/or Audit would be required to pay $5.00 to cover costs. ' Mayor Lewis commented. on the plans for the establishing of NORTHLAKE e ' '•the Northlake Boulevard Beautification Committee, comprised P'=,AMTS of representatives from Lake Park and North Palm Beach. Pi30CEI,D Council again noted that a sum of ~3g000 had been appropriated ", - in the 1965-66 Budget for contribution to this beautification plan toward the total estimated cost of X512,000 for the total project. He stated it vaas this Council°s hope that the next Council mould authorize the expenditure of these appropriated .funds for .the-specified purpose. - °_ Tho Deputy Clerk read a letter from the Palm Beach County F.B. CO. Governmental Study Commission, in which the Village is GOV~ML - asked to surnnit any, anticipated requests fcr 't;he 1967 COhdIS,- _ _ Legislature through its Commission so it might make a., study SIGN of tho requests and then make its recommendations. - --~ `, A Dater from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society was ~SCLEROSIS_ __ r~ad.by the Deputy Clerk, in which-the group requested per-_ GitOUP _ mission to conduct a. solicitation in the Village during its S@~EKS forthcoming national campaign. The Mayor stated a reply P~_1~MIT would be sent allowing this campaign to be conducted in the Village. • On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman. Watt, all members voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 262E66, RLS. TdO. - 2Ci2-66 entitled: Ai~OPTrD (i~PPO1NTS A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE CLERK) OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING .A VILLAGE CLERK FOR SUCH VILLAGE _ ;,. was adopted. On motion of Councilman..Duncang seconded by. Councilman Mat t., R~,S. NO. ,.all members voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 263-&6, en- 2t;3-66 ' titled: ADOPTED ~ (PE ~3SONNEL • A RESOLUTION OF .THE VILLAGE COUNCILg NORTH PAIP~ POLICIES} B71A.CI•~, FLORIDA, ADOPTING PERSOi~~L POLICIES CON CERNING "~'MPLOYr~ES OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH .. -- - '. . was adopted... .. - On motion of Mayor Lewisg who passed the gavel to-Vice- RES. N0. IViayor Bcll, and seconded .by Councilman Everard, on a'4-1, 264•-66 votes with Councilman Duncan opposing the niotion, proposed ,ADOr~D Resolution No. 264-66, entitled: (COU~tCIL ' M~r,~r,Rs A RESOLUTION OF THE VILIbAGE COUtiTCIL, NORTH PALM COP~'!.'ENS61-.- BEfsCHg FLORIDA, FIXING THE COTI:FENSATION OF ALL". TIO~T) ELECTED T;~eR"RF:RS OF THE VILLP;GE COUNCIL 1'uTD SETTING ' FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR~THIS RESOLUTION ' was adopted. Mayor Lewis, who is currently also Acting Village Manager, ACTrNG made reports as follows: He called the Council's attentiont,QAl'~GER to the National Lcgislative.Conferenee to bs.held in,llash- REF~)RTS - ington, D,. C.•March 29-31, 1966; a~ announced by .the Fla. League of Municipalities. . V ~J Page Three Mayor Lewis annowzced that .by an excharge_of .checks, the FLA. PO~ar'R Florida Potvcr and' Light .Company had. donated. the cost .of MAK[~S electricity used for lighting _the' Z;ighthouse Brictige dur=; DOIVY~TION ing the past Christmas season. The Mayor expressed the ,- Village's thanks to the. company fbr.this contribution. ' Mayor Lewis had the Deputy Clerk;read the minutes of the~IIQINOTES OF February 3rd meeting of the Village Beautification Com-" NPB BEA.U'PI- mittes and from the contents of the minutes, it was FICATION noted that officers have-been selected for the Northlako CON[f"ITTF.F Boulevard Beautification Association and a bank account ~a,~ opened in'its name in the First American Bank. The mayor reportcd~he had received a request of Agents of Record in favor of an insurance stated the matter i~aould be 'c'onsidered at the shop meeting, when the Council would discuss retirement and long-term disability benefits detail. for a letter EP~~'LOYEE company and BEY~'ITS next fork- TO GO TO the group 410ItKSHOP in more mayor Lewis reported that an alternate plan for construe- -.: SI J7~'4~AIKS _ _ ___ Lion of sidewalks over the Farman River on Prosperity F~IO~-f~ Nu~.N „ Farms Road caas being readied for presentation to the ____ County Engineer, to include a wider sidewalk and-also a STUDIED y'- plan that would not require relocation of the water main. __ at the bridge. This matter should be ready for another report at the next Council meeting. Under old business, Mayor Lewis read a letter he had sent H. KOHL to all department heads on February 24, 1966, informing DI:~tECTOR them that Sgt. Herbert Kohl had been named Director of OF PUBZJr, Public Safety by the Village Council. SAe~LTY The subject of trailers and boat trailers being parked in front yards over the Village was discussed by the Council and questions were raised. as to whether or not the Council could pass regulations as to whero boats and/or trailors could bo stored on residential property. The matter was carried over for discussion at the next ~yorkshop meeting. Vice-Nktiyor Bell reported that 2l applicants had appeared for written examinations as a result of. recent advertis- ing for three additional patrolmen for the NFB Police Department. A total of 7 of these applicants passe-d the written. portion of the examination and would be inter- viewed by a Board of Oral Review before final selection is made. The selection process should be completed within a week or tvao. PR'~BLr~_ '.'A OF BOAT^S DI:iCUSSED E3:'~T~IS ,IELD Fo.a Pu~Lic SL~~' L~"TY OF!! ICEEtS The question of where Nursing Homes should be plac~l. under ZONING FOR present zoning regulations was discussed. At present, such NJ:RSIIJG a business is not allowed either in C-7.A or C-1 but in HOTS+S view of tho fact that a request for such a business is very D.CSCUSSED likely fortl°icoming, the Council agreed to study this matter in more detail at its next workshop meeting. Councilman Duncan brought up the matter pf the Country COU~]T1iY Club Board of Governors' interprotation of "single man- GT,UB bership" as outlined in the Il'fe.rch issue of "Forecast." .~CNGL7~ On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Vice-Mayor I~~~P +,13- Bell, on a 4-1 vote with Councilman Everard opposing the iilP DIS- motion, it was voted to inform tho Board, of Governors GTJSSED that when the rates for memberships were approved by the Village Council last fall, they were approved on the basis that a single manbership was available to any one person at _ the rates approved and that these are the rates officially in effect under Ordinance No. 110. 'If the Board wishes to petition the Council for a change of memberships in any way, such a request must be filed with the Council in the regular manner, and action will be taken either in favor or in opposi- tion, within the 10 days specified for such action. It caas Q,~ Page four - - ~ . i also agreed (4-1) that anotice=to.this effect-should be': ~~ ~ __~ ,,.posted in-the Pro Shop,at 1;he Country Club in order to '_ ' clear up the misunderstanding that-has been created by $h©_ = ,- '~, "Forecast" article. - ~, F, - ~'ollowing some comments from the public, and on motion of ~7)JOURi7- ' Councilman Niatt, seconded by Vice-P2ayor Bell, -all voting IUI7~:N'T ' aye, the Meeting was adjourned=at 10:30 p.m. - °~' '. ,~ ~ , , ~. , - • . Re -'ctfully subm- ted, " 2~~ sf~L Beaulah Samples, ' -d/~°/ Deputy_Village Clerk,i ~:,~ ~. .~ ~ .:. y~. i t -~; -f r [i .'f is .. .'Y? [L- ' `- 1:~ ` ' ,, ,. i .,,, ire:. .iii ~z ,.., ,c{ ~ c~, ,f.? ~'i 'Cc rlf L. 'I .. N`ti G. ~;) f~!{.'~. ,,Yl~t r•. -Jif __i!'.. 7~', r (1! 'S~' _ ri .. e.-•.-~ .,}. a .. r ., ,~.: ;rr t; •t) j.i' ._-__- `V.. t '~ . , ` j'!i SSA --1 -.;. }, [_ ~• _.~){3 i,!. ~~:'~ :.) ~~ .. - _ _.,_ .. .~ ~ ....- .. .. ., ~ t~ .. r' __ ice. .~1 i.)