03-22-1966 VC REG-Mf \ Prosent: Abs MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING ~.DJOURNED MATING OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COUNCIL T;Pli - -- •, r~ ~ UII,LAGE .COUi`TCIL TO~F~ NORTH PAIL4 BELLCH,' FI,.4. '" -'_'-' a :: TUESIk'~Y9 1~ltRCli 229 1966. `. ° _.' ~. , Thomas F. Lewis; Mayor • -Thomas R. BeIl9 Vice-~^yor A1ian Vo Lverard, Councilman Herbert A, Watts Councilman Herbert Gildan Village Attorney-:.... - --Beulah Samphs, Deputy Village Clerk • • ` Gordon Cr. Duncan, Gounci].man Joe J. Eassa, Jr., Villa~c Clerk • Arta,yor Lewis callccl the meeting to ordc-r at 8:00 p.me.', and ROLL CATS, - asked tho Deputy Clerk to call-the-rolls all members of the '`_ Council being present except Councilman Duncan and. Village- - ;.: -- - Clerk, Joe J. Eassa, Jr. On motion of Councilman Everard9 soconded by Vice-Mayor "~'. 3/8/66 _ Boll,, all present voting aye, the minutes of the Regular ' A~iINUTES- Meeting of tho Council, held on March 8, 1966, were ap-,?`•A1'PROVED • proyEd as written, - ~ , Tho Mayor asked the Deputy, C1crk to road th.e minutes of SPEC211L the Special Meeting of the Village Cotli~cil9 held on We~cin.es-MINU'T'ES day, March 169 1966, at which time the results of the REE1.Dm AP- :March 15th General Election were canvasscd9 and on motion PROVED.- of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Everard9 all ' prgsent voting aye, these minutes Jere approved. ~- A~,2yor Lewis announced that on Sutzday, T~,larch 279 19669 at VILL1iGE TREE ' 4000 p.m<9 the Villago Beautification Committee will pl<~.nt TO BT a tree in the park behind the Village fZti119 this tree to PL16.l~T'i'ED become known as "The Village Christmas Tree." The public 3/27/66; is invited and all Councilmen will be present for this event. The Mayor announced that the annual re-organizational meet- COTPiTCIL TO ing of the Village Council tiJOUld be held on Mondays .April 49RE-ORGIL~TI~ 1966 at which time-the new Council trill meet to select of- 4/4/66 I ficers for tho ensuing year. This meeting will be held in " the Village Hall, 7e30 p.m, - , A meeting between the Village Council and the Country Club COU1~iCIL TO -_ Bbard of Governors will be-held on Mondays March 289 1966 , MPET WITH •at 7a30 p.m.9 in the Village Ball, BD. OF GOVS~ Mayor Lewis reported on the appearance of Village represen- SRE HE.Lii3S tatives at the State Road Board meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, VILLIiGE _. on Tuesday, March 15, 19669 these men being the Mayor, REFI3ESEAITS. Councilman Watts Howard Searcy, and W. G, Carver, Aerial ~ - photographs were used in the presentation of the Village re- quests triat U. S. Hightivay through the Village be'urbanized< It vaas pointed out that right-of-ways are already acquired for- this work and the Mayor stated he was hopei~l that at least the -- . engineering work for this project uaould be undertaken this year by the State Road Department. Mayor Lewis also reported that Mr. Carver had appeared before the County Commissioners to er>>- plore the .possibility that the Village might qualify for funds under the County's road program: Mayor Lewis reported that letters of thanks had been sent to EI,taCTION the County Health Department for making available on Election DETAILS Day the County°s mobile X-Ray unity to all poll workers, ex- REPORTED pressing thanks for their services9 to members of the X-Ray project; and to the PBG-NPB Jaycees; to-thank them for assist-; ing in registering Village voters. Mayor Lewis also stated. that a letter had been sent to the 0~.LI~R Chairman of the Northlake Beautification Committee stating ITIMS that X39000 from Village fLlnds has been allocated to the ~ii~,~R°S project of beautifying Northlake Boulovard. Mayor Lewis also Ril'ORTS said a letter had been sent to Mr: Martin Gold to inquire if _ - ~ ~ ~>> Page Twa .,,, he vaould serve on the Village Recreation Board. He also _ _ stated that information. has•been sent to all organizations .. '- -_ and committees in the Village reaizesti.ng that they submit to the PJlaanager's office notice of meetings, plans for projects, etc., so that all efforts within the Village might be properly coordinated. A letter has also been sent to the Country Club Board of Governors, setting forth the Council's position with regard to single memberships at the Club. (This matter will be __- discussed at the meeting-with the Board on 2diareh 29th,) Pdayor Lewis reported. that the Pdarch 19th Field Day, conducted ~iPBY~,4 by the NPB Yout:n Activities Association, was a great success _F'.LI';LD with more than 250 Village children participating in this.. =,_~ll1Y event. SJCCI<;~ S Tho Jupitor-Tequesta Chamber of Commerce invited the mem- '. COUNCIL hers of the Village Council to be 'their guests at a special I~QVITI:D brealofast to be held Saturday, ll[a-rch 26, ..1966. Complimentary FL C OF __ tickets-were distributed to Councilmen. C A letter. from the ti`Jest .Palm Beach Postmaster zvas read in ~:t b~s'E~ ' which an invitation was exten~ted to the Council to attend .a= EVENa TO Dutch Treat Luncheon on Friday, Pdarch 25, 1966, in observ- °.:F~ HEID ~~ ante of National Zip Cade ?Teek. _ ~ -_ A.letter of thanks from. S.. B. Il4orton, Jr., was read to the =COUNCIL ' Council, expressing appreciation fo-r the Village°s allotioing TI~`~B . tho North Branch Family;'Y~[CA to use. office space iri the:Vil- lago Hall until netiv quarters are obtained. Tho Deputy Clerk read a, lector from the Riviera Beach`City R7,SOLU- Council, enclosing a copy of a resolution it has sent to the T:fON Corps of Engirl.eers and tho Board of County Commissioners, Fi.•IDORS1~' urging that a. control. be placed on the opening of the Bluff Heron Boulcva,rd Bridge. during daytime hours, After discus- sion, the Council agroed to endorse this. resolution and vai11 so notify the City of Riviera Beach. The Deputy Clerk read the minutes of the Pdarch 2nd meeting of the Village Beautix'ication Committee> The minutes in- cluded many suggestions for overall improvement in various Village services so that ger~eral beautification might be_ achieved. Councilman VTatt, hovaever, expressed concern ;hat the Committee might be occupying itselz"' too greatly with matters which should properly be referred directly to the Village Planager's office for handling. Il?ayor Lewis stated he vaould communicate with the Committee oh this side of their activities so that their time could batter be spent on beautification projects. PIr. John K. Brennan,, representing.Roya1 .fimcrican Realty, Inc., appeared before the Council, to rca_uest a change in zoning for Lots 196-208, Inclusive, in Palm Beach-Lc.ke North ystates plat, pointing out that the presont C-lA . Limited Commerical zoning required. too stringent front setbacks, and requested these lots be rezoned to R-3 which -requires setback in the front of lesser amounts. The -- Council a,greed.to send-this roquest to the Planning and Zoning Board for. its study and recomr,~endation. B1r;.1UTIFt- CA~CICN COP,t'MIT- : - . TP~i~; _ PIIII~NTES RE,1D ' . ROYf~L 1~iE7tICAN ASK ZON7:IdG CI3A1vGE . _ Although Resolutioxi No. 265-66; entitled. ~ RES. N0. 265-iiG -: -- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH READ IN PALM BELiCH, FLORIDA, DI;CL.2RING THE RESULTS OF PUBLIC THE GENL'Lil1L,ELECTiON HELD ON P,IIIRCH 15, 1966 had been adopted at .the special meeting of the Council held on PQarch 16, 1966, the Mayor requested the Deputy Clerk~to read this resolution again for the public °s .hearing. Vice-Mayor Bell made a report on Public S<.fety Department PUBLT:C activities, and. announced that a selection: had been made .SAFE`T'Y .for filling a vacancy, in the department staff with three . IiCTI}'1TIE > other men to be added shortly. He also reported that on REPO~;`L'ED the recommendation of Chief Kohl, Patrolman Richard 17i11o has been promoted to rank of Sorgeant. ~,. . ~~~ _. Page Three In mal~i.ng a report on Public Uorks Department activities, Councilman Platt referred to efforts to locate a suitable storage area for garbage collectien vehicles and he pre- sented to the Council a plan offered by North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc., whoreby•the Village might purchase land situated at tine water cbmpany site. The Council decided. to submit this pre3iminary offer to the Village Planning and Zoning Board for.its consideration and recommendation before it took the offer under advisement. Mayor Lesais announced that nevaly appointed Vil].a.ge Man- alter Joe J, Eassa, Jr., Laould begin his work with the Village on Thursday, March 24, 1966. He also stated. -.. that Councilman ~datt yaould tako up his duties as Vil- lage Troasurer on April 1, 1966. Mayor Levais reported that copies of the recently ap- proved. personnel policies concerning Villago employees vaould be in the hands of department heads on April lst, when this manual 'becomes effective. The matter of the unsightly hedge Plante-d along the U.S. ill right-of-way by Royal Amorican Realty, Inc., yaas discussed by the Council and it caas agreed that the de- veloper would be asked to upgrade this hedge or to re- move it, as in its present state, it contributos nothing to •the general beautification of th.o area. Vice-Mayor Bell reported. on a meeting he attended be- tLacen the Recroation Committee, the Country Club Manager, and the Pool Manager, concerning the annual Learn-To-S~vim program sponsored by the Village. It was reported that this program sJOUld begin in Nlay this year for pre-school children and continue through July and as in Years past, as many as 800 swimmors are expectod; to participate in the program. . VILI,F GE ~iANAG~,R TO BDGIN MAtiCF% 24TH; TREA ~'URLEt APRIL 1ST .~ PERSONNEL POLICIES I+sE'FECTIVE APRII:, 1 SB U. S. ,~`1 HEDGE DISCUSSED ANNTTI~L LE~RAT-TC- Si'T.LM 1'Lf,N ANNOtTi dCED Mr. Paul Emond, Chairman. of the Recreation Advisory Board, reported that the Youth Activities association vaould begin on March 26th to construct the concrete outfield fence at the Little League ballpark as approved py the Council several months ago. Space vJill be sold on the fence for advertising purposes, with proceeds to go toward support of the Little League program. NFB YAA TO ST~`Le~T FENCE . _.. Follovaing statements from the public, and with no further ADJCiTi~?t- business to come before the Council, on motion of Council- MEN^t man Matt, seconded by Uice-Mayor Be11, all present voting -- aye, the meeting tiJas adjourned at 9:C0 p.m. __ Respectfully submitted, Beulah ~iples Deputy Village Clerk