03-16-1966 VC SP-Mi "~ c 1.e. r~-,..,~ J MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF TIC _. VILIAGE COUNCIL, OF NORTH PALM BF.~3.CH, FLA. HELD WEDNESDdY, MARCH 16, 1966 Present:. Absent: Thomas F. Levais, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor Herbert A. T,Yatt, Councilman Joe J. Eassa, Jr., Village Clerk Beulah Samples, Deputy Village Clerk A11an V. Everard, Councilman Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Mayor Tom Lewis called a Special Meeting of the Village SPECIAL Council to order at 7:45 p.m., and asked the Clerk to MFETIidG call the roll, whereupon he declared a quorum present CONVENED and then stated that the purpose oP-the meeting was to ~~p~ constitute the Council as the official General Election MF,EThJU OF Canvassing Board, for the purpose of canvassing the vote STATE» of March 15, 1966. The Mayor asked the Village Clerk, Joe J. Eassa, Jr. to VILLAGE read the official tabulation of machine votes cast in the CTALZX READS election on March 15, 1966 and these were as follows: GroL2A 1 u Group 3 Allan V. Everard 491 IY~,vid C. Clark 425• Thomas F.Lewis 423 Virginia M. Greene 2~5 Henry M.Eckes,Jr. 293 Luther M.Taylor 313 Following the reading of the tabulation of machine votes, ~~~EE the Village Clerk then proceeded. to open the two absentee ballots which had been received in the Clerk`s office and COGNTLD then read a total vote for each candidate as follows: Grouro 2 Grouu 3 Grou Allan U. Everard 491 i~.avid C. Clark 426 Thomas F. Lewis 423 Virginia M. Greene 247 Henry M.Eckes,Jr. 294 lather M.Taylor 315 Total machine votes cast, 744. Total absentee ballots, 2. Total all votes cast, 746. On motion of Councilman 'Matt, seconded by Vice ]LTayor Bell, RES. N0. all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 265-66, 265-66 entitled ADOITED A RESOLUTION OF THE VIIaLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, DECIARING THE RESULTS OF THE GE~U.ERLsL ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 15, 1966 was adopted. There being no further business to come before the Special Meeting of the Village Council, sitting as the official Election Canvassing Board, on motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman V1att, all present voting ayo, the Special Meeting was ad,~ourned at 8:00 p.m. ~6 6 MEETING ADJOURNED (s~pe' ctf~Ully~subm~iitted, Beulah Samples, Deputy Village Clerk