06-28-1966 VC REG-MPage 36 _. MINUTES OF REGULAR FETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1966 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vi _ ce-Mayor David C. Clark, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman __ Herbert .L`~ Gildan, Village Attorney -- Joe J. Eassa, Jr., Village Clerk ~ Village Manager _ Dolores R. Walker, Village Manager's Secretary Absent: Herbert A. Watt, C ouncilman - Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8.15 p.m. and ROLL CALL asked the Village Clerk to call the roll, all members of the Council being present except Councilman Herbert A. Watt. On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman 6/14/66 MINUTES Everard, all present voting aye, the minutes of the APPROVED Regular Meeting of :June 14, 1966 were approved. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice mayor 6/7/66 MINUTES Bell, all present voting aye, the minutes of Special OF SPECIAL MEETING Meeting No. 2 held June 7, 1966 were approved as N0. 2 APPROVED AS corrected. CORRECTED Village Clerk Eassa read a letter written by Mr. Richard 6/16/66 LETTER C. Hurd to the NPBYAIS dated June 16, 1966 relative to FROM R. C. HURD a warning path adjacent to the concrete block outfield TO NPBYAA wall at Prosperity Park ball field. Village Clerk Eassa read a letter addressed to Mayor 6/18/66 LETTER FROM Lewis by Mr. Arnold F. Noble dai;ed June 18, 1966, thank- A. F. NOBLE TO MAYOR ing the Mayor and other members of the Council for his LEwTS RE HIS APPOINT- appointment to the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board. MENT TO PLANNING ~ ZONING ADVISORY BD. Village Clerk Eassa read the minutes of the Planning and 6/1/66 MINUTES OF " Zoning Advisory Board held June 1, 1966 which were PLANNING ~ ZONING- accepted by Council. ADVISORY BOARD Village Clerk Eassa read the minutes of the Zoning Board 6/16/66 MIN[TTES OF of Adjustment held June 16, 1966 which were accepted ZONING BOARD OF by Council. ADJUSTMENT - In connection with Bill No. 5 the Village Clerk presented BILL N0. 5 PLACID a letter dated June 27, 1966 authored by Mr. J. A. ON FIRST READING Schwencke. AND READ IN FULL On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded. by Councilman • Everard, all present voting aye, Bill No. 5 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE 7 WHICH _ REGULATES THE BUSINESS OF' MANUFACTURING, _ SEALING OR IN ANYWISE DEALING IN LIQUORS, - WINES, BEERS, OR OTHER BEVERAGES-CONTAINING MORE THA1'~T ONE PERCENTUM OF ALCOHOL, BY WEIGHT AND OTHER MATTERS; BY LIINITING THE LOCATION OF PLACES OF BUSINESSES WHERE SUCH BEVERAGES MAY BE SOLD IN RELATION TO CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, - HOSPITALS, PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS, AND OTHER -- LICENSED RETAIL SELLERS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES was placed on first reading and read in full. . JUNE 28, 1966 PAGE 37 PAGE -2- On motion of Vice Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman PROPOSID RESOLUTION Clark, all present voting aye, a Proposed Resolution READ IN FULL AND entitled: ADOPTED AS READ AS -= ' RESOLUTION N0. 275-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE VIISy4GE COUNCIL, NORTH PAID BEACH, FLORIDA, AUT:EiORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MANAGER AND CTFRK TO SIGN A CERTAIN PLAT was read in full and adopted as read. as Resolution No. 275-66. Village Clerk presented Councilmen with a report of REPORT OF ATTENDANCE _ attendance at the NPBCC Board of Governors meetings for AT NPBCC BOARD OF approximately the past year. This report was requested GOUERI.QORS MEETINGS by Councilman Clark. FOR APPROXIMATELY THE PAST YEAR Village Clerk Eassa read a letter from Herbert Kohl, RINGING OF BELLS - Director of Public Safety, to 1VCrs. Edward Bucheck JULY 4TH AT 2:00 dated June 23, 1966 relative to ringing of bells on P.M. FOR PERIOD OF _ July 4th at 2:00 p.m. for a period of four successive 4 MINUTES - minutes. Since the Village does riot have a bell, Chief _ Kohl arranged for the Faith Lutheran Church to put the b~Ils on their organ and through their public address system; also, the Fire Department of the Village will - have its apparatus ride the Village streets during the _ above mentioned time, sounding :its siren. This is in _ connection with a nationwide bell-ringing ceremony. Village Clerk Eassa read a letter dated June 28, 1966 J. M. FIELDS relative to J. M. Fields status to Council. STATUS Village Clerk Eassa presented to the Council the April APRIL 1966 AUDIT _ 1966 audit of Callaway, Carpenter ?~ May which covers OF CALLA~AY, CARFP'nTTPF'R the first six month period of t]~is year, and indicated ~ NTAY _ - this item would appear an the July 19, 1966 workshop ' agenda. - Council received the Tax Assessment Roll pursuant to TAX ASSESS~.NT Section 3;; Article XII, Chapter 31481, Laws of ROLL (1966-67) Florida, Ex. Sess. 1956, as amended, and further amended by House Bill No, 1056. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice-Mayor DISBTTRSE-ff~_N`T' OF X175 Be11, all present voting aye, except Councilman FROM VILLAGE CONTINGENT Everard who o posed, Council approved disbursement ACCT. TO RIVIERA _ in. amount of 175 from the Village Contingent Account BEACH-T,ATZF: PARK - _ to Riviera Beach-Lake Park Jayca;es for the Fourth of JAYCEES FOR 4th OF _ July fireworks display. JULY FIRE440RKS DISPLAY - ~Nith no further business to come before the Council, ADJOURNMENT _ on motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice Mayor -_ Bell, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned _- • at 10:10 p.m. r~ U