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01-11-1966 VC REG-M
,,, .. .. •;ri . MINUTES OF A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF.:._=: .,. ,;; . .VILLAGE CCUTJCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACIi .= ~..~:?.'..°'i P.c::' ` " ' ' '' 'HELD TUESDAY, ` JAiWARY 11, 19 66 .° T i s ^. Presents ~ Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor _ Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor '• ^~ ~ •~ Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman '~^ ~ r ~+~ ~ i .r'?~• ' ' ~. Allan V. Everard, Councilman `' ,-' :~ r4 r i~ :~- Herbert u~att, Councilman `~ ~,~~^•~'x~ ~ ~~ _~~~~ Herbert Gildan, Village Attorne;~ :. ~~ . N°- ,Frank R. Spence, Village Mans gar . ,, ... `+~i and Village Clcxk •• ~ -; ~ Beulah Samples, Deputy Clerk Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8x00 p.m. and ROLL CAh~ asked -the Clerk to call the roll; all members being present~~°~c at roll call except Vice--Mayor Bell vaho arrived a short.time ' _ later. .._ - , - On motion of Councilman UJatt, seconded by Councilman Dun- MINI7TijS can; all members voting aye, the minutes of the regular._•~' .12/14;65 meeting of the Council, held- December' 14',` ~ 1965, `were ap- ' APPRO~-ED proved as printed.' ~. ~~, Playor Lewis read a letter he had-sent to Tyr. Howas~d Camp- --MAYOR bell, thanking him for his attendance on behalf of the Vil- REPCR'.!'S: lage,at the recent Florida Conference on Aging, held.in HO4PAR~? Clearwater. He said the report made by Mr. Campbell was CAMPB~'~1LL excellent and stated the Council would be calling on him THAbTtt.D for consultation and help in the field of program planning for senior citizens and retirees. ~ ,y Mayor Lewis also read a letter he had sent to Mr. George ~~.NCRTH~~(~K3 Frost, County Engineer, regarding a proposal by Mr. Frost .TRAFF~d that the Village assume a one-third cost of installing the LIGHTi traffic control system at Northlake Boulevard and Prosper-' .DISCi7.;Si?~~ - ity Farms Road. In his reply, Mayor Lewis stated the Vil- ___ lage felt it should be assessed a one-fourth cost inasmuch _ as only one corner is in the Village of North Palm Beach, H© also pointed out that 'the Council wished to know ,the total cost of the pro,~ect before approving Village expenses: Mayor Lewis advised the members of the Council that the z FhA. G. Fla. League of Municipalities will hold a conference-for. OF MUSTS. city councilmen the latter part of February and stated he - TO HG~~ felt this study course was most helpful. He said he would M1ETTrG circulate a copy of the agenda as-soon as it is received and encouraged any Councilman who could attend to do so. Mayor Lewis read a copy of a letter he had sent to Post- MAIL ~)EI. master General Lawrence 0°Brien, requesting assistance in IMPRCIE- improving the mail delivery within the Village, which now MENTti runs very late in the day, and seeking door-to-door dally- SCUGTiC cry for residents of Yacht Club Addition, where rural boxes'" '` are now reauired. The Village Clerk read a letter from Civil Defense Diree-,,..CIVIL for Buchanan in which he stated the Civil Defense had now DEFEi~raF, reversed its former decision on reimbursing the Village for REVEI"a`EA :. expenses incurred. as a result of Hurricane Betsy and would DECI~CCT process the Village application for Y$509.40. The Village dlerk read a letter from Hunnicutt ~ AssociateseCCUN(CL • requesting again that the Village pay an additional amount STAN.[3 ]Y. of ~;~524.II6 for services of a tax appraiser. The Council DECL`CCT reiterated its former position, that they were-not obligat- ON HT~~1iQ, ed to pay any extra amount since the additional service was-BILLING required for the contractor to fulfil his part of the con- tract. The Village Manager was instructed to advise the company of the Council°s position. °. ..: ~..i Ui~ Ut tli Vlil~.~'[: ~ 11i it.:cl(1 Li14: ul1t1U 4L.i Ul att. Jl:t.: tall Uel .Ul';dUll~J. U1l" 1st meeting of the Village Beautification Comtni~.ee, he TION C(1M. advised the Council that the NFB Garden Club had voted to MINUTED make a ~;p250 donation toward the project of beautifying the median strips along North'lake Boulevard. After reading the = minutes, the Manager was instructed to advise the Country Club personnel who are responsible that they should clean up the ditch behind Ovexlook Drive..-The Manager was also asked to invite Mr. Blakely, chairman of the Beautific 'tion Committee, to meet with the Village Council-on Tuesday, Jan~ry 18, 1966 at their 8:00 p.m. workshop session, to go over the revised. plan for Northlake Boulevard beautification. The Village Clerk read the minutes of the January 5, 1966 F 8c L .?~D. meeting of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board in which BOARD the Board voted against the rezoning of Block 1, Plat #1, MIPNTE.~ from C-lA Limi.ted Commercial to C-1 Neighborhood Commer- cial, as requested by °t~ds'. John Cutter. The Boardvoted to _ appro~Ye by a 4-3 vote the creation of a new zoning classi- fication, C-1B Central Business District, along U. S.`#l. The Village Clerk was instructed, to proceed with adverbs- PQBLIC _ ing and public notice for a public hearing to be held on HEARIN~~ __ the matter of creation of the new zoning classification, SET FOi~t this hearing to be held on Tuesday, February 15, 1966, 2/15/6~~ at 8:00 p.m., in the Village Hall. The Council decided to withhold any action for the time REZONI'TG. being on the request of John Cutter for rezoning of Bk. REQUES'Z' .- 1, Plat ;#1. The Manager was instructed to advise the ~'ON BK 1,-. applicant of the Advisory Board's recommendation and to PLAT #1 inquire if he still wished a hearing on his original PENDING request, or wait until the;publie hearing, if C-1B zone ,- is created, to then apply under that classification. The Council requested. that the Building Official make his BUILDITG recommendations regarding the types of buildings to be ;OFFICI~iL permitted in the proposed C-1B Central Business District; '~'0 MAKts to recommend any changes in the building code he might C-1B Ri~COM- consider needed in order to maintain architectural.char.-. MENDAT-CONS acteristics of the.U.~ S. highway ;~I area.- The Village Manager read a tabulation of bids received.on GOI~"' C~.?URSE golf course equipment, as follows: •EQUIPM~~1i3T BIDS' Rn!~D; Group l: Seven fairway gang mowers, extra mower unit, CONTRA!:TS universal frame for seven-gang mower unit. ~ ° Ati°lA~RDE~). Group 2: Three greens mts~ers. •~ ~ ~ _ Group 3: One 300-gallon tank sprayer, spray boom-kit, ---- valve and boom hose kit. Czroup 4: One rubber-tired tractor. Group 5: -One triplex professional mower. Bidder Groun 1 Group 2 Group 3 Groub 4 Grou » 5 Hector Turf & Supply ;$2,343 No Bid 'i~1,420 No Bid ~h 7'?5 Trail Ford No Bid No Bid. No Bid 1,590 No Bid Irwin Grain Co. 2,260•, 1,180. ~p1,195 ~p2,800 .. 9^5 :" De Bra Equipment 2,538 __ 1,195 1,580. 3,524 1,2~i0 Engineering Machine No.Bid No Bid, 1,150 2,000 No ~3id Tomasello Supply No Bid No Bid 1,281 No Bid _ No 73id The recommendation of Club Manager Francis Shuster and Golf Course Supt. Al Bryant was that the low bidders in Groups 3, 4 and 5 be awarded purchase Contracts, and that in Group 1, hector Turf be given the contract, and in Group 2, De Bra be given the contract, these being second low bidders. It was felt that the equipment as recommended would be superior, requiring less maintenance over a given period of time. On motion of Councilman Duncan;' seconded by Councilman Everard, . on a 3-2 vote (Duncan, Everard for9 Levais, Bell and 4~att . against`), the recommendation failed. ,Following discussion _-- of present lease-payments owed the Village General Fund by the_Country Club, on motion of Vice-Mayor Be11, seconded by Cou,-lcilman Uiatt, all members voting aye, the contracts for rourchase were awarded as recommended rorovided the NPB Country club makes payment of at least y?2,600 to the Village.General Fund for lease payments prior to the issuance of the contracts. Mr. Shuster said this would be done immediately. _- ._ -~ _ -^l Page-three For official notation in Council meeting records, Village VILLAG:~1 ;~Zanager Frank R. Spence reiterated his resignation notice, MANAGEiZ ___ dated December 28, 1965, to be effective January 28, 1966, RESIGN~C in order to accept a position with the U. S, Agency for - International Development, in Liberia. Mayor Lewis stated that the position of Village Manager MANAGE't'S - _; is being advertised in several professional journals and OPENING some 15 applications have been received already. In view TO BE of the long process of receiving applications, arranging ADVERTISED interviews, and making a selection, the Mayor stated he was being bonded temporarily as Manager-Treasurer to insure _ continuity of responsibility. The Mayor noted that the Village Election will be held on ELECTIi?N Tuesday, March 15, 1966 and requested the Village Attorney TO BE rwLD to have a resolution calling for this election ready for MARCH 7.5 reading on February 8th, so it might be advertised 30 _ - days prior to the date of the election. The ~a.nager read a memo from Building Official W. G. PURCHA^,E OF -- Carver in which he submitted his recommendation for con- COUNCIL struction of the proposed Council table, this being a pro-.TABLE ____ posal from Park Products industries, Inc., at ~a439.15 for POSTPOiTED fir plywood and X5472.52 for gum plywood. The Council de- _ ;._ tided the prices were in excess of what they wished to pay for a Council table and the Manager was instructed to advise Mr. Carver to hold up any further action on this matter until further notice. The Manager advised Mr. Carver had informed him that the STATUS OF enlarged sprinkler system for Prosperity Park had-been. SPRINK?.ER revised several times by representatives of the NPB YAA SYSTEM and .Village Recreation Advisory Board and it was hoped DISCUSz>ED that the final plans would be ready within a short time. The Council reminded the Manager that the only money ap- proved thus far for this sprinkler system is x$681. The Manager also reported to the Council that Mr. Carver LEFT T~JRN advises the contractor is still avaaiting delivery of the ARROW :dOT left turn green arrow for the traffic installation at U. S. DELIVET~~D i~l and Lighthouse Drive, It is expected within two weeks, Mr. Howard Campbell, president of the Senior Social- SEATIOR~~ Shuffle Club, made a presentation to the Council on behalf SEEK 2 i7E~'J of that organization, in which_he noted that present space SHUFFhr; for persons vaishing to play shuffleboard is inadequate, COURTS and requested the Council°s approval for construction of two additional courts to be located at the Senior Citizens building area, these to be installed as soon as possible. The Mayor asked- the Manager to secure cost estimates for two courts so the Council could consider this in the expend- ~ itures oi' capital items from the contingency fund account. There being no further business to come before the meeting,ADJ0UR.5i~,~NT on motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman - 1Vatt, all voting aye, the Council adjourned at 1Os00 p.m. until Tuesday, January 25, 1966, at Sa00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ t/~ CI'3.~'RANK R. SPEidC ( z ~/~~ VILLAGE CLERK