02-08-1966 VC REG-M-_ -> MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF . NORTIi .PAIN ~EEiLH,. FLA, •. w .~`' . , . • HELD•TUESDAY, February 8,:.1966 .' ",' '_ ' ~.-. Present: ... , ~, Thomas ~F. Lewis,' Mayor ' Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Maygr; Allan V. Everard, Councilirian . , Gordon G. Ltancan, Councilma~i ,., Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan;,Village Attar~ley . ., -. ;;." Beulah Samples; Deputy Village.; C1E~°k.", Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at, 8:.10 p.m."ancl ROLL;C~'~.I,Z' "'a'sked the Deputy Clerk to call the roll, all .members"being ___ -~ - present at roll call 'except Vice-Maycx Bell, who arrived a short time later. ' On motion of Councilman Watt,. seconded. by Councilman ,MINUT£~S Everard, all present voting aye; the minutes•of the ad-. .l/25/6~~ - ,journed meeting of ,the Council held 'January 25, 1966, ' APPROJi;D were approved as written. Mayor Lewis, as Acting Treasurers read .the January finan- TREASUi3ER cial reports on the Debt Service Account and the General REPORTS... Fund Account, these being approved as presented. Mayor Lewis reported he had received acknowledgement of -MAYOR his inquiry on bettering mail delivery in the Yacht Club REPORTS:- Addition area from Congressman Paul Rosers and .an official MAIL in the Post Office Department. The Mayor-has been in- DELIVERY formed an inquiry is being sent to the A.tlar~ta Regional IN YCA Office and further word will be forthcoming after.investi-.. gation of the complaints: ~ __ Mayor Lewis commented on the published.Agznda for the Fla. FLA.LE'LGUE League of Municipalities' conference which will be held.at OF.MUNC. the end of the month and urged members ,of the-Council to beCONFER~,NCE present for the Monday Workshop meeting;, if at all possible. Tho Mayor read a letter from County Commissioner E. F. Van VOTING Kessel, in which the Commissioner informed the Mayor that MACHINiyS two voting machines vaill be loaned to the, Village for .the TO BE municipal election on March I5, 1966. The Village will AVAILA~3LE pay cost of transporting these machines to the Village and back to the warehouse again. The Mayor also informed-the Council that arrangements had COUNTY been completed for the County Board of Health's mobile X-Rajr X-R".Y machine to be stationed at the Villag© Hall on Election Day.EL',CHI;r;S for the convenience of Village residents. .AVAIh'.BLE Mayor Lewis read a letter he sent to State Road Board. Dis- S.R.B. tries Member Chelsie Senerchia, asking permission to pre- MEi~ER sent th© Village's case for urbanization of U. S.>~1 at the CONTAC'!'7D Board's budget study hearings in March. _~ RE:U.S.~1 The Mayor also read a letter sent to the County Commission, COUNTY inquiring when the work would begin on building a,walk COMMIS3ZON across the bridge over the Farman River, on Prosperity CONTAC~~~~D .Farms Road. Funds for this walk were approve9. last year, RE:.BR~:D3E but work has not yet begun. WALKWA~~'S A letter from County Engineer Gorge Frost was read. by: TRAFFIC. Mayor Lewis, in which the .Engineer. agreed that the.correct:SIGNAL`~ portion of costs for installing .a.:~'raffic signal at ~.. ~ r: ";:;. STILL Prosperity Farms Road and NortY~lake Boulevard would be",~5~:"UNn~:R „TUDY for the Village, since only one~of:the four .corners is• within the Village limits. Mr. Frost also stated final' design plans were still awaited from Tallahassee.and,when.•-::. _ received, negotiations would proceed. ~ ~~.., ~. I __... _.. I i Page Ttivo Mayor Lewis read a letter he had written to F.I,N.D. F. I. Ai, D. District Chairman Gleason Stambaugh; inquifing on the CONrACTDD status of the release of spoil area designation on a RE: FIIw s parcel of land located on Lake forth in the Yacht Club AREA RELEASt, Addition area. This area vuas approved for release by the F.I.N.D. last April but_the deed has not been received from the Corps of Engineers. 'The Village intends to use this land - ; for park purposes. The Mayor read a letter of invitation from the Town of COUNCIL Lake Park, inviting the Council to attend the dedication INVITED TO of a new park next to the City Hall in Lake Park. Mayor PERK Lewis stated he would be unable to attend, due to previousDEDICAi':fON committments. Mayor Lewis reminded the Council of the scheduled public, COUNCIL hearing set for Tuesday,-February 15, 1966 for the purposeREMINDEI~ `` of considering creation of a new_aoning classification,'. OF HEAR~:NG C-1B Central Busihess District, and`the designation of . some lots on U. S. #1 in this new zone, if approved. The Deputy Clerk road a letter received i'rom.Mr~. Marshall RECI~EAT-i:ON ~ 1Poodworth, in which he tendered his resignation as a ~~: BOARD Mta~d-_ '~ ber of the Village Recreation Advisory Board, on vvhioh he BER.RESI:GNS has served for the past 1~ years, -The resignation was ac-_'=`_'''?~ `_~` `'_ cepted with, regret but an expression of appreciation was given_to Mr. 4Poodtivorth. The Mayor stated a replacement -'`` ~`' '"' would be made in the near future..-°_. ,~°' re -; ~. _ .:. _..- The P.eputy Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of the RECREATION _- Recreation Advisory Board held on January 27, 1966. The BD.MI i.~S main item of the minutes discussed by the Council was the READ (J'+.N.) status of the installation of a sprinkler system far the °- Prosperity Park area. Councilman Platt, who is presently _ supervising the Publ"ic Pforks operation, stated ho tivould '` "'~ let the sprinkler installation started immediately, in line " vaith the plans approved by the Recreation Advisory Board.`"~ "" ~' _ A Board representative, Mr. Paul Emond, who was present stated the Recreation Advisory Board had not approved nor ~'' - __ had.-the Board seen any changes vahich may have been made in '` "_ the plan approved back in October, and he stated the Board" '° -' _ is most anxious to get the sprinkler working in-the kiddie -- -° area so that children might use that part of the park. _ .... Th.e Mayor stated that the Senior Social Club vaould be asked +'NIOI;S TO _- - :-. to appoint an ex-officio member from their group to attend_ BE ASE:L'D the Village Recreation Advisory Board meetings, in order TO APPOINT that they might be represented in recreation planning for EX-OFFICIO the future. MEMBER The-Deputy Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 256-65 which RESo25C-fi&, was entitled ADOhPEl, _ ( t .D .- A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COT.T!~TCIL, NORTH PAIM APPOIN7'J3D ' ".- BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING ALLAN V. EVERARD AS CIVI71 D<____ DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE ~ ~ DIRECTOR and on motion of Councilman Pratt, seconded by Vice-Mayor _ ' Be11,~all,mcmbers ~roting aye, Resolution No. 256-66 was -- adopted. The Deputy Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 257-66 which .HES.2b7-66 was -,entitled 9DQI'1'l.O _ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH P (MUN'LCli'AL I~ ~,~ BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO PUBLISH ELECTION} ---~ -NOTICE OF THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE T3ELD ON MARCH 15, 1966 9 NAMING THL TIME AND PLACE VTfIE.RE SUCH ELECTION __ SHALL BE HEIJ~: APPOINTING TFiE ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR " THE GENERAL ELECTION AD]'D RUN-0++ ELECTION; DECLARING , THE OFFICES TO BE FILLED AT SUCH ELECTION - and on motion of Vic©-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Pratt, all members voting aye, Resolution No. 25'7-66 rues adopted. .J Page Three t [i The Mayor announced that the Cauncil had appointed several ARFA members of. the North Palm Beach-Palm Beach Gardens Jaycees 3AYCF~S as Deputy Registrars and these Caen will aid in registering TO HELP eligible votars for the forthcoming municipal .election. ~ REGISFEI? These men 'have signed tho Oath and v~are.sworn in on Tuesday,• .February 1, 1966. .These are Fred Palhemu~,~Jr., Jere Smith, James Moore, Hugh ~al'lory ,Privett, Jr~. , C. 'Jay Clapp; Jerry Suggs, Jon Joe King; Raylon A. Nees©, John A. Martin, and . Roger 0. Boyer. ~ - , The Mayor also reported that the Council had appointed Sgt. SGT. ~{OFL Herbert Kohl, Acting Director of Public Safety, as a Deputy APPOIdTID Village Clerk, on February 1, 1966, far the purpose - DEPL"1^G of signing'official.documents relating to the Police De- VITd:,(JzE~ partment; such as warrants, etc'. Sgt. Kohl has signed the CI~R[.' oath and was sworn in on February 1, 1966. Mayor Lewis. as Acting Villaga Manager, read a report from ART C~P]ER Apt Canter birector Elward 3acomo, which revealed that REGI;~iRF- second semestar registration fees totaled $2,500 to date, TION with late registrations to be aer.epted on February 11th. SUCCI~;SSIUL The semester classes begin on Monday, February 14th. Acting Manager Lavais also reported that two complaints on COMPLAI2TS _' Country Club matters, which had been forwarded to the Chair-ON C. C~ man of the Board of Governors,. had been answered, -and copiesANSW1~ftEl~ of the answers sent to Council members. _- It vaas reported that in answer to an inquiry, the State Road S. R. D. Department had approved a "right turn on rea after stop" APFJ:iOUjD for the southbound traffic at Northlake Boulevard. A sign RIGhT 9'UR~' to this effect has been erected and operation is running smoothh~. Should this right turn on red lead to any accidents, the SRD reserves the right to take dovan the sign. Councilman sidatt, presently supor-Jising operations of the STORI!GE Public ylorks Department, raported that the Chairman of the OF PI:BL?.C Board of Governors at the Coun~ry Club had again requested V10RKf; that arrangements be made for the garbage and trash trucks EQUIT;hE.iT to be stored somewhere other than at the C. C. barn. Mr. STUDIED Schwencke had suggested that the Municipal Refuse Service, -- Inc., in Riviera Baach might possibly not only store the -~ equipment but might also be interested in servicing the _ - equipment on a contract basis. Mr. Watt reported he had in- vestigated both of these possibilities but had found them impractical. The Council slid agrea to study possibilities of storing the trucks in some other location, if? such a place could be found. Councilman 44att made a report on other operations of the DEPALTMI;NT Public ~Jorks Department, including answering several com- REPOI,TS plaints, improving park maintenance, lot cleaning, etc. MADE Vice-Mayor Bell, supervising Public Safety Departmant operations, also made a brief report on its activities. - ~ 1 Folaowing a brief adjournment during vahich time the members COUN!,IL of the Council signed a Certificate of Appreciation, a COST?ND!! citation vaas made to Miss Beulah Samples, vaho terminated MISS SAiPLE; her full-time employment with the Villaga on February 8th. The Mayor thanked Miss Samples for her fine service and _ mentioned favorable comments that had .been made to him re- garding her years of employment with the Village. The Mayor. stated that Miss Samples would continue to serve as Deputy Clerk during the month of February. Mayor Lewis announced that the plans for beautifying median BEAU~'IF~;- strips on Northlake Boulevard have been approved by the ..CATi-ON State Road Department. However, in view of the fact that PI~`NS a municipal election vrill be hold shortly and funds allocated FEiDIIG for this project should have the new Council°s approval, it was decided that the Mayor would write Chairman Blakely and ask him to delay any further work on this project until after the upcoming election on March 15th. 1 1 f ~L~ ~ r-: ~ -Page Four T- A, resident of Country Club Drive; Ptdr. Dorris Hankey, made CGIViPLP.~a~tT a complaint to the Council about dogs run7aing loose in the-MADE Oi't early morning hours and fouling lawns in his area. The DOGS B~TNDI:NG Mayor informed him of the-leash law in"the Village and.= ;LOOSE promised to look into the problem with the Police Depart-~• T_ _ went to see if better enforcement of the iaw could be `- -- arranged. Following other statements from-the public, on motion-of ADJCFJR'~- Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Duncan, the meet- TgENT• ing of the Couneil was adjourned.at 9:4C p.m. until Tuesday, ` February 22,_1966,"at 8:C0 p.m:._ - ' i ', r '` Res ectfully submitt , __- Beulah Samples,- - /J~7'f~I~j~p Deputy Village C1e ,~ I , , ,. Fa ,,. ,~ xr - °• r-' -5 { , nth f, ~ i ~ 1 •~f~ K~ - _~ '- - - I 1 1 -.:~ ~ -t F 1':'r.i ~ l ~.;.I,~I ~ti{ l;e~ .. 1 ~.t r.l' I 1 - r.. S ~ 1'_-~ ~ ~ .[:.11 _ } (ri Pl .l _ : .' ~ . - r 4 _ ~.k r .. - I ~ rr t _ - 4 - - A. 1 t 1 ! - -N. 1 _ - ' ~ . - .a - i - ~ .. .. r ~ .fit -. ,I _ r ~ I .. - - ., ~ r I i In. ,. .. ,... r ~ Y f. _ r .. .. 1 ~ .. - r ,f - - .r I r.