02-22-1966 VC REG-MMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING MT<CTING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAITd BEACH • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1966 ••.- ... :. l .li .. ~ - li ~.I. -, Present:• ~ "~ .. ~' : ~.,•. Thomas F. Lewis ti+ris, Mayor • . ~ ° r • r'-, c.', Thomas R. Bell, Vice-~Ifayor ~~~ ~ Allan V Everard Councilman 1 - -~ k.:„.. Gordon G. Duncan,- Councilman ~~ • ~ ~ Herbert A. Watt, Councilman -_ Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Beulah Samples, Deputy Village Clw~k - Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and .ROLL ChLL asked the Deputy Clerk to call the roll, all members being present at roll call except Vice Mayor_Be11 who arrived a short time later. ~'~~ ~' On motion of Councilman Matt, seconded by Councilman - 2/8/66 ; Everard, all present voting aye,' the minutes of-the reg- MINUTES ular meeting of-the Council held February 8,-1966 were ap- APPROVLID proved as written. Mayor Lewis announced that permission has been granted the YMCA `.C0_ North Branch Family YMCA to use an empty office in the = USE-SPACE Village Hall as their temporary headquarters for the time.- being. In connection with allocation of office space in the Vil- SENIORS TO lage Hall, Mayor Lewis said another desk will be allocated SELL `TAGS to the Senior Social Club to sell auto tags beginning March 1st. This desk will be located in the general office of the __ -- Village Hall. Mayor Levais said arrangements had been made for the Village SATUiiOAY Ha11 to be open on Saturday morning, February 26, 1966,from OPENT.NG 9:00 aam, to 12o°clock noon, for voter registrations. He ..FOR also stated .registration books would remain open during the REGL;TRA- following tiveek at regular .office hours. TION Mayor Lewis read a letter of thanks and appreciation which .COUNCIL the Council sent to Mr. Marshall Woodworth who recently re- THAN..S signed from the Recreation Advisory Board. The Mayor said. WOOD'TORTH a replacement for Mr. Woodworth would be selected shortly. /„-_ ~~ l ,~` ,F~",~.~ouncilotoobelheld~~_edn~~~~$~w `I'e~ra~~"~3;~1966aat17130ep. .14'~ET1T G~ ! ~~ ,~~ti~'"for the purpose of"sz4C` S a Director of. Public Safety. ~CALLT~D/ ~"~~ The Mayor also called for a ~'Torkshop Meeting to be held.on 1'10RKSHOP Tuesday, March 1, 1966 at 8:'DO p.m., at vrhich time the- MEETING Council will review the matter of rezoning cc;rtin lands -.-CALLhD - along U. S. #1 in a C-1B classification, as set forth in _" 'Ordinance ldo.. 1:27-65, which has had first reading. It was also announced that registration for boys wishing to LITTT~ participate in the Little League program would be held in 'LEAGUE __ the Village Hall on Saturday morning, February 26, 1966 = REGIS- from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. TRATION Mayor Levais reported that final arrangements had been made X-RAY ` for the County Board of Health Department's mobile X-Ray-'- UNITS TO unit to be at the Village Hall on Tuesday, March 15, 1966 BE Hi;RE (Election Day) so that residents might use this free service while at the polls. A letter from the Assistant County Engineer.vaas read; in - CO iLY which the County stated it would proceed with the construe- TO BUILD Lion of a sidewalk over Canal C-17 (Farman River) on WALK Prosperity Farms Road, just as soon as the Village arranged for the NPB Utilities, Inc. to relocate a water line vahich is presently located on the east side of the bridge; Mayor hewis stated he had instructed the Building Official,r~ir. Carver „ to supervise and expedite this relocation so that work can go forward on this 1` . Page TGJO I I The Deputy Clerk read the minutes of a meeting of the Vil- RECREATION lage Recreation Advisory Board held. February l6, 1966 and MINUTES noted that new officers for the Board are: Paul Enond, READ Chairman9 Mrs.- Charles ~dcCraney, Uice-Chairman, and Mrs. Craig Kunkle, Secretary. The nevr Chairman, Mr. Emond, spoke.to the Council and asked that financial reports on --~ the tennis court light meters be read to the meeting. ,- Mayor Lewis read this information out of the 1964-65 audit, and also read fees collected in the various other activities -- - ~ of .the recreation program of the Village. A lengthy discus- sion followed, regarding whether or not the Recreation Board should arrange for a class in Investments .to be taught by a ;. professional, man in the field. It was finally.agrsed that. ~ ____ i the Board could proceed vvith the plan and ascertain whether __ or not it would be accepted by the residents. T12e former chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board, Mr. REC.BCARD j Roger Boyer, also spoke to the Council with several recom-MAKES lotions from the group. He requested ~ha~t they be allowed REC01v1- to proceed avith interviewing and hiring .summer playground~..1H;NDATICNS supervisors for the 1966-susrimer program. They asked for _ two directors and. tvvo h~lpers.• (It vvas stated that Ntrs. -. , McCraney, VJhO vvas a supervisor in 1965 would be willing to• .° work again this year.} The Council. agreed that the apph - _ -- cations could bo taken during the third or fourth week of __ __ _ I Miarch but felt the hiring should be done as in the past, intervievvs by the Manager, with two representatives•from - - the Board sitting in. Mr. Boyer was also instructed to _ - submit a list of materials and oquipment which would be needed for the summer program so that they might be avail- able at the start of the schedule. Mr. Boyer also recommended that the original plan for put- SPRIPdP~T~R ting a s}?rinkling system in 1'rosp~rity Park be scrapped '.SYST~ivI AT and a long straight line be run through the play area, withP. PART.C outlets along the .line, for handvvatering. The Council did AGAIN i~IS-. not approve of this plan but did promise that the system CUSSF~D vvould be started immediately so that grass could be plantc~ct. Other improv:;ments promised for tha Prosperity Park area included a now bubbler for drinking water, and a shelter of a simple type, to provide some shade during the hottest part of the day. ~ • 0•bher suggestions made by the Recreation Advisory Board. OTHER -- were (l) that the Board be allowed to submit a proposed SUGGES'.~'ICNS budget at the time the budget is planned for the next MAi~E B~'' fiscal year; and (2} that all activities in the nature of REC. BCl-~D recreation throughout the Village be placed under one de- partment. This vvould include playground activities, art center activities, senior social club activities, tennis, etc. The Council agreed that inasmuch as the Village does not presently have a Recreation Director, this plan-would be unacce table at the -- p present time. It was agreed, how- ever, that all groups should seek to improve communications between each other so that the overall program vvou.ld be well- , . knovvn to all groups alike. - - The Deputy Clerk read a letter from Ntr. Eugene F. Bie, vvho LETTER CN•~• strongly supported the idea of. creating a C-IB zoning _ C=]_B PI;~ classification on U. S. t¢l. The Council said the matter READ_ would be studied at tho March 1st workshop meeting. The Deputy Clerk read the January report on N1'B Library JANUARY -- activities and the Council noted with approval that in- LIBRARY' creased use is being made by residents at an appreciable REPCRT rate. On motion by Vice-Mayor Tom Bell, seconded by Councilman. RES. ~ Everard, with a 4 to 1 approval, Councilman Batt casting 258-66 the dissenting vote, Resolution No. 258-66, entitled ADOPTED • APPCINTTNG A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE EASSA V~-L. DdANAGER ~~ i `- _ 'J Page Three OF NORTH PALM 'BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING JOE J. EASSA, ° JR. , AS VILLAGE MAi'~TAGER OF SAID VILLAGE .. - ...-- -- : ` -= was adopted. This appointment becomes effective March 24, - 1966. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman ":RES. s~ Duncan, all voting aye except Councilman 47att, wino voted 259-66 nay, proposed Resolution No. 259-66, entitled _ADOF'.Pi~D, APPOIi~TINC A R;~,SOLUTIOPd Ol' TIC VILLAGE ,COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE EASSA OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING A VILLAGE CT;FRK CLERK FO.R SUCH VILLAGE was adopted. This appointment becomes effective March 24, 1966. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor RE S.~,f Bell, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 260-6u ..- 260-66, entitled IiD01''I'ED, APPOI :u'TINC A RESOLUTIOi1 OF THE VILLAGE COUDICIL OI' THE VILLAGE v7ATT TO OF NTORTH PAL1Q BEACH, FLORIDA APPOINTING HERBERT OFFICES-- WATT TO CERTAIN OFFICEa^ 1'OR ~CTCH TTI-i,LA.GE - _ -.- was adopted. These appointments (Village Treasurer, Tax - __ Assessor and Tax Collector) become effective April 1, 1966: The Acting Manager, Mayor Lewis, reported the resignation. VILLA~CE of ?'atrolman Philip Brandt, of_the Public.Safety Depart- TO SE:F{ ment, and the Council ap-prov~d`- plans to advertise this PUBLI~7 -- opening, and also possibly one other position. The usual- SAFET'C plan of testing and interviewing vaill be held for filling OFFICElRS the positions. Vice-Mayor Bell, who is presently supervising the opera- REPOl,T • tion of the Public Safety Department, reported on firing MADE ON practices by the members of the department recently. He FIRIIG submitted a bill covering ammunition used at these firings PRACTICE.. and the Council approved payment of this bill. Councilman Watt, who is presently supervising the operation PUBLIC-- of the Public Works department, sported that one of the WORI~~S- garbage packers is out of .use at present but said it would REPOI-tT be back in operation by the end of the week. He also re- MADE ported that some repair work under the Lighthouse Bridge had ____ been-made. He stated that some repair work is needed at the '1'~~?;~ sidii. parkj i~o.n'~' o~:n,:~. by' the V1~ Tlizg~ pan -L~kc 9~orth, on ,~ bulkheading. Mayor Loris reported that a meeting has been arranged for MAYOR Monday, February 28, 1966, betUaeen himself, tho Village TO M!;ET Engineer, and l~Lr. Gleason Stambaugh, Chairman of the WITH F.I.N.D., to go over details of obtaining final papers on FIND the lakeside spoil area in Yacht Club Addition area.. OFFICIAL i ._ . -.~ The Mayor referred to the matter of the Country Club being COUN'CRY required to plant some type of screen planting behind the CLUB ~, golf cart storage shed in order to beautify this area. The ASE~D TO Council°s liaison member with the Country Club Board of BEAUTIFY Governors, Councilman Everard, said he tiaould look into AREA this. The Mayor stated that the acting Director of Public Safety DOG ~W had scommended that a dogcatcher be employed in the, TO Bi3 Village, in an.efiort to cur3b tYie.practice of dogs run- REVIEWED Wing loose and not under the control of the ot~aner. Al- though no action was taken on this recommendation, the Council placed the matter on the 'JJorkshop agenda for the March 1st meeting. - --^ A resident reported that the Inter-City I~rnbulance had, on SPEEDLNG several occasions, used undue speed in responding to callsBY in the village, and requested that something be done to AMBUL~iQCE REPO; ' ~D i~ i~ i~