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09-28-1965 VC REG-M
`. __ _ -__ ~: _ ,.. -_ ;. - ~. - . MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD - _i • .. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1965 i .. . PItGSENTa Thomas F. Lewis; Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor -, Gordon G. Duncan; Couneilmaii ~. Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert Watt, Councilz~?an _ ____ - ~ .Herbert Gildan, Vi1. Al•torncy ~> •- Frank R. Spence, Vil. Tanager , ' ,.... Ec Vil. Cleric _- ' ! ~ ~~ ~ Beulah. Samples; Deputy Clerl: Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8e00 p.m. and _R~?LL asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. CP~LL On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman Watt, 9;'14/6Fi __ all members voting aye, the minutes of a regular meeting of •. MINUTE[3 .: the Council held September 14, 19&5,were'approved as written. Ai'PROVI~D -~ a. Mayor Lewis read a letter he had sent to Coach L. A. Baarcke - M,%~YOR and members of the NPB Swim team, complimenting them on the COIl~YP,TEN!)S -;- excellent record they made in competition during the last SIJIM year's meets. ~~ Mayor Lewis read a letter he had sent to County Commissioner MnYOR E. F. Uan Kessel, urging immediate installation of traffic 51~~~5 --- signals at the intersections of lsorthlake Boulevard and AIA SLC.rNAL~> and Northlake Boulevard and Prosperity Farms Road, - The Mayor ini'ormed the Council that a workshop meeting-would COUNCIL be held on Tuesday, October 5th, at 8:00 p.m. He also remind- TV~L'TINGS ed the Cotuicil that prior to the workshop, a public hearing SjT FOI2 would be held on contemplated rezoning on recently annexed __ ..OCT. 5 lands, as. per legal notice published in the newspaper. He _ - also noted .that the Council would be called in special ses- - Sion on that night for second, final reading and passage of the 1965-66 Budget Ordinance, No. 122-65. The Village Manager read a letter from Mr. Charles Barnes, a SC'T.KO1Q, resident of the Village, complimenting Sgt. Herb Kohl on the --CG~L- __ Pine assistance rendered Mr. Barnes and wife at the scene of M[°:NDED a recent accident which occurred just a:t the city limits. The Manager read a letter from the Federated Conservation COUNCIL Council, requesting that the Council support petitions to the- DL S- -- -- President of the U.S.A„ to hold up work on the cross-state. -=CUSSES barge project until such time that public hearings could be Cl:OSS held to determine that the fresh water supply in the State S`.1'P,TE would not be impaired by the project. After considerable.- - -- B1'~f~GE discussion, the Council agreed that the Mayor would write a I.:~SUE letter supporting. the request that assurance be given on the highest level that the fresh water supply to South Florida will not be endangered by this project. _ The Manager -read the minutes oP a meeting oP the Planning & 9,'15/6; Zoning Advisory Board which was held on September 15, 1965:` -P ~: Z It was noted that these minutes actually reach the Council-- MINUTE~~ prior to their approval which takes place at the following a_ • meeting of the Board and are, in effect, unapproved at the - -° 'time of reading in the Council meeting. The Council received an invitation to attend the dedication IIITER- of the nevaly constructed headquarters for the Inter-City CI'T'Y Ambulance Service; located in Lake Park. This ceremony is AI_BUL- scheduled for Sunday, October 3, 196,5, at 2c30 p.m. AI'CE, __ Ii ~~r: ~, The Manager informed the Council that dedication cere- NORTHLf:KE monies will be held for newly reconstructed Northlake B1vd.B0UIT+IARD on Saturday, October 23, 1965, and Village officials are DI';DIC.ATIOPI requested to ride in the parade pla.~uzed for the occasion. 10/23/05 Further details will be provided nearer the date. The Manager read a resume of the bids submitted in the GAS AND OIL cooperativ© purchasing of gas and-oil for sev~;ral muni- .BIDS 1,~GA.DS cipalities. Of the 7 bids submitted, low bidder for gas- CONTF.-ICT olive was Gulf Oil Corporation, at .1892 per gallon less AWARI?~D,__ w _; i --I l~ for high-test gasoline and low bidder on oil croas Sun Oil Company, at 44~ per gallon for best grade oil. On. -- motion of Vice-Mayor Be11, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye,-the Council accepted the Manager's recom- mendation that contracts for furnishing oil and gas for .the -_ next fiscal year be avvarded to the lotia bidders.- In aizs-.:'r -: to an inquiry of the Mayor, the Village Manager reported that the new supply tanks vaere installed at the Country Club and arrangements made for dispensing of gas and oil to be handled by one person so as to-have adequate control.on these_.commod- ities. The Mayor asked the Manager to_submit reports on gas;..: and oil consumption by Village vehicles for the months of October and November. •. ~ ~~ i 1 -- -- -~~ I I ;, The Manager read the Building Official°s report on his ~RUETLS AP`.~'. inspection of the correction of infractions of the Build- VIOLL~TIONf3 ing Code and Zoning Code at the 400 Northlake Court Apts., CLEALtFD=TT]? owned by F. VJ. Rueter. This report indicated that all ,;,,,., ', ;,. apartments have been made to conform to Village require- ~~„ , menu and the owner has been advised that subsequent inspec-_;.; tions caill be made from time to time so as to prevent any reot;currence of these violations. ;; The Village Manager-reported to the Council that the ~ P.B. COUN"Y County is presently repaving Prosperity Farms Road vaithin,REPAVING. the Village up to a point near the I';arman River. This P. FARMS ]tD project aaill cost approximately x$7,000 and is done at: .~ -I _ '~ County expense. _ The Village Manager brought before the Council a proposal .~ LIT'I9~ R-id05' by the "Litter-Not" Corporation,-seeking Council approval-, CONT~'~.INER~3 to place trash containers throughout-the Village at no_- DISCUSSED cost to the Village. The proposal is that the supplier __ ,, caill sell the containers to local-firms as an advertising _ ___ medium and though the container ~aill remain the property of the buyer, the Village vaill obligate itself to empty them -- __ on regular collection basis. The question arose as to ,~~ whether or not such containers might violate certain Village___ ordinances and the Council Laithheld action on the proposal= until the matter can be studied in detail. ~~ The Mayor instructed the Village Manager to prepare for V7ATE~~+IAYS the Council°s study at the next workshop, all information TO BL` M~~ related. to .the dedication of public tiwateri~~ays, canals, SUBJ7:,CT lakes, etc., in the Village, Laith the intent of determin-,. OF.S'!'UDY ing the responsibility of the Villagc.as to maintenance, _ _ controls on mooring, docks, regulations for use of these __ __ water~Lvays, etc. The Mayor ref erred specifically to a com- _ --- plaint about a resident on lagoon Drive eaho has moored a. ._ - - large sailboat in West Lake, some 50' out from his bulkhead, and said this case would be considered at the workshop. The Mayor also requested that the Council review develop- LAI~:IR ment to date on the proposed Lakeair Colony replat as. COLOi1Y Ph u: planned by Royal American Realty, Inc., to clarify certain. QUES'~'IONEO aspects of the planne-d subdivision. The Mayor instructed the Manager to request the Planning and 'Coning Advisory Board to make its recommendations on several matters pending before the Board: (1} Request of Lakeair.Colony developers for elimination of all side Calks in their subdivision9 (2) Proposal that a neta commercial district for U. S. Hi Laay ~fl (to be imoLan as "C-1C Central Business District"~be created in the Zoning Ordinance. (3) After some discussion, the Council also decided to ask the Planning andLoning Advisory Board to s ~a~,;,• t1~o matter of tivhcthor or not thorn is any need in PLdI~ifING x ZOIJII7rs BD. ASKED-TO SUBM~.T COMA ~11bI'TS Page thr~_e North Palm Beach for efficiency or studio-type apartments with square footage area less than the-660 square feet ~ ~ noLa required for one-bedroom apart~ents. In answer to a question from the Mayor, the TManager report- RAILi:fA.Y ed that Railway Express Agency has begun service to -resi- E~1R;aSS - _ dents of the Village inline raith the Company°s committment SERVING _ - several months ago. The T![anager was requested to ascertain VILL~'GE if any problems were being experienced by REA in this ser- :-.-- vice. The Council heard a request from-area residents through VILLAGE ~ Vice-P~ayor Bell that a street light be installed on an TO RT`.~QU~ST existing pole at the intersection of Prosperity Farms Rd. LIGH`T' AC and Burns Road, for the use of Villagers who attend font- BU7?N~:' RD. Lions at Allamanda Elementary School at night. The Council- instructed the tanager to request Florida Pocaer & Light Co:' ' to install this light, with the Village to pay the monthly service charge. i i espectfu ly sub t~ ~1, FRANK R~~ VILLAGE CLERK _ ~o%y~6r MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD TUESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1965 The Village Attorney reported to the Village Council that HUNN7CU~'T =_-==,j he had studied the contract between the Village and the. SUPP.iE- ._ Hunnicutt tom an coverin services on re-a ~ p y, g ppraisal work, D~NT~IL and in his opinion, a supplemental billing made by the BILLING _. firm for extra work raas not a liability of the Village, REJE~%TE) "`~' ' ~ ~ inasmuch as this additional work was made necessary because '= - `~ '~i of the incompleteness of the company°s work. After hearing I this report, the ]Manager was instructo-d to write Hunnicutt' '', and state that the Village did not expect to pay this extra billing in the amount of X524.'38. The Village Attorney also reported that no date has yet ATTCI;'~TL' been set for oral arguments in the appeal to the Supreme REPChTS Court by the Village, regarding the water rate increase ON S1.(IT~; , by NPB Utilities, Inc. Attorney Gildan also advised the "'` Council that the Kilpatrick case has been refiled by the plaintiff's attorney. The MManager tiaas instructed to seek information on the NORT7iLA1~ Village's responsibility for maintenance of Northlake BLUD.. Boulevard and also whether or not some plan for beautify- Mn-rN'.~'EN- _I ing the median strip could be cuorked out with all-parties ANCE TO ~ involved. BE F:~:7~E ]Mayor Lewis brought before ttie Council several complaints PRIV'i,TE he had received about the use of Village-oc~ned cat traps USE ci 7A^1 by private individuals. -After discussion of this subject9 TRAP T) on motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman BE F.C- Everard, and by a vote of 3-2 with mayor Lewis, Councilmen HIBISED Duncan and Evcrard voting aye, and Vice-:u~ayor Be11 and Councilman U~att voting no, it t~1as approved that use of the Village-owned cat traps by private individuals would be prohibited, effective immediately. The Council did strpu- - Iatc that the Director of Public Safety should be authorized to place a trap in an area where he rad reason to believe unlicensed and uninnoculated cats might be roaming and thereby creating a possible health hazard. A record shall be kept of requests for such setting of traps, and with what results. There being no further business to come before the Coun- ADJCU'N- cil, the meeting ~;aas adjourned at 10x15 p.m. IIfiENT