09-14-1965 VC REG-M~~~ __.- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING -..- - - OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIdUi BEACH, FLA. _ HELD _ TUESDAY, SEP~ER 14, 1965 j i Present: .Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor ;• Thomas R. Bell,. Vice-May'~r ~, Gordon G. Duncan, Councilmai - ~ Allan U. Everard, Counci).mai Herbert A, Watt, Councilmai , Herbert Gildan, Village "itt~rne Frank R. Spence, Village Mgr. 8c Village Clerk Beulah Samples, Deputy Clerk- - Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and ROIL ~ asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present.. CA~~ On motion of Vice-N[ayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Watt,- 8/?4j65 ; all members voting aye, the minutes of the adjourned meeting_ MI'~N71;S , of the Council, held August 24, 1965, were approved as AI ?RCVED written. ~ "°` '- The treasurer read the August 1965 financial statement for 'TI?„A:. the Village General Fund and the Debt .Service Fund. He also. RI'FOIT read the financial statement for the month of July covering READ the NPB Country Club account. These reports were accepted __- as xead. The Treasurer reported to the Council that the annual Fran- F P ~ L chise tax check from the Florida Power and Light Company had FL2N(7i~ been received in the amount of X26,065. _ ~ ~ T'D D matter o vio a - ~Tayor then stated that there was nothing the Council could .A!TS. . do at this point to allow the sub-standard apartments to be __ ~ continued. Mr. Rueter has been notified to correct the vio- i -- lations before the end of September, 1965. __ Mayor Lewis referred to numerous written and telephoned com= C~.~M'?LS j plaints he and other members of the Council had received B~,C°) ON about the restrictions on use of sprinklers as contained in_ _,, S~'RI 1I{h, ._ - Ordinance No. 121-65, Section 11. He asked that the matter P`.~1°CS, be opened for discussion under-Old Business and at that time; ~~EN'~~~= the Mayor gave up the gavel and moved that the word "liquid" P,SS~S be stricken from Section 11 of Ord. No. 121-65 until such _.4 --_l C i1 could meet in workshop session and come _____ Mayor Lewis presented a certificate to Sgt. Herbert Kohl, S('r. KOIII on the completion of a college-credit course in Municipal R'Ce„ Police Administration. The Mayor commended the officer for 'C7~RT successfully completing the course and Sgt. Kohl expressed - appreciation for the opportunity of enrolling for the course._ Mayor Lewis read a letter from Mr. J. A. Green, of the RCA __ R?RVs'ST- personnel office, asking for favorable consideration on the. R~': f 1 tions existing at the Rueter apartments. The .R?~~''~_._ t~.me as the ounc up with some neva control on use of sprinklers that shoot water across sidewalks. Councilman Duncan seconded the motion and after considerable discussion in_which the audience partici- -_- _ __-- pated, the motion to strike-the word "liquids" was passed on a 4 to 1. vote, Councilman Watt voting against the action. The Village Attorney pointed out that the motion vaould require a varitten ordinance to amend the present ordinance. Until such an amendment could be prepared, the Village Manager was instructed not to enforce that particular section~of Ord. i3o. 121.-65. Mayor Lewis announced that the Florida League of Munici- -1'A. palities will hold a seminar-conference for City Officials, I'~CrJE City Managers, etc., in ~Tiami, October 24-26. He requested C~? DUNS. the Manager to secure copies of the planned agenda and urged 7? T~I~ that anyone who could attend such a conference would benefit ~ ~,i~I] AJAR greatly from it. ~._ ~ Page 2 - a~ Mayor Lewis read a decision rendered by the Florida Ser- WATER t~A7~ vice Commission in the suit brought by the Village CASE S~JIZ against NPB Utilities, Inc>, on the 1963 rate increase.- RULING Rr~D; The Commission had denied the Village°-s petition for DECISION L'0 _ reducing the rate and the Mayor announced that the Coun- BE APP.~:AIED . cil had instructed the Village Attorney to appeal the __ decision to the State Supreme Court. The Village Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of the P 8c Z 1301 i2D Planning and `Coning Advisory Board held Wednesday, MINUTF•3 3ran .. , September 1, 1965. 'y' Th.e Village Clerk read a letter from the Standard Oil Co.,STAIVDBRD OIL regarding refurbishing plans for their station located CO. RT;'~,Ui STS at the corner of Northlake Blvd. and. Prosperity Farms SIGN LER~,IT Road. The Company requests special permission to erect a station sign to a height of 35° although. Village Ord. No. 33, section 18, states the maximum height for such - - -' signs shall be 20 feet. Mayor Lewis requested that the ~° ~.`! matter be placed on the agenda for the next vaorkshop and :-! ~ requested the Pianager to secure a recommendation from the ,'• ~ Building Official on such ari exception. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded. by Uic6-Mayor ' -ORD. i?0. 122 ;, Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No, BUDGE`.C 0]1D,- i22-65, entitled GETS I'IR~ ~T ~' ~ I Ii•~G, ' AN ORDINANCE O.i TH" VILLAGE OF NORTH PAT1~ BEACH9 ~IC '4 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LEVYING A TAX ON REAL HE91ZIi1G PROP.~RTY LOCATHD WITHIN THE CORPORATE LLMITS OF THE 9/21/c~5 I VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEGT;I6'iBER 31, 19659 FLXIYdG THE TOTAL VALUATION THEREON AND THE TAX RATE THEREON FOR,THE FISCAL YEAR, NOVFI~!II3ER 1, 1965 TO OCTOBER 31, 1966, IP7CLUSIVE, FOR THE GENERAL _ ' GOVERi'VP~NT OF THE VILLAGE AND FOR THE NORTH PALri't BEACH ' COUNTRY CLUBS APPROPRTATIi~TG FUiv'DS FOR THE EXPENDITURES. AND REPEALIIQG ALL ORDINA~yCES TN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE was placed on first reading and read in full. The "mayor _ advised the public that a public hearing on the proposed '-' budget would be held Tuesday, September 2i, 1965, at 7:30 p.m., in the Village Hall, a The Village PQanager read..a letter from Hw.znicutt 8c Assocs.HWiDLL~.•UTC - _- enclosing a bill in the amount of ;524.88, covering what.- BILLING the firm called "Services in excess of contractural ob- QUESTrgN;n • liations." The Council felt that the additional time requirc-~l was made necessary by the fact that the repre- _- _ _ ' sentative had not submitted a complete and correct roll and had to recheck his own work. Therefore,-the Council •-did not feel it should pay for this additional time. The- ' Village Attorney was,instructcd to go over the terms of the _-_ " ,.contract and make a report back to the Council at its next regular meeting. The Village Manager ,reported to the Council that Public STORM Tff~BRI° Works cress are in trie. process of removing debris and Rd''~iOV ~L tree trimmings made nee©ssary by the recent storm. He REPOR_?EI' stated there were 4 trucks on the routes in order to complete the work promptly. In. response to a request from the Tax Assessor, the Vil- -DISAF~LITY lage> Attorney reported. on the law regarding the granting EXF,MI CIC NS of ~r500 exemptions on taffies;for disabled veterans and ATOT AC,LCPdED disabled residents. He cited.,a recent ruling by the Attorney General vahich stated that while a government _ _ --- disability allotment was prima facie evidence of dis- : ability, it was not the full evidence of disability and "' ~ if a Tax Assessor found that an individual was not dis- abled so as not to be able to worn, he could refuse the 'exemption. The Tax Assessor then stated that he found all persons formerly receiving this ~p500 exemption on the Village tax roll were not so handicapped and h~ recommended. that they not be granted any such exemptions. A resident, Mr. Henry Eckes, requested. that the Attorney send him a ,::>~Y cz'`~ tl~a opinion cited. _ _ Because Hurricane Betsy made it necessary to cancel the public hearing scheduled for Tucsday9 September 7, 1965, to consider the rezoning of recently annexed: Lands and an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, the Village Clerk Baas instructed. to re-advertise this hearing for October 5, 1965, to be held in the Village Hall at 8:00 p.rn. ]~ayor Lewis also announced that following the scheduled public hearing, the Council would meet in ti~aorkshop ses- lion on Tuesday, October 5, 1965e He also called for further budget workshop sessions to be held on September 16th and 20th, at 7:00 p.m., and the public was reminded of the public hearing on the budget, scheduled for Tues- day, September 21, 1965, at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall. The Village Pdanager read a letter from fir. Tom lRheeler, of Sears, Roebuck and Co., Atlanta, Ga., acknowledging receipt of the proposal dravan up by Mr. R. Arsenicos of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board, shoraing location of the proposed shopping center raithout changing village boundary line. ;fir. kneeler stated that further meetings with Food Fair officials were scheduled shortly and if some agreement could not be worked. out on the Vain City site, they vaould have to look elsewhere for other land, REZONING PUBLIC HEARIYIG RESET I'OR OCT. 5 VPORKSI~OP OCTOBL_'R 59 OTEQiR .~ITGSe LISTE77 PROGR~~;SS REPORT ON TVIIN CITY SHOPPING PLF~ZA Three residents in the vicinity of 708 Lagoon Drive CO1uTPI~>_LNTS in Plat #6 appeared before the Council to protest the ON S~ILBOA:C anchoring of a large sailboat out some distance from IN L~.GOON - ~ -. the owner°s bulkhead in such a manner as to be an a.ncon- -'`- venience to other boaters in the area. The T,~ayor re- quested that this matter be placed on the workshop agenda __ for October 5th and he also asked the members of the Coun- cil to inspect the area and to familiarize themselves with the various aspects of the situation. In reply to questions from Vice T~.4ayor Bell regarding the PARK regular upkeep of the parks in the Village, especially NAINTiaNANOE the children's play area in Prosperity Park, the Village= DELl1YLD PJanager reported that regular maintenance has been Kamp- _ erect by breakdown of equipment. Vice-L7ayor Bell requested that provisions for adequate equipment be considered. in the budget studies under way for the coming fiscal year. There being no further business to come before the ADJOU~~'~ID(~N'P Council, the meeting bras adjourned at 10:00 p.m. until Tuesday, September 28, 1965, at 8:00 p.m. . Respectfully submitted, FRf1.NK R. SPENCE, VILL9.GE CTFRK i