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10-12-1965 VC REG-M
~ ~ •,~. -. ~ .. •.J MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ~' Present: ,' ,, , VILLAGE COUNCIL CF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA - . HELD TUESDAY,.' OCTOBER 12, .1965 ~~ • ~r~ .. ,Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Allan V. Everard; Councilrn~.n ' Gordon G. Duncan, Counciln~~n Herbert A. Watt, Counciln~~n • ,Frank R. Spence, Village E"~.n~ ger ..; ~ _ ~ 8c Village C erk ' ~ ; - ~ Herbe-rt Gildan, Village Ai Loy •ney • 'Beulah Samples, Deputy Vi1. (-1erk !1 Absent: ~ Thomas R. Bell, Vice Mayor Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. and ROIL c-ALh asked the 'Clerk to .call ;the rall, all members being present except Vice=Mayor Bell, absent due to illness. ~" On motion' of gouncilman Everard, seconded by Councilman ~ MINcJT~ ~S Watt, all present voting aye, the minutes of an adjourned -9/<3/t;5 meeting of the Village .Council, .held September 28, 1905, '- API'L~O~'ED ~ were approved as written. _`~ The Mayor asked the Clerk to read the minutes of a special SF~iCI1.L muting of the Council, held on October 5, 1965, and on MTC:, N:INS. motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman 1•;derard, l0i"~/(5 all present voting aye, the minutes were approved as read. AP1!~O1ED Mayor Lewis read a letter from the United Church Women of _COI~~VC7L -- North Palm Beach County, requesting approval for the group API!~OiES . to conduct a "UNICEF Trick Or Treat" collection in the Vil- UN3CEI' lage on Saturday, October 30, 1965. The Council agreed that COI~LEC'TION this request be granted and the Manager vaas instructed to so , notify the group. through the president, Mrs. Robert L. Hall. The Mayor reminded the Council of the coming meeting of the COT~~dC7 L Florida League of Municipalities to be held in Miami on Oct- REi~~CNJPD ober 24, 25, and 26, and urged any Councilmen vaho could to OF -LEEGUE attend one, or more sessions of the Conference. MFS;PII G The Treasurer read the monthly financial report for Septem- TR1~1SiRER ber on the Debt Service Fund and the General Fund. The RELDS treasurer was requested to present a detailed report next RE7JR7S month, covering any anticipated income that has not material--- ized and also any account that has exceeded budgeted funds. - The treasurer noted that:93~ of estimated revenues have been ' collected to date and only 83.6 of budgeted expenses have been utilized, with only one month remaining in ,the-fiscal year. The Clerk read a letter from Beall, Bea11 and Taylor, RE~.ON'NG Attorneys, requesting for George and Mary Nicholson, the RE('[tE1~TED rezoning of their land located on U. S. #1, annexed to the ON Village in 1964, from R-1 to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial. P7ICLi0„SON The Manager .was instructed to advertise the rezoning request PRC`PE](TY i and call far a public hearing. Meanwhile, the request is ~ to be sent. to the Planning anc7. 7~ni.ng Advisory Board for - review an3 rooc>mm~nc7ation to the Council. The Cleric .read a letter from Harold G. Maass, Attorney RE< ~'~ NG representing John E. Cutter, contract purchaser for Block REC.!l~H~~~i'N%~~ 1, Plat #1, now zoned C-lA; seeking rezoning of this land FOl Bi. 1 to C-l. The matter was referred to the Plaranin~ anal Zoni.n~ 1'1:,!'L' r; 1 Advisory Board for review and recommeru3atton to the Council. __ The Clerk read the minutes of the October meeting of the BEAUTII'IC[TIOi Beautification Committee, after which the Mayor asked the COM1BiIT9'~~ tTIN. Manager to invite the Committee to meet with the Council - at its October 19th Workshop meeting at 8:00 p.m. The - Manager was instructed to request the Committee to bring plans for the proposed "Glean a~p.° Paint UP" week which the Committee has suggested. The Clerk read a letter from the Secretary-Treasurer of NPB PRISBt. - the NPB Presbyterian Chureh, Ina., notifying the Village CHURCH TO the Church intends to exercise its option to purchase one EXERCI.'P, iAND: additional acre of land at the Church site, for the sum PURGHA~E ~ of X7,000 as contained in an agreement dated March, 1963. OPTION The Village Attorney'vaas instructed to dra~v up the papers for the purchase and notify the Church when these are ready. The Village-Clerk read a letter from County Engineer Geo. COUNTY SE~xS --- Frost to the. State Road Department, requesting permission SIGNALS Fc~R _ for installation of a temporary traffic signal at the in- NORTHLFKE tersection of Northlake.Boulevard and AIA and further BOULEPI,RD requesting a_traffic count and possible future signal . installation at Northlake Blvd. and Prosperity Farms Road. The Clerk read a letter from Mr: Howard Campbell, asking SR. SOCIA:!, ,,.... permission to use an unoccupied ofi'ice in the Village Ha11CLUB S!:'i~t` for the purpose of the Senior Social-Shuffleboard Club SPACE `.LO c ALL'; .. __ to sell 1966 automobile license plates, during February AUTO Tl~.GS and March, 1966. After discussion, on motion of Council- ~;~ • man Duncan, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting aye, it was agreed that permission would be granted. _ The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. D. E. Heberling, 635 RESIDE~~~ Lighthouse-Drive, expressing appreciation for help given- EXPRES:~ES the family during the recent passing of Mr. Heberling as THANKS - ~ a result pf a heart attack. ' The Clerk read a letter from the president of the Palm TOM LE~,`IS Beach County Resources Development Board, notifying the RENAME-~~ T) -. :. Council that the term of Thomas F. Lewis as one of the P.B._R, D. B. three directors representing the Village has expired. The Council discussed. the appointment and on motion of __ Councilman ti'Jatt, seconded by Councilman Duncan,-all pre- sent voting aye (with Mayor Levais abstaining), Tom Lewis was reappointed to the R.D.B. for a 3-year term which will expire in September 1968. The Clerk read the minutes of the September 27th meeting RECR~EA`.~'IO_1 _-_ ' of the Recreation Advisory Board. Ntayor Lewis instructed ADVISOi~Y 3D. -_ __-- the Manager to invite the Recreation Board to meet with MIN-QTE:~ R'~AD •the Council in workshop session Tuesday, October 19th, at 8:'00 p.m. for the purpose of going.ovor budgetary plans for 1966. ;_ In addition to the ,joint meeting of visory Board and the Beautification reminded the Council of other vaorks] under study including a revision of 121-65, a watervaay study committee, and trash collection ordinance, and replat plans. the Recreation Ad- OTHER T_T.e ~QS Committee, Mayor LewisLISTEL~ FCR Zop items currently WORKSH)P Section 11, Ord. No. ` a proposed garbage the Lakeair Colony The Clerk read the minutes of the October 6th meeting of _ PLANTTITG AND the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board. From these min- ZOIVINC AI U. -- uses it was noted that (1) the Board does not favor a - MINUTE~~~Ii~ provision in the Zoning Ordinance for apartments tiaith less than 660 square feet; (2} that they favor installa- (3) t ; tion of sidewalks in the Lakeair Colony developmen that they stand by a recommendation dated January 13, 1965 that any rezoning along U. S. #1 from C-lA. to a proposed C-1C classification be handled on an individual basis as any such request might arise. ~ - _ Pfiayor Lewis instructed the Village Attorney to prepare COUNC]L 70 --- the necessary ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance CONSI7~sR No. 20, to include a new classification to be knovan as REZONI TG C-1C Central Business District which would permit cer~ain _ retail stores in a classification between C-L4 Limited i i i Page three -- -- - i and;C-1 Neighborhood Commercial districts. With regard to the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board's DEVET~~PER~3 recommendation on sideraalks for the proposed Lakeair Colony DISCI±SS replat (formerly the north half of the Palm Beach-Lake LAKF~'~.IR Worth Estates plat), the developers representatives, NLr. COLOiTY Horace Miller and Mr. John Brennan appeared before the REPLAY ~ Council in support of their requ©st that sideu~alks not be -, -_- required. No action was taken on the matter, hoti~aever,-since ~~• the entire replat still has to be approved. by the Council before acceptance. The developers were asked to submit a full description of plans and a complete replat. They agreed ~ to do so. On motion of Councilman Vlatt, seconded. ,oy Councilman ~ ORD. No. ~ -~ Evorard, all present voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 123-u5 i 123-65 entitled. y ~ 1ST iP~LDIiIG~. ' ' CHAN! •ES Iid AN. ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIi~ BEACH, SIGN OF.D. FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINAICE N0. 33, BY REVISTNG --.No. 33 THE HEIGHT, DESIGiJ AND LOCATION'OF CERTAIN SIGNS ' '` - °~ TO BE ERECT".uD IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIF![ BEACH, • , FLORIDA - tiaas placed on first reading and read in full. Certain ~, -° - questions regarding the 'proposed changes were raised and .the Council agreed to look more closely into the details , before placing the ordinance on second reading and passage.. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman ORD. N0. ~ Everard all present voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 124-~;~5 124-65, 'entitled. 1ST 1',EADIiTG: . AIiANi?ONED AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILi'~AGE OF NORTH PAI~Ii BEACH,- I:40TO~ FIARIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION AND SALE,: VFTIICLES ~:c OF ABANDOi7ED BICYCLES AND MOTOR VEHICLES, BICY~~LES tivas placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman ORD. id0. Everard, all present voting aye, Ordinance No. 120-65, 120-6~ y~ - entitled 2ND Ru,tiDIN~r. AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORLDA, Ad~NDING ORDINANCE N0. 20 AS HERETOFORE - • AMENDED, SAME BEING THE CODIIP.REHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE SAID VILLAGE, BY ROVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE R-1 SINGLE FANCILY DWELLING DISTRICT -- AND RECLASSIFYING PART OF SAID PROPERTY AS C-lA LIMITED COPJi-iIERCIAL DISTRICT .AND PART OF SAID PROP.~RTY AS C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMNh'ERCLAL DISTRICT, BY DIRECTING THE _. VILLAGE CTFRK TO BRLidG THE OFTICIAL 'ZONING MAP D1.' TO DATES BY PROVIDING FOR THE n PEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES was placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Ever- ORD, No. ard, all present voting aye, Ordinance No. I20-65 was ~T~ED adopted, and enacted. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Ever- RES~ No. ard, all present voting aye, Resolution No. 248-65, entitled,248•~G5 -- ADO _'TED: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, IQORTH PALM MUTTCILL ' BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE TO ENTER AID ><JITH INTO A MUTUAL FIRE FIGHTING AID 0R PROTECTION JUN''' FIR1; PACT FRITH THE JUNO VOLUNT' { FIRE DEPARTiitt'ENr DEP1~i'tTMEiiT AI~TD TP,E JUNO FIRE DISTRICT A)DTD SETTING FORTH TEACCn:5 THEREOF was adopted. ~ - '~' On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded .by Councilman FINAL, Everard, all present voting aye, the Council instructed "LEARNT-T0- the Manager to pay the balance of X750 to the Country Club -,StiRIM PAYNDNZ for the 1965 Village ".Learn-To-Swim" program conducted at . - TvtanE '1'0_ C1,TJ1;_ This completed-the. total of $G1,500 which the C. C, pool. - -__ . was budgeted for this program. Mayor Lewis reported to the Council on a conference held- ° .=BRTDC'r~ OIf with County Commissioner E. F. Van Kessel in which the' PROSIFRlTT~ Commissioner informed the Mayor that funds have been F. ROAD TO -- allocated for construction of sidewalks over the Farman ~.GEZ ti,`ALKS River Bridge on Prosperity Farms Road and. that this con- __ struction, as well as resurfacing on the road northward to ~ :: , th St C1 Ch h h ld be Carted sometimes during e are urc , sou s , _ _,; the coming three to six months. : ,_. Mayor Lecais spoke most earnestly to the Council regarding NORTIiTnrcF the urgent need for a traffic signal at the intersection of BOULi~VIaRD _ Northlake Boulevard and Prosperity Farms Road. Ho said he -DEDICATIOIf could not honestly participate in the Northlake Boulevard ,+OCT. 23 --- dedication ceremonies on October 23rd for what he felt tiuas ;}„ - an incomplet pro,~ect. After .some discussion, horaever, the ;~ ~ ;;: ;~ ', Council agreed to take part in the event mainly so that the, ~ ~~°~ State Road Department officials who are to be present might visit the intersection personally, and see the great need .-.-_: for a signal (which they alone-have pov~~er to authorize). ~ The Village Attorney Baas u~.structed to draw up an ordinance TIME ~f3ETV~I~N_ amending Ordinance No. 20, Section 14, by adding a Para- REZOITT.NG ~ graph providing for a minimum of six months betLaeen-.the- __ APPE4LS TC~ requests for rezoning on the same parcel of lands. BE LT14'iITE7~ _ __ ~, There being no further business to come before the ADJOURMENT '„ADJOUI?N~Pd'ifi Council, the meeting was ad,~ourned at 11:00 p.m. on , motion of Counci7.man Ydatt, seconded by Councilman Everard, "" all present voting aye, .until Tuesday, October 26, 1965, at 8:00 p.m. i ! _ __ ~ ::F 1 ~ i -F i _ ~ ...