05-25-1965 VC REG-Mi ~.-' `- - ~ ~ ~ ' - MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING 3 ( _ _.. • of THE _ VILLAGE COtNCIL OF NO.IiTH PALM BEACH, FLA. HELD TUESDAYg MAY 25, 1965 .-- Presents Thomas F. Lewis Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman A11an V. Everard, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manar,er and Village Clerk Beulah Samples, Deputy Vil. Clerk Absent: Herbert A. watt, Councilman Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8e05 p.m. and ROIL•- asked the Clerlt to call the roll, all members be~.ng present GAIL except Councilman ti7att who was absent due to illness. On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Duncan, 5/71/65 all present voting aye, reading of the minutes of the regular MINUTES MIIUTES Council meeting held May 11, 19&5 was dispensed with and ap-. API~30VEJ~ proved as written. • Mayor Lewis reported to the Council on correspondence he had MAIOR recently with: (1) County Commission Chairman Lake Lytal, •REIORTS regarding failure of the County and State Road Board to in- ACTIS: elude any work on U. S. ~l in the Village in next year's program, (2) State Rep. "Skip" Bafalis, regas~.ing support of the San Castle Civic Association°s vaster rate fight, (3} Senator Jerry Thomas, regarding House Bill ,420 (time exten= sion on torts against cities), (4) van Pres. Dick Hurd, who accepted challenge to a ballgame on the .July 4th vaeekend and naming as Seconds Sterling Lowmiller for trio YAA and Vice-Mayor:. 'Tom bell for the Council and Village Boards group. Commenting on the failure in the past to have Railway . Express Agency, Inc, provide service to the Village, Mayor Levais instructed the Manager to again follow up this matter, addressing a letter to the national office of REAy with copies to the Chairmen of the'ICC and the FSC. Mayor Lewis commented on the most recent issue of the NPB Library News Bulletin, stating he felt it contained valuable information and requested the material should be included in a coming issue of the Village iVewsletter .so that all Village residents might have the information contained therein. ~. i I -- - -- j -J RAI] „JAY E~{1'1:rSS • SER~7CE SOUCFIT LIBl;t\RY BULLETIN NOT1.D The Clerk read-the minutes of the April 26, 1965 meeting 4/2[/65 of the Village Recreation Advisory Board. REC- ~' - BD. PAINS. - -- Village Manager Frank Spence reported on .the official, deli- ..,~B,~Y __ cation of the NPB Library hall at the Library on Sunday, May 23rd, by the Library Society and Library Board.-. He read__DED7CATE> the Article of .Dedication and Mayor Levais instructed that a copy of the dedication paper be framed and hung in .the lib- __ nary. Councilman Everard asked that a current inventory be compiled and filed so as to show contents of the Library. S"-DENT ' The Clerk read letters from the following residents who ~ Zoning Advisory i RE--- ~-_ OFr'-'~~~ __ ng offered their services on the Plann should the Council desire to appoint theme John D. Board ST;R'~T.CE , Needham, Hummingbird ~7ay9 Robert E.. Gregory, Fathom County , Mrs. Sidney Junod, Driftvaood Road. The Clerk read a letter from the Chairman of the Country rotesting the plan to bury two ors G BD. ~F GOV.~IUdOR9 , p overn Club Board of gasoline storage tanks on a temporary basis, at-the Club. PRO".NST AN~:S The Mayor delayed the matter until later in the meeting and T at-that time, after much discussion, it was agreed by the Council to proceed with the proposed plan. The Manager was instructed to notify the Board of .this decision. ~~ ~~ 1 On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, Ordinance No. 118-65, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAI.~ BEACH, FLORIDA, REGULAt^IidG THE CONSTRUCTION OF CANALS, BUI1{HFIADS A_ND SEA ~~dALLS ti~1ITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF TIC VILLAGE OF NORTH PALru1 BEACH, AND SETTING FORTH PERMIT FEES AND IN- SPECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH CONSTRUCTIOld was placed on second reading and read by title only. I page 2 _ _ ' ORD. -- ~ ~ 118-05, f SEGO ID - READCNG- On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell; seconded by Councilman Duncan, ORD. all present voting aye, Ord. No. 118-65, page 4, top line, 118-•i5 was amended. to read " State Road Dept, standard speci- AP(EN)ED, fications." and page 5~~line 2, was amended to read ". . . ENAC'CED a permit fee equal to y$3 per thousand. . '° On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Everard, all voting 11 aye, Ordinance No. 118-65, as amended, vacs enacted. - - F. . The Village Manager recommended that asphaltic sidewalks ,~~MANA~~ER ~; , not be installed on the vacant lot at Fairwind and Anchorage REP03TS Drives becan~se of the estimated cost, $367.55. This matter . ° ON L~1LKS .- will be studied again in the forthcoming budget discussions.- . After discussing whether or not owners of vacant lots in` SIDE7ALKS blockq which are 90I built up should be required to install.". TO Bs sidewalks over their vacant land, the Village Attorney was CONSCD+ +•0 instructc;d to draft such a proposed ordinance and have i.t `' ready for study in a vaorkshop meeting sometime in July. ~ i The Manager recommended that sprinklers be extended to the SPRIIi{LEt,3 _ __ kiddie area of the Prosperit~r Park playground,'from the TO B existing well, at a cost of ,;681 for materials only; and ADDE') AT ~ ,using Village labor, to be charged against the Recreation -. PROSt~RITY ~ Budget. On motion of Vice-b4ayor Bell, seconded by Council- PARK ~ man Evorard, all present voting aye, the Manager was auth- ', orized to proceed with this project immediately. The Manager reporti:d that a drinking fountain is being PARK installed at Prosperity Park and 3 picnic tables (one with 'IMPROVE- a cover) are being built for use in the summer program. MENT; UNDO+7;. - Also, ar®s are being prepared for use as a volleyball court- U7AY and a badminton court, all to be ready by June 14th. During discussion of park improver~ients, Mayor Let~ais asked ROAD '~dAY to have included in the next budget proposals money for _ REQUESTED construction of a roadvaay into the play area at Prosperity Park, He also stated that the Recreation Advisory Board is studying a tree-planting program for the parks> The Village Manager vaas authorized to proceed with shell PARKS-iJO• rock installation at Anchorage Park, for the purpose of- _ "AREA providing some off-street parking on Anchorage :Drive. APPR)VED ~On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Duncan, SPEC-CAI, all members voting aye, a special election vaas called for. ELECtION GTe-d.nesday, June 30, 1965, from 7:00 a,m. to 7000 p.m.9 for CALK~~,~ FOR the purpose of a referendum vote on the Village Charter 6/30,65 changes which were passE~1. by the State Legislature9 House" _°_ BiIJ__No. 1056, in May, It was agreed that two public hear- ings vaould be held prior to the election date, these to be - -- on June 9th and June 23rd in the Village Elementary School Cafetorium, at Se00 pem, A special meeting of the Council vaas called for Friday, May 28, 1965, at-5:00 p.m. for the purpose of passing the required resolution and legal notices for this election. _~ - = i1 `,_ ~,:' __ ~) ' J The Village Manager reported that the Recreation Advisory USE 0!i' Board voted 3-1 against allotiving the local YMCA tq,use the TENN1~3 _ Village tennis courts during the summer for Chair classes. COURT"> On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman I1EIVII U , Everard, all members voting aye, the Council voted against _ ' allovaing use of Cho courts by Cho YMCA at this time and the -~ Manager was instructed to so notify the Association.' The Council considerc-~l. appointments to fill various vacan- APPOIitT- ~ Gies on Village Boards and by secret ballot, the following MENTS" TO persons vaere elected to sorve as indicated: Country Club VILLF:i.E Board of Governors: Keith Nichols and William Mayer, both BOARDiS , reappointed, and Harold Bc;ery, appointed. Planning and- MADE Zoning Advisory Board: Leslie Churchill, Fred .Speaker, and ; Alden Smith. Recreation Advisory Board: P4rs. Craig Kunkle =- ' and Marshall Woodworth, reappointed. Beautification Committee: __ Mrs. Louis Enders and James Blakely, reappointed, and Mrs.-Root. Lund, Mrs< Gordon Duncan, and Mr. John Armstrong, appointed. ' The Manager was instructc~c3. to notify the chairmen of the Boards, naming those who have been appointed, and requesting reorganize- tional meetings bo held within the next 30 days, advising the _. Council of officers elected. It was also decided to present Ci;rtificat~s of Appreciation to those people who have served _ during the past year, this to be done sometime in June. ~'he request of the Palm Bible Chapel for rezoning of Lots REZO~TIPiG 23 and 24, Block 51, Plat r#6, tivas discussed and certain REQUEST' papers tiahich the Council previously requested were reviewed.TABLED It was the opinion of the Council, however, that the deed (Palm restriction should run between the owners and the adjacent Bible property o~;aners specifically, and the Council decided to Chapel.} table the matter until the details could be worked out. Regarding the request of Pinner, Inc., owners of Lots PUBLTC 27 through 35, Block 40, Platt ~r6, to rezone from R-1 HEARING Single-Family dwellings to R-2 Multi-Family dwellings, CALLED the Council instructed the Manager to proceed with cal- 7/20/6~~ ling for a Public Hearing to be hall Tuesday, July 20, (PINNE~.i,IPC 1965. This hearing vai1l be held at 8:00 p.m. in the Village Hall, on a workshop meeting night. 1 _' On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor PROSPEIiIT~ Bell, all voting aye except Councilman Duncan vaho voted PARK S:[GN nay, approval tiaas given for the installation of a sign APPROYrD denotin the name of Prosperity Park, at a cost not to excec-d. 50,11. The matter of erecting a memorial plaque tivas tablc~c1> Mayor Lewis requestc~. the Manager to devise: a plan for refurbishing the street lights on Anchorage Drive and Lighthouse Drive, and to caork out a sehc-dula for systemat- ic cleanup and upgrading of all lights in the Village. The Manager yeas also instructed. to have lane lines painted on Lighthouse Bridge and in the vicinity of Anchorage Park, to prevent passing in these two areas. $TRF~ET LIGHT UPGRAD~I NG `_: PAINTIi!G REQUES~rrD Councilman Duncan reported complaints about the dumping PROBLE;9 OF of debris, etc<, in a ditch along the vaest side of Pros- DUMPIidi' parity Park Road in the 800 and 900 block. He asked that DISCUS;~~D the Village sack help from the County Commission and the - --- Board of Health to stop this dumping cJhich is not only unsightly but unsanitary. The Manager was instructed to _ investigate the matter and make a report to the Council, There boing no further business to .coma before the Council, A~DJOURiI ffiPi~ the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Res~e vfully submit ~ ~ .d s 6/~~ S FRATdK R/R,., SPFNCE, VILLAGE CL~GRI{