05-11-1965 VC REG-MMINUfiES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, FLA., HELD TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1965 _ Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village-Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Village Clerk Late: Beulah Samples, Deputy Clerk Thomas R. Be11, Vice-Mayor Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Vice-Mayor Bell who arrived later at 9:10 p.m. Ref erring to a discussion at the last Workshop meeting, Mayor Lewis stated he would entertain a motion that the reading of the official minutes of Council meetings held April 20th, April 27th, and May 4th be dispensed with, and on motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman Duncan, all members voting aye, the minutes were approved as written and were not read publicly. Mayor Lewis reported to the Council on several activities recently, in- cluding attendance at the A1lamanda School dedication and carnival; his telegram to the P. B. Legislative Delegation supporting the San Castle Civic Assn in their ef'f'orts to obtain a fairer law governing PTTC water and sewer rates; announcement of a course being offered by the Naval Reserve Training Detachment in Riviera Beach on June 12th and 13th, in- viting interested Councilmen and/or Village employees to enroll for the course; and notice that the Fla. League of Municipalities would. be issuing a new wage study survey soon. ROLL CALL MINUTES APPROVED ?1/20, 4/27 and 5/4 MAYOR REPORTS ACTIVITIES Mayor Lewis announced that after numerous complaints from area residents, RULING ON regarding the loud and unnecessary noise coming from the public address P. A. system at the ball games at Prosperity Park in the late evenings, a ruling SYSTEM AT had been made that the P. A. system cannot be used after 8:30 p.mb. and the P. PARK ' NPBYAA has been so notified. The Police have been instructed to enforce the ruling if necessary. Mayor Lewis stated he had requested the Cfiairman of the Recreation Advisory Board to meet with the Board from the NPBYAA to work out the proper control of the use of the system. Mayor Lewis read ~. letter from a resident (Mrs. W. Dobson) regarding the noise and light problem. The Treasurer read the monthly report for April covering the Debt Service - - TREASU$ER Account and the General Fund account, these reports being approved as read. REPORTS The Treasurer commented that to date, the Village has collected more Elands than during the entire fiscal year of 1963-64, this being due in part to _ ~ - increased millage and increased revenues. Mayor Lewis asked the Village Attorney the status of the anticipated suit SUIT ON against the prime contractor on the construction of the Country Club POOL COSTS swimming ppool, and Mr. Gildan reported that the suit is not yet finalized b t th t h i t k NOT BEGUN u a e s a wor on the matter a,t the present. The Clerk read the minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Advisory MINUTES Board held on Wednesday, April 28th. It was noted from the minutes that the OF P ~ Z Board has voted to hold its regular meetings on the first and third Wednesdays BD. 4/28 - of each month instead of the second and fourth, as previeusly held. _ The Village Clerk read a telegram from the director of the Fla. League of FLA. LEAGUE Municipalities regarding House B;11 #420 which extens from 30 to 90 days OF MUN. AND the time for notifying a city of intent to sue, and requesting support H.B. #420 against this bill. After discussion, on motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman Everard~ all members voting aye,- the Manager was instructed to send a telegram to Senator Thomas in Tallahassee, requesting him to vote against this bill or to amend the Village of North Palm Beach out of it. The Village Cler',~ read a letter from H. L. Stevenson, 708 Buttonwood Road, COMPLAINT protesting the noise coming from the Little League ballfield at Prosperity Park. The Manager was instructed to acknowledge this letter and advise the ON BALL FIELD ' resident that the Council was taking steps to control the use of the P. A. system and to enforce the light carfew. The Clerk read a letter from Mrs. Win. Sievers, 737 Hummingbird Way, praising COUNCIL `the Council for its efforts to have water and sewer rates reduced. The Manager PRAISED ON was instructed to write a letter of thanks to this resident, and to state that RATE FIGHT the Council would continue to do everything in its power to have this hike set aside. MAY 11, 1965 Page two The Clerk read a letter fY~om the owner of Fairhaven Addition #2 wherein he FAIRH~'~VEN requested Village participation on sidewalk a_nc1 concrete approach installation ADD'N #2 in front of the Lubrutto property recently annexed to the Village. After dis- SIDEWALKS cussion, it was decided to table this proposal and ask the Building Official to submit costs for the Village to do the work instead. The Clerk read a letter from Barnup 8c Sims, Inc.,to whom the Village extended CATV a franchise for community antenna television service under Ordinance No. 116-65, FRANCHISE stating that the franchise offer is accepted. ACCEPTED Council heard a letter from the North Branch Y.M.C.A., requesting use of Village NORTH BRANCH tennis courts for 10 weeks beginning June 7th, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from Y,M,C,A, 8 to 10 a.m. This request was sent to the Recreation Advisory Board for con- REQUESTS sideration and recommendation at their next meeting. TENNIS COURTS The Clerk read a letter from Dr. J. Richardson, submitting his resignation from the C. C. Board of Governors effective immediately or at the end of his term, May 31, 1965. This resignation has been brought about by the fact that Dr. Richardson has sold his home and will be moving from the Village shortly, thus losing the "resident freeholder" requirement of Ord. #91, to hold office. In answer to a question, the Village Attorney advised that if Dr. Richardson is retained on the Board until the end of May, he actually would serve as a defacto member, without an official vote. The Mayor asked Council permission to communicate flarther with Dr. Richardson regarding his resignation. This was agreed. Along with Dr. Richardson's letter, he submitted some suggestions about future operation of the Club's Board of Governors and these were read to the Council and put on the agenda for the next Council Workshop meeting. The Clerk read the minutes of the April meeting of the NPB Library Board. It was noted that a dedication ceremony would be held on May 23rd, at which time the Library Society will turn over to the Village all properties procured by it for the Library's use. The Board also submitted for Council decision a recommendation from the Library Society that the Village assume responsibility for a contract to purchase a set of Encyclopedia Americana, costing X209.50. After discussion, on motion of Cotuzeilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Everard, all members voting aye, it was agreed that the Village shall pay the amount in fLt11 at this time so that all properties will be free and clear when the Village takes them over. RICHARDSON SUBMITS RESIGNATION FROM C. C. BD. OF GOVRS. LIBRARY BD. MINCTES READ; VILI,A.GE PAYS FOR BOOKS The Council discussed the question of whether or not the Village should now FUTURE consider a full-time year-round Librarian instead of using a seasonal Librarian ITBRARY instead of using a seasonal librarian, and the Manager was instructed to re- PLALVDTING quest the Board's recommendation on this question. A letter from Fred Speaker, 433 Ebbtide Drive, offering his services on the RESIDENT Planning 8c Zoning Advisory Board was read to the Council and taken under con- OFFERS sideration. SERVICES On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Everard, all members ORD.118-65 voting aye, proposed Ord. 118-65, entitled 1ST READ. (CANA.LS, AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FIARIDA, 72EGULAT_-, B'HEADS) ING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CANALS, BT7TU~AnS AND S~AWALLS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIl1(QTS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, AND SETTING FORTH PEl~T FEES AND INSPECTIONS REQUIR~~nTT'S FOR STJCH CONSTRUCTION i was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor Be11, all members RES. 238-65 voting aye, Resolution No. 238-65, entitled ADOPTED (BEAUT. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, COM11B.) AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 184, BY INCREASING THE N[IMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE VILLAGE BEAUTIFICATION COM6((QTTEE, AND SETTING FORTH THE wa nrnrF;R OF APPOINTME_N`i' was adopted. The Village Manager reported. that a bantam crane would be put to work in PLAT #4 Plat #4 ditch this week and the Cauncil decided to meet at the site Friday, DITCH TO May 14th, at 5:00 p.m. for inspection of the project. BE TOURED The Manager reported that the total costs of the tennis courts recently TENNIS COURTS completed at the Country Club came to X4,989.99, which was several hundred COST UNDER dollars below the original estimate of X5,553. __ ESTIMATE The Manager reported that he, the Village Attorney and the Director of - NUISANCE ORD. Public Safety had met in conference an the proposed nuisance ordinance and TO BE STUDDED a rough draft would be ready for study at the Council Workshop meeting May 18, • The Manager reminded the Council of the hheduled meeting with County Tax 1~~h M COUNCIL TO ay Assessor Edgar Maxwell on Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m., in the Village Ha11. MEET COUNTY ASSESSOR MAY 11, 1965 Page three The Council was informed by the Manager that he has begun preliminary work on the proposed. budget for the fiscal year of 1965-66. A Public Notice bulletin. Board for the grounds of the Village Hall is being readied and should be installed within the week, reported the Village Manager. The Manager reported gnat he and the officers of the Rec. Advisory Board interviewed applicants for the two positions of summer playground supervisors on Monday night, May 10th, and hired two of these individuals, Mr. David Dahlen, West Palm Beach, and Mrs. Charles McCraney, North Palm Beach. These two supervisors will meet with the Recreation Advisory Board on Monday, May 24, to go over plans for the summer playground program. Mayor Lewis instructed the Manager to submit a breaT~down of all expenses charged against the Recreation budget to date in the 1964-65 fiscal year op- erations. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS rNTE.RVIE'v9ED AND PEERED ~_. Discussion of a request from Phillips Builders, Inc., that the Village permit the opening of Firetree Road as a through street from N.P.B. to P.B. Gardens was held. Mr. Robert Phillips who made the request stated his case and answered questions raised by the Council. After deliberation, on a motion by Vice Pdayor Be11, seconded by Councilman Everard, all members voting aye, the Council voted unanimously to reject the proposal to open Firetree Road into -- Palm Beach Gardens. BUDGET WORK BEGUN RECREATION EXPENSES TO DATE RE- QUESTED FIRETREE RD. OPENING REJECTED The Mayor announced that regular Workshop meetings will be held the first and WORKSHOP third Tuesdays of each month. Beginning with the month of June, these meetings ~ETIIVGS will begin at 8:00 p.~ Regular Council meetings will continue to be held on SCE~DULED the second and fourth Tuesdays. The Council took under advisement the recommendation of the P. 8c Z. Adv. Board CH't]RCg that Lots 2~ and 24, Block 51, Plat #6 be rezoned, on request of the Palm Bible REZONING Chapel from R-1 to R-2, to allow a parking lot far the church's use. After dis- REQUEST cussion, the Manager was instructed to find out if the Church has definite plans TABLED for expansion at this time, if they are the owners, and if provisions have been made for a deed restriction limiting the use of the lands for a parking facility only, and if so, to submit a copy to the Council. In the absence of this infor- mation, the matter of rezoning was tabled until a later date. It was announced that appointments would be made to fill various vacancies on Village Boards at the regular meeting of the Council on May 25, 1965. The Clerk read a letter from the R. B. Jaycees, asking for a donation of $300 from the Village toward a July 4th fireworks display in the area. After dis- cussing the matter, on motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Everard, all members voting aye, the request for X300 was refused and the Manager was in- structed t~ adverse the JaycSes that the Council felt this money could best be used_ for some event or facility within the Village. BOARD VACANCIES TO BE FILLED FLREWORKS DONATION _ NOT APPRO~D Councilman Duncan reported he had received a complaint from a resident regarding COMPLAINT sidewalks being stained. by rusty water coming from wells in the Village. After ON WELLS discussing the ?natter, the Council decided to study this problem again when the STAINING nuisance ordinance is reviewed. SIDEWALKS Mayor Lewis instructed the Manager to insert an item in the next issue of the PUBLIC Newsletter, informing the general public that interested persons may speak on ALLOWED TO any subject on a Council agenda meeting, up to five minutes. Items not on the SPEAK ON agenda will continue to be brought up at the end of the published agenda. ISSUES The Manager was instructed to notify the Bd. of Governors to have their liaison C. C. RULES member and the Club Manager attend the workshop meeting of May 18th, for dis- ~ REGULALIONS cussion of the C. C. Rules and Regulations and By-Laws. Councilman Everard re- TO BE DIS- ported on his attendance at the last meeting of the Country Club Board of CUSSED Governors. Following several comments from members of the audience, and there being no ADJOURNMENT further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. until Tuesday, May 25, 1965, at 8:00 p.m. ~Respectftzlly submitted, FRANK R. SPENCE, CLERK PAGE 1 ' Village of North Palm Beach County of Palm Beach State of Florida OATH OF OFFICE ' I, JOE J. EASSA, JR. , do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and clef end the Constitution and the Goverrnnent of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that • I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and haws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of VILLAGE CI.~RK of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me ' God. - Signed v'• JOE EASSA, JR. Dated this 9th day of March, 1966. - ATTEST: Deputy Village Clerk n MAYOR - PAGE 2 OATH OF OFFICE Village of North Palm Beach County of Palm Beach State of Florida I, JOE J. EASSA, JR. , do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartial7_y execute the duties of the office of ~~~ ~RANAGEH of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, according to the best of my ability and understanding, and according to the Ordinances and laws of the Village of North Palm Beach, so help me, God. Signed Dated this 24th day of :arch, 1966. ATTEST: ~~~ ~_ ~ ~ Deputy Village Clerk