03-29-1966 VC REG-MPAGE 3 • MINUTES OF REGULAR OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 29, Present: Absent: MEETING PALM BEACH, .FLORIDA 1966 Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Vice Mayor Allan V. Everard, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman Joe J. Eassa Jr., Village Clerk ' On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman Watt, all present voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 128-66 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 20 A5 HERETOFORE AMENDED, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID VILLAGE BY ADDING TO THE USES PERMITTED IN C-1-A LIMITED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT THE USE OF SAID DISTRICT FOR CONVALESCENT HOS- PITALS AND NURSING HOMES; AND BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH was placed on first reading and read in full. A special meeting for the purpose of holding a public hearing with regard to this proposed ordinance is to be sbheduled Tuesday, May 3, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Bell, all present voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 129-66 entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 20, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, THE SAME BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID VILLAGE, BY REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE C-1-A LIMITED COMMERCIAL DIS- TRICT AND RECLASSIFYING SAID PROPERTY AS R-3 APARTMENT DWELLING DISTRICT BY DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO BRING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP UP TO DATE; BY PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF OR- DINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES was placed on first reading and read in full. A special meeting for the purpose of holding a public hearing with regard to this proposed ordinance is to be scheduled Tuesday, May 3, 1966 at 900 p.m. Village Manager, Joe J. Eassa, Jr., read a letter from Mrs. C. B. Link relative to a donation in the amount of $25 from the Village with regard to advertising the name of the town, names of all members of the Commission, name o£ the Village Manager and telephone number for the Public Safety Department in a brochure which would be used by the Riviera Beach High School in connection with the presenta- tion of Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical play (Oklahoma} in the school gym on April 29 and 30, with a possible third ' presentation on May 2, if advance sales warrant it. Since it had not been the CouncilTS policy to become in- volved in this type of advertisement, the Village Council elected to deny the request. The NPBYAA requested a donation from the Village relative to sponsoring a colt team. 'tillage Manager Eassa was in- structed by the Council to refer this matter to the Rec- reation Advisory Board relative to a recommendation to the Council as to what policy should be followed for all re- quests of this type. ORDINANCE NO. 128-66 1ST READ AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 20 HERETOFORE AMENDED ORDINANCE NO. 129-66 1ST READ AMENDS ORDI- NANCE N0. 20 AS HERE- TOFORE AMENDED MRS. C. B. LINK LETTER NPBYAA PAGE 4 MARCH 29, 1966 PAGE -2- The proposed agreement between the Board of Governors of the North Palm Beach Country Club and H. Francis Shuster, Country Club Manager, was discussed and sub- sequently referred to Village Manager Eassa for study and recommendation to the Council relative to specific revisions thereof. Village Council approved a g>1,000 payment of the entire $3,000 cost for total and complete signalization at Lake Park Road and Prosperity Farms Aoad as its one- third share, with the understanding that $1,000 would be paid by the Board of County Commissioners; also, the Town of Lake Park respectively, thus the entire cost of $3,000 would be provided for complete signal- ization at this intersection. r~ U Mrs. Richard C. Hurd discussed providing a larger staff than specifically budgeted for in the 1965-66 budget for the Recreation Advisory Board summer program. The Council elected to discuss this matter further at its next Work Shop session. On motion of Councilman Ever~ard, seconded by Councilman Bell, the meeting adjourned with all voting aye. PROPOSED CONTRACT BETWEEN BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF _ THE NORTH PALM BEACH -- COUNTRY CLUB AND COUNTRY CLUB MANAGER, H. FRANCIS SHUSTER SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT LAKE PARK ROAD AND PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ADJOURNMENT `J