03-23-1965 VC REG-MMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE • VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLA. HELD TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1965 PgE,~~• Harold W. Beery, Mayor Thomas F. Iswis, Uice-Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman Herbert Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Village Clerk Beulah Samples, Deputy Clerk and asked the Clerk m to order at 8:00 p ti d th l ROLL CALL . . e mee ng e Mayor Beery cal to call the roll, all members being present. The Clerk==read the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 9th and MINUTES with one correction, these were approved as read. The Clerk then read the 3/9 ~ 3/17 minutes of a special meeting of March 17th, these being approved as read. APPROVED '~ Mayor Beery recognized Councilman-Elect Allan Everard and Gordon Duncan _ WELCOME who were in the audience and welcomed them to the Council, The Mayor TO NEW also congratulated. the two eneumbents who were re-elected. After thanking COUNCIL- all the members for their service and cooperation, Mayor Beery gave a brief MEN resume of the progress of the Village during. the past year and stated how _ much he enjoyed. serving the Village. Vice-Mayor Lewis presented a souvenir gavel to Mayor Beery as a token of COUNCIL appreciation from the Council for his fine service as Mayor. THANKS MAYOR The Treasurer read the February financial reports for the Debt Service TREASURER Account and the General Fund account. These were approved as read. REPORTS Mr. Roger Boyer, representing the Jaycess of Riviera Beach, presented the JAYCEES Council with a summary report on the findings of the 1964 "Know Your Com- MAKE munity" survey made in the Village. ~~~ ' The Clerk read the minutes of a meeting of the.Planning and Zoning Ad- P ~ Z BD. visory Board held on March 10, 1965. The Clerk stated that the five-year MINU'T'ES plan, requested from the Board, was expected by the time of the next 3/10/65 Council meeting. The Manager read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. A. Pologyi, former employees COUNCIL of the golf pro shop, who requested a meeting with the Council to discuss SETS BD. leasing the golf pro shop. After some discussion, the Manager was instruct- OF GOVS. ed to write each member of the Board of Governors, requesting them to meet MEETING with the Council on Tuesday, April 6th, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing this and other matters relating to the operation of the Club. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all mem- bers voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 116-65, as amended, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, GRANTING TO BURNUP 8c SIMS, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE TO USE THE PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHWAYS, ALLEYS, AND EASII~~NTS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING, CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING AND OPERATING A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM THEREON AND THEREUNDER ORD. 116-65 (CATV) SECOND READING __ was placed on second reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all mem- ORD. iIo. bets voting aye, Ordinance No. 116-65, entitled _ 116-65 (CATU) AN ORDINANCE OF THE.VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, ENACTED GRANTING TO BURNUF AND SIMS, INC., A FLA. CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE TO USE THE PIIBLIC STREETS, HIGHiNAYS, ALLEYS AND EASEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING, CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING AND OPERATING A COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYS'T'EM THEREON AND Tl~REUNDER was enacted. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Bell, all ORD. N0. members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 117-65, creating a Village 117-_65 . Library Board, was placed on second reading and read by title only. (LIBRARY BOARD) SECOND READING a • 0 Council Meeting March 23, 1965 Page three The Village Manager was instructed to get a price for installing an asphaltic sidewalk on .the vacant lot at t~:e corner of Anchorage and Fairwind Drive. There being no farther business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. !/ FRADIK R. SPE VILLAGF~ CLRR PAVED FTALK ASKED ADJOURI~NT • Council Meeting March 23, 1965 Page two On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Be11, all members voting aye, Ordinance No, 117-65, entitled ORD. N0. 117-65 ENACTED AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PRIM BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING A VILLAGE LLBRARY BOARD, SETTING FORTFr METERS THEREOF, THEIR DUTIES AND QUALIFICATIONS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE ii I U a ~II LJ U ~'~ was enacted. Vice-Mayor Lewis requested the Village Manager to write to the president LIBRARY Of the Library Society and ask the Society to forward written transfers SOCIETX of titles covering any and all items that they have given or provided for DEEDS the Library so that all these deeded properties might be covered by Vi1- _ ASKED lage insurance. The Village Manager reported that a resolution accepting the replat of a DOOLEN CT. part of the Palm Beach+Ls,ke V~orth Estates plat (known as Doolen Court) REPEAT could not be acted upon because Village engineers have informed him that APPROVAL various utility companies have not submitted their letters of approval DELAYID on the relocation of utility easements. _ The Manager reported that on the preceding day, he had received a check X1941.88 REFUND FROM in the amount of X1,941.88 from the Government through the Civil Defense, which represented a total reftuZd to the Village for expenses incurred _ DEFENSE because of Hurricane Cleo in the fall of 1964. The Manager reported that no bids were received on the project of instal- C. C. VdELL -- ling a well and pump at the Country Club for the golf course. The Manager SOUGHT BI DS was instructed to advertise again for bids on this work. GA N The Manager reported that one well at the Country Club has shown a r~::cent C. C. WELL rise in salient content of its water and Vice-Mayor Lewis asked that the 4dATER TO BE _ wells be tested for salt content every week. The Manager was instructed TESTED to notify the Country Club of this requirement. The Manager advised the Council of the arrangements made by the Board of POOL MGR. _ Governors regarding the salary of the Pool Manager and said a budget ad- SATARY _ justment would be needed to keep the records accurate. .After some dis- ADNSTMENT cussion of the matter, on motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Council- TO BE man Bell, all members voting aye, it was decided to table the matter of STUDIED salary adjustment for Mr. Baarcke until after the meeting with the Board of Governors set for Tuesday, April 6th. Vice-Mayor Lewis reported on the State Road Board meeting which he and STATE ROAD Councilman Batt attended in Ft. Lauderdale on Tuesday, March 16th. He _ BOARD MEET said the Village's requests regarding U. S. #1 appeared on the County's REPORTED priority list as Item #9 but he felt it was possible that the State Road Board might move up the items to a higher priority. ___ Councilman Bell recommended that the Village Manager proceed. with advertis- SUMhRFR _ ing for and hiring of summer playground supervisors before the best people SL~AY~GROUDIDS are hired by other groups. The Manager reported that the Village-owned generator has been returned GENERATOR to the Village by R. R. Evans and has been stored at the old Country Club. RETURNED Councilman Batt made the suggestion that this generator be installed ad- TO VILLAGE jacent to the Village Hall and hooked up for possible use in, the time of need. The Manager was instructed to ask Mr. Evans to come up and start the generator and, show a Village employee how to do this so it might be put in operation at any time. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Uice-1Nayor Lewis, all members PLAT #4 votingg aye, it was decided to have Village crews clean out the ditch in DITCH TO BE Plat #4, in line with the Manager's memo to the Council under date of CLEANED February 23rd, wherein he stated the men could do it in about two weeks, at a cost of approximately X500. Approval m'as only for the initial clean- ing and future courses of action will be studied later. Councilman Bell reviewed a schedule of events as outlined by the Pool SPRING Manager, L. A. Baarcke, and questioned several of the programs, especially 'POOL the Learn-To-Swim activities. He said that several residents have expres- PROGRAM sed their disapproval of the schedule as advertised. After it was determ- NOT fined that the program had not been approved or cleared through the Recrea- APPROVED Lion Advisory Board or the Council, the Manager was instructed to see that no further copies of the program be circulated until the Council had met with representatives from the pool and Country Club on April 6th. r~ u