06-08-1965 VC REG-MJ ~~ - MINUTES OF A REGULAR RTIGULAR 1vUlETING of THE. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAitui BEACH, FIDRIDA HEIR? _ _ _ - - - _ TFTESLYiY, JUNE 8, 1965 - -- Present: Thomas R. Be11, Vice-Mayo ' '' ` ;Gordon G. IAzncan, Council pan .. #' `Allan V. Everard, Councilmen ' ~ Herbert Gildan, Village A_ttori~ey ' Frank R. Spence, Village Iana~ er and Vi11agE Cle3 k ` ' ~"Beulah Samples, Deputy Vi 1. ,C? erk Absent: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thomas Fa Lewis, Mayor Herbert A. "rJatt, Councilr~n Vice-I~nayor Bell called the meeting; to order at 8:00 p.m., ~ 2ULL and asked the Clerk to call the .roll, all ruembers being pre- "` BALL sent except Mayor Lewis who was out of town on vacation and' "- Councilrr~an VTatt, absent due to illness. i Uice-Mayor Bell asked if there were corrections or additions ~ t+IINU`.'ES to be male to the official minutes of the Council meetings ;},ppgi~VED of May 25th and 28th and there being none, these minutes were.- j~28 AND. approved as varitten. ~, ;. A letter from the Town of Jupiter was read by the Vice-Mayor iuTAYCJt'S in which an invitation was extended for the Mayor and family I~EI~I',T ; to participate in special activities planned for the opening - . of_the new Indiantown Road and bridge on June-12th. Vice- Mayor Be11 indicated he tivould attend. Vice-~¢a.yor Bell also =_ commented on the N(anager's presentation of the Charter amend- ments in the June Newsletter, saying he felt it was well done and that he had received favorable comments on the presentatior_~, The Treasurer-read the reports covering the month of May for the Debt Service Account and the General Fund_Accouiit. He reported that the six-months audit is "being prepared for both; the Country Club and the Village accounts, and he estimated __,. these audits would be completed-by June 30th. CREAI S, HEPCi aS The Village Clerk read a letter from Mr. Truman Moore, Jice-` ' President, Operations, Railvaay Express Agency, iT.Y., N.Y„ which replied to a corrilnunication sent by Mayor Lewis. Mr. Moore informed the Village that his company would be in the-,.. area, making a survey to ascertain whether or not service could be inaugurated to N. P, B. Mr. Spence reported he had- - been visited by two REA men and in their discussions, these- representatives felt that at least a local drop-off and pick- up station might be arranged, to serve N.P.B. residents. The Clerk read a letter from the City of Riviera Beach, inviting the Village officials to participate in a discussion- on what might be done in the area under the President's Com-, munity Action Program. The Couneil felt that there was not a real need in Id.P.B. for this program but Counci7.man Everard said he would try to attend the discussion as an observer,. The Glerk reported to the Council that Mr. Paul y!. Thompson,--- amember of the 'Coning Board of Adjustment, has been trans--_ ferr©d. from the area by his company and has submitted his resignation as a member of the Board< Councilmen were asked= to make suggestions for Mr. Thompson's replacement at the °. next Council meeting. The Manager also was instructed. to prepare aCertificate of Appreciation for Mr. Thompson. I?A.IL' 'AY i~KFFi; ASS SERV:' CE SURV] ;Y _ ZgCA" , rOMOii ~T1IT' RCTI[ ~N f.'RCG, tAM hOAR~ , s11~iB1 R - v(CVE~ ;; ' 13E5It td5 The Clerk read the minutes of the June 2nd meeting of the- i 8c'~ Planning and Loving Advisory Board. The Council received I30.ARi~ the annual report of this Board's activities during 1964, ~tiINU'~ES but did not continent on it inasmuch as they had not had ~'3/2/i5 time to study it. - ~ _~ ~' It was decided by the Council that all citizens who have CITI::~~,ENf served on Advisory Boards during the past year would be TO invited to attend the Council meeting on June 22nd, to HON~IiED receive official Certificates of Appreciation, for ser- vices rendered. The Manager was instructed to write each such person. ' The Clerk read a letter addressed. to the Council from FLL~T John Anderson, Chairman of the Board of Deacons, First PREBYTIRIAI Presbyterian Church in N.P.B., regarding problems that CHU;3CH IND have arisen from Little League ballpark activities adja- BAI,L~PARh _ cent to the Church grounds. These problems include: --- (1) damage to driveway and church grounds caused by heavy equipment during construction of the ballpark (2) parking by ballpark attenders on church parking lot (3) foul balls causing damage to automobiles (4) church property being destroyed (5) children roaming in church building and using church facilities improperly. After discussion of these pro-. blems, the Council agreed it would be necessary to correct - these as soon as possible and th© Manager was instructed to send copies of the letter from the Church to all League offi- cials. Also, the Village will proceed with corrective action immediately and the Manager was instructed to write the Church 'accordingly. ;; .The Village Manager reported that sale of delinquent tax certificates would be held Thursday, June 10th, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Village Hall. ~~~~;s;'The Manager reported that Mr. Hayes V~ood, representing '~ l'ocx3. Fair, Inc., would appear before the Council at its "" next Niorkshop meeting, for the purpose of presenting a proposal to realign the boundaries of the Village and Lake Park..: The Vdorkshop meeting is set for June 15th. DELINQUENT TAX SAI.T~ JUNE 109'H FOOD FATR OFF t CIAI •S TO -'~PPEFft TY~e Manager reminded the Council that the first of two CHAi~T1'iR public hearings on the proposed. Charter amendments would -AMEZDMEtPS be held 'Wednesday, June 9th, at 8:00 p.m. in the Village HEA 2LNG Elementary School Cafetorium, JUN~~ 9TE The Manager reported that 300 cubic yards of shellrock has been ordcr~. under the Village-County joint participation plan and should be delivered to the Village raithin a few days. The shellrock will be used for a parking site at Anchorage Park as well as for courts for volleyball, bad-~' minton, and basketball, at Prosperity Park. Also, the drinking fountain for this park has been ordered, and the sign denoting the name of the park has been installs-d.. FAR LING ARF ANi OTA ~R - ' IMF ~OVEP ENT 'UND'ER V7? Y Council raas reminded. that the 5th Annual Students Exhibi- .ART CENSER tion tivould be held at the Art Center on Saturday and Sun- EXHIBITION day, June 12 and 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ~ JUNE I2-13 Vice-Mayor Bell reported on a meeting he, Tvir. Spence, Y~dr. COU 7TY Gildan and Mr. Everard attended on the proposal of a county LIBt~1RY wide library system. He stated the project has the sup-_ SYSIT;M port of all County Commissioners and no doubt the plan DIS;USSI D will go into effect in the near future. The Village Attorney read over the sections of the pro- C. %. RULES posed C. C. Rules and Regulations tiahich the Council had 8c R,GULA- requested to be revised, and after hearing the revisions, TIO13 on motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman APP30VEL Everard, all present voting aye, the corrected Rules-and Regulations for the Country Club were approved. There being no further business to come before the Council, ADJOURNMENT 'the meeting was adjournefl at 9:20 p..m. Respectfully sub tied, RANK R. S ~~2 ~/6~ VILLAGE CLEEtK