06-22-1965 VC REG-M,~ ~ Y , - MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING AA7 AL~7'OURNED MEETING -_ - OF THE - VILAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH LT,t~GE CCtTNCS:L OF NORTH .PAIN BEACH, FLORIDA HELD ' TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1965 -- :~- _ ; PRESENT: - '~ Thomas F. LeWIS , Mayor ~ - . ;,;~ Thomas R: Bell, Vice-Mayor •[ ... Gordon G, Duncan,. Councilman) ,_ ,~ Allan V. Everard, Councilma~1 Frank R. Spence, Village Ma:~ager and Village ~.;1erk ,,;,Beulah Samples, Deputy Vil. Cler: ABSENT: Herbert A. Watt, Councilman - Herbert Gi1dan, Village Att~~rney Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8e00 p.m. and ROLL CALL ___ asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present :~_;_ except Councilman Watt, absent dUe to illness, and Village Attorney Gildan, absent because of being out of the city..' ~ ,_~ i' Mr. Will Nason was present to represent Mr. Gildan. _` ' The Mayor galled for any additions or corrections to the - _ : 6/8/~a5 :.. minutes of the Council meeting held June 8, 1965 and as € ;COUN~'•IL there were none, on motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded =-: ;MINU'S'ES by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, the minutes ;• sAPPR~>UED '` were approved as printed. - ~ -~ _ _. - - ~ - -- . ri .. ,~~.. - Mayor Lewis, on behalf of the Council,- presented Certifi- _COUNCIL cater of. Appreciation_tq persons who served last year on FRESF.NTS various: Boards. These included Harold Beery and Les Church- 'Ati7iARhS _-° ill (Village Council); James F. Mullen (P 8cZ Advisory Bd.); J> J. .Richardson (Board of Governors and Beautification Com- mittee). Certificates will be mailed to those persons who -°_ were not able to be present. These include Mrs. Helen Phillips, ~ -- ((Recreation Advisory Board); George Houck and Joseph Toyzer - (P Sc Z Advisory Board); and Paul Thompson (Zoning Board of Adjustment). The Mayor read a letter from County Commissioner E. F. Van NPB I~AY A7.' Kessel, regarding the Florida Exhibit at the New York `J70RLh°S World's Fair, and suggesting that a special "NPB Day" could FAIR be arranged if the Council so desired. The Council accepted. the suggestion and expressed the hope that the date selected could be on a weekend. The actual choice of a date was-.left to the Mayor and the Village Manager. ~.. The-Village Clerk read the minutes of the June 16th meeting '6/16j65 __ of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board. PLAINT TNG ~. zoNlr ~~ Mlrrs. The Village Clerk read the minutes of the May 24th .meeting-'MAY IEC. of the Recreation Advisory Board.- =BOARD NIP'S. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-Mayor -- - =ORD. 119-E5 --- Bell, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 119-: iST 65, entitled `READING - AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIN BERG-HIP) BEACH, REQUIRING ALL MF'1~Ti RF'RS OF ADVISORY ' BOARDS TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL TO BE RESIDENTS - OF THE VILLAGE - '- - - was placed on first reading and read in full. The Mayor _ instructed the Clerk to place this Ordinance on the agenda - for the next Council Workshop meeting. . .. .r.--:: ,., • ., ., ,: ~ ~ . '~', ~ - V.~ _~ The Village Clerk read a proposed Resolution No. 240-65, authorizing the borrowing of funds. Mayor Lewis com- mented on the fine progress being made in the Village's.. financial'condition. On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman Everard,-all present voting aye, Resolution No. 240-65, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE TO BORROeT THE SUM OF FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS 050,000) IN ANTICIPATION OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED FOR THE CALENDAR YT;AR 1965 was adopted.•!:• Page 2 RES. R40-65 ADOP'1'IsD ' (BORR~ ~4JING FUND ~ ) The Uillage.Mana~er reported on his request to the State SCH00', Road Dept. for designation of a School Crossing Lone on •. CROSST_I1G, U. S. Highway 1 at Lighthouse Drive. He read. a letter U. S. r~l,.& from John Wilson, Traffic and Planning Engineer, SRD, LZGHT`IOUSE and a letter from: Robert Fulton, Supt. of Public Instruc- Lion, endorsing the Village°s. request. The State has - appY~oved the crossing, reducing the speed in:this vicinity :, from 55 MPH to 35 MPH, and authorizing the painting of cross- walks on the highway and installation of warning signs. The . P1[anager recommended that the Village .also install blinking _, ; signals ("Winko,-Matc•$ignals") at.both ends of the zone and _ the Council"instructed him to have an estimate of total costs for the signals ,and. installation, at the next Workshop meeting. The Manager reminded the Council of ahe public hearing on - CHART,R,•: • Charter changes, scheduled for Wednesday,. the proposed CHANG~IS,. . at.the.Village Elementary School, 8 p:m. June 23, 1965, HEARIdG . 6/23/ ~5 . "The Village Manager reported that the full amount due on C. C. BOND the-July 1st payment for the :Country Club Recreation. _ PA~'1T.TC Facility bond, including interest,, is on deposit and the. ° BE MADE note will be paid .on the due date. This amount•is slightly more than x,63,000. :: EASE~i i~,NT Because the Village Engineer °.s~report and recommendation ABANDJt~PT had not, been received, the Council tabled until the next REQUEST Council meeting the Rueter-I~cyer request that the Village TABLED abandon a drainage easement in Plat ;~3.• To 'fill the vacancy on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, ZONINs BD. created when Paul Thompson resigned due to his leaving OF AZ7UST- the.area, the Council voted by secret ballot to name MENT SEAT •: Robert'E. Gregory, 861 Fathom Court, to the Board. FILLED The Council agreed to a. request by the Planning and Zoning ,P 8c L BD. Advisory Board that its Chairman and one other representa-_,,ASKS TO tive'from the Board be permitted to attend the proposed ATTEnD meeting between Food Fair officials, the Village Council, FOOD ^AIR and the Iake Park Town Commission, to consider.realign- .DISCU;iSI02~ went of the two municipality boundary lines, Major Lewis :~ stated he would contact the Mayor. of Lake Park with regard . to a time and place for the meeting.. Vice-Mayor Bell pretested the wearing"of sidearms by the . GUARi AT police patrolman who is•on duty at Prosperity Park.during •_ PARK cIOT - ballgames. The Manager agreed that these guards should '_• TO_ti~k~R, not wear guns while on duty at this area but would carry- SIDEIsEitk night sticks, and stated the Chief had been so notified. The Manager stated he would correct this oversight. , '~ i ~ ~ Page 3 1 Vice-Mayor Tom Bell informed the Council that the annual 4th of July ballgame between Managers of the Little League teams and members of the Village Council, plus some other members of various Boards, vaould be played sometime over the July 4th weekend. The game would probably be scheduled for Friday night, July 2nd, as the second game on the night bill. BLTLLG ~~+ , COUNCIL Vt. LEAGUP MGFS. The Village Manager presented for Council study and action NORTHrnu-~: the plan prepared by Florida Povaer and Light Co., for light-BOULEVARD ing Idorthlake Boulevard, when improvements are completed. LIG$TCIdG. A comparison was shovm on the cost of wood poles vs con- PLAN Crete poles and the annual use charge was noted. The Mana- STTJDIi!~D ger recommended that FPBcL be authorized to proceed with the --- plan as outlined, using concrete pole in the Village. One_ `" detail to bo resolved was who would pay for the lights in front of the 1st American Bank and several other businesses _ where the Town of Lake Park town limits actually runs 14' into - the front of the lots. The Manager was instructed to bring the plan back to the Council at its '+7orkshop meeting for fur- ther study. The Village Manager read 'a letter from Bankers Life and BANKE:3S Casualty Co., ovaners of ~Tunyon Island, requesting that a LIFE ~Ii~TD permit to fill submerged lands to the established bulk- CASUALTY head line for the island. It was noted that-the original ASK FILL permit issued by the Corps of Engineers has expired and PF:RMT'P the Village must issue a new one, in conjunction with the - CofE. The matter was referred to the Village Attorney and-- the Village Engineer for study, verification, and recom- mendation to the Council. During statements from the public, Mr. John Martin, one JAYCE'~S of the organizers of the North Palm Beach-Palm Beach Gar- -OFFER dens Jaycee organization, spoke to the Council, offering ~'RVIc%ES his Club`s services on any project of civic interest. The Mayor thanked Mr. Martin and the Jaycees for this offer. There being no further business to come before the ADJOU~ud- Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10e00 p.m. MEAIT Respectfltll~~subm ted, `-~ R. SFENCE VILL~IGE CLERK