07-27-1965 VC SP-M"' ' MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING A~1 ADJOURi~tED MEETING __ _ OF. THE.,- , .: ~ -,.,~-~ :~; VILLAGE COUNCIL VIL"LA.GE COUNCIL OF NOI3TI: PAIBlI BEACH,'FLA:° ~' .. :Par ;";1 i r •_r;t•~', t~ SDAY,~ JULY 27, 1965 ', ~; ~ ' 4-, ~ i ~:. ~'~~`:. • .-, 14-_S, air '.~. ~~ ji,: '" ., ~~1 ,_ ..r •, ~ I (,r - pRE~~; Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor "~~. .. '',~-;,T,,z .~_•~_ ~,:,y~,rr,- Thomas R..,Be11, Vice-P3ayor `. •.~,..,I ;: YY~cI~ ,3 ~,; ~` Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman r, ~,-~°s -; ,r ;y-.,~.t~,P; Allan V. Everard, Councilman ,~F Herbert A. L7att, Councilman a Herbert L. Gi1dan, Village Lttor. T, Frank, R. Spence, Village Manager „ ,i , `' ~ ~ ~" ~~ 6c Village-Clerk ' ' " t •~` Beulah Samples, Deputy Uil. Clerl. .,.. Y _ Ts:ayor Lewis called the Heating to order at 8e10`p.m.;; and `'-:ROLL asked the Clerk to call the roll, all"members being pre- ``CALL -- sent. ,, ~ The Mayor asked the Clerk to read the minutes of a special "'7/20/65 meeting of • the Council, held.. July 20, 1965. These minutes .,. iMIISCT7 ES vaere approved as, read. 'The Mayor then asked for any cor- "' APPR(,VE~, ` rections or deletions to the minutes of the regular Cou,-~- °7/13, G5 ;, j ~cil meeting held July 13,,1965and Councilman .~att requested MINU`~i]S correction of ahe.next to Last paragraph of theso minutes, "A'gEI3I:F.D;_ ,, ...;. in which he referred to a. specific ordinance of-the Village. APPRCVED_ , This correction vaas noted and on. motion of Councilman Duncan, ` '` f seconded by Councilman Matt, all members voting aye, the min- '`~~ ~. ,. utes of July 13,.1965, as corrected, vaere approved. as;printed.._ _ Prtayor Lewis referred. to_complaints.received regarding the 'PROS]~J~Ii~ unsightly and unsanitary condition of a ditch on the west ° FAI~NI~ ~ R17. i silo of Prosperity Farms Road. near` Pelican 'Tday and ,Teal ,~ DITCI~_ Tb, inlay. Inasmuch as the ditch is on County road right-of-way,,; BE tho Manager was instructed to contact the County Health ;_, "STUDIED ,- Dept., and request a'formal inspection and report on this ~° ~,' _ ditch, with a.view to cleaning and covering it. r The Treasurer's report for the monthof June which was read` TREfi,>. at the July 13th Council meeting vaas again discussed as RZ;PO];T corrected. The June Treasurer°s report was then approved,",APPRcIVED _ - ~, The Clerk read the minutes of the July 21, 1965 meeting ~' P Ec.~ ADV. of the Planning and Zoning Advisory;Bo ard. _ ~ ;. ,.. ,-BOAR' .•. , . Tho Clerk read a letter from Chairman Ie.ke Lytal of the ~ ` ; COUi~P'.Y , Palm Beach Board .of County'Commissioners, regarding an _ COMAT ~,~, CIIAI!~P4AN inquiry made by Pdayor Lewis on May 25y 1965., asking for: S ' U _ RE: US l up-to-date information on the project, of urbanizing . . ' , ~1. Chairman.Lytal's letter-said tha subject would be , brought up at the next meeting of ,the , County Co,-nmission. .~, ' 1 The Clerk read the minutes of,a meeting held in May and, BEAU'CIFI- _ a meeting held in. July by the -.Village: Beautification Com- CATI~~Pd mittee, Mayor Lewis commented favorably on the plans., of ' ~; ; COPlIM ~;'CTEE the Committee and pledged continua. Council support.-- MTNU.?LS On motion of Councilman Matt, seconded by Councilman,. ORD. Tto. Everard, all members voting aye, proposed .Ordinance No.;. 120 ~.5 120-65, entitled ;`.1ST BEAD. ;. ~ (RE' ~NING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PRIM BEIiCH, '~` ANNA :i~.4'. FLORIDA AMETdDIIdG ORI7INATdCE .IQO. ; 2O AS J~7;R7?TQt ARF'. , ~ T,AffiT`;) , ; A~'~+NDED, ~ ~ BEING THE COMPI~7IF:t1S'IVE ZODTIIIG ~ ~, '_ r ,~ ORDINANCE, OF THE SAID VILLAGE BY RII',20""DING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROiaT 'TAE R-1 STTQGLE-FAMILY,. s , ', .„ i'Y,, DI~'LLING .DISTRICT AND 1~CLf~SSIFYIP7G PART OF ' SAID PROPERTY AS C-IA LIMITED COMi~ERCLAL .. , , r _. :ate DISTC~ICT AND PART OF SAID PROPERTY AS C-ly NEIGHBORHOOD COP,Zn3TRCIAL DISTl.~ICT, BY DIRECTING. _ ": , THE VILLAGE CLERI{ TO BRING THE OFFICL'iL ZOT3Ii~iG P~1P UP TO 'DP,TE; BY PROVIDIiSG FOR THE RI;PLAL OF ' ORDIIdANCES I:d C0,'.JI'LTCT HF,R>i;u1ITPi, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES • _ ~ Page 2 . '~ t was placed on first reading and read .in full., . ._ - ~, The Mayor instructed the Clerk to .proceed ,with advertising for-a Public Hearing on this rezoning and-the hearing will be held by the Village Council on Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1965. -- The Village blerk read proposed Resolution No. 245-65 and on motion of Councilman Everard,- seconded by Councilman Uriatt,-all; members voting aye, Resolution No. 245-65, entitled `; ; „ ---- , ' . - -='i RELON? NG ~ PUBLIC,' - j HEARI',C. 9/7/6f RES. , 45-6(-, -~ (PARG(+ CONTRt' CT) 'A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH --- ,'- ~ PAlivt BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR --- Ai'~TD THE VILLI.GE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A ONE- YF:l1 R CONTRACT U72TH PARGO , IIV'C . , FOR THE LEASE 1.., f ' ~; ~ <: ;.'a i "~ :i .' ",. c OF GOLF CARTS' AT'. THE NORTH,-PAL'VI BEACH COUNTRY -._ was adopted. The-Mayor gave_a`brief resume~of~a public hearing-held r' ~~~RELONItTG" ~~ on July 20, 1965; concerning application, of Pinner, Inc:'` " REOUE`1'-~` for rezoning Lots 27, - 359inc. ; Block 40;_ Plat ,#6. from ~ `, bENIE~ ~ .,,,.. R-1 to- R-2. He ,also referrorl to the:; past history of .this '__ (PIiVDTi R),~ ~ area. On motion, of Councilman Batt, seconded by Council- '."', - ,~ ~'~' ~ .;.., '°', man Duncan,' the request, for rezoning was denied by, a 4 .-_1 ' vote, Councilman.Everard'. 'voting ,against `the 'denial. ' ~ ~ ` ' ~~ r`' '~' ' _ _ - The Clerk read a letter from Royal American Realty, ,Ince= '~P.B.~L.7d,'' regarding the ,posting of a bond.to cover completion, of (S0. F'I1LF) street, Swale and drainage work in. the south portion of ~~t; ` ~ T~OVD: 70 BE _ -_ _ Palm Beach-Lake ~iorth Estates Plat. 1~Ir. John Brennan -'.' ~ AR~1VC ^D~ `~ spore on behalf of the develo er'and offered a.. bond for` ::',irk-'!.lC~C1~ .V,1; tho wcrk (amount .to be ,$8,000 i'rom Royal hnierican Indus- T __., _ - I tries, Inc., or~an outside bonding ,company acceptable to .the" E_' }'~ _ _ Village. The Village Enginecr,'represented by Mr: Howard 't ~•. Searcy, agreed to the acceptance of a-bond 'and on motion of ~` ' '`' Councilman Everard, seconded by Vice-biayor,Bell, all members i ' voting ,aye, it was agreed-,that the -Village..Attorney .should _" Y_~`~`` ~'~ n~i select a bonding Company acceptable to the Village and th© ••"'T', ~ 'f I developer so that approval of the south half of the plat'•' ' ~' ~ could be made. ,- ~ , r; ~• ,r r ~ .,,~ - The Manager advised the Council of the availability of al'"'~~M1~T1GE,~. good used 1956 garbage packer at the International Har- AUTHOFCLED venter dealer in uJest Palm Beach, at a prico of ",6650., TO BUY- FIe recommended that the Village purchase this to use. as" ~''-USED ~:"• ., a standby and extra packer for the Public G~orks Department.-PACKEF: _ __ He stated that the budget-in sufficient to cover this pur= :` „•`~' I~p;~ chase. On motion of. Councilman Glatt, seconded by Council- ' man Everard, purchase: of this packer;was approved on a 4-1 ;"'_:" _' vote Vice-Ma or Bell votin a ainst-the ' r,_. r, "°' ~ Y g g purchase. The Village Manager was instructed to prepare a Resolute` ~. -.7UbGE tion, appointing .4~illiam Carter, wYiite as'a. Judge Ad Litem-; _AD LTT~~,'i~" for the Uillago, for consideration at'the'next Council,' ~ `TO BE meeting. ~ ,.. , . , ,,.._ ,.. NAMED - --- The Village Manager wnnounced that ,a representative of "„-~' `TAX~.Liti>C~SS- Hunnicutt ~C Associates would be present with the Tax` ~r.;MENTS CO,:BT Assessor. in the Village Hall on Thursday and Friday, July 'E:{PIu'~I JE'D ` 29th and 30thc 1965, for the purpose. of explaining tha .. rr1,,,. 1965 tax asseusments to any int~,rested taxpayEr,. He also rTs i..T`~~ reminded the Council that it would sit as the Tax Equaliz- ing Board on Monday, August 2, 1965, at .7:30 p.m. in the-;-; -='.i„'~`~T;~~ - Villagc Hall, for the purpose .of heari_ng'complaints regard:-,~. ,,., ing the 1965 tax assessment roll. ~ ,~ , rr Councilman Everard brought to the Council's attention ;:JAYCEES _ the need of the newly organized NPB-PBG Jaycees fora ''SEEK regular meeting place and asked the Council°s assistance; MEETIN:-- if possible. The Manager was'instructed-to .help, if..pos- .'PLACE Bible and if space would be arranged.=and. if .the plub so desired. ,_ , ,,.;._,. Page 3 Councilman Watt made a statement regarding activities COU'~TiCIL'~A;T of several departments of th© Village government and WATT ASKS raised questions about the administration of Village REVIEW OF affairs. He asked the Council to review thosa mat- ViLLE1GE ters and Mayor Lewis agreed that the Co-,ancil should AFFAIRS meet in executive session with the ~t-o,nager to „o over -_ the issues involved. The meeting was set for Wednesday, July 28th, in the Village Ha11. During statements from tho public, Mr. 7'aul Elnondy RECREATIO.T Vice-Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board, pre- BOARD SUB rented. to the Council names of four persons for con- MITS NAMEI sideration as appointments to fill vacancies on the Rocreation Board. These names are Les Harr©11, Martin Gold, Charles McCraney and Mrs. Jeircnne McCraney. The Manager was instructt~cl to write each person to ascertain whether or not he or she would be willing to serve;, if appointed. A complaint vacs registered regarding the condition COM1'Lb1INT of an abandoned house in Crown Estates, located on MADE ABOU' Dogwood Road. The Manager was instructed to try to ABANDONED determine the owner of this property and take the PR07'ERTY necessary action to have the premises cleaned up. Thore being no further business to come before the ADJOURNOQEdT Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9x45 p.m. R fully su /~ijtted R. S7~2dCE v VILL!'~GE CLERK 1 G~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ / /