07-13-1965 VC REG-M~~-~ 1 e .. MINUTES OF~A REGULAR MEETING f ` t:~^' of THE - - - - VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIt1~1 BEACH, FLORIDA HELD _. .- --- TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1965 PRESENTS - - .. °~~. Thomas F. Levais, Mayor- = Thomas R. Be11, Vice-Mayor Allan Everard, Councilman ~~ - Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attor~iey ~ Frank R. S?~ence, Village r w _ ~~ -- :. Manager, and -Clerk ~~ .: ~~tir ABSENTS- Gordon Duncan, Councilman :k p the Clerk to call the roll .with all members .being present !' C1 except Councilman Duncan. "'° ~' Before the meeting began, Council.nian 47att-made a statement. H.A. WATT _,' thanking the Council and the people for their flowers and EXT?1.3ESSES cards sent to him during his recent illness. - THAI~S Mayor Lewis called the meeting;to order at 8 PM and requested At the request .of the Vice-Mayor Bell, the Village Clerk MINUTES read the minutes of a special meeting of the Council held 6/22, 7/1 by Vice-Mayor Bell, all members voting aye, the minutes APPROVID of June 22, July 1, and July 7, 1965 w:©re approved. as = =_ --- `-July 7, 1965. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded 7/7 printed. Mayor Lewis made a statement regarding the recent special MAYOR election held June 30, 1965 for the purpose of amending SCORES the Village Charter. Mayor Lewis deplored the apathy and lo~.r APATHY turnout of Village citizens to vote in the election. The IN results showed 131 votes cast,out of possibly 1900 registere~t II~CTION voters. Mayor Levais cited the many long hours of work that ~ went into the preparation of these amendments and. stated. tha, people should not expect .the right ,to complain about some- thing that is voted upon them if they themselves do not participate in the actual voting. The Village Treasurer read the Treasurer°s Report for the TRE1iSURER'S month of June, 1965. After much discussion, the report REPORT was Labeled until the next meeting when certain items could be better explained. __ Mayor Letivis reported on a letter he had receive from the R,E.A. Railway Express Agency stating that they expect to provide~_ TO SERVE service to the Village no less than twice a week before VILLAGE September 1, 1965.- ____ _ _. Mayor Lewis reported that he rcgreted that the joint MEET WITH - meeting between the Council and Lake Park Commission ~ LAIC PARK, had to be cancelled. Therefore, he re-scheduled the - ~ 8/4/65 meeting for August 4, 1965, to be held at the Village: Hall at 7530 A+d. The Clerk read a lettc;r from County Commissioner E. F, JUL:~ 27 Van Kessel stating that July 27, 1965, had been desig--_ _ NPB DAY nated as Tdorth Palm Beach Day at the New York t~7orld's AT Id.Y. Fair. The Clerk vaas instructed to thank Mr. Vari Kessel FAIR for having such a day designated and that the Council _ would be more than happy to discuss with Mr: Van Kessel his request for a contribution from the Village to the „ World's fair. Finally, Mayor Lewis was still awaiting ' _ , an answer to his .letter from County Commission Chairman, Take Lytal regarding development of U. S. Highway 1. ~,_ Minutes of Meeting July 13, 1965 - ' Page two ~' The Clerk read the minutes of the 'Coning Board of Ad- justm~nt held July 1, 1965... The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Boa~7. meeting held July 7, 1965. - ~~ i ZONING BD. OF ADJUST'i1~N'.C - MINUTES P~cZBD. MINUTES The Clerk read the rainutcs of the Recreation Advisory REC. BOARD " "I Board meeting held June 28, 1965. Attached to these MINUTES 8c minutes ryas their 5-year development plan for recreation'S_YR PL(~N in the Village. This was taken under advisement by the - _ ~ Council. I The Village Manager was instructed to determine if the = PALM BIBLE. Palm Bibb Chapel had accepted the conditions set forth =CHAPEL '=I by the Zoning Board of Ac3.justment in order for them to ;" ; `" receive a variance a11o;:ing the church to build a parking ~ ~ lot on their.. two lots on Prosperity Farms Road north of Polican Vday. _ On motion of Councilman ~i7iatt, seconded by Councilman ORD 119-65 -Everard, all mgnbcrs voting aye, proposed Ordinance ` BD. 1~E1Pi 3ERS Tdo. 119-65, entitled - TO BE VIL. RESIDENTS AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH REQUIRING ALL MEMBERS OF ADVISORY BOARDS TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL TO. BE RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE was placed on second reading and read by title only. On motion of Uice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman ORD. 119-65 __ rlatt, all members, voting aye, Ordinance No. 119-65 EDiACTED. entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTIi PALM BEACH REQUIRING lsLL Mr'1P,'IBERS OF lDVISORY _ '. BOARDS TO THE VILLAGE COUNCIL TO BE RESIDENTS - OF THE VILLAGE was enactcxi. The Village Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 244-65 RES. ~4<6-65 ___ relating to an abandonment of an appcas~ne;nt. The Clerk ABANDONING ' then read a letter from the Village Engineer, K. C. Mock ~~ 8c Associates stating that the easement was no longer..- )~0~) necessary to the drainage of the property in that area- and that the had no 0 y pposition to the abandonment. _' Thereupon, on motion of Councilman CJatt, seconded. by Coun--;_ __ Gilman Everard, all membors voting aye, Resolution No. 244-65 Entitled ._ A RESOLUTIOTd OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGTd A DISCLAIMER TO A CERTAIN' EASET,IENT FOR DRAI1dAGE PURPOSES LOCATED IIJ Ti ~, VILLfiGE OF - NORTH PAID BEACH LtiT BLOCK 30, PLAT N0. 3, VILLAGE " OF NORTH PAITIi BEACFI Baas adopted. The Village Manager informed the Council that ono of the USL OF Village's Public Safety Officers, Richard VJille, has two CEI~TIFILD Police Dogs that he would be willing to use on patrol duty ~ ~~~?~GS P ~ ~~_ _; - Minutes of Meeting ~: July 13, 1965 - - - i ° ;'' Page three _. at night at no cost to the tillage. The Village Manager and the Chief of Police recommend that the Council author- _ ize.the use of certified Police Dogs by the Village on ' night patrol. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded. by Vice-Mayor Bell, all members voting aye, the Council authorized the use of Police Dogs on night patrol by our __ Police Force subject to the requirement that the dogs -, must be certified by a proper training agency or agent. 1 The Village Clerk reminds-6. the Council of the Public Hearing ~~C to be held Tuesday, July 20, 1965, for the purpose of considc;r~C~65 --- the rezoning of certain lots on Prosperity Farms Road north ,~f the Lighthouse Baptist Church. The Clerk advised the Council that all legal and proper notices have been given. The Village Clerk reported that proper and legal public notices TAX have. been given regarding objections to tax assessr¢ents. Each ASSESS. _ must be filed in writing yaith the Tax Assessor on or before PROTEST July 30, 1965, and that the Tax Adjusti~unt Board will sit on DEAD~hIDTE Monday, August 2, 1965, at the Village Hall at 7e30 PIQi 7/30/65 The Village Manager reported that, in accordance cJith the .recent rules and regulations•approved by the Council, the North Palm Beach Board of Governors vaill hold their annual public meeting on July 14, 1965 at 8 Ps~t at -the Country Club to answer any questions of the members. The Villag; Clerk read 'a letter from the Village's Engineer, K. C. Mock ~ Associates relating to curtain improvements that would be required in the South i/2 of Palm Beach Ixtike • 1Torth Estates. On motion of Councilman t~7att, seconded by Councilman Everard, all members voting aye, the Council endorsed the recommendations of the Village Engineer and instructed him to take tahatuver action is necessary to see that these are carried out. On motion of Councilman Everard, seconde-d by Vice-Mayor Bell, - all members voting aye, the Council approved the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board°s recommended list of liaison • members to other Village Boards as contained in their minute; of July 7, 1965. The Council discussed the matter of the previous request of Bankers Life and Casualty requesting a fill permit from the Village allowing them to fill in 'behind their bulkhead line on Munyon Island. 1~2r. Horace Miller, Vicc-President, vaas present to discuss the matter with the Council and Village Engineer. T'hc Council auti2orizcd the Village engineer to write any necessary letters stating the Council's assurance of granting the permit subject to their final approval of the location of the Gorps of Engineers spoils area. BD . Ck' . GOVERNCRS MEETING 7/14/65 CCUiVCIL --- ENDORSES ENGINEER RE : PBL4~ PLAT P ScLBD I LIAISONS APPROVED 1 MUNYON ISLAND -- FILL FERI~IT DISCUSSED The matter of Swim Team hours at the Country Club Pool arose SVOIIUI and the Village Manager tivas instructed to investigate the ma~~terHOTTRS and report back to the Council after talking with the Countr, Club Manager. °' The question of dog houses and doll houses in the back yards SECURING of Village residents tiaas discussed relative to their danger DOG during a hurricane. The Village Manager advised the Gbuncil' HOUSES that the Building Official ~~aould notify all such owners to IN see that they are secured in advance cmf' any hurricane and th _t HUPIIICANE the Manager would make such an annoucement in the next neyasl~.tter. ~_ ,. ~+ ' '~ J __.._-, Councilman Platt referred to a Village ordinance which______ I.h. : _ .requires, that all trucks have the owners name painted:.- ON on each side and asked why .this was not being enforced. ,.,. TRICKS The Manager was instructed to investigate this matter- TO BE -- with the Bolice Department. ENFORCED • ~ - ~. ~_~ - :'