01-05-1965 VC SP-Mr~ .. MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NCRTH PAI~d BEACH, FLCRT'~A HELR TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1965 Present: Harold W. Beery, Mayor -- Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman Herbert A. 4Tatt, Councilman Herbert L. Gi1dan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Clerk and Village Manager Mayor Beery called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present. The Mayor stated that the main purpose of the special meeting was to discuss some recent develop- ments in the Village's case against H. A. Ross for the 4.15 acres of land. adjacent to the Country Club, a.nd that some action was necessary as soon as possible. ~ On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Be11, all members voting aye, the Village Attorney was authorized to negolfiate with Mr. H. A. "'~ Ross and his attorney to see if a settlement can be made out of court to the benefit of the Village, and granting special authority to the Village Attorney to settle. the case by accepting either the 4.15 acres of land, or X155,000. II'~ On another emergency matter, tY.~e Council was informed that Village Judge Ad Litem '~a11is Schulle had ~a,otified-the Village to the effect that it was necessary for him to represent certain clients and companies before the Village Municipal Court and therefore posed a conflict of interest, and such a case was to come before the Village Court shortly at which our present Judge would not be able to sit, nor would Judge Ad Litem Schulle be available. The Village Manager was instructed to contact attorneys living in the Village first, and then attorneys living outside of the Village, to determine if any one would be interested in the position of Village Judge Ad Litem. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. VILLAGE CTFRK i~