01-26-1965 VC REG-MMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA. TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1965 Present: Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Councilman ' Herbert A. Watt, Councilman - Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney wank R. Spence, Village Manager and Village Cl erk Absent: Harold V1. Beery, Mayor Vice-Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked the ROLL CALL Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Mayor Beery who was absent. The Village Clerk read the minutes of meetings held January 12th and 19th., JANUARY 12 1965, these being approved as read. ~ 19 MINU7~S APPROVED • The Clerk read a copy of a letter sent to the Riviera Beach Jaycees from LETTER TO the Village Council, praising the Jaycee Organization for their fine help JAYCEES in aiding in the development of Prosperity Park and, in donating X500 to the Village to be used for the purchase of recreation playground equipment. The letter also commended the Jaycees, locally and nationally, since this was Jaycee Appreciation Week. The Clerk read a letter fY~om Vice-Mayor Lewis, addressed to the Council, LE~PIS expressing his appreciation for the Council's condolences and flowers _ EXPRESSED sent at the time of his mother's death. APPRECIA- TION The Village Clerk read a letter from the County Health Department stating HEALTH DEPT. that a registered Sanitarian had inspected the ditch in the Plat ~4 area LETTER RE: and stated that the conditions had changed very little from the time of plat #4 the last inspection which was in 1960; to wit, that it was still unsightly DITCH ' but there were still no health hazards. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Robert Fulton, Superintendent of Public SCHOOL Instruction, confirming his discussion with Uice-Mayor Lewis, regarding PLAYGROUND the contract and policy between the Village and the Board of Public Inst., POLICY regarding the use of the school playground at the Elementary School. Mr. Fulton felt that the Board could still live up to the terms of the con- tract and they felt the Village could still use the playground area after. school hours and on weekends. His only request was that the Village pro- vide supervision within the year or so. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Robert Wening, stating that due to his ROBERT working in Washington, D. C., that he would have to resign from the Plan- WENING Wing and Zoning Advisory Board. The Council accepted Mr. Wening's resigna- RESIGNS tion with regrets. PLANNING B09RD The Clerk read a letter from the Palm Bible Chapel, requesting the Council REQUEST • to rezone Lots 23 and 24, Block 51, Plat #6, from R-1 to R-2, for the pur- f TO REZONE _ pose o installing a church parking lot only. The matter was ref erred to LOTS IN the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board for their review and recommendation. PLAT #6 The Clerk read a letter from Brockway, Weber and Brockway, regarding the GOLF proposed addition to the Golf Course Addition and submitting the plat for COURSE Village approval. This matter was referred to the Planning and Zoning ADD'N #2 Board for their review and recommendation. ' The Clerk read a letter from. Mr. J. A. Schwencke, asking that the matter REZONING of rezoning the lots on Prosperity Farms Road in Block 40, from R-1 to REQUEST R-2 be reviewed and referred back to the Council once more. He believed REVIVED the matter was tabled in the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board. The matter was referred to the Planning and Zoning Board for their renewed thinking and recommendation. The Village Clerk read a copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the. PLA.iN\1iING ' Planning and Zoning Advisory Board held Wednesday, January 13, 1965. On 8c ZONING commenting on some of their recommendations, the Village Council requested BOARD additional information and specific reasoning as to why the Board had MINUTES voted to receommend the name of Fathom Road North be changed to Gulf stream 1/13/65 Road but that Shore Road and Shore Drive remain the same. The Council requested the P. 8c Z. Advisory Board to reconsider these matters once again in the light of two other streets which have a similar problem • these being Dory and Cruiser which also have North, South and West suffix. JANUARY 26, 1965 Page two On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Bell, all -ORD. 113-65 members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 113-65, entitled 1ST READING AMENDING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, ORD. No. 25 AMENDING THE REQULRE~NTS FOR PLATTING OF SUBDIVISIONS IN THE VILLAGE; REQUIRING THE DEDICATION FOR PARK AND RECREATIONAL PURPOSES OF A PERCENTAGE OF ALL LANDS HEREINAFTER PLATTED WLTHIN THE VILLAGE OR A MONEY EQUNALENT TTaFRFFOR; AND SETTING FORTH REQUIRE6H;NTS FOR STREET LIGHTING OF ALL LANDS HEREINAFTER PLATTED V'lITHIN THE VILLAGE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES was placed on first reading and read in full. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Watt, all SECURITY members voting aye, the Village awarded the contract for providing AWARDED group hospitalization, life, and major medical insurance to Security Life 8c Trust Company, of Winston-Salem, N. C., based on their low net GROUP INSURANCE bid. The Village Manager reported that the County Engineer's office had -TRAFFIC informed him that the traffic count at the intersection of Prosperity COUNT Farms Road and Lighthouse Drive was not sufficient to warrant a traffic INSUF- light. The Council instructed the Manager to inquire into the pos"sibi- ~E'ICIENT . lity of getting a blinker light at that intersection. _ The Village Manager reported. on two letters which he had received from SAILING Mr. Lew Emerson and Mr. Richard Hurd, expressing their desire to set up 'CLUB a sailboat club for the building of sailboats in the basement of the old PROPOSED Country Club building and to utilize the Village land on Lake Worth for launching sailboats. The Council stated that certain rules of operation and insurance problems would have to be worked out before they could be given permission but they did recommend that this group meet and work with the Recreation Advisory Board before final approval is given. There was some thought there might be a noise problem with the Library and. Art Center immediately above the area where there would be power equipment and saws. The Council hoped that these problems could be worked out. The Village Manager reported that arrangements had been made with the WATER LINE NPB Utilities, Inc., for the installation of the water line from Pros- F'OR BALLPARK perity Farms Road to the ballpark site for the purpose of providing drinking water only. The Manager reminded the Council that the Legislative Clinic would meet LEGISLATIVE Friday, February 5, 1965, to receive any proposed legislation that the CLINIC Council would desire to have introduced at this session of the State 2/5/65 Legislature. Since the Council did decide to have certain Charter changes made, the Council scheduled a workshop meeting to discuss any changes to be held Thursday, January 28, 1965 at the Village Ha11, at 7:30 p.m:, with an 11:00 p.m. deadline. The Village Manager again brought up the subject of the Village-owned UILLAGE- generator and informed the Council that NLr. Lloyd Eceleston of Lost Tree OWNED informed him that he would be willing to pay the X300 repair bill of GEDrERATOR Mr. R. R. Evans, if the generator could be stored at Lost Tree. Since the Civil Defense headquarters will not allow the Village to sell or dis- pose of this generator, the Manager was requested to again review the matter and to attempt to come up with some solution to this problem. Vice-Mayor Tom Lewis reported that he had met with the Library Board and LIBRARY they informed him that the new officers of their group are Mrs. Herbert BOARD Gildan, President, and Mr. Seymour Bellak, Vice-President. The Library -OFFICERS Board meetings will be held the fourth Monday of every month and they NAMED expect to come up with a five-year plan for the Library. ___ ' The Village Manager was instructed to work with the Building Official -SENIOR to determine the proper size and cost of installing space heaters in CITIZENS the Senior Citizens Building, as had been recommended by the Recreation BUILDING, Advisory Board and as had been included in theix° revised budget. Since =SPACE -- the item was already in the budget, the Village Manager was instructed HEATERS to proceed as soon as possible. The Village Manager reported that the Building Official was presently determining the size and cost of a well that would be adequate to pro- vide the needs of the new ballpark to be located at Prosperity Park. The Council again decided to table the request of Burnup ~ Sims, Inc., to install a community antenna TV cable, until the second meeting in February. WELL AT BALLPARK CATV TABLED AGAIN n LJ January 26, 1965 . Page three The Council held a drainage ditch in and comments from lengthy discussion regarding the problem of the PL_9T ,#4 the Plat #4 area. The flaor was opened for discussion DRAINAGE the public. DITCH DISCUSSID Vice-Mayor Lewis then turned the chair over to Councilman Churchill. ' Vice-Mayor Lewis then moved, seconded by Councilman Watt, that Plat #4 be set up as a Special .Assessment District and that all 388 properties be assessed equally for the storm sewer improvement. However, when the Village Attorney stated that an engineering firm would have to determine who benefited from the ditch and to what extent, and that their percentage of assessment would be the legal formula, the motion was withdrawn. Vice-Mayor Lewis then moved, seconded by Counci7snan Platt, that an engi- veering firm be employed by the Village to establish a preliminary assess- ment roll to determine the extent of benefit derieved from the ditch and the amount to be charged against each owner. By a 2-1-1 vote, with Vice- Mayor Lewis and Councilman "Watt voting aye, Councilman Churchill voting no, and Councilman Bell abstaining, the motion passed and was approved. SPECI9L ASSESS~NT MCTICN WITHDR4WN PRELIMINARY AS'SE'SSMENT AEQ STED On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Bell, all mem- ARSENIGCS hers voting aye, Mr. Rudolph Arsenicos was appointed to the Planning and APPOINTED Zoning Advisory Board to replace the resigned member, Mr. Robert Wening. TO pT,ANNTNG ~ ZONING BID. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Watt, all mem- ARSENICOS hers voting aye, Mr. R. Aresnicos was appointed to the Contractors' Exa- APPOINTED mining Board to replace Mr."~Ahening who has moved from the Village. TO CONIRS. Fx. BOARD The Council discussed the vacancies which exist on the Recreation advisory VACANCIES Board and the Board of Governors and decided not to make any appointments DISCUSSED at this meeting but to notify the public in the next Newsletter that these vacancies do exist and that all interested and qualified citizens should make application. The matter of having one engineering firm who represented both the Vil- lage and various builders and developers was discussed and it was the consensus of the Council that one engineering firm could not represent both parties equally and posed a conflict of interest. Therefore, the Village Manager was instructed to submit a list of qualified engineering firms to the Council by the next meeting so that a separate engineer could be designated as Village Engineer. The Manager reported that due to some adjustments in the Specifications, the due date for the bids had been delayed one week until Thursday, Feb- ruary 4th, at 4:00 p.m. so that interested bidders could submit an Al- ternate Proposal which provided for the Village paying for the dump fee and for providing a Cost-of-Living Index adjustment, amending the original specifications. -The Council stated that after the bids were opened and sometime before they made a decision, it would want to meet with each and every refuse collection bidder. There being no f7arther business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 12 o'clock midnight. VILLAGE ENGINEER REFUSE BIDS ADJOURN~NT VILLAGE CLERK