01-12-1965 VC REG-MMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE - VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FI{JRIDA HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1965 ' Present: Harold 4Y. :Beery, Mayor Thomas F. Lewis, Uice-Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager ~ Village Clerk ' Mayor Beery called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked the Clerk ROLL to call.the roll, all members being present. CALL The Clerk stated that the Council had in their hands the corrected minutes DEC. 8TH of the meeting held December 8th that had been tabled at the last meeting. MINUTES On motion of Councilman 1Vatt, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members APPROVED voting aye, except Vice-Mayor Lewis who voted nay, the reading of the minutes _ • of December 8th was dispensed with and approved as printed. The Clerk read the minutes of the adjourned meeting held December 29, 1964 DEC. 29th and of a special meeting held January 5th, these being approved as read. ~ JAN, 5th MINUTES APPROVED The Village Treasurer read the financial reports for the General Fund for the month of December, 1964. Mr. Carpenter, of Callaway, Carpenter and May, who are the Village Auditors, officially presented the 1963-64 Audit to the Council. After a brief dis- cussion, the Council asked Mr. Carpenter if he could return at some flature date at a more appropriate time to adequately and thoroughly discuss the Audit after the Council had studied it. Mr. Carpenter stated that he would be more than happy to do so. ' The Village Treasurer reported that this waw~~the third month of the new fiscal year and he had not yet .received a monthly financial report from the Country Club. On motion of _Uice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the Village Treasurer and the Auditor were instructed to see why the Country Club has not presented their fiscal reports to the Village on time. The Village Clerk read a letter from Mrs. V. Gessford, 540 Ebbtide Drive, complimenting the Police Department on their quick response in the middle of the night, providing her with critically needed supply of oxygen due to a mild heart attack. She stated this was the second time she had received. outstanding response from the department since had has lived in. the Village. TREASURER'S .}kEPORT 1963-64 AUDIT PRESENTED_ COUNTRY CLUB FISCAL - REPORTS DELINQUENT POLICE DEPARTMENT PRISED The Village Clerk read a letter from Mr. Morey Dunn, 420 Prosperity Farms RESIDENT Road, thanking the Village for a number of services, such as a police VOICES check on his vacant house while he was away and the correction of a number THANKS _ of other matters he had called to the attention of the Village Manager. On motion of Councilman Be11, s~sconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 112 was renumbered and changed to Ordinance No. 112-65 to co-incide with the new numbering system. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Vice-Mayor Lewis, all members voting aye, proposed Ordinance No. 112-65, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCES No. 28 AND n0. 94, tiVHICH SAID ORDINANCES PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF DOGS, BY APPLYING THE TERMS OF SAID REGULATIONS ALSO TO ALL CATS; AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE ~sZOUISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE: AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH On motion of Uice Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, Ordinance No. 112-65 was enacted. was placed on second reading and. read by title only. ORD. #112 RENUMBERED 112-65 ORD. 112-65_ 2ND READING (CAT ORD.) ORD. 112-65 ENACTED (CAT. ORD.) January 12, 1965 _ Page two On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Watt, all RES. 223-65 members voting aye, Resolution °~To. 223-65, entitled ADOPTED. -- (HUNNICUTT A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, CONTRACT) ' FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LEASE-CONTRACT WITH HONNICUTT AND ASSOCLATES, INC., FOR ASSESSMENT SERVICES FOR THE 1965 ASSESS~NT ROLL was adopted.. On motion of Vice Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Churchill, RE'S. 224-65 all members voting aye, Resolution No. 224-65, entitled ADOPTED (REQUESTING A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH," E STATE ROAD DEPARTIVLENT OF THE 5`RD ~ U.S. #1) FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT TH STATE OF FLORIDA PLACE IN A MUI~TICIPAL CATEGORY AND IMPROVE AS SUCH, U. S. HIGHWAY #1 FROM TEE SOUTH BORDERS OF NORTH _ PAIM BEACH TO THE SOUTH BORDERS OF THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY was adopted. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman Watt, all RES. 225-65 members voting aye, Resolution No. 225-65, entitled ADOPTED (REQUESTING A RESOLUTION OF TEE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PATH BEACH, COUNTY TO FLORIDA, REQUESTING THAT I'HE BOARD OF COUNTY CQMMISSIOI~RS, URBANIZE U S #1) PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, PLACE IN A MUNICIPAT CATEGORY . . AND IMPROVE AS SUCH, U. S. HIGHWAY #1 FROM THE SOUTH BORDERS _ OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO THE SOUTH BORDERS OF THE INTROC,OABTAL WATERWAY was adopted. Vice-Mayor Lewis reported to the Council that he had a n-eeting with CONFERENCE School Supt. Robert Fulton, regarding the existing contract between W/SCHOOL SUPT. the Village and the School Board involving the use of the school play- RE: PLAYGROUND ground. Vice-Mayor Lewis reported that Mr. Fulton was favorable to Bc FIREHOUSE continuing the contractural arrangement and allowing the Village ' children to play on the playground after school hours. He did express, however, the desire that the Village, within a year or so, live up to its obligation of providing supervision at the playground during non- school hours. Mr. Fulton further stated that the Board of Public Ins- - struction was presently considering the policy of allowing municipal _ fire stations to be located on school property. When finalized and _ approved, he would expect the terms to be generally for an 80-year lease at ~1 per year. Af"ter farther discussion by the Council, the Village Manager was instructed to write to Mr. Fulton, thanking him for the offer, and expressing the Village's interest in such a plan and desire to pursue __ the matter further. Due to the fact that members of the Council had not yet had time to BURNUP BcSIMS - read a report relating to community antenna television franchise DISCUSSION circulated by the Manager, discussion of the Burnup 8c Sims proposal POSTPONED for such a franchise was-postponed until the next meeting. _ The Village Manager reported that the boundary verification maps of VILLAGE MAPS _ the Village of North Palm Beach and a detailed map of Prosperity .RECEIVED Farms Road, which the Council had requested in the latter part of _ last year, had been received from Brockway, Weber and Brockway, and would be available for inspection in the Manager's office. On motion of Vice-Mayor Lewis, seconded by Councilman Bell, all mem- TENNIS COURTS hers voting aye, the Village Manager and the Building Official were - APPROVED authorized to begin construction of two tennis courts to be located on the south parking lot at the Country Club, at a cost not to exceed X5,353, as outlined in the Building Official's memo of December 29, 1964. Because of the cost of certain aspects of the construction whic h exceeds X1,000, the Manager stated that in accordance with the Charter -- provisions,sealed bids would have to be taken and he would proceed. in this direction immediately. _ ' Councilman Be11 reported that since he was the liaison between the ho are work- d ti B RETACATION OF RATT,F'IELD tiVORK oar , w on Council and the Little League and the Recrea ing on the moving of the lighted Little League ballfield, from its =PROCEEDING present location on private property to Village-owned Prosperity Park, there are several services required Pram the Village. The first is a grade survey and stake-out requested so that the leveling can begin. - The Village Manager stated he would proceed with having this work done . . Mr. R. Boyer, chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board and also representing the Jaycees,-stated that ~ well and sprinkler system would be required at the site and would recommend that the Jaycees convert the trading stamps they had collected into cash to be applied to this proj ect. The Village Manager reported treat he had not yet received the traffic TRAFFIC COUNT count report on the intersection of Prosperity Farms Road and bight- AtiVAITED house "Drive which was to be provided by the County Engineer's office. He stated the information would. be available before the next meeting. The Village Manager noted a slight error in the last Newsletter, CORRECTION: regarding the legal period in which a person might file as Candidate QUALIFYING ' for Village Council office. Instead of 'during the month of February,' DATES the time should have read 'during the last 10 days of February.' Vice-Mayor Lewis annaunced that he would be meeting with the Library LIBRARY Advisory Board in a meeting on Monday, January 25, 1965, at 8:00 p.m., BOARD in the Village Tull, and if any other Councilmen could attend, they MEETING would be most welcome. Mr. R. R. Evans, Jr., appeared before the Council to explain his R. R. Evans --- position regarding the repairing of a large Villag-owned generator ~ VILLAGE- which he has in his possession. He stated he had invested about X300 _ OWNED in parts and labor in repairing this generator and felt that the Vi1- GENERATOR lage was obligated to pay this before receiving it back. Although the y generator has been in Mr. Evans' possession since 1962, he said he had not been able to rent it out in order to recoup his investment of repair. Mr.Evans expressed the opinion that this generator is much too large, • bulky and expensive to maintain for the Village's use, and he offered his services in aiding the Village in disposing out it. However, it was pointed out that since the generator was purchased with Civil Defense funds, it could not be summarily disposed of. The Village Manager was instructed to contact the local Civil Defense office and determine how long a muni- cipality must keep Civil Defense equiXanent before ~?eing able to liquidate it. The Village Manager informed the Council that he had contacted the BUS COMPANY Transit Company of the Patin Beaches on the date of the Council's meet- AWAITING ing, and was informed that this company was still very much interested BUSES and desirous of providing bus service to the Village. However, they were having some difficulty in securing buses to place on this extended route. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meet- ADJOURDID~NT ing was adjourned at 11:00 p.m., until Tuesday, January 26, 1965, at 8:00 p.m. ~/~ VILI$GE CL '