02-09-1965 VC REG-MA REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE PAIB![ BEACH, FEBRUARY 9TH, Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Be11, Councilman Herbert A. tiVatt, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill, Counci]snan Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Clerk Beulah Samples, Deputy Clerk Vice-Mayor, Mr. Lewis, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Mayor Beery who absent. Vice-Mayor Lewis asked the Clerk to read the minutes of adjourned meeting the Council held January 26, 1965, these being approved as read. The Village Treasurer read the financial report for the Country Club for the period ending January 1965, a 3-months report that had been distributed to the Council. The monthly report for the Village General Fund was not read due to the illness of the bookkeeper but the Treasurer reported the Village Auditor is presently making the first quarterly audit and report. The Clerk read the minutes of a me eeing of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board held January 27, 1965. The Chairman of that Board, Mr. Marshall Benja- min, appeared before the Council to explain the Board's action in approving one street name change but denying two other such requests. He stated the Board had so acted because there is only one home completed on the street where approval was given but to change the names of others would create great confusion for residents, postal authorities, etc. After hearing Mr. Benjamin, the Council directed the Village Attorney to draw up a proposed resolution for the next meeting of the Council, cY~anging the game of Fathom Road North to Gulf stream Road. JAN. 26TH MINU'T'ES APPROVED TREASURERS REPORT PLANNING ~ ZONING MINUTES JAN. 27TH Acting on the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board's recommendation that the _ B request of Northlake Properties for rezoning lots in Block 40, Plat #6, be P granted, the Council instructed the Village Manager to proceed with advertis- H ing and calling for a public hearing on this matter, Lots 28 - 35, Block 40, 8 Plat #6, from R-1 to R-2. The Planning and Zoning Board also considered the request of the Palm Bible Chapel, j°or the rezoning from R-1 to R-2 for Lots 23 and 24, Block 51, Plat #6, and though the Board did not make any recommenda- tion on the matter, the Manager was instructed to advertise and call for a Public Hearing on this rezoninw request, also. The Village Clerk read the minutes of a meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board held January 25, 1965. It was noted in the minutes that Mrs. Ann Kunkle's name was submitted to the Council for consideration as a member of the Board, to replace Mrs. Milton Lang, recently resigned. The Clerk read a letter from the City of Palm Beach Gardens, regarding a request for de-annexation of the Nicholson property on U. S. #1, north of the Monastry. The Village Attorney stated there is no provision in the Village Charter nor was any such provision included in proposed Charter changes sub- mitted to the Legislative Clinic, for de-annexation. After discussion of the matter, the Village Manager and the Village Attorney were instructed to notify the parties of interest that there is no legal basis for the Village to de- annex this piece of land at this tune. The Village Clerk read a letter from a resident, A. R. Olson, regarding his desire to have made available a copy of the budget and the detailed adminis- trative manual covering the present fiscal year, with all the sub-sections and accounts. The Vice-Mayor inquired of the Village Manager what the cost of preparing such copies would be and the Manager was instructed to have pre- pared approximately 15 copies of this document which might be available to the general public at a charge of ~5 per copy. RECREATION BOARD MINUTES JAN. 25TH DE-ANNEXATION REQUEST FOR NICHOLSON PROF.ERTY February 9, 1965 Page two _ • The Village Clerk read a letter from A. R. Olson, of the Municipal REFUSE Refuse Service, Inc., who stated he had not submitted a bid for the SERVICE collection of the Village's refuse in the recent Ca11 for Bids because CONTRACTOR he felt the specifications were inadequate and loosely written, so as -`_.,P.ROTESTS to make it impossible for him to bid. The Village Manager reported SPECS three other companies had chosen to bid on the specifications as written. The Council called for consideration of these bids at their workshop meet- ing to be held Tuesday, February 16, 1966, at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Haall. Vice-Mayor Lewis stated that after consideration by the Council and ORDINANCE advice from the Village Attorney, it had been decided to amend pro- No. 113-65 posed Ordinance No. 113-65 and omit the requirement that future develop- AMENDID ers dedicate 5~ of land area ixi a plat to the public for park and other recreational purposes because of questionable legality of such a pro- vision. The amended ordinance, however, will require that developers of ' any new subdivisions in the Village to install street lights as per spec- ifications in the ordinance. The Village Attorney was instructed to pre- pare the amended ordinance for second reading at the next Council meeting, February 23rd. On motion of Councilman Udatt, seconded by Councilman Be11, all members voting aye, Resolution No. 226-65, entitled RESOLUTION No. 226-65 ADOPTID: _ MARCH 16TH GENERAL ELECTION • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 16, 1965; NAMING THE TIB~E AND PLACE wHF',RT+' SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE HELD; APPOINTING THE ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR THE GENERB.L ELECTION AND RUN-OFF ELECTION; DECLARING THE OFFICERS TO BE FILLED AT SUCH ELECTION was adopted. u The Village Clerk reported that the contract proposed by the Village _ HUNNICUTT to Hunnicutt and Associates for the purpose of performing the tax _ CONTRACT assessment work for the year 1965 had been counter-proposed by Hunni- REVISED cutt and it would be necessary for the Village Council to reconsider and accept this revised contract. The Village Attorney explained that the details changed covered the number of days the company would be required to have a consultant available for the Village's Board of Equal- ization; the number of payments to be made for services rendered; and the availability of certain plat maps for use by the company. The Council agreed to these changes except regarding days that a representative would be present. It was finally decided that they would be required to have a consultant present for a period of five consecutive days, if needed by the Board of Equalization. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman tiPatt, all mem- RESOLUTION hers voting ayes Resolution No. 227-65, entitled _ No,_227-65 ADOPTED A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VIIZAGE (REVISED OF NORTH PAIM BEACH, FIARIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR HUNNICUTT AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT V~TITH CONTRACT) HUNNICUTT ~ ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR THE PURP05E OF TAX ASSESSMENTS was adopted. The Village Manager read a tabulation of bids opened in the City of TRUCK VPest Palm Beach on Monday, February 8, 1965, for the purchase of two CONTRACT 3/4 ton pickup trucks, one for the Public VPorks Department and one for AVPARDED use at the Golf Course. The Manager's recommendation was that the low FLORIDA bidder be awarded the contract but that-only the oldest truck, a '54 DODGE, TNC. Chevrolet ~- ton pickup truck, be traded. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Be11, all members voting-aye, the contract for purchase of two 3/4 ton pickup trucks was awarded to Florida Dodge-Chrysler, Inc., for a total net cost of X3,338.86. The Village Manager reported that the emergency telephone had been E~RGENCY installed on the outside of the north end of the Village Ha11. This TELEPHONE telephone is a direct line to the Police Department's answering service _ INSTALLED and is for the use of the public in summoning help when the Village Ha11 is closed and the officers are on patrol. The Manager was instructed to see that a supply of oxygen be obtained EMERGENCY and located in the Village Hall for emergency use. OXYGEN IN VILLAGE HALL February 9 Page three The Village Manager reported on the request for space and facilities SA for a sailboat building club which had been requested by the Youth BU Activities, Inc., headed by Mr. R. Hurd and a hobby shop with power tools, DI headed by Mr. L. Emerson. These groups requested permission to use the basement of the old Country Club but the Village insurance carrier had stated the Village should not allow any activity in the area that might constitute a fire hazard. After considerable discussion, Councilman Watt volunteered to accompany the Fire Chief and the Building Official on an inspection of the area meter study and report to the Council their findings and any recommendations regarding the use of this area. The suggestion was made that perhaps the Public Works department could be put at the old Country Club and the sailboat building and hobby club be put in the present Public Works building. was requested to meet with the Recreation February, and Councilman Be11 volunteered In connection with the sailboat building activities, a request had been made by that group that the Village proceed with installing a shell rock road on the spoils area park on Lake Worth in Yacht Club Addition. The Manager was instructed to send copies of the deed restrictions on this land to the Council, Mr. Hurd, Mr. Roger Boyer, and the Village Attorney. A discussion of the matter will be held at the workshop session on Feb- ruary 16th. BELL TO MEET WITH RECREATION BOARD LAKE WORTH PARK AREA DISCUSSED Mr. J. A. Schwencke, and Mr. H. A. Ross, of Northlake Properties, were PROPOSED present to request approval of their plans for Golf Course Addition #2 GOLF COURSE which had previously been studied and approved by the Planning and Zoning ADD'N #2 Advisory Board. Their engineering representative, Mr. R. Earl Owen, of SUBMITTED Brockway, Weber and Brockway, Inc., was also present to answer any ques- tions regarding the proposed plat. The developers stated they would agree to install street lights in accordance with proposed Ordinance No. 113-65 which has had first reading. The developers also asked if they could sub- mit a letter from a bank, stating that funds required for completion of the plat were on deposit in escrow, in lieu of submitting a bond for development completion. The Council agreed to this arrangement. As for acceptance of the plat, the Council stated it would have to have a certification from Village Engineers and as soon as a firm was appointed; they would turn the plat over to them for study and certification.: The Village Attorney was instructed to drawl up a resolution for acceptance, to be -presented at the next Council meeting, subject to the approval of the plat by the Village Engineers. Mr. Owne, of Brockway; Weber, ~ Brockway, submitted his report to the F Council on the Plat #4 drainage ditch. He stated that his survey found I all lots in the entire Crown Estates area 'do drain into the ditch but I filling it in with a storm drain would not actually improve their drain- R age. The only lots to benefit from covering the ditch would be the 46 lots directly on the ditch and two properties adjacent to it, one being the First Presbyterian Church and the other being the Village-owned land known as Prosperity Park. He said he felt all these owners would benefit equally. His study showed that if the Village borrowed money for ~ih.e _ project, approximately X55,000 for 10 years at 6% interest the total would be about X75,000, but if the present maintenance at 1,500 per year were continued, from an economic standpoint, the Village would be better off not to cover the ditch. The Council did not make any decision regarding covering the ditch but instructed the Village Manager to look into the pos- sibility of contracting out the maintenance work required on the ditch. The Village Manager read letters from two engineering firms, K. C. Mock K. C. MOCK ~ Associates, Inc., and Gee ~ Jensen, Inc., stating each were willing to APPOINTED serve as Village E~~.gineers. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded_ VILLAGE by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, the firm of K. C. Mock ~ Asscs.ENGINEER Inc. was appointed Village Engineer. -The Manager was instructed to send plans for Golf Course Addition #2 to the new engineer immediately for their study and recommendations. He was also instructed to request the return of any Village records9 maps, etc. from Brockway, Webe r and Brock- way, former Village Engineers, and to request them to cease any fl.arther work for the Village if any should be underway at this time. The Manager reported that the Civil Defense was not agreeable to the idea VILLAGE of the Village selling the generator, although they had no objection to OWDTED its being stored any place the Village desires. After considerable dis- GENERATOR cussion, the Council felt it would be best to offer the generator back to the Civil Defense for resale to some community that could use it. Vice-Mayor Lewis requested the Village Manager to have the chain link FIRETREE fence across the end of Firetree Road repaired and the height of this ROAD FENCE fence raised to six feet instead of the present four feet. TO BE REPAIRED February 9, 1965 Page four The Village Manager reported there are two vacancies on Boards which VACANCIES should be filled by the Couneil, one on the Recreation Advisory Board, ON TWO ' and the other on the Country Club Board of Governors. It was decided BCARDS that these vacancies would be discussed at the workshop session on February 16th and resolutions concern;n~ appointments presented at the regular Council meeting February 23rd. Councilman Churchill expressed his belief that the present vo1+ VILLAGE FIRE unteer fire-fighting force is inadequate during the daytime hours I'RCTECTICN and requested the Village Manager to make an investigation into this Q,UESTICNED situation and make any recommendations to increase fire protection ' to Village residents. He suggested that any f1t11-time employees be added to the force during hours they are in the Village. He also asked the Manager to report at the next meeting on the status of the Reserve Police Force. The Village Manager reminded the Council of the meeting of the Tri- TRI-CCUNTY County League of Municipalities to be held in Ft. Lauderdale on Fri- LIAGUE OF day, February 12th. Vice-Mayor Lewis made a brief report on his MUi~]ICIPALITIES • attendance at the last meeting of the League. Following a few statements from members of the audience, there being ADJCURI~II~NT no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was ad- journed at 11:45 p.m., until Tuesday, February 23, 1965. aJ72~ FRANY R. SFENCE VILLAGE CLERK [~~ n U