02-23-1965 VC REG-MMINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, HELD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, Thomas F. Lewis, Vice-Mayor Thomas R. Bell, Councilman Leslie 0. Churchill, Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Councilman Herbert Gilclan, Village Attorney Frank R. Spence, Village Manager and Uillage Clerk BeulaYi°~ Samples, Deputy Clerk Vice-Il~Iayor Lewis called the meeting. to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Mayor Beery who was absent. The Deputy Clerk read the minutes of the regular meeting of the Village Council h~l.d on February 9; 1965, but these were tabled for correction. The minutes of a special meeting of thh Council held February 16, 1965 were approved as read. Vice-Mayor Lewis called for a workshop meeting of the Council, to be Yield; WORKSHOP in the Village Hall on Thursday, February 25, 1965. CALLED The Treasurer read the financial report for the Debt Service Account and TREASURER the General Fund Account for the month of January, these reports being REPORTS approved as read. Mr. Charles Carpenter, of the Village's auditing firm, Callway, Carpenter, AUDITOR ?x May, C.P.A., was present to discuss the Village's 1963-64 Annual Audit. PRESENT; After some discussion of procedures being followed by the Village, Vice- AUDIT Mayor commended the Uillage Manager and the Village Auditor on the improve- AVAILABLE ments in the Village's financial records and reporting and increased fis- cal responsibility, as shown by the recent audit. The Uillage Manager was instructed to make available for viewing by any interested citizen of the Village, a copy of the. 1963-64 .Audit and should a copy be requested for purchase, this would be made on a special order basis, at X6.00 per copy. The Manager was also instructed to include a summary of the audit findings in the forthcoming Annual Progress Report. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Robert Fulton, Superintendent of Public BD. OF _ Instruction, informing the Village that the School Board was presently PUBLIC studying an agreement to be used between the Board and cities where school ISTST. - property could be used for location of fire stations. FIRE The Clerk read a letter from the City of Palm Beach Gardens, requesting the Village to submit a Village Charter change through a special Legis- lative Clinic to be held next week sometimes before the Legislature con- venes, in order to de-annex the Nicholson property from the Village of North Palm. Beach. It was decided that the Village Manager should inform the Gardens that the Village did not wish to rush into such a Charter change at this late date without fu1 consideration of the matter and possible study by a Citizens Charter Commission. The Village Clerk read a letter from the County Engineer, Mr. George BLINKER Frost, authorizing the Village to install at its own expense a blinker LIGHT AT light at the intersection of Prosperity Farms Road and Lighthouse Drive.. L'HOUSE The Manager recommended that this expense not be undertaken at the pre- ~ P. FARMS sent time but that it be considered in the next budget. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Bell, all mem- Ord. No. hers voting aye, an ard.inance entitled 113-65 (AMENDED) AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, SECOND AMENDING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PLATTING OF SUBDIVISIONS IN READING THE VILLAGE; AND SETTING FORTH REQUIREMEN'T'S FOR STREET LIGHTING OF ALL LANDS HEREINAFTER PLATTED WITHIN THE VIL- LAGS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES was placed on second reading and. read in full as mmended. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, Ordinance No. 113-65, entitled ORD. No. AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLACT'E OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE RE UIREMENTS FOR PLATTING OF SUBDIVISIONS IN THE VILLAGE; ANTS SETTING FORTH REQUIREMENTS FOR STREET LIGHTING FOR ALL LANDS HEREINAFTER PLATTED WITHIN THE VILLAGE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES enacted. n u February 23, 1965 Page two The Village Manager was instructed to send a letter to the Planning P ~ Z-BOARD _ and Zoning Advisory Board, asking when the Council can expect the Board's 5-YEAR PLAN report on a Five-Year Master Plan for the Village, requested from the REQUESTED Board sometime ago. It was also requested that the Board's Chairman be present at the Workshop meeting of the Council, Thursday, February 25th. On motion of Councilman Churchill, seconded by Councilman Watt, all members voting aye, Resolution No. 228-65, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA., APPOINTING WILLIAM J. MEYE:R AS A MFNfRFR OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE NORTH PAIM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB was adopted. On motion of Councilman Bell, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, Resolution ldo. 229-65, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PAIM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MRS. ANN KTIDIKTF TO THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD was adopted. RES. N0. 228-65; MEYIlI APPOINTED TOBOFG RES. N0. 229-65; ANN KUNKLE APPOINTED TO R. A. B. The Village Clerk read proposed Resolution No. 230-65, regarding acceptance of Golf Course Addition #2. The Clerk read a letter from the Village Engineer, K. C. Mock, recommending acceptance of the plat since it complied with all Village platting requirements except sub- mittal of a letter showing establishment of an escrow account for plat improvements and development. The Clerk stated the letter would be forthcoming from the developers and the Resolution simply authorized the Clerk and Mayor to sign the proposed plat, preparatory to filing but still subject to final approval of the Village Attorney and Village Manager. On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Churchill, all members voting aye, Resolution No. 230-65, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE MAYOR AND THE VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN A CERTAIN PLAT was adopted. RES. N0. 230-65; ACCEPTING GOLF COURSE ADD'N #2 Proposed Resolution No. 231-65, authorizing a change in the name of __ RESOLUTION Fathom Road North to Gulf stream Road was read and Councilman Churchill TO CHANGE moved that it be adopted. However, the motion died for lack of a second.- STREET NAME The Manager was instructed to notify the individual requesting the change FAILS of the Council's position. The Village Manager read a tabulation of bidders on the tennis court TENNIS pavin project. These were: Asphalt Paving, $3,370. Belvedere Const. _ COURTS Co., 2,200; Rite-Way Paving and Palm Beach Paving, no bids. The PAVING Manager recommended the low bid be accepted and on motion of Councilman CONTRACT Churchill, seconded by Councilman Bell, all members voting aye, the con- AWARDED tract for paving the tennis courts was awarded to Belvedere Const. Co. The Manager read a letter from the Village's insurance carrier, Nichols REPORT ON Insurance Company, regarding the possible use of the old Country Club OLD COUNTRY basement by the Public Works. Mr. Nichols said any increased use would CLUB BLDG. cause increased rates on fire insurance and further, that any gasoline should be stored outside the building. The Building Official, W. G. Carver, appeared before the Council to report on the condition of the old basement. He stated he did not recommend removing any of the support tim- bers for any reason. He further said he felt the interior of the basement could be rehabilitated immediately for about X800, using our own labor. This would not include any fireproofing materials but would mean replacing beams that are rotted. On a motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Council- man Churchill, all members voting aye, the Building Official was authorized to make the necessary repairs as outlined in his memo of February 18th, at a cost not to exceed X1,000. The Village Manager read from the lease governing use of the present Public Works area and verified that it can be used for recreational pur- poses such as boatbuilding and a woodworking shop and he further stated there is no problem v~ith the noise ordinance, since the area is zoned "Public" and not residential. The Manager reported, however, that the insurance carried has raised a serious question about the Village's liability on the building, if used by the general public. The Village -- Attorney concurred on this point, that the Village would have to assume added liability. After considerable discussion, the Council agreed to table the matter for the present and the Manager was instructed to inform the Recreation Advisory Board, Mr. Hurd, and Mr. Emerson that it would be 3 or 4 weeks beforte tkRie ~~tter U~-a be reconsidered, awaitin~ furt~ier study and reports from he ing O~~icial, when he s more avai able ime. PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AS HOBBY SHOP STUDIED February 23, Page three The Manager reported that a public legal notice had been published in the paper regarding the public hearing on March 9, 1965, in the Village Hall., at 8:00 p.m. for hearing requests for rezoning two areas of land on Prosp- erity Farms Road, Lots 23 and 24, Block 51, and Lots 28 - 35, Block 40, Plat #6. The Village Manager was instructed Village with a used garbage packer. on furnishing The Manager reported that the Florida Power and Light Company has installed new mercury vapor entrance way lights on U. S. #1 and intersecting streets as well as at the Village Marina and at Prosperity Park. The Manager reported that the TB Association's mobile X-Ray unit stationed on the Village Ha11 parking lot on Election Day, March residents might have chest X-rays when they come to vote. PACER BIDS ASKED ENTRANCE LIGHTS IN X-RAY UNIT HERE MARCH 16 The Manager reported that on receiving numerous complants of children falling SKATE off skateboards in front of traffic on the Lighthouse Bridge, the use of these BOARDS boards on the bridge has been prohibited and signs to this effect will be PRCAIBITED posted. ON L'HOUSE BRIDGE The Manager reported that to date the Country Club has paid the Village two months' billing at X450 per month for use of the golf cart storage shed built by the Village for lease to the Club. These payments are for the months of December and January. The Manager reported that cost estimated are presently being solicited for contracting out the maintenance work on the Plat #4 drainage ditch. He said, one contractor had said it would cost about X900 for clearing the ditch for the first time. Mr. .Tames H. Graham, of Burnup ~ Sims, Inc., appeared before the Council to discuss the proposed franchise for cable>'antenna service in the Village. After a question and answer period, Mr. Graham was invited to appear before the Council again on march 9th to give a summary of a survey his company is having made in the area and to make a full-scale presentation to the Council. The Village Manager was instructed to notify each of thethree bidders on the recent Refuse Collection Proposals that the Council would like to interview them individually at the next workshop meeting, before making any decisions on whether or not to contract out the Village's garbage and trash collection. These interviews are to be held Tuesday, March 2, 1965, at 7:30, 8:00 and 8:30 p.m. CART SHED PANT OF X900 MADE PLAT #4 DITCH CARE DISCUSSED CATV DISCUSSED REFUSE COLLECTION BIDDERS TO BE INTER- VIEPTED Councilman Bell reported on his meeting with the Recreation Ad_~sory Board _ RFTT MAKES and requested that the Council act on the Board's by-laws which were to have ~~;CRFnm~Oh7 been submitted for its review. This item was placed on the March 9th REPORT ~;genda. The Board also asked about (1) status of obtaining shellrock and marl for the ballfield, (2) the proceeds of future sale of one acre of land on Prosperity Farms Road, and (3) their desire to sit in on inter- views for hiring summer playground director and an assistant, and (4) the Recreation Board putting out their own newsletter. In response to Councilman Churchill's request at the last Council meeting, the Director of Public Safety submitted a report to the Village Manager regarding the status of the Fire Department and the Police Reserve Force. The Manager was instructed to circulate this report to Council members for their review and. study. REPORT FROM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAE'ETY There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting ADJOURNMENT was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. ~TK R. SPENCE