08-24-1965 VC REG-M2 v ~ ~ PRESFNTe MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING ~ - - OF THE _ ~ VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLA. HELD ..- ( `.;.. ; r • -. TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1965-- _ _ is . ,.... ~ Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor --- Thomas R. Bell, Vice-Mayor ~~ Gordon G. Duncan, Councilman ' Allan V. Everard., Councilman Herbert A, Watt, Councilman Herbert Gildan, Village Attorney. k• ... Frank R. Spence, Village Mana;;er ~c Village Clerk Beulah Samples, Deputy Clerk Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 8x10 p.m. and- ROLL asked the Clerk to call-the roll, all members being present.., CALL On motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell,` 8/10/G5 I all members voting aye, the minutes of the regular Council MINUT~,S meeting held August 10, 1965 were approved as printed. APFRO~TED= ' Mayor Levais presented a Certificate of Appreciation to John MAYOR A. Martin for his service on the Recreation Advisory Board, PRESF~]TS prior to his moving from the Village, and instructed the CERTI~?I- Manager to mail a Certificate of Appreciation to Paul C. CATES ___ Schmitt for service on the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board: _ Mayor Lewis made a statement regarding the proposed joint.,. CHAT~~P:R .- advertising program sponsored by the Northern Palm Beach CO-OF, County Chamber of Commerce which would have required ~p3,500' AD PRO-.___ _ _ to X4,000 in contributions from the Village. -Mayor Lewis .GRAM stated that after great deliberation, he could not recommend REJEC'iTFaD _ the Village entering into such a plan for the present, due to the financial condition of the Village, alt:~ough at the last Council workshop meeting he had felt that the Village should _ , match contributions made by area business men. He said he } felt he had erred in this decision and could not now recommend that any funds be included in the next budget for such a pro- _ _ ject. After his .statement, Vice-Mayor Bell said that inasmuch . as the Council had previously voted against participation, he - - did not feel another motion was necessary. The Council agreed _. _ ___ and the matter v.~as closed. The Village Clerk read the minutes of a meeting of the P 8c Z BD. _ --- Planning and Zoning Advisory Board, which had been held on MINUT~~S=_ August 12, 1965. 8/12/G5._: The Village Clerk read a letter from Royal American Realty, LAKEAIR -: Inc., regarding the north half of the Palm Beach-Lake Worth COLOISr _ Estates Plat (to be known as Lakeair Colony) in which the REPLA'~; developer requests that no sidewalks be required vahen homes SIDE4~ILK are built in this area. It was decided that the matter would REQUI~iE- be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, on a 4-1 vote,: I~E:'.T Mayor Lewis voting against this .action. On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Councilman Watt, ORll. Jo. all voting aye except Mayor Lewis, Ordinance No. 121-65, 121-65, entitled- 2ND RFADI~3G; AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALYI BEACH, ENA.CT`~,D . - FLORIDA, REGULATING CONDUCT CONSTITUTING AN OFFENSE _ _ BY PERSONS IN THE VILLAGE; PREVENTING VIDE, DISORDER A~~TD IMMORALITY; PROMOTING PUBLIC PEACE, SAFETY AND .- -- - HEALTH; PROTECTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY; -- PROTECTING PUBLIC MORALS; PROHIBITING OFFENSES INVOLVING CHILDREN; AIVD PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF ITS PROVISIONS was placed on second reading and read by title only. Two amendments were discussed. Mayor Lewis relinquished the-gavel to Vice-Mayor Bell and moved that Section 11 be amended to eliminate the vaorct "liquids." This motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Watt moved, Councilman Everard seconded, °- ~~ - - ~J Page 2 that ballplaying iri public, streets be prohibited but this _ motion was defeated 3 to 2, with Councilman Pratt and Council- man Everard voting aye, and,Mayor Lewis, Vice-L+~Tayor Bell and Councilman Duncan voting no. On a motion of Gouncilman Dun- can, seconded by Councilman Watt, with all voting aye except 1Mayor Lewis, Ordinance No. 121-65 was enacted. The Village Clerk read Resolution No. 247-65, entitled A RESOLUTION OF T"t~ VILLAGE COITidCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, AUTHORI ZCNG THE VILLAGE BUILDING OFFICIAL TO ,ISSUE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TO BUILDINGS LOCA7''~D ON LOTS 124 TO 211, BOTH IN- , ,CLUSIVE, ACCORDING'TO THE PLAT OF PAIM BEACH LAKE WORTH ESTATES, FIORDIA, RECORIfED IN PLAT BOOK 25, AT PAGE 1&8, PA23M BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC. RECORDS,, FLORIDA. 1 i~ RES. i;O. 247-6.i ADOPT~.~;D; S~ of PB-LW i After explanation .by .the Village Manager and Village Engi-' '"' _ neer Hovaard Searcy, on motion of Councilman Watt, seconded by Councilman Everard., all members voting aye, Resolution No. 247-65 was adopted. __ ,__ The Village Manager. informed the Council that the 1965-66. '• COUNC:~L Budget vaould be presented on Thursday, August 26th. He ADVIS7.~:D also stated that the Council vaould sit in adjourned ses- OF Sion of the Tax Equalizing Board on Monday, August 30,' MEETIPTGS 1965 for hearing final complaints on equalization and _ acceptance of the 1965 Tax Roll, This meeting was set _ for 7:30 p.m.. He also announced a public hearing would be held on Tuesday, September 7, 1965, for'considering the rezoning of recently annexed lands and an amendment _ to the Zoning Ordinance, requiring asix-months period _ between applications for rezoning on the same parcel of land. The Village Manager. reported on the Dept. of Public Safety BICYC:1 recommendation against providing a bicycle path along the. PATH golf driving range on U. S. #1 for children going to the REJECTrI1 NPB Country ClubT .The Council concurred in this recommenda- tion and urged~.the ]Manager to stress that children use the path provided'at the rear of the golf course grounds. Vice-Mayor Bell requested that immediate attention be- COMPLiiINP given to the cutting•of weeds at the Prosperity Park Kiddie CN WEP]DS play area. He complained that ths~lwork had not been done AT PARK with any regularity and further requested that the entire __ - -_ park grounds be mowed and trimmed. Mayor Letivis instructed. the Manager to have the Public Works Director report why this vaork has not been done on a regular basis. ' The Village Manager read a letter from Attorney G. Herring, RUETEFt regarding the matter of the Northlake Court Apts., F. W. APT. 1:N Rueter, .owner, vahere several violations of the Village's. _VIOLATION: Building and Zoning Code exist. Through the attorney, Mr. Rueter vaas requesting that the Council amend the Zon- REQUEGT ing Ordinance to allow an efficiency-type apartment with 77G;N7RI) a minimum of 330 sq. ft. On motion of Councilman Platt, seconded by Councilman Duncan, all members voting aye, the request to amend was denied. Counci]inan Everard, requested the Village Manager to set MEETLiiG up a meeting with the Building Official, Councilman Ever- - ON DITCH ard, the Manager, and a Mr. Charles Norton, on the pos- FILhItdG sibility of filling in one or more of tine ditches in the- REQUEt3T~D Plat #4 area by use of some County-loaned equipment. 1 ... ~ ~,_ ..~_...___ , 1 ___-- Page 3 Through the Country Club Board of Governors' liaison LEARN-TO- - member, PJtr. Keith Nichols, a request was received by S~7IM COSTS the Council for payment of the budgeted X1500 for the REQUESTED Village°s."Learn-To-Swim" program conducted at the BY C. C. Country Club pool during the su~uner: Pir. Nichols and Pfr. Beery, another Board member, were present and after some discussion, on motion of Vice-TuTayor Be11, seconded by Councilman UTatt, all members voting aye, it was decided to pay the amount of X750 at this time and pay the balance, if possible, at a later date. t G~~`~ placement of stores in the existing land areas.- Pdayor LeUVis also read a joint letter sent tothe Food Fair-J.NT. Fields, Inc. officials, expressing hope that the plans --- might be accepted so that building might begin soon. This -- letter cans sent over the signatures of both of the T~a,yors of Iake Park and North Palm Beach. Before calling for statements from the Public, Mayor hTAYCR COV~:- Lewis commented on developments on the Twin-City Plaza, DENTS ON noting that meetings had been held between the Village TWIN-CITY of North Palm Beach and the Town of Lake Park, In acldi- PLAZA AND . tion to the shopping center plans, the Councils of the PLA.D7S FOF, two towns also discussed lighting for the newly widened NORTFILAIfI Northlake Boulevard, and the possibility of re-aligning BCULEVARI) the boundaries of the tvao cities along the center of Northlake Boulevard. Mayor Levais informed the public- _.. of a proposed plan drawn up by fir. Rudolph Arsenicos of the Village's Planning and Zoning Board showing possible During comments from the public, several residents PUBLIC asked questions about the newly emoted ordinance SNEAKS regarding sprinklers. There being no further business to come beforo the COUNCIL Council, the meeting was adjourned at 1Os00 p.m. ADJOURNS =.r. ~Res~ectfully ubmi 'd, F NK R. SPE~C~ VILLAGE CLERK 1