08-10-1965 VC REG-M." . ` . _ ~ 1 ., ,, ;~ ~ ~ `L,r, , ~-.< ~ ,~~ t, ~ (•~;Beulah. Samples, Deputy ;Village Clerk _ ;..,- .. • Mayor Lewis called,'the meeting ao order at ,8:00 p.m, -and= .1~OL~~ .., ,.. ~. :, , r:p MINUTES MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING , -; ;i~, -,- -,~r, •-_r.: - s _ r• . , OF THE ~ : 5, ,: . . :VILLAGE ~ COUNCII,,.,OF NORTIi~AIM: BEAbH, . t K:,F~ -~c~ FLA. _ ~, s t•J,.. ~ , HEhD TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 ..1,7.r' ,.. ,~t is ~ ~` ~ ~;,t ~;CIC."~T .ir~iT~ ;": .i~~ mac": ~ ; _.. ~ ' ~ _- ~ r' !` ...~3 L'i3 -.- ~~ ~ ~',y 'E.~.C P,F7 PRESENT:- .~ . rf nJ ~1*i ; ; ;. rear,;.; 'S.'' ~F.~Lewis, n;Thomas fait i ; : _:. Mayor - ,~, . , P.rt-~ v.~~3 s~ ~ ~. ~ . .. ,,,~., ~r ,,- Thomas R: Be11; Vice-Mayor :x ~ , ,~. - , rt.P r + Gordon G, Duncan, ~ ,_~ ~ij;;.~ .Councilman f rf;,e ~ ~ J i ~ .;f ~Al1an. V, liverard, Councilman ;~ ;;,. x J s:.i t. ti~xr' L ~ct~ ~ u .,s g,cHerbert,,A Matt, ;Councilman Herbert L, Gildan, Village Ati,orriey Frank R. Spence, Village Manager 8c '•+` -p. ~~ . ~ , ~°~ ~ Village Glerk - asked the Clerk to"call the roll;. all members ;being pre-;, :~..CAh1a sent. ~ ,, ~ ,,,. ~ ,: ~ ~, ~> r,;~: , ,` s On motion of Councilman Duncan, seconded by Vice-Mayor ~ u ~,_ ~7/2'I/65 Bell, all members voting aye, the minutes of the Council IlfI~1TES meeting held on July 27, 1965 were approved as printed.;, .,,,,APPI30VED r , Mayor Lewis commented that a number of letters had been ;.~CO-OI?_ received ,by the Council, requesting the Village to oontri ,. ADVP.RTIS. Bute to the co-operative advertising program'proposed by " ~PROGi3AM the Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of .Commerce. Per- "DISCUSSED sons appearing before the Council in support of this plan -.,,Iy ,;,~~ were Robert DeYoung; Bill Haseimire, Margaret Bggerstaff,. -` .,, Jack Mitchell and Donn Colee. Mr. DeYoung requested alet-• .- - ter .of committment for Village participation .in the project~'r: `,~.~ at-the cost-of 50I~ per capita or approximately x$3,850. After considerable discussion, the Mayor requested .a review of'the -` plan to be held at the VJorkshop_meeting, August 17th ,at 8 p.m. Mayor Lewis informed members of the Council that the newly "JAYCEES organized North Palm Beach-Palm Beach Gardens Jaycees ~. CHAi?TER would be having a Charter Banquet on Saturday night, August,DINPTER .__- ..~ k'( ,_ ...... I .. , ~~~~~ 14th, at the NPB Country Club and the Council is invited.:.,- ~. a ~,vrrt°'`'`` The Mayor informed the Council that i.t would meet in .- --„ ~JOIy3T MTG~-. joint session With the Tovari Commission of Lake Park on ;~IJ/L. P. , Wednesday evening, August 11th, at 7 p.m.'in the Lake Park ;RE: FOOD Y • Town Hall, for the purpose of. again c'onsid'ering the; pro-„ ,. ~ '.FA.IR _, posed Twin City Shopping Center project. -~;,~, The Mayor read a latter received from County Commissioner,: ,COUNTY E. F. Van Kessel in which he informed the Village the - -~ ;PROiIISES _:-~ County has agreed to clean up the d~.tch on Prosperity Farms DITCH - Road and to post same against dumping, as well as County ; CLEdNUP 8c installation of sidewalks on Prosperity Farms Road bridge SIDL'~PALtCS -- over the Farman River if monies are. available this.~year. _,: The'Mayor reminded. the Council that it would again sit as~ TAX EQUAL• - 'the Tax Equalizing Board in adjourned session on Monday, I`LING BD.~ August i6, 1965, at 7:30 p.m. in the ,Village Hall. _ BQEETS 8/1( .: ~ ~;:, The Treasurer read the Debt Service and General Fund fin- ~.TREASURF,R ancial statements for tho month of July 1965. The. reports lIEFORTS . were approved as presented. The Village Clerk read a letter from George and Mary Nichol-NICHOLSON son, requesting that their property in the Village on U. S. RE~,UEST #1 be dropped om the Village Tax Roll and also be de- DENIED annexed from -the Village limits. The Village Attorney advised the Council that the Charter makes no provision for any de-annexation nor does it provide for any property ' to be omitte-d from the tax roll. Every piece of property must be taxed equally. The Village Manager was instructed to write the Nicholsons to this effect and that their request was denied.. ~ -- - >w - ~ Page 2, The Villag© Clerk read a letter'froa Paul-C. 'Schmitt, P 8c Z submitting his resignation from the Planning and Zoning BOARD Advisory Board:"'The Council accepted the resignation ~~~ with regret. .~ _. RESIGN.3 ~.. The Villago Clerk read a letter from Pdrs. Robt. Phillips, BICYCTi3 asking that a bicycle path be provi3ed for children going PATH Oir fro_Tv the Village to the Country Club, this path to be made A~I3 11 along the side of~the Yiighway and-golf course driving range. -The Council instructed the Manager to investigate _ the cost of such a'•path and also to secure from the Public Safety Department its recommendation as to the advisability ` of `such apath: - ~ m ~ .~ ` ' The Village Clerk read the July 26th minutes of the meet- 7/26/65 ___ ing of the Recreation Advisory Board and ini'ormsd. the RECREATION Council he had sent reports on several items to the Chair- MINUTF~S man Roger Boyer on several items mentioned in:ahe minut©s..~1'•:'c+ :i In discussing the minutos, the TVlayor instructed .the Manager ai` ~- to send copies of the Recreation Advisory Board's 5-Year ,cs -; Plan..to members of tho Planning 8c Zoning Advisory Board, ,' for .its- information: ~ ' ': ~ ,` , -, - - The Village Clerk read tho m~.nutes of a' meeting of. the. - ~ .'~tAUGUS'~' ,: •Beautification.Committee held on August 4th. Various MINUTIS recommendations contained,in'the minutes were noted by thei.•:FROM Council and the, Manager was instructed~tb follow th©m up -'„i CB BUT. ,with necessary action:` ,.. ~~ ~ The Village.Clerk•~reacl•a~letter from Royal American Realty,~ROYAL Inc. , forvaarding' a bond covering' work' to be completed in ' t AMERI('!~N the south half ,of tho Palm Beach-Lake Worth Estates plat. i SUBMIf~S ,~ On advice from-the Village•Attorney, the Council did not' ~ BOND t7 •~ accopt the bond.. Tho Manager was instructed to notify P.B. !~.W• thoir representative; Mr. Brennan,-that whan the bond is ',~ •~ .acceptable to the'Village, the Council vrill further con- sider accepting the partial plat of P.B.-L.W. Estates. , '-On;~motion of Councilman Duncan, `seconde-ct' by' Councilman' }" ORD. '10. Watt, all members' Voting. aye, proposed.•Ordinance;'No. 121- ~ 121-6`i 65, entitled ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~' ~,. ; FIRST READI~7G: _ ., - .GENET S.L;: " • ' '- • AN ORDINANCE' OF THE VILLAGE OF 'NORTH PAIid BEACH, . - FTARIDA, REGULATING CONDUCT CONSTITUTING AN OFFENSE -.:'`.MIS17E - ~, ' ~ BY PERSONS IN~THE VILLAGE; PREVENTING VICE, DISORDER ,MF~ANOSS . ~~AND IMMORALITY°'PROTOTING PUBLIC PEACE, SAFETY AND. ,~~":'! ; ;' HEALTH; PROTECTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY; ~': C11.,.'1' ~~ .,'~ PROTECTING PUBLIC MORALS; PROHIBITING OFFENSES ''°' INVOLVING CHILDREN° .AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES- FOR ,: • ° s'= t~~,',u `'~ .'"''; : VIOLATIONS OF ITS PROVISIONS ~ ~~, i ~ ...''i ~' ''f "* r' ..,. , ';'was placed on first reading and readinn'full. r= ' On motion of Vice-Pdayor Bell', seconde~ri by Councilman .Dun- ''RES. r'O• can, all members, voting aye, Resolution No. 246-65, 246 6~~ .' entitled n ~ : • t . ,. , .... ,... i to a:..•3 ;A.DOP11'D: y i' .. .. , '-A~RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL,'NORTH~PAIM r AD L21I~G BEACH, FIARIDA, APPOINTING ADDITIONAL JUDGES AD• ,,. ,t_ ;. LITEM FOR'THE MUNICIPAL COURT'OF'THE VILLAGE OF ., ,. NORTH PALM BEACH ~ :,-~ r ;;', 'iv was adopted. The new Judges Ad Litem, Garlon A. lktivis and ' i,~ William Cart~r•37tiite, will whenever N[unicipal Judge seY°ve~ • Eu ene Bie` cannot. preside ' g , " - " : ' .`S " } q r ,~: t ' :~`, ~ s .s•~ ~ . , ' l •~' -t l~~ t ~I ~ v r~"i ; ~ - t k s .t ~ l .. r •.~i'. 3.i. .:L:-~ 1'.- i`(t '.j '1y _ ~~`'1~.~ i,'tr 1:- '~ ~ :i:. .- il~. .: i. .. ~. V I - f <j I i. 1 i r.- i f -~ I 1 I'': ' ;` t r .. .i Page 3 t During a discussion of the purpose of the. Tax Equalizing Board, the Council went on record as being concerned about the apparent inequities of assessments in North Palm Bcaeh made by the County's Tax Assessor's office. It was decided that the yiayor would varitc~ to Mr. Maxwell and ask that the County use the recently completed re- appraisal figures provided the Villago by Hunnicutt and Associates, Inc. By secret ballot the Council named the following persons to fill vacancies now existing on two Villago Boards. Mrs. A. Sidney Junod was appointed to the Planning and Zoning ldvisory Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Paul Schmitt. I~rs. Charles McCraney and Mr. Les Harrell were appointed to the Recreation Advisory Board. COUNTY TAY ASSESS~NZ S DISCUSSED BOAR7:~ VACANCIES ~II~I~ D • _ The Manager informed the Council that the proposed budget BUDG}T for 1965-66 tivould go to the printer vaithin a week and he STUD1 TO would get it into the hands of the Council shortly there- BEGIT after, for preliminary perusal. In connection vaith the - SOON budget study, the 4Tanagcr etas instructed to maka a study ` of wage and hour practices in surrounding tot~ns for labor-. ers and to submit details of Art Center registrations, students and their residence. Vice-Mayor Bell suggested that m~mb~rs of the Council study the budget document carefully at home prior to public hearings so the Council will not have to hold so many meetings. _.. Vide-Mayor Bell inquired wh.;thcr or not a permit had been AUST]id issued for the erection of an advertising sign for the; SQUAI;F proposed lsustin Square Shopping Center on U. S. #1 and SIGN_ Northlake Boulevard. The P~anager yeas instructed to have the Building Official investigate the matter and make a report to the Council about the matter. Councilman Watt inquired about the possibility of i~~.ving SERVICING local service stations do the maintenance on Village ON P. ti7. equipment cahenever possible. The Mvzager reported on the VEHIt'I,ES inability of most stations to service large trucks but would inquire at one more station. There being no further business to come before the ADJO1lRYd- Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. NIENT R~spectfu~ubmi ed, +. '1NK R. SPEN VILLAGE CLERK ~~ 2 c~~~ 5 1 i i ,, . :~ i -.. - -~